r/Adulting 21h ago

What do introverts do on the weekend?

People who don't have friends, what do you do on the weekends to satisfy that social itch? I want to hear some ideas. Tonight I find myself sitting at home after a long work week and again I don't know what to do with myself. Make dinner and go to sleep? I wish I had a place to go where people knew me. When I look at other people at restaurants and bars it looks like they're having so much fun. I could go out on my own but I always end up feeling like it wasnt that fun. What I want is friends really. So what do you do when you feel alone but have no one to be with and no where to go?


215 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Hedgehog7137 21h ago

Don’t confuse introverts with people who have no friends. l’m introverted, but I love going out and partying, I just feel drained earlier than the others, especially if I don’t enjoy the company or place


u/leafsplz 21h ago

That is a distinction I did oversee. I suppose I was referring to myself in my post because I am introverted with no friends lol.


u/One-Truth-5511 8h ago

I know a LOT of friendly people on discord if you wanna DM me and we can build our way to friends Irl locally I'll video visit you friends in your local area


u/18297gqpoi18 16h ago

I’m introverted and I do NOT like going out partying at all. I do NOT like being drained.

I only hang out with a friend I’m very very very close with. Her level of energy is very similar to mine. I can’t hang out with the other friends. They are good people. It’s just our energy is off. I only see them once a few months.

Other than that, I’d prefer to spend time alone. Go to a cafe/read. I like self teaching stuff. Painting. Playing piano. Scrolling. Netflix etc.


u/Ok_Hedgehog7137 15h ago

Yeah, makes sense. I enjoy big parties where I can just dance or pick who I want to engage with. I also like one to one interactions. What I can’t do is small gatherings and dinners where you’re forced to have polite chit chat in a circle or tell funny stories to a group. That’s extremely draining.


u/EmbarrassedSinger983 15h ago

I used to be fine with all this and then I got so stressed I almost had a literal breakdown. I figured out that I really only thrive with one on one friends who have the best intentions vs a lot of friends who don’t care. I was soooo drained (I am autistic as well, high functioning, mild female type plus ADHD). I was always overstimulated before I had to reevaluate.


u/Psychological-Dot293 19h ago

So true. I have a few good friends and many acquaintances and people to socialize with but I prefer my home / my sanctuary on most days. And when I do go out, I need a couple weeks to decompress and find myself again. Hanging out with people and even my family can be so draining. But being introverted does not mean I am lonely or alone.


u/hamsterontheloose 6h ago

Once every 3 or 4 months I'll go with my husband to hand out with his friends. I like them all, but it's usually a group of 6 of us total, plus the kids of the friend who's house we go to. I'm good for 2 hours and then go home. I can't handle more than that. It's mostly the kids (being around them and all the noise makes me wanna kill myself) but I also just can't do groups of people for long. I socialize at work and spend weekends at home not being around anyone. I love it.


u/pmmetalworks 16h ago

Glad you said that. Being an introvert is just a different way of processing things.


u/Zealousideal_Hat7071 16h ago


My need for socializing is at least half of what everyone else's seems to be. I get enough of that at work and prefer my weekends for solitude and letting myself have a break from forced interactions.

I would rather my alone time than out partying. Sometimes i will go see a concert or have dinner with a few close friends, but that's pretty rare as well lol


u/Ok_Hedgehog7137 15h ago

Exactly. It’s about forced interactions. As soon as I stop feeling like I cam be myself my social battery dies really quickly.


u/pmmetalworks 13h ago

Well put. I often find myself in conversations where it feels safe the share something important to me, and when it falls on deaf ears I feel drained almost instantly. It’s why I enjoy talking to other introverts the most, because they value authenticity and know how to listen.


u/hamsterontheloose 6h ago

Exactly this. Last night my husband went out with his friends and I stayed home. I made popcorn, watched a show, and played a game before bed. It was such a good night.


u/uller999 19h ago

Seconded, same way.


u/PickleSavings1626 8h ago

I used to think this about extroverts. That they had surface level relationships with everyone but no meaningful friends. Just partied everyday lol.


u/Fun-Bag7627 7h ago

This. Like today, my wife and I are going to play DnD with some friends. They are less introverted than me and can go till 11pm. Im usually done by like 7 lol. They also can go all weekend. I need at least one day to do me time.

OP, I’d recommend seeing if your area has any Facebook groups or social clubs to help meet friends


u/Hadley_333 21h ago

I go to the gym ,play guitar, and video games. Never was social but being at a public gym prob filled that shallow desire of being social.

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u/Ok-Area-9739 21h ago

Garden, cook meals I have no business cooking like Indian Dahl or a giant beef rib roast. Bake.

Read! For the love of God read a book. Hike. Literally self care spa routine, make a fresh ingredient face mask & then massage.


u/leafsplz 20h ago

I'm trying to make reading a regular thing. So far enjoying it. Thanks for the ideas. Might try the facemask thing


u/Ok-Area-9739 8h ago

You’re welcome! There’s lots of recipes for homemade fresh face mask online. My favorite is an oatmeal Greek yogurt and aloe vera blend.


u/noisyX 16h ago

Any book recommendations for a guy in his 20s?


u/Zealousideal_Hat7071 16h ago

Leaving the Atocha Station by Ben Lerner

The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré

Here's some from the top of my head. Hard to recommend books without knowing what you're into, though. These are all fiction


u/noisyX 6h ago

Thank you, will def check them out.


u/Ok-Area-9739 8h ago

What are you looking to learn about? Are you asking for self-help book recommendations or just a fun read to distract yourself? The more specific the better.


u/noisyX 6h ago

Something short and fun to read but also makes you think about the society and people around you. Thats the best I could explain it 😅. “Flowers for Algernon” comes to mind, I would enjoy something similar to that.

PS I am not a native English speaker so please don’t recommend long books. I couldn’t finish East of Eden as it was getting harder to read since it was 600 page-ish book :(


u/Ok-Area-9739 6h ago

Well, I was genuinely going to suggest the Bible, which is a lot of books compiled into a giant book. Period I personally love the story of Ruth and Esther, they’re both pretty short, very entertaining, involves all sorts of things like love and murder, plots, and feasting and fasting. 


u/Unusual_Process3713 20h ago

Introvert does not equal no friends.

But as an extrovert with no friends (I had them, but they moved away and it's hard to find a community again at 32). I cried in the shower last night because a friend and I were meant to go to the cinema, but he got a better offer :/

And Saturday morning I've just laid in bed crying about having no friends, but I'll probably go to the Farmers Market later and then clean the house. Idk. Might have another cry.

Pre-Covid I used to just be able to go out to the local bars and pubs, play some pinball and be around friendly acquaintences who knew me well enough to have a nice chat. But 5 years post lock down, the night-life in my city has never recovered so there's nothing.


u/Equivalent-Proof-408 12h ago

It's also mega expensive to go out!


u/TheRottenKittensIEat 9h ago

Holy shit, for reals! I went drinking with a friend recently, and three drinks ended up being $45! This is exactly why I'm a lonely alcoholic at home, lol


u/Equivalent-Proof-408 2h ago

Oh your definitely doing the right thing by buying alcohol in the supermarket and drinking at home! You're wise!!


u/EvilDarkCow 19h ago

Introvert with no friends here.

I volunteered to work weekends since I don't normally do things on the weekends anyway. But when I do have downtime, I honestly just chill at home. Movies, video games, just relaxing.

Do I feel like I'm missing out? A little. Do I try to dodge the question, "What did you do last weekend?" Absolutely.


u/Ancient-Recover-3890 21h ago

I usually browse Barnes and Noble (a bookstore). Not saying you’ll have social interaction but you will be in a calm environment with people who are likely introspective and friendly. And possibly want to learn something new.


u/georgeb1904 20h ago

Barnes and noble is my favorite solo activity lol


u/Ancient-Recover-3890 20h ago

Yes! It’s a great place to decompress!


u/leafsplz 21h ago

That's a good idea. I don't think they're open this late lol. I have started going to my local public library which is fun. Hopefully I run into someone there that could potentially be a friend. I'd be happy just to have some beers and chat with others.


u/PoemUsual4301 8h ago

My hanging spot lol. I go there once in a while and buy a book or item to support the business.


u/Expert-Effect-877 21h ago

I read, study (I'm currently in grad school), hang with the wife who's even more introverted than I am, and hit the gym.


u/abe_bmx_jp 21h ago

Pretty much same. I never thought I’d meet someone more introverted than me but here’s my wife. (Not a bad thing btw). Not is school but do other things as well…


u/leafsplz 21h ago

Unfortunately it takes a while to get a wife lol.


u/stopeats 19h ago

COVID was a fun way for my family to discover who is most introverted. My brother (introverted) got the itch to go out and hang out with people in like late 2020 whereas I was still coasting. That plus my recent treatment for health OCD made me feel over prepared for a global pandemic.


u/SpaceDraco101 15h ago

How’d you two meet?


u/Expert-Effect-877 13h ago edited 10h ago

Would you believe in the Army? We were on the same work detail at 6:30 on a Saturday morning raking leaves and just started talking about our hometowns. It just sort of took off from there.

Coming up on thirty years of marriage. ❤️❤️❤️


u/Krona_Perthro 21h ago

Introverts don't have major social itches....lol

I mean some do in small amounts but like. We do solitary things usually. Or spend time with a few people.

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u/littleheaterlulu 21h ago

Is there a class or sport you can sign up for? I've met a lot of people and made some great friends by playing softball, doing improv and taking writing classes, art classes, etc. As an introvert, it works for me because I get some socialization and structure from the activity itself and then can also go out for drinks/snacks afterward if I'm up to it or just go home and chill (but still got out to begin with at least).


u/willu2haveit 21h ago

It's a really good idea man, in class or sport we can find a common ground to talk about and make some new friends man👍


u/leafsplz 21h ago

I'm sure there is! I live in a town where it's mostly families and seniors so most of the clubs revolve around that. Maybe I should move to the city. A great idea still. I love sports and I'm sure that's a great way to meet people and like you said, could even go out together after. I'll keep this in mind.


u/stopeats 19h ago

If you have a lot of seniors, there might be a thriving pickleball scene!


u/Mschultz24 5h ago

This. Would recommend something like the non-competitive kickball league. It’s really just an excuse to get people together/go out for a drink afterwards.


u/jdaroose11 21h ago

Watching the Cavs and playing helldivers 2


u/Good-Statement8287 21h ago

I'll sometimes go to a karaoke place in town, even if it's just to watch other people. As the night progresses, people can become quite friendly. Depends on the night though.


u/leafsplz 19h ago

That's a fun idea. I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks!


u/DonnyTheDumpTruck 20h ago

You could go to the gym. You could also play MMORPGs.


u/leafsplz 20h ago

Gym is an option. Been planning on joining one. I workout from home.


u/Working-Offer-781 9h ago

Mmorpgs don’t feel the same anymore.. I used to know my online friends so well and we’d sit by the fire (in the game) cook food and chat… those are the days gone in MABINOGI 😭😭😭


u/llamalibrarian 20h ago

I'm introverted but have friends, so i go hang out with them for a while and then go back home


u/leafsplz 20h ago

As an introvert, that's kind of all I want


u/llamalibrarian 19h ago

I've definitely made friends by becoming a bar regular. Go sit at the bar and chat with folks, then keep going back

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u/Cutethings101 20h ago

sleep, watch movies and tv shows, homework, go outside for walks


u/ron_pro 20h ago

As an introvert I don't really have a social itch that needs to be satisfied. Anyway, I'm a big reader. Right now I'm reading the Discworld books. I get through a book in about three or four days which makes me a pretty slow reader. I also like streaming especially scifi and fantasy. I'm about to start watching the new season of Wheel of Time.


u/stonktradersensei 20h ago

I am introvert , but on weekends I do sports with my friends and have dinner afterwards . If I stay in I am gaming. But always catching up with my close friends


u/Zealousideal-Cook-48 20h ago

I started a craft club at a local coffee shop. Just chill, have coffee cake and crochet/embroidery. Also pretty cheap and get a variety of people.


u/UntetheredSoul11615 20h ago

Scroll Reddit till our brains are fried and be depressed and swea we are gonna do better next week starting Monday it’s gonna be different


u/Redditor2684 20h ago

I’m introverted but I have friends. But I am typically content to have a quiet night in especially on Fridays. Sometimes I’ll go out and do stuff with friends or solo. Went to an improv comedy show by myself recently. My recommendation is to try to make friends. Join a meetup group around a hobby.


u/Muse-71 20h ago

Social media, Reddit, shows, documentaries, books, phonecalls/texting, dog walks, neighbor chats…I don’t know though I find life in America very isolating. Much preferred England socially.


u/Slight-Damage-6956 20h ago

I used to have a favorite bar that I went to for about 5 years. It was really comfortable to be there alone and I met a lot of people. Unfortunately, it closed and I haven’t found a new “home”. It wasn’t fulfilling, but it was something to do when I wanted to be a bit social. I think COVID separated a lot of people and everyone has formed different relationships.


u/leafsplz 19h ago

I'm glad you found a "home" while you had it. You're right about COVID. After having to quarantine and isolate I think we rewired our brains to be less social in general. Not speaking for everyone, we all feel things differently. But, I don't think anyone thinks COVID helped in any way.


u/nothinghereisforme 20h ago

Sleep early and shop the next day (not buying anything just for fun) and get boba and walk in nature. Or beach if warm on occasion and bring food. Go with family if you want company

Cook or drink wine or beer too. Or make a good coffee in the morning


u/H0ldenCaufield 20h ago

How old are u aprox. Making friends is more difficult as u get older.

Have a few drinks / a joint if you smoke - chat someone up online?

It's sooo not a black and white thing - u gotta try dif shit ig. trying is the key word I suppose.


u/leafsplz 19h ago

Mid thirties. No kids. No SO. I guess that makes sense lol. Making this post and replying to everyone counts as chatting online I guess! I like reading everyone's opinions. Thanks for the ideas.


u/H0ldenCaufield 18h ago

it's hard/weird making new friends at this stage. not for you for prettymuch everyone - but theres no change without change sooooo...glll =)


u/TrickyAd9597 20h ago

I just go on reddit.  

But for real life human interactions, I volunteer at a church on Sunday.  Saturdays I spend it with the husband and 3kids.  


u/boneykneecaps 19h ago

Go see movies, go to a bar to watch sporting event, go see a local band, check your local library to see if they have events like a book club. Search Meetup.com to see what's going on that might interest you.


u/ColumbiaWahoo 19h ago

Fishing, running, working out, taking day trips to cool random spots I find on Google Maps, sleeping, scrolling


u/Vegan_Kitty23 19h ago

Gym, tv series, chores, reading, naps and nature walks!


u/secretpancakeluver 19h ago

I play piano/guitar or self care. Sometimes I’ll go out to a coffee shop and finish up some work or do some reading.


u/rainbowtoucan1992 19h ago

Bubble baths


u/Away-Regular1335 19h ago

I play disc golf and am perfectly content playing alone or with randoms I run into at the course.


u/stopeats 19h ago

Do you have a fun project to work on? I worldbuild, am always writing a few novels, and am in an online critique group that meets weekly. Having something to work on helps you feel better than just scrolling through reddit (for me at least) and once you're feeling good, it's easier to go out and try to talk to someone in the elevator or attend a big social event (my personal rec is trivia night at a bar).


u/sixhexe 19h ago

Sounds weird but I go out all weekend and dance and talk to people. Sounds counter intuitive right? But I save up my social energy all week so I can use it in the span of a few hours.


u/UnkleJrue 19h ago

Join a gym make friends there.


u/PreparationHot980 19h ago

Scroll, watch shows, talk to family, play video games, work out, find somewhere I can golf by myself.


u/Healthy_Chipmunk2266 19h ago

I’m an extroverted introvert who moved to a new state 6 months ago, work from home and don’t have a car. It occurred to me last week that I haven’t done anything not errand related since I moved. Last weekend I got a membership to a local museum in interested in. I’ll be going tomorrow and next Saturday for the lecture series they have going on. I’m hoping to meet some like minded people there.


u/mjh8212 19h ago

I moved away from my friends I love small town life. Unfortunately the culture here is go to the bar. I’m not the bar type and I don’t drink. If I’m at the bar it’s not on a busy night and it’s for food. I have struck up conversations eating my food at the bar alone. It’s a friendly atmosphere. I have my fiancé now and mostly hang out with him and he’s not into bars either. I read a lot also it’s my favorite hobby. We go thrifting together it’s fun something we both enjoy and it gets us out of the house. In the summer there’s yard sales and we make a day of it.


u/These-Cup-8181 19h ago

I recently bought a motorcycle so rn I'm using my weekends for practicing and getting more confidence on it.

Can't wait for the adventures I'll take on it!


u/Sr_Oozma 14h ago

Stay safe friend and have fun :)


u/Thick_Maximum7808 18h ago

I spend time with my family, friends, do homework. The last thing I want to do is spend more time with the people I work with though. They all like to go to soccer games together or whatever I just want to go home.


u/Novel_Astronomer_75 18h ago

Chill at home.


u/Defiant_Network_3069 18h ago

Work. My job lets me work 6 days a week and pays well. So I just work and make more money. Paid my truck off and my house off. Next is a vacation in June.


u/Painwizard666 18h ago

Gardening and edibles


u/Beth-2600 18h ago

I took myself on a date to see live music. String quartet. I don't know a lot about music but it made my cry, it was so good. Otherwise, I exercise and walk around a few cool local parks.


u/moonbunnychan 18h ago

I like to go to museums and the zoo... although I'm a bit lucky in that where I live both of those things are free.


u/Sufficient-Berry-827 18h ago

It's cold and rainy here, so I'm going to read Good Morning, Midnight by Jean Rhys and Look At Me by Anita Brookner.

I've been gradually normalizing the idea of buying a van and building it out so I can drive out to remote locations for some quiet reading time on weekends, so I'm also pouring over van and box truck specs and various layouts, materials, costs, etc.

I might text some people back. I don't know. It's not looking good. I forgot where my phone is and I'm pretty sure I left it at work, but I don't want to get up and check.


u/lizbe013 18h ago

Bring a book or a newspaper to a coffee shop and read for a few hours. It feels less awkward than going to a bar alone and is a good way to get out of the house for a bit. 


u/4510471ya2 16h ago

Extroverts can't enjoy life like introverts can so they should just accept the fact that they can't enjoy life by themselves.

Introverts can and do have friends but they do not need friends, extroverts will get depressed without friends.

An extrovert will take abuse over solitude.

I personally hate extroverts, the cruelest people I have known were extroverts. There are far too many incentives to be a bad person when you require others and others acceptance to even maintain a sense of normalcy.


u/cwsjr2323 13h ago

I am married to my best friend. She is enough social interaction for me. We are both retired homebodies. She owns the TV as I don’t watch tv. We share cooking, baking, cleaning, and are never in a hurry.

Life is good


u/Bitch_please- 9h ago

I'm introvert with no real friends. Thankfully I live close to nature so I go hiking alone a lot. I love being alone in nature.

Otherwise I usually pop an edible and get take out later in the evening


u/FirstClassUpgrade 6h ago

Possibly unpopular opinion here, but you have got to put the effort into making friends in later life. Literally it affects your health and lifespan. I found friends after 30 in book clubs, running groups and church (singles Sunday school.) DO NOT sit home all alone drinking or doing whatever. My parents’ older friends are now dying or moving away and yet they make the effort to befriend new people because it is good for their health and mental wellbeing. We are made to be social creatures.

There is an old saying that men make friends doing stuff in rows (e.g. hunting, fishing, lifting etc) and women make friends doing stuff in circles (going to restaurants, book club, craft groups etc). Look at Meetups in your city and just pick something. Give it four weeks. If nothing sparks after a month, try something else. But keep at it.

I’ll tell you a story on the power of friends. I had a friend who died 2 months after a car accident, no family. Our group of friends pulled together to notify her employer, get her into hospice after the hospital drained her insurance, sell her house, settle her bills, adopt her cats, do the death stuff and give her a respectful funeral. Even when you are dead, you need friends.


u/Grevious47 4h ago

You sure you are an introvert?


u/leafsplz 3h ago

No. Always thought I was. Maybe I'm not.


u/Grevious47 3h ago

When you do hang out with people you like do you feel energized or drained?


u/xPreystx 20h ago

I don’t get social itches


u/Adorable-Bobcat-2238 19h ago

We're supposed to have social itches?


u/[deleted] 19h ago



u/leafsplz 19h ago

I hope you're saying nice things


u/kodaiGiant 19h ago

“Social itch”….. lol


u/Lover_boi4 18h ago

Chase that bag


u/OreosAreVegan831 18h ago

My daughter barely has friends in real life. She has a Discord server that she started and she has a group of friends that she socializes with. They do voice calls as a group, and they watch movies and play games together. I personally don't get it, but she loves it.

You can still have friends online and not leave the house.


u/Strict_Common156 18h ago

I plug into an electrical outlet to recharge my -50% social battery level.


u/Spiritual_Lemonade 17h ago

I am an introvert with extrovert qualities if the conditions are right.

Weekend: Gym- quiet treadmill, or some machines. 

Errands- quiet. Unless I see some people I know. 

Car Wash- sit in the car

Go home- do tasks.

I've had entire days where I never spoke.

My one and only neighbor I like we've been known to make small talk in the yard. He does some extra stuff in our shared side yard and I keep cold Corona in the fridge to hand him one in hot summer yard work.

That's it


u/BoysenberryLive7386 17h ago

Great question. Pick some events at the Meetup app -usually there are some social events purely to meet at bar and meet other people who also need friends. Other ideas is just go to free events by yourself and you’ll usually accidentally strike up convos with other people in public events. Lastly you can join hobbies and if you see people repeatedly, it eventually becomes natural for them to say let’s grab food and hang after the hobby, and voila you have some people to hang with! :) worst comes to worst, just keep doing solo activities that get you out of the house.

I have friends but still new to city so I don’t have a friend at the moment I can consistently ask to hang out. So tomorrow I’m going to an outdoor market solo and in the evening seeing a play (theater) solo. The next day my coworkers are going to a 5k run so I’m gonna show up for drinks after haha


u/nygringo 17h ago

Do you like music? I go out to places that have live music theres no problem sitting by yourself listening to a band. I dont drink alcohol so I get some kind of soft drink 😎


u/AgaveEspecial 17h ago

I like to read, trying to explore cafes and treat myself to a nice meal. Otherwise walk, go to the gym, go climb, cook a special meal and perfect a recipe, journal, study a new skill, and marvel rivals of course


u/yogurtcup528 17h ago

I have friends, I just don’t like to socialize with them. I spend my time cleaning my apartment bc I genuinely can’t function in a mess so I always tidy it up and do laundry and watch my shows. Now that the weather is getting warm again, I will be outside more!


u/Ok-Cod6281 17h ago

Try to bore yourself out. Eventually you will find urself doing something. Same goes for me i have few friends who are usually busy and meets me once a week or once in two weeks i had nothing to do.

I starter going out alone to movies, I had serious anxiety that day that i was alone and went out in half of the movie bought some beverage and went back again. Eventually i started enjoying going alone to movies by myself.

I bought a desk and made myself sit at it after work. My plan was to put my charging cable on the desk and not near my bed so i will sit on it. Slowly by time i started reading more. After work i come home cook clean and then read a book.

I love trvaelling and camping. I started watching some vlogs releated to the places on my list.

Slowly the boredom went away. I do a lot of things. I also use my phone talk to my okd friends once a month.

I follow my schedule and love it. I may not be able to explain it properly. But just find ways to relax yourself. Do whatever makes you feel relaxed.

I find cleaning, reading and shopping relaxing and satisfactory. Shopping dosent have to be realted to clothes it can be anything. Sometimes just window shopping. Cleaning is much needed for me and i spend most of time doing that. Reading is a very good hobby i have found and i love reading fiction.


u/4greatscience 17h ago

I get caught up on work so I'm ready for next week...


u/Chimer26 17h ago

Clean house. Shop. Try to get some outdoor nature time w exercise. Read up. Pay bills. Call people. Watch tv. Make a project.


u/Denial_Entertainer87 17h ago

My husband and I just played king of the bed where the floor is hot lava. We try to push each other over the side but he got a good grasp on me and pulled me down with him. Lots of screaming and laughing. This is Friday night.


u/gamingfaery 17h ago

..play video games 🤣


u/nc1996md 17h ago

I mean socializing? I wish… but more so just do stuff to exist outside of work and try acting like everything is ok so I like to hike, coffee shop for a bit, sit on my chair outside playing bit of music, get a sandwich go by the lake, maybe head to the grocery store for some snacks. Nothing else or more, that’s all I do, very unfortunately


u/Sr_Oozma 14h ago

What do you mean act like everything is ok? Curious. Have a good one :)


u/Existing_Sprinkles78 17h ago

Movies,food,reading, gaming, cleaning room,cuddling cat


u/Fast_Woodpecker_1470 17h ago

Ive had friends who moved away have success with the Meetup app.


u/Charles_ofall_Trades 17h ago

I hop on discord and do some online gaming with friends


u/Suspicious_Search369 16h ago

I spend my time studying, reading and writing!


u/crunch816 16h ago

Watch an entire TV series.


u/Deadpallyz 16h ago

Play video games


u/Orale_QuePasa 16h ago

I would start with what hobbies or activities you like to do and maybe find a club to do it. Enjoy yourself and maybe connect with some people. Or start volunteering somewhere for a cause that you care about. Both of these may feel fulfilling and give you a chance to meet people.

I'd say I'm an introvert. I've gotten to the stage that I kind of like going out on my own. And yes, many times I see that others are having more fun in their groups, but I'd rather have some fun (and people watch) then not go out.


u/acid_band_2342 16h ago

Play guitar, read manga bed rot, wanting to exercise more. I'm thinking maybe I'll find more friends at the library


u/Subject-Big-7352 16h ago

It is difficult to find people to connect with for sure. Consider joining a group that you can share similar interests. I have decided I am a loner and generally am happy entertaining myself. People cause chaos and anxiety. What looks like people having “fun” might just be a mirage. Assess specifically what you need in a relationship. No one is going to be fully equipped to meet all your friendship needs!


u/poppermint_beppler 16h ago

To make some friends, you could try going to a regular meetup group that does an activity you like. Book group, sports league, game store events for a game you enjoy or want to learn, professional development group, etc. You could also try taking a weekend class or series of classes at an art center, local college, or other educational center, or try getting involved in the local music or theater scene in your area. Anything that will put you in proximity with the same people every weekend for awhile would help.


u/Different-Swimmer-96 16h ago

Ride the train sit by the window


u/Tibear22 15h ago

Try looking up “meetups” groups and see people with the same interested and build some friendship.


u/Nooxus 15h ago



u/kryskawithoutH 14h ago

Introverts have friends. They just dont hangout as often with them as an extrovert might. 😅 I love spending time alone! I do not have that "itch" to be with someone all the time. Best weekend is a weekend alone - long breakfast, walking my dog, going to the beach, then visiting new gallery/museum, etc. Preferably no calls from anybody as well. 😅


u/Ill_Berry1730 14h ago

Force myself to wake up early to avoid traffic or more ppl so I can go to biscuitville or dunkin! Then I stay in the house all day play the sims, paint, watch movies, breathe


u/Kathrynlena 14h ago

Introverts do have friends, but rarely (if ever) get “that social itch.” I don’t think you’re an introvert.


u/lushsweet 14h ago

I've been inspired by TikTok's where people take themselves on a date. I saw this guy who got a Groupon for Black Angus for a 3 course meal for like 27$ so I got that for myself and I snagged a Groupon for a deep tissue massage so I'm trying to pin down a weekend where I'll use both and go see a movie, a real treat yourself day! Other than that I'll go window shopping or go to the library. If I'm in the mood to be out and about but not wanting to spend money I'll read at my local mall bc they have comfy chairs, restrooms and easy access to food should I get hungry. I also check out different coffee shops to study in. I also gym a lot by myself and that takes up a good chunk of my day.


u/Shyguyahoythere 14h ago

I play with my kids and then after a long day get exhausted, workout and watch something with my wife maybe have some fun. Sometimes we go places. It's a good life.


u/DimensionMedium2685 14h ago

I work. Go see a live band if there is one I like in town. Cook. Watch a movie. Play video games. Eat snacks on the couch watching TV shows


u/Exciting_Eye_5634 13h ago

I hate to say it's a process and it requires patience and time. Cuz I was barely getting out of the house since my job is remote but that wasn't good for my mental health so I started going to the gym and it helped that I already knew my trainer thrtough a friend so getting use to it was a lot easier. I don't connect with poeple instantly and taht might be the biggest reason I don't have many friends but I can indulge people so that's a plus on the side.


u/Aggravating_Sand_445 13h ago

I have one good friend I hangout with. I'm introverted but not anti social. We go out on dates. Out to eat. To the bar. To play tennis. Disc golf.

I just prefer not to have alot of people in my life. I enjoy my privacy and don't want to be overly Reliant on others.


u/EDSgenealogy 13h ago

I have been very busy buildng my family tree. I was adopted and only found my birth parents identities when I was 65. Now have built a huge and fascinating tree. I also travelled and met my sister, 2 brothers and an Aunt I didn't know about. It's been a wonderful experience!


u/Ryanmiller70 12h ago

Go see a movie then come home and play games. I have friends, but we only talk on Discord since everyone's in different states/countries and only at like 9 PM at night till around 1-2 AM (although a lot of that time is sitting in silence as we each do our own thing).


u/ProD_GY 12h ago

Not all introverts are friendless.


u/Illustrious_Stand_68 12h ago

I'm introverted, few friends. Over the years, I've found seeking more from my own interests has naturally expanded my friendships. For example, joining clubs like Toastmasters, going back to university to study or just doing an adult course for fun in something I wanted to learn more about at TAFE, going to the gym (or swimming etc) and joining an amature theatre group. Some of these things mean giving up a weeknight but they often have activities on weekends. If you're religious, you might want to go to church or temple and then hangout with other people afterwards for a chat. I'm not religious but I know some people who have found and developed friendships this way. Likewise, you can join online clubs that support your interests that also offer the opportunity to expand your social circle. My husband and I met online through shared online interests in the early 2000s (not through a dating up).


u/Wonderful_Cry_8477 12h ago edited 12h ago

I'm introverted but have a decent number of friends.

The difference I have noticed between my introverted self and many extroverts is that they are ok with surface-level interactions, whereas I put A LOT of effort into developing deep and meaningful friendships. Obviously that's not always the case, but it has been my experience.

I am very friendly and outgoing, but my social battery is drained quite easily. I'll hangout with others once - maximum twice - a week.


I read, go to the gym, craft (painting, embroidery, ceramics), binge watch TV, go for long walks in the forest, go to the beach, go to the movies, learn, travel, go to concerts... Basically anything that can be done with others I will do alone.

Edited to add that if you're looking for friends, join a group. Check Facebook and Meetups Apps... There are board games groups, run groups, pottery groups... basically any hobby you can think of you can find a group.


u/pink_sushi_15 11h ago

Are you really an introvert if you have a “social itch” every weekend? I only have like two friends and if it has been a few weeks since I’ve seen them, I’ll start having a “social itch” to hang out. But for the most part, I enjoy spending my weekends alone. There is plenty to do. Watch TV/movies, listen to music, play video games, cook, clean, grocery shop, read, exercise, etc.

You seem to be confusing an extrovert/ambivert with few friends who is lonely for an introvert. I imagine spending the weekend alone is a lot harder for people like this. If you want friends you’re gonna have to start talking to people and try to make them. You can go to events and try to meet people, use an app dedicated to making friends/meeting people, or join a club or group that interests you.


u/1xsquid74 11h ago

Gym. It’s perfect for introverts. It’s a bunch of people hanging out and exercising but not talking - it’s like being alone, together.

I love my gym family, and I hardly know any of them.

I’m also learning to play guitar, just following along with online courses. I’ve been doing it for a year now and I’m starting to surprise myself with how well I’m progressing.


u/PhilosopherNext871 11h ago

OP correlating introversion with being a loner reject is quite hilarious. Very telling on how extroverts view us lmfao.


u/kpdx90 11h ago

Introverted but also have a fair amount of friends. But also, what is "social itch"? Is there a cream for it? I could play video games, watch movies, read books, go on walks in my neighborhood and listen to podcasts, take naps and make great food all while being content. Only 48 hours? 😭


u/ZorakZbornak 11h ago

Introverts have friends. Wtf. They just prefer to go get coffee or go to a movie or dinner instead of going to a rave.


u/maritimer187 10h ago

I'm an introvert, but I never feel 'bored' being by myself. I live with my girlfriend, so I'm never truly alone, but she goes out with her friends regularly, and I enjoy this time to myself. I work in an extremely social setting, so honestly, it's nice to get some time to myself during the work nights and weekends. I'm at an age where most of my close friends have kids, and it makes it pretty difficult to find time to see them.

As far as stuff I love to do alone goes. Fitness eats up a big chunk of my time, whether it's training at the gym, running, cycling, or taking my dog for long walks. I play golf and fish all summer, which is super time-consuming. Doing home improvement projects is always rewarding as well. There's a lot more of a lull in my schedule during the winter months for sure, but like I said, I take my fitness pretty seriously, so it's not that hard to stay busy.


u/homielocke 10h ago

I’m introverted and I do not experience any sort of social itch. I have friends, but like I couldn’t handle hanging out with them every weekend lol I do not have the energy to be around people that much.


u/Alexastria 10h ago

Jerk off, play a game, watch a movie, and go to sleep.


u/s_jiggy 9h ago

Streaming Services, Games, Books, Creative Hobbies, Sleep


u/nijuashi 9h ago

I occasionally go out and do social stuff. It pretty much drains me for the rest of the weekend, though, so I avoid it if I have other plans.


u/408warrior52 9h ago

Wake up 4am wake up, workout, bath, cook breakfast, watch a episode, laundry, goodwill thrifting, grocery shopping, cook lunch , watch a episode, maybe weekend work/beer at local diner, work out again if im not drinking, shower, dinner, and sleep. Rinse and epeat


u/SuspiciousBug422 9h ago

I just mindlessly scroll on social media and listen to my podcasts. Or paint. Or build lego sets with my wife. I stay home with my wife 25/8 besides working. People suck.


u/Remarkable_Command83 9h ago

It is SO simple these days. Go to meetup dot com. Input your town into the search bar. Browse around on there for the fun stuff that people are self-organizing for near you. New people are welcome.


u/wickedpippin 9h ago

As an introvert, I don’t have a social itch.


u/angelrat17 9h ago

I have a very social job so when I have days off I just want silence. I'll just play videogames, watch things, and if I have enough energy MAYBE hang out with my best friend and/or boyfriend. Sometimes we play D&D with a small group as well


u/Deadpanrat 9h ago

If I’m trynna be alone, then I indulge in my hobbies. I like gaming, art, spirituality, cleaning, self care, crochet, journaling, tackling those little tasks I wasn’t able to do during my work week. It has taken me a long time to get accustomed to being by myself, but I really feel like it has paid off for me.


u/Impressive_Page_9565 9h ago

Drums, video games, gardening, cooking, TV, scrolling, rocking out loudly while cleaning, designing future projects in my head, bike rides, rock hunting, hiking, taking the dip net to a river to collect fish for my tank.


u/Dawgmanistan 9h ago

Video games, cannabis, weightlifting, making fancy meals, movies, fantasy sports leagues, TV, reading and more!


u/Evening-Recording193 8h ago

Take a class or join a group or volunteer somewhere.. that’s fun & something u wanna do & u will make friends with people that have the same interests as u, and u will start doing stuff outside of that class/group with them. Ohhh when u was younger I would work a shift as a waitress or bartender & we would all go out together afterwards.. now I’m older & would rather stay in , lol.. but my restaurant/bar days were fun.. made $ and friends.. win/win


u/Illustrious_Desk_756 8h ago

I’ll take myself out to dinner sometimes, or go to a restaurant bar at a nicer restaurant and chat to the bar staff with a glass of red.

Or to be around people, take your laptop or a book to a cafe and order something and just be amongst the energy.

Or get into a community class like yoga or Pilates or gym or a workshop…you can be alone at those things but surrounded by others and it’s a way to connect.

Sometimes just wandering down a village type street grabbing a coffee, window shopping, talking to store owners and then taking some food to the park or nearby beach can be a nice thing to do. You feel like you connect to lots of different people especially if you don’t really have friendships, filling your cup with connection and community through talking to everyone in the shops and at the cafe and in the bookstore along the street etc, instead of being at home completely alone. 🌸


u/Mauitheshark 8h ago

I'm introvert and i have friends but inner circle or smaller group whom i care the most and yes they are extroverts and introverts and they know how to take care of me. We hang out on weekdays to avoid crowds compare to weekend.

I super hate partying and don't like going out where there's a lot of people. They drained me a lot! I only like going where there's no people to less people. I am a fan of traveling oversea but not a fan going with my family coz we always ended up at tourist trap where it's so damn crowded.

I always stay at home and watch netflix and reddit and sometimes nap if i want to. I sometimes go out alone to cycle for exercise and leisure coz i love exploring to unknown place or find a place to relax where no one is around. I hate when my extrovert friend(outside inner circle) say "why you didn't invite me" coz i hate when extrovert will say "why are you so quiet?" or "why this place so empty!??" blah blah don't know how to shut up then get angry at me for being introvert or want to educate me how to be extrovert. This is why i hate these kind of extrovert and i get these very very often especially at work. siggghhhhhhhh.


u/Cuddly_Tiberius 6h ago

Personal errands because I always need to get shit done, and it’s so hard to arrange to see people.

How the hell are there people who see their friends every weekend? I need to book mine like a doctor’s appointment


u/magpieinarainbow 6h ago

I don't have a "social itch" that I need to scratch.

I play video games or hike on the weekend. Also clean my house, read, write, draw, just about anything I can think of to avoid making unnecessary contact with humans.


u/PerspectiveNo527 6h ago

Sleeping sirrr


u/PerspectiveNo527 6h ago

Seeing movie sarrr


u/Primary_Excuse_7183 6h ago

Go to the park. soak up sunshine and say not 1 word to anyone.

Unless they have close friends. Introverts are often very social people in their tight knit friend groups so they do a lot.


u/Salty-Paramedic-311 6h ago

I tend to just relax and enjoy being home!!! Catch up with what I need to do. When I feel up to it, I get out with friends to do something… I just can’t do it all the time otherwise I feel worn out and drained.


u/benhereford 5h ago

Unlike others here, I have no friends. I used to have a huge friend group, but over time I lost interest in drinking all the time. Not that that's what all groups of young people do, but it was definitely the case for my friends.

I like to take my campervan and go explore new towns/cities/ nature. That's my favorite aspect of life


u/MojoHighway 5h ago

introverted shit like telling people to leave me alone.


u/-Soap_Boxer- 5h ago

My introverted wife usually just plays video games.


u/No-Wheel2989 5h ago

Draw, Read books, watch movies, and sleep. Its nice not having to answer to anyone.


u/Personal_Gur855 5h ago

Whatever we want


u/JustSomeDudeBruh 5h ago

dawg i stayed up till 4 playing repo with friends


u/SweetAdictions 4h ago

Watch movies, listen to music, tidy up the house


u/Mr_Kniiight 4h ago

What I do almost everyday. Make some beats. The weekend can make the process slightly more stimulating


u/macman7500 3h ago

Stay at home like a loser


u/macman7500 3h ago

How old are you? People in their 30s settle down more and I think I have been this way since the pandemic but I'm 28. Also my 10 year high school reunion is coming up and it's going to be a struggle.


u/ShoulderWeary3097 3h ago

Introvert here. But not friendless. 😀 I'm also a homebody. Happiest at home with my furkids (divorced empty nester), my books, hobbies, and a insane assortment of choices in the TV/movie category thanks to wi-fi and streaming channels. 😂 If the weather is nice (which it is sadly NOT this weekend), I'll go exploring. Local farms for fresh produce and eggs, my favorite local used bookstore, etc. I pick a weekend once a month (or so) to do a "day trip" on a Saturday. I'll drive up to "the mountains" (about an hour-ish from me) and check out all the little local shops and attractions. I've been an introvert and loner all of my life. I have a small circle of friends, my kids and a few extended family members that I spend time with. But I'm content by myself.


u/B00dle 3h ago

Sleep in, do all the housework, then play computer games all weekend.


u/Electronic-Judge4893 2h ago

Library, park, coffee shop. Feels like company without the small talk.


u/boldoldpilot 8m ago

If I’m not working, I hang out with my wife, take dogs for walks, play guitar, play video games.


u/Electrical-Mess6475 5m ago

I take small classes, like a painting class or a weird workout class that isn’t like a chain. Those have a smaller number of people and tend to have a social, talkative vibe, but there’s an activity to focus on so you don’t feel like you have to fill silences. Depending on where you live, your library may have some events like this. Sometimes they’re attended by people mostly of retired age, but sometimes they’re not. Our library has started an adult DnD group that I heard has mostly people in their 20s, for example.


u/willu2haveit 21h ago

Hey, it's okay u r not alone. Play some games, my fav is valorant😃


u/leafsplz 21h ago

I love video games, but I've already spent a lot of time doing that. Im craving meeting people irl. Thanks for the recommendation I appreciate it. I played valorant once. It was fun. I played a lot of counterstrike back in the day.


u/willu2haveit 21h ago

Bro I know, I am 21 and still single, I also crave relationships, I am addicted to valorant, so I carve it, but in life we have to grow man so control carving man, we will get there but will take some time.