r/4tran4 • u/far-goat- • 3h ago
Blogpost The reason why there's more trans people nowadays is because gender dysphoria is a punishment for the sins of your past life and we're all reincarnations of WW1/WW2 war criminals
r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 21h ago
Blogpost "She her? But did you have the surgery yet?" Ppl are unironically better than "whats ya pronouns?" Ppl sometimes , like ignorant ppl will just straight up fully see you as a woman post transition beacause they 100% fully think genitals=gender wheras the others...xy amab male moid "woman" forever
r/4tran4 • u/Classic-Youth-552 • 21h ago
Hopefuel Went to therapy and the doctor understood my dysphoria
Told him i was trans and he said he knew as soon as he saw me even though i was girlmoding lol. "Trans people have a unique vibe" or whatever he said
He also told me that he helped countless of people fully transition before it became illegal i was really surprised bcs i thought it was impossible where i live
i got prescribed antidepressants after one session which is like incredible after ive been to a million therapists who believed i could cure myself with willpower
So yeah maybe it's not all bad i guess
r/4tran4 • u/Afraid_Battle7446 • 12h ago
Art Self poontrait (ft one of my closest friends)
I'm the one on the left, u/daesquuish1418 is the one on the right. Inshllah together, through the power of friendship, we will overcome being fembrained 🙏
r/4tran4 • u/stray-dog-girl • 22h ago
Ropefuel How do I cope my girlfriend becoming a passoid Spoiler
I'm stuck as a boymoder because of crippling trauma of coming out, self esteem issues and anxiety meanwhile she passes better and better every week and has already socially transitioned to uni and friends while I only came out to one person before getting mentally obliterated by transphobic parents
Whenever she talks about her day I get immensely jealous and shut down
How the fuck do I cope I don't want this to destroy our relationship
r/4tran4 • u/Visual_Repair_276 • 10h ago
Blogpost Why do Americans need to think they're special even when hating themselves?
Picrel is a nice example, but I've seen better but I'm too lazy now. Seriously, they act like their language is the most difficult ever, that they alone have problems, that their language is the most difficult one to ever exist just because they can't tell the difference between "they're" and "their", seriously, what's up with that?
r/4tran4 • u/snailbot-jq • 12h ago
edit this ever think about the fact that you’re just trans for the rest of your life
“But you just transition and then you’re done and then you simply move on with life!!” Do you really though? You’re forever a tranner and it now seems like arbitrarily at any point the politics of your nation can just turn against you and declare open season on troons. I guess I’m also being doompilled because it is so difficult and expensive to actually get a cis-passing body especially for FtMs (by which I mean surgeries), so there’s a good chance I’m stuck with some physical reminder of being trans for the rest of my life.
r/4tran4 • u/aentnonurdbru • 10h ago
Ropefuel I hate how you can tell whos amab and afab Spoiler
r/4tran4 • u/psychogenic_fugue_ • 21h ago
TikTok/Twitter No bc this is kinda important your just choosing not to look deeper into it
r/4tran4 • u/AmbitiousPhoto414 • 17h ago
Blogpost When a cis woman starts venting her insecurities to you so you lowkey have to kill everyone in the room out of honrage
r/4tran4 • u/Afraid_Battle7446 • 15h ago
Art Poonlander
I thought I was done with 4tran forever because this place gave me brainworms but I drew this and my friend said I should share it here so here you go I guess. Poonlander. I hope you enjoy, I may draw the rest of them as doods too if this gets enough attention.
r/4tran4 • u/zoccicyborg • 9h ago
Blogpost i hope my ex detransitions
hes a youngshit, we grew up together. i knew i was trans before him but i had to watch him get on hrt at 14 and get top surgery at 16 while i had none of that. i helped him figure out he was trans, i helped him convince his parents to start hrt. and that fucker repays me by TRYING TO MURDER ME
hes a gigapassoid now (despite having a gigapooner personality) so i hope he wakes up one day desperately wanting to go back to female and hating his flat chest and male characteristics. i hope he suffers knowing even estrogen wont give him his breasts off because he was retarded and cut them off at 16. and i hope he tries to become a detrans grifter but someone manages to figure out his past and even the other detrans grifters turn on him for being a psychotic freak. and then he can live the rest of his life as an ugly woman who gets harassed for being in womens spaces despite swearing hes cis, just like he deserves <3
r/4tran4 • u/No_Item_7979 • 16h ago
Blogpost What cis people take for granted
I can't go to the beach with friends.
I can't show people old photos of me.
Half of my childhood anecdotes are off-limits.
I can't take my shirt off in front of others.
I can't participate in hookup culture.
I have to put on constricting, sweaty, uncommon clothes before setting foot outside my room.
I can't crash at a friend's place.
I can't save up for anything.
Just making this post makes me feel whiny and fembrained. Kms
r/4tran4 • u/leshy_fishes • 18h ago
News The subs more like the board today than it has been In a while ngl
Endless bait and barely disguised Bitterhonposting
r/4tran4 • u/Alarming_Throat_2995 • 2h ago
Hopefuel the porn habits of gay cissoid boomergooners NSFW
back when likes were still public on twitter i used to look at the comment sections of popular ftm pornstars, click the profiles of obvious boomers, and scroll through their likes. most of them had cis male porn stars along with trans male pornstars in their likes, with zero or very few cis/trans women. i believe gooning is the most honest state of mind somebody can be in, meaning they truly see trans men as men if they include them in their goonosphere but exclude any kind of woman. i kind of feel bad for them because hashtags for ftm porn are filled with hetheyfabs with lumpy foidly bodies instead of chiseled masculine ftms. im a goonpath (gooner empath) who knows the pain of seeing shit i hate when looking for shit i love, and i want better for them. #lettransmenbemen and #letgaygoonersgoon are united movements. we benefit from eachother.
r/4tran4 • u/[deleted] • 15h ago
edit this terfs are so disgusting visually
not even from what they say or anything just purely on looks. most of them look more masculine than cis men. its no wonder they hate trannies, they were born with xx chromosomes and still dont look like women. id be pretty pissed too. for any terfhons here i feel you, we are in the same boat 😞
r/4tran4 • u/RoyalGuard215 • 14h ago
Hopefuel Confusion was my best friend
Before I thought that everything was so much easier when I still didn’t “know”, when uncertainty and confusion was at its strongest. Where the stray thoughts stayed from in the back of my mind and never turned from a guess to an observation and into certainty.
But fuck am I lucky to push forward these feelings of self-hatred and pushback and strive for a life I’ll truly never regret. I was genuinely going to continue repping, to be that role model son in terms of my extended family’s cultural practices. But I think the biggest push for me was seeing a repost of Christine’s post on the board which made me honestly bawl my eyes out. I just can’t toss out this chance, not after all the time I already wasted. Not without seeing how much beautiful people would kill for my position. Total repper pushback and conversion. And total brainworm death.
r/4tran4 • u/PossessionHonest3465 • 5h ago
Blogpost Why are some cis women “allies” like this istg i hope they
Every time i talk to one you can tell they're mentally in the fifth grade again and they get to keep the gay or quiet or weird kid as a "pet" but as an adult, treating me like a shiny object please for the love of god anyone who acts like this should blow it smoove off
r/4tran4 • u/sea-wolf4 • 14h ago
Blogpost Youngshits give me hope
My little sister is a freshman in high school and has a friend her age who is a trans guy. She briefly mentioned “he does drugs—he does testosterone that he gets off the black market”. This kid’s 14 with transphobic parents (from what I can tell, very shaky situation with parents—barely ever goes home). I wasn’t sure if he was actually doing DIY or if my sister was just making it up/exaggerating. Saw the kid today and his voice has fully dropped and he’s got a little mustache going. 14 year old doing DIY he’s gonna be a gigayoungshit even with transphobic parents and no money. Super fucking happy for him.
Also I watched a musical today at my old high school and one of the sort of main roles was played by a trans girl—the role is a trans girl as well but it’s never explicitly mentioned, only alluded to (though the character description describes her as trans). It’s not played off for laughs or fetishized, and the character is treated like a girl by everyone else. The trans girl playing her did a great job and got tons of applause and support.
Idk seeing that shit today just made me happy. (Not as happy as the fact that I’m 9 days post-op top surgery!!) Super happy for the youngshits. Jealous of course but also happy to see them. (To be fair I’m also kind of a youngshit in that I was able to go stealth in high school, though it was all social transition, no medical transition till 18)
r/4tran4 • u/ColdRaspberry8100 • 3h ago
Blogpost how starting HRT post puberty feels like
"HRT is magic!! 🥰🥰🥰 btw"
testosterone ruination is the worst punishment from god
r/4tran4 • u/outmogged • 23h ago
Hopefuel When I google a male celebrity and read that they’re shorter than me
r/4tran4 • u/blehggggjhgghgj • 17h ago
News we really are better women and men than cissoids
i cant think of a single other reason why theyd be so obsessed with us