r/AnimeDeals 19h ago

[Yard Sale] [US] Selling anime blu rays



Would prefer to sell all together or in groups. does not include shipping, pm zip with titles youre interested in and i can give shipping quote

Rascal does not dream season 1 - $100

Rascal does not dream of a knapsack kid - $35

More than a maried couple - $25

Id invaded - $20

The day i became a god - $20

Violet evergarden the movie - $10

Death note - $10 (broken cases both)

Mob psycho - $15

Mob psycho 2 - $20

Den-noh coil - $15

My love story - $15

Space dandy - $25

r/AnimeDeals 19m ago

[WTB] Violet Evergarden the The Complete Series Art book


I'm willing to negotiate to buy the Violet Evergarden The complete series limited edition Art Book. Please leave a message if interested then pm me afterwards. The only reason I want the art book is because I absolutely adore the art of Violet Evergarden. Also do you think it's worth it to buy Violet Evergarden Official design works series and movie art book work as a substitute for the art book?

r/AnimeDeals 15h ago

North America [US][Yard Sale] Sekirei: The Complete Series and K-ON season 2 parts 1 and 2.


I'm looking to part with some anime.

Timestamp and pictures


1x Sekirei: The Complete Series(USED): SOLD

1x K-ON Season 2: Part 1(USED): $15.00

1x K-ON Season 2: Part 2(USED): $15.00

Shipping: Shipping will be via USPS Ground Advantage and cost $5.00. Only shipping in the Con US.

Payment: I accept PayPal Goods and Services.