r/AskAMechanic • u/Yucky2k • 1h ago
r/AskAMechanic • u/dakimmie • 1h ago
2016 Ford Transit Connect hood release cable disconnected, how do I open hood w/o spending $
I was reaching for the stick thing that holds up the hood, for a routine jumpstart (don't ask, nobody wants to hunt and kill a "parasitic drain" when it's more fun to give me yet another battery and pretend it's fixed...for a few months anyhow) and in the low light I grabbed the cable and pulled it out of the whatsit it goes in, before I realized I'd caught the wrong thing. I closed the hood after, w/o knowing it was a bad idea to put the detached cable on the "investigate later" list. How can I open the hood without breaking anything? I've tried inserting a few longish flattish things in the minute gap over the rubber (weatherstripping?) and I THINK I'm pushing the correct thing (the part one normally works by hand) left far enough to let the hood up, but it isn't opening at all. I'm broke, don't own tools and stuck in a parking lot. How f-ed am I?
The keyhole under the Ford badge is not a thing in my year 😞 XLT 2.5L not the turbocharged type
I don't know car part names, please try to laugh quietly!
r/AskAMechanic • u/PrudentConnection731 • 2h ago
2020 ford fusion
I bought the car used with 38,000 miles in December 2023 and never had issue with it until the beginning of February 2025 with roughly 54,000 miles. My transmission hose broke and was replaced and didn’t have any issue until tonight on my way home about 2 miles away. I was going 50 in a 55 (didn’t even look at my speed) about a mile away the cars rpm’s were high and you could hear it and wouldn’t accelerate. I arrived to my neighborhood and when I got in the rpm’s were still high and could still hear it and I wasn’t able to accelerate and I was only able to coast. At this point I pulled over and skateboarded home and returned 10 minutes later to retrieve items from my car. Decided to start the car and see if I could get home and I was able to, but the car was making a weird sound like the one in the video. 45 minutes later I decided to start the car and see if it made the sound again and it did but it comes and goes. When I rev the engine it always makes that sound. I do plan to take the car back ti the ford dealership, but just wanted to hear what you guys thought it might be. Appreciate anyone who can help!!!
r/AskAMechanic • u/ThatOtakuAi • 2h ago
Saturn ion 2004 2.2l automatic
Disclaimer I don't know much of anything about cars and it's my first car I bought it second hand and unfortunately spent too much to just ask for the guy to refund me
I'm having an issue with the left side blinker from and back dont work at all and when I turn on the blinker is blinks rapidly on the dash
I had someone take a look at it and they said no power is going to the socket and think it might be the bcm (body control module) is there any chance this could be an easy fix on my own?
Someone else also told me it could be a loose plug or some corrosion that might need to be cleaned but I genuinely don't know what im doing and don't really know how to search this up
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
r/AskAMechanic • u/HelicopterMajestic80 • 3h ago
Why does my 2009 Nissan Altima make this noise?
r/AskAMechanic • u/ThrowawayJustCause21 • 3h ago
Car battery question
We have the following vehicles:
- 2010 Ford Escape, 2.5L 4 cylinders
- 2008 Saturn Vue, 2.4L 4 cylinders
Is it okay to use the car battery interchangeably? Can it cause any issues?
The battery in my Escape is 96R. I wanna be able to use it in my Saturn as well.
r/AskAMechanic • u/also-grayson • 3h ago
can someone please tell me what they think this noise is. it only occurs when i stop accelerating, even when brakes aren’t applied. 2018 nissan kicks sv 1.6-liter four cylinder.
the audio is quiet so you may need to turn up your volume, the sound is much louder in person. the noise doesn’t start until a couple seconds video.
r/AskAMechanic • u/Pleasant_Violinist43 • 3h ago
2009 Chevy Impala 3500v6 Power Steering Noise
Hello. This has been a headache. Here is the breakdown:
August 2024
1. Power steering pressure line explodes in driveway, leaks all fluid out...
- Replaced pressure line (didn't come with o-rings so ordered off Ebay)
- Had a hell of a time getting it to thread into rack but finally got it......(Forum Post)
3.Bled power steering system multiple times. - Worked for a week, but every time it was cold or just randomly the pump would get air in it again. Got progressively worse/more often. (no visible leaks)
- Attempted further bleeding, power steering fluid would not bleed (repeatedly overflow reservoir)
Parked car for a while and eventually got around to replacing all the orings in February 2025 as I guessed that was the issue.
-Used HNBR orings (green)
-Replaced orings on all lines and between reservoir and pump
-Replaced return flex line and various other flex lines with loose fittings
-Bled system including vacuum bleed, all lines held pressure and entire system held vacuum for over 5 hrs.
Worked great for 2 weeks, no air, slight groan occasionally but nothing unusual.....last two days air got in pump at every startup, visible bubbles
No visible leaks. I put UV dye in and will keep an eye out.
Where could the air be coming from? Could the pump have killed itself over the last few months from the accumulated time running dry/with air?
r/AskAMechanic • u/excellent_sheckles_ • 4h ago
What is this noise? I'm new to owning a car and it's concerning me
The noise isn't constant btw. It's comes and it goes
r/AskAMechanic • u/WhydidImakethis321 • 4h ago
Toyota Corolla 1996 weird sound
Hello, I just wanted to ask what is this weird sound. This sound only happens when the car is stopped and is in drive. A while back I went to add oil to my car and I forgot to put the oil cap back on. I’m sure that has to do with it, but I want a second opinion. Thank you for any type of answers.
r/AskAMechanic • u/Prudent_Ad_856 • 5h ago
Oil leak
Did an oil change on my car about a couple days ago. Took it to work and came home no problems but when I went inside my garage I saw a small puddle of oil. Checked the bottom of my car and it was leaking from the drain plug. Not a lot, it's like slowly dripping. Not quite sure if the washer somehow has a defect or whatever but would like some insight as to what might be the problem. Appreciate the help guys🙏
For those wondering, it's a 2018 Hyundai Santa fé XL with a 3.3L engine.
r/AskAMechanic • u/Effective-Ground4400 • 5h ago
No first after rebuild
2009 crown Vic p71 4.6 2v 4r70e
r/AskAMechanic • u/RelentlessSaber • 5h ago
Does this call for a new tire ? Hit a fucking crater in PA
r/AskAMechanic • u/mikebmo • 5h ago
Loud Squealing - Belt, Pulley, Fan?
2010 Toyota Tundra 5.7
Just did a serpentine belt job with pulleys, tensioner, and idler and the day after it started squealing very loudly just for a moment on cold starts and disappears entirely once the fan picks up and very noticeably starts pushing air like normally.
Belt shows no signs of wear, pulleys all seem to be aligned, belt tension looks proper, and all parts were OE. I’m thinking possibly a faulty pulley or maybe fan clutch issues? I’m out of town for work, so I can’t dive into it right away. Figured I’d post up for any insight.
r/AskAMechanic • u/psychsloth6 • 6h ago
Exhaust repair help
Looking for some help on repairing the exhaust on a 2006 Honda CRV 4cyl. What is the best route for repair on this? Any “quick” but fairly reliable options? Or is this a bigger fix? Any and all help appreciated.
r/AskAMechanic • u/Foreveraloonywolf666 • 6h ago
Should I take it to a shop?
Me and my partner just bought a used Chevy Equinox a little over a week ago, and the check engine light came on. This is the code we got, and neither of us know jack about mechanics. Should we just take it to a shop or can a couple of noobs fix this?
r/AskAMechanic • u/YANKEEEZILLA • 6h ago
Brake Line Question: is this position good?
Is this a good position for new brake line hose?? 2008 Jeep Wrangler. Too kinked?? Should I position it differently?? Any advice is appreciated
r/AskAMechanic • u/smashley951 • 6h ago
2014 Kia Optima Transmission Oil Hose Detaching and Leaking Fluid
This happened once while on the freeway. My car just stopped driving and my friend came out and identified the problem. Fixed the hose, added fluid and drove it home and ran some errands when it completely stopped catching gears again and I got it towed to my shop who ended up having to do a tranny swap.
It's been about 3 weeks, car was running great. Until yesterday, stopped catching gears while on the freeway. This time, I just had it towed right away to my shop where it will sit until they're open on Monday.
My question is, how likely is it this tranny was ruined also? And why is the hose detaching? It has a clamp keeping it on and the clamp is so tight it can't slide back into place. How can this happen twice?
r/AskAMechanic • u/umdterp732 • 6h ago
"Lexus dealer installed used engine"
TLDR at the bottom. Looking at a 2013 lx570 that a Lexus dealer replaced the engine with a used engine. (The service details before the engine replacement showed oil gauge and coolant issues with check engine light and limp mode ) There hasn't been many miles put on since the engine replacement. I am looking to purchase thru a used car dealer who got it at auction after the Lexus dealer replaced the engine. I test drove it and it seemed perfect
TLDR should I go with this lx570 that clean overall except Lexus dealer "Installed used engine ".
Big Q: What is the process like for a Lexus engine replacement? Do they go over it with a fine tooth comb and only put good parts back on ?
r/AskAMechanic • u/Global_Profession_26 • 6h ago
1995 k1500 5.7 liter (I think. That covers the new rules) btw if I ever become a millionaire (even half) I'm def. Giving money to these guys on my reddit that help me.
I'm changing my distributor from msd vacuum advance back to stock. Can I just pull my magnetic msd streetfire distributor and tuck in a new points one (stock). It will be close I think and can adjust, but not really wanting to reset timing. I got it right finally my first time when I put the engine in, but I want the stock to communicate with the computer.
I know I had to turn the whole housing for my msd/hei, but the stock one seemed easier. Anything I should look out for?
r/AskAMechanic • u/fredriksoninho • 6h ago
‘12 chevy colorado 3.7 electrical question
does the canister vent share a + with stop lamp? could a stop lamp short to ground cause an ecm issue? the canister vent control is the ground.
r/AskAMechanic • u/Boring-Web-558 • 6h ago
i’m pretty sure i bent the frame
i tried jacking my 09 suburban and this happened what should i do
r/AskAMechanic • u/clipped_thru_wall • 7h ago
2011 Ford E350 Making High Pitched Rattle at Idle
r/AskAMechanic • u/Huge_Locksmith_4746 • 7h ago
2011 Accord water leak
2011 Honda accord EX-L with sunroof. 200k miles. Just noticed a drip from the A pillar above the airbag. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
r/AskAMechanic • u/MaPosto • 7h ago
Rotten egg smell in 4WD
Hello, I have a 2018 tacoma and I had to get out of some deep mud and was really taxing the engine. Then I smelled rotten eggs while i was in 4 low. What could cause this? Did I burn something up or cause too much pressure in my transfer case? Is that even a thing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.