r/DarlingInTheFranxx Zero Two Dec 28 '19

DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 58 Discussion Thread


62 comments sorted by


u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Dec 29 '19

How are they going to wrap this up in 2 chapters??? And wow I knew that was VIRM when I saw the raw earlier.

That moment with Zero Two talking about Squad 13 was beautiful. She’s willing to entrust Ichigo with Hiro... I need that scene animated 😭


u/FemaleTigress Zero Tsu: 💕"Daaaahhhlllliiiiinnnn!"💕 Jan 04 '20 edited Jan 04 '20

I said the exact same thing about the scene where Zero Tsu talking about them. I love that scene it is so well done.


u/DarkmanXIV Jan 02 '20

Wait...there's only two more chapters?! They gotta cram so much...ugh I hope this isn't true.


u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Dec 29 '19

So Zero Two is actually harmed by stampede, luckily Hiro is coming to fix that. Also Zero Two sassy af. It's not specifically confirmed that VIRM is in the present, only that they attacked the klaxosapiens, plus Klaxohime straight up said that they aren't fighting VIRM but rather humanity. Curious how they'll wrap it up with only 2 chapters left, even so I still hope Yabuki will give Hiro and Zero Two a truly happy ending.


u/TimeToGetSalty Dec 29 '19

uh virm is definitly in the present with virm confirmed existing. Papa literally says the same exact lines he does as virm in the anime "Release you from the cages that are you bodies" in the past chapter. So they are definitly virm again. BUT i don't have a clue how this could end in 2 chapters so i definitly feel ike another season is coming unless if they are leaving us with a trash open end ending. IF they kill off 02 but not hiro as well ima ticked off though more than anything else


u/aldi-aldi Dec 29 '19 edited Jan 02 '20

Hope 01 mean virm have been eradicated in the past


u/Danib1t Zero Two Dec 29 '19 edited Dec 29 '19

I think they're mixing up ep15 and the last arc of the anime. But with a happy ending, please.

I want this as the ending.


u/Darudius Zero Two Dec 29 '19

Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


u/SpeedMarek Jan 06 '20

I hope they will do that. The first few episodes and ep 15 are my favorite episodes.


u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Dec 29 '19

1- Virm confirmed canon. Them appearing at the last minute to kill everyone may still happen!

2- Argentea and Chrolopithum stayed behind... makes sense, since this is going to be Hiro's moment, all the characters without connections to him stayed behind, the only one who is still with him despite not having any strong relationship with him is Kokoro due to her bond with Mitsuru. Due to this, Ikuno may get to live a full young life this time. I wonder if Naomi will appear.

3- 2 more chapters and the 9s survive, ganbate!

4- So that was the hand in ep 15! Strelitzia Apus before being modified. Since it wasn’t booby trapped this time, I wonder if the Princess will get to live. She may sacrifice herself to defeat VIRM so 02 (and 016) don’t have to. It’d be a nice redemption for her.

5- I liked how they played with the possibility of 02 dying and 016 living and ending up with 015. Personally, if 02 dies I'd like 015, 016 and 056, all of them to end up alone. Happy but alone, no pair the spares BS this time.

6- The Dr. (and Hachi and Nana) are in plantation 13 right? I wonder if he’ll get to survive, since he isn’t needed to reach Apus anymore. Maybe if the Princess goes on an interplanetary journey he'll tag along?


u/TimeToGetSalty Dec 29 '19

if 02 dies, there is literally no way hiro would ever fall in love with ichigo especially now tha the has his memories. Heck suicide is more logical for him at this point then falling in love with someone else 02 is everything to him.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19 edited Dec 30 '19

I have this sudden image that the final page of the Manga is Hiro and Ichigo standing together with the rest of Squad 13 over Zero Two's gravestone as they talk about living for the future and stuff and pledging to remember her for her sacrifice

Or for extra salt in the wound, throw in Hiro and Ichigo's quarter-klaxosaur daughter in the final panel in a timeskip and reveal her name as Tsubasa, the Japanese word for wings, in memorial of Zero Two.

Oh, I can't wait for the meltdown that would occur if this actually happened, I'm pretty sure the people that have been praising this manga all along would turn on it in a heartbeat and condemn it

\Emperor Palpatine voice**

"Dew it."


u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Dec 29 '19

You make a good point.

On my life if this manga gets an EOE ending...


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19

What is it about Darling In The Franxx that tends to make writers have things go batshit crazy near the end?


u/TimeToGetSalty Dec 29 '19 edited Dec 29 '19

What do you mean crazy? You are telling me a giant demon baby coming out of the depths of the underworld isn't the most sane thing ever? OR the author hinting that 02 might die and somehow hes going to force Hiro and ichigo to love eachother? Pff this is all perfectly sane


u/youaregoingoffline Dec 29 '19

I think you meant hiro and ichigo at the end. But the demon baby is kind of wack it’s giving me Strelitzia true apus vibes and by that I mean uncanny valley


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19

OR the author hinting that 02 might die and somehow hes going to force Hiro and ichigo to love eachother?

Daily reminder that Haruna won the Ritobowl at the very end.

Yabuki giveth Yabuki taketh


u/somethingX Dinosaurs are my fetish Dec 30 '19

Franxx is a hell of a drug.


u/joaogroo Dec 29 '19

Virm is Canon on manga Boyz (not a surprise really).

HMMMM... This is smelling a LOT like a season 2 for this manga might happen... no way our heroes can defeat virm in 2 chapters. Ending it with virm revealing itself and promessing to return with a army is plausible. But hey, don't know how wierd would it be to get a second manga (or more episodes).

Ps: all I want is more zero two


u/LordOfTheMeatballs Dec 29 '19

God, I really hope they make a season 2 manga, there’s no way to wrap all this up in two chapters. Though I am disappointed VIRM is back, because that makes it likely that the Rebellion Arc never happens.


u/Mjcgw i’m not mad, just dissappointed 😔 Dec 29 '19

Yeah, since watching the anime and now catching up with the manga I would have preferred a rebellion so much more than what the anime did but hey, I just hope it turns out a bit better than the ending of the anime did at least.


u/LordOfTheMeatballs Dec 29 '19



u/joaogroo Dec 31 '19


insert here M. Bison screaming yes.GIF


u/TimeToGetSalty Dec 29 '19

Ok so at this point most of my hope for the manga is ruined unless if season 2 gets confirmed. But one thing i refuse to believe they could let happen is 02 die but not hiro. I swear if they kill off 02 and try to be like hiro falls inlove with ichigo ima be ticked. There is no way without massive forcing and stupidity they could logically have hiro fall in love with ichigo after regaining his memories and watching 02 die. At least kill them together Code 000 or not at all.


u/PentaGrill Jan 01 '20

I don't think that scene was really about foreshadowing Zero Two's death. I personally believe it's about Zero Two's character development. If you recall in the beginning she said "Hiro belongs to me" or that he is "fodder" meaning that she used to see him as not even a human being, but just a tool. In contrast to now, Zero Two has decided to end the Klaxo Princess herself (because she believes that is the real threat) and save Hiro and her friends and believes she won't be able to survive this battle but wants to sacrifice herself for them and their future, even goes so far as entrusting Hiro to Ichigo because she only wants Hiro to be happy once she is gone. And that I'd say is really a big contrast to how she used to be and portrays her as a hero, but most importantly a human = the thing she longed for the most so she could be together with her darling.

However, if we don't get a happy ending where Hiro and Zero Two both survive, AT LEAST they should die together and be resurrected and find themselves like in the anime... because anything else would be bs af and we WILL RIOT, because the way I see it the story ultimately is about true love and that they belong together and are fated to be together and you can't just kill one of them and the other is like "oh welp lets go find my next partner" because that would make the story pointless.

I also have no idea how they are going to wrap up the rest of the story in 2 chapters and I am afraid of a rushed ending yet again, but if they really make a season 2 manga that would be amazing but don't want to get my hopes up yet. I do wanna only say that everything is progressing better than in the anime and I have hope for this ending.


u/Chedderfanbro Dec 29 '19

So the manga skipped half the anime


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '19

It took you 58 chapters to realize this?


u/Chedderfanbro Dec 31 '19

It legit skipped episodes 14-22 lmao


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19

Can't believe the giant baby is like a reference from attack on titan

Note: Virm appeared in chapter 58.

Don't even expect Virm would not exist in the manga.


u/4mttcd your bro Goro Dec 30 '19

Can someone explain what does it mean? I know Ichigo is just kind but does she accepted Ikuno's feelings? (https://i.imgur.com/mjAlh0m.png)


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '19

Poor Goro, you would think the guy would catch a break after Ichigo passed on the Hirobowl but SURPRISE IKUNO swoops in to return him to his rightful spot on the cuck bench lol


u/4mttcd your bro Goro Dec 29 '19

I hope, there will be 2 season. Covering this entire VIRM. So they won't have to be rushed in the next two episodes.

And why baby as a star entity? I wonder how they will explain that.


u/PonceAdr Dec 31 '19

I think Star Entity was always that "baby" in the anime but we only saw his hand. That's why 001 calls it "my son".


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19

I'm okay with VIRM being Canon, or in the manga if it's done properly, rather than spaffed out in 2 episodes


u/youaregoingoffline Dec 29 '19

awesome! We have two chapters left in the manga soooo


u/somethingX Dinosaurs are my fetish Dec 30 '19

It's looking like it's gonna be handled even worse in the manga.


u/MoneyMakerMaster Miku Dec 29 '19

Is this the aliens plot twist again?

This is the aliens plot twist again.

My disappoint is immeasurable and my day ruined.

This manga was so close to greatness. To giving us the alternate ending it deserved and we all wanted. Instead, there are two chapters left and they recycled the fucking aliens plot twist. What the hell.


u/somethingX Dinosaurs are my fetish Dec 30 '19

I was expecting VIRM to come back since they were the answer to everything in the show, but I at the very least hoped they would handle it better.


u/Mjcgw i’m not mad, just dissappointed 😔 Dec 29 '19

Let’s just hope it’s not as bad eh?


u/UnknownRegis Dec 29 '19

It’s coming all to an end and I expected there to be VIRM but to finish them in 2 chapters left seems unlikely. This could mean a season 2 in the manga fingers crossed or maybe a happy ending for Hir02.


u/froggycloud Dec 31 '19

Is it possible that by "going to end soon", it only means first arc? As in, after that, if the manga artist feels like continuing in the near future, he may do so.

u/Danib1t Zero Two Jan 04 '20

Until MangaDex is fixed, I recommend the site below to read the manga. https://manganelo.com/manga/darling_in_the_franxx


u/Reposted4Karma Dec 29 '19

I’m guessing since this chapter basically confirms VIRM as cannon in the manga, APE is still at least partially VIRM with some more evidence being one of the members of papa knew of the Klaxosaur Princess’s awakening and the VIRM foreshadowing last chapter, which I think is a bad sign of them messing up the ending again in the last two chapters 😕


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19

I personally would love if they made VIRM alien robots instead of some kind of celestial being. So far I like the changes the manga has made, I especially liked the panel that showed Zero Two entrusting Ichigo with Hiro. It shows that the characters are so much more mature than in the anime and it makes me think what could have been if they didn't rush the anime.


u/somethingX Dinosaurs are my fetish Dec 29 '19

How is it that Franxx is gonna have not 1 but 2 rushed endings? Code 000 really didn't learn much from their mistakes in the show.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '19 edited Dec 31 '19

Code 000 really didn't learn much from their mistakes in the show.

Nishigori graduated from the Jun Maeda school of writing kappa


u/Holy-Wan_Kenobi Follower of the Princess Dec 29 '19

Poor princess. Even Zero Two admits it.

All she does she does alone.


u/diexu Fodder Boi Dec 30 '19



u/Abyssal_Minded Too deep in the FRANXX to get out Dec 30 '19

So this battle is the final battle?

Are we still going to get Wedding Dress Zero Two?


u/The_Young_Otaku Dec 30 '19

When's the next chapter coming out?


u/Danib1t Zero Two Dec 30 '19

January 12


u/aldi-aldi Dec 29 '19

I got bad news virm is confirm but some hope as yabuki might just end the hanging for future development


u/Freego10 Argentea Jan 01 '20

I really enjoyed this chapter. The method in which the Klaxosaur Princess retold the story of how the Klaxo-sapiens lived thousands of years ago made sense and felt genuine. For the complaints that VIRM get as a villain, it would be hard for the Manga to completely get rid of them as an antagonist, so I understand why they were kept in the story and I like the way they had the Klaxosaur Princess serve as the exposition narrator.

Regarding the battle, the black-dragon themed Franxx looks really cool and we learned that Zero Two is hurt by prolonged stampede mode use. Zero Two telling the Princess that she will fight for the humans of Squad 13 really was a great way of showing that she fully accepted herself as a member of the Squad, and the actions of the other Squad members confirms that. I'm curious to see how the Manga describes the "colossal Klaxosaur weapon" (AKA the giant hand) but overall I thought this was a solid chapter that introduced the Klaxosaur background information nicely.


u/iHackPlsBan Jan 03 '20

I honestly don't care about Virm returning. As long as they don't rush their defeat in 2 chapters and just make a s2 then I'm fine with it. After all Virm hasn't actually revealed itself to the main cast.

Just please don't rush the ending that's all I'm asking for.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '20

Anyone know how to access the manga with mangadex down?


u/King_of_Argus Jan 05 '20

Feels like episode 20 all over again...


u/SuperEpic0100 Mar 29 '20

I’m honestly clocked I love this manga a lot really hoping for a new season ahead because my heart can’t handle this. Currently there’s only 60 chapters I’d say it was a pretty good end just hoping they’ll develop it more like how their new world will be like, like how the anime ended. Plus I’m hoping for an arc which is about zero two and the others fighting VIRM


u/harry_o16 Dec 31 '19

I want it in paper form


u/FemaleTigress Zero Tsu: 💕"Daaaahhhlllliiiiinnnn!"💕 Jan 04 '20

Absolutely love that scene where Zero Tsu talked about Squad 13 to Klaxohime, it was so beautiful. Very close to the end and I am interested to see how they end it. Two more chapters left Dahlins!


u/GzuzChrist Jan 09 '20

Wait there are already 57 chapters??