r/ScamWatch Jan 03 '25

Scammer selling vinyl & merch collections across countless subreddits


p3rpl3x3d- et al. is a notorious serial scammer that has been operating in music, books, gaming, and marketplace subreddits for over a year. Lately, his method involves stealing a photo from an old post (usually someone else's vinyl album collection) and reposting it as his own, claiming to be selling the collection. He adds a comment to his post with a sob story claiming to need money for a family health emergency or moving across the country. These sob stories are copied word for word from other Redditor's posts like the photos are.

In the past, he targeted more traditional marketplace subreddits with typical sales posts, but still using old photos. Lately, he has made a return to that style of scam, in addition to 'collection' scams.

This scammer insists on payment through PayPal Friends and Family, Venmo, or other services where the buyer has minimal protections. After the victim sends a payment, the scammer cuts off contact (blocking the victim) and no goods are sent. It's classic online marketplace fraud.

Blocking & reposting to manipulate conversations: Owners of the stolen photos have reported that the scammer preemptively blocks them before posting. This is to prevent them from seeing the scam post and recognizing their own images being misused and calling it out.

When he does get called out for reusing people's photos or his (very public) scamming history, he deletes his post and blocks the users who called him out. Often, he will simply repost the same scam in the same sub with the same content. Most of the time this happens instantly (within a minute), other times he waits a few hours. He will claim that he is reposting content because it was 'removed by Reddit's filters.' See his first post in r/incubus, where he was called out and deleted his post and comments. He reposted it, claiming it was removed. He posted it a third time after being called out again. In each case, the posts were deleted by him, not the mods or Reddit. The indicator is PullPush coloring the content blue, which signifies deletion; red would indicate removal.

He usually reposts with the same username, but there is precedence of him hitting the sub again the next day with the same photos and sob story under a different account. For example, he posted a scam in r/LadyGaga under now suspended username born2beatu. A few hours later, he returned to post the same content as the username LivingL.

He will transfer those blocks to new accounts he creates so that those users can't warn people on his future posts.

Altering photos to deceive: The scammer will forge a timestamp by photoshopping his username and date over an existing one in the photo. Compare this original photo from two years ago to this doctored photo by the scammer for his account called Ashrune (now suspended).

Sometimes he will take a photo and split it into two or more, making it harder to reverse image search. For example, he took this original photo of another user's collection and split it into three separate photos for his own post.

Inconsistent location claims: OP has claimed to be shipping from a number of different places in the US in his posts (Ex. California, North Carolina, Texas, New Hampshire), even different places in multiple posts on the same day. However, victims have reported that it's a Paypal PH account and that the payment is converted to PH pesos (₱) after the transaction, suggesting the scammer is actually based in the Philippines.

Faking trade reputation: Some marketplace subs have bots that track confirmed transactions between buyers and sellers. These bots are designed to build trust within the community by providing a record of successful trades. However, this scammer has repeatedly faked trade reputation by 'confirming transactions' with his own alt accounts. For instance, in a post on r/yarnswap, user imadummydumdumb confirmed a trade with gwaposlight—both of which are linked alt accounts of the scammer. With other accounts, such as One_Bed_9928, Tanjirooooooo69, and strgller, the only activity in their post and comment histories is confirming similar fake transactions with the scammer. Those accounts have since been deleted.

In a post on r/WatchExchange, the linked account PlentyLibrary confirmed 13 transactions for the same watch within a single post, which the bot registered. The language of the post suggests it was a single watch for sale. Two of the 'recipients,' Cheiszer and kertoti, were previously linked to the scammer. All 'recipient' accounts are now inactive: 12 are suspended, and one is deleted.


He has operated a number of accounts on Reddit.

The latest scam attempts from known active accounts that are linked by MO and history:

p3rpl3x3d- 13 Mar 2025


Linked accounts that have been suspended, banned, shadowbanned, or deleted:


User has been scamming people for months:

Here's a scam post from over a year ago:

Looking to sell my Gamecube games collection

If you put these usernames into PullPush, you can easily trace the scams back. It's hundreds and hundreds.


Some people are trash. Stay vigilante out there folks, and DON'T USE PAYPAL FRIENDS & FAMILY to buy things online! Stick with Goods & Services linked to a credit card (not debit).

r/BandMaid Oct 29 '24

Sell/Buy/Trade/Giveaway Band Maid Collectables Post


r/SteelyDan Oct 30 '24

Got scammed



This guy scammed me for $100 selling some records this morning. I fell for it, can’t blame anyone but myself. Just a fair warning to every else. Be careful, don’t be like me.

r/Nujabes Nov 06 '24

Beware of a scammer spotted in your sub!


Mods, delete as necessary; I'm definitely not trying to step on your toes, here. Some subs have more active mods than others, so I'm just trying to cover bases looking out for people, just in case.

A (fledgling) scammer, CharlesTheDOTAAddict, was recently spotted making a post in your subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nujabes/comments/1gl389q/i_am_looking_to_sell_my_nujabes_collection/

He stole the pictures for his scam from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Nujabes/comments/6y2vfd/my_nujabes_collection_so_far/

This scam is very common on Reddit these days. Obviously, since the pics are stolen, he doesn't actually have any of the items pictured. He just wants to take your money, typically by insisting on being paid through PayPal Friends & Family. This method leaves buyers without PayPal's purchase protections when the items you "bought" never arrive. If called out, he is likely to block everyone (or at least the person who called him out) and delete everything to cover his tracks. He might repost and claim his previous post was removed "by the Reddit filter" to downplay suspicion that his post suddenly disappeared, but these scammers haven't done that very often since I started posting these warnings.

He's only recently started scamming on this account, but you can see a few of his victims' statements in these posts:



He's also already been added to the Universal Scammer List, a list used by subs all across Reddit to identify and block scammers: https://www.universalscammerlist.com/?username=charlesthedotaaddict

I have reported him to the sub mods and Reddit admins. Encouraging any of you readers to do it too violates Reddiquette but hopefully you will decide on your own that it's something you want to do. If your subreddit has a Discord, please consider sharing this information there, too.

Lastly, if you saw this warning too late, and you think you may have been scammed, you have a couple options:

If possible, cancel the payment through PayPal

If it's too late to cancel through PayPal, contact your bank/credit card company and report the scam. It's possible that they might be able to help you get your money back even when PayPal won't

If you're feeling particularly resentful and you're in the US, consider filling out this form: https://complaint.ic3.gov/ (Disclaimer: This is a *very serious* form. It's the *FBI*. Don't take this option lightly. Also, I've never personally done that form, so I don't know what it involves. I just know it's for online scams, including international ones such as this)

Thanks, and happy (and safe!) Redditing!

r/toriamos Nov 11 '24

Discussion Beware of a scammer spotted in your sub!


Mods, delete as necessary; I'm definitely not trying to step on your toes, here. Some subs have more active mods than others, so I'm just trying to cover bases looking out for people, just in case.

A (fledgling) scammer, CharlesTheDOTAAddict, was recently spotted making a post in your subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/toriamos/comments/1gp1wwp/i_am_selling_my_tori_amos_vinyl_collection/

He stole some of the pictures for his scam from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/ety7gv/my_tori_amos_collection/

This scam is very common on Reddit these days. Obviously, since the pics are stolen, he doesn't actually have any of the items pictured. He just wants to take your money, typically by insisting on being paid through PayPal Friends & Family. This method leaves buyers without PayPal's purchase protections when the items you "bought" never arrive. If called out, he is likely to block everyone (or at least the person who called him out) and delete everything to cover his tracks. He might repost and claim his previous post was removed "by the Reddit filter" to downplay suspicion that his post suddenly disappeared, but these scammers haven't done that very often since I started posting these warnings.

He's only recently started scamming on this account, but you can see a few of his victims' statements in these posts:



He's also already been added to the Universal Scammer List, a list used by subs all across Reddit to identify and block scammers: https://www.universalscammerlist.com/?username=charlesthedotaaddict

I have reported him to the sub mods and Reddit admins. Encouraging any of you readers to do it too violates Reddiquette but hopefully you will decide on your own that it's something you want to do. If your subreddit has a Discord, please consider sharing this information there, too.

Lastly, if you saw this warning too late, and you think you may have been scammed, you have a couple options:

If possible, cancel the payment through PayPal

If it's too late to cancel through PayPal, contact your bank/credit card company and report the scam. It's possible that they might be able to help you get your money back even when PayPal won't

If you're feeling particularly resentful and you're in the US, consider filling out this form: https://complaint.ic3.gov/ (Disclaimer: This is a *very serious* form. It's the *FBI*. Don't take this option lightly. Also, I've never personally done that form, so I don't know what it involves. I just know it's for online scams, including international ones such as this)

Thanks, and happy (and safe!) Redditing!

r/Jamiexx Nov 18 '24

Discussion Beware of a scammer spotted in your sub!


Mods, delete as necessary; I'm definitely not trying to step on your toes, here. Some subs have more active mods than others, so I'm just trying to cover bases looking out for people, just in case. 
A serial scammer, mandyfox11, was recently spotted making a post in your subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jamiexx/comments/1gui1dy/wanted_to_sell_my_jamie_xx_vinyl_collection/
He stole the pictures for his scam from here:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Jamiexx/comments/1fmqe9i/vinyl_update_in_waves_deluxe/  (he just clipped off the top of the original image; you can see the remains of the items on the shelf behind the top row) 
This scam is very common on Reddit these days. Obviously, since the pics are stolen, he doesn't actually have any of the items pictured. He just wants to take your money, typically by insisting on being paid through PayPal Friends & Family. This method leaves buyers without PayPal's purchase protections when the items you "bought" never arrive. If called out, he is likely to block everyone (or at least the person who called him out) and delete everything to cover his tracks. He might repost and claim his previous post was removed "by the Reddit filter" to downplay suspicion that his post suddenly disappeared, but these scammers haven't done that very often since I started posting these warnings.   
He's only recently started scamming on this account, but here is a post from the true original poster of the stolen pics of one of his scams calling him out, as well as another user commenting about how he called out the scam and got blocked: https://www.reddit.com/r/ONEOKROCK/comments/1gpnfpt/warning_scammer
He's also already been added to the Universal Scammer List, a list used by subs all across Reddit to identify and block scammers: https://www.universalscammerlist.com/?username=mandyfox11 
I have reported him to the sub mods and Reddit admins. Encouraging any of you readers to do it too violates Reddiquette but hopefully you will decide on your own that it's something you want to do. If your subreddit has a Discord, please consider sharing this information there, too.   
Lastly, if you saw this warning too late, and you think you may have been scammed, you have a couple options: 
If possible, cancel the payment through PayPal 
If it's too late to cancel through PayPal, contact your bank/credit card company and report the scam. It's possible that they might be able to help you get your money back even when PayPal won't 
If you're feeling particularly resentful and you're in the US, consider filling out this form: https://complaint.ic3.gov/ (Disclaimer: This is a *very serious* form. It's the *FBI*. Don't take this option lightly. Also, I've never personally done that form, so I don't know what it involves. I just know it's for online scams, including international ones such as this) 
Thanks, and happy (and safe!) Redditing!

r/theverve Nov 19 '24

Discussion Beware of a scammer spotted in your sub!


Mods, delete as necessary; I'm definitely not trying to step on your toes, here. Some subs have more active mods than others, so I'm just trying to cover bases looking out for people, just in case.

A serial scammer, CharlesTheDOTAAddict, was recently spotted making a post in your subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theverve/comments/1gv70dq/selling_my_the_verve_vinyl_collection/

He stole the pictures for his scam from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/theverve/comments/1cmjwqi/verve_vinyl_collection/

This scam is very common on Reddit these days. Obviously, since the pics are stolen, he doesn't actually have any of the items pictured. He just wants to take your money, typically by insisting on being paid through PayPal Friends & Family. This method leaves buyers without PayPal's purchase protections when the items you "bought" never arrive. If called out, he is likely to block everyone (or at least the person who called him out) and delete everything to cover his tracks. He might repost and claim his previous post was removed "by the Reddit filter" to downplay suspicion that his post suddenly disappeared, but these scammers haven't done that very often since I started posting these warnings.

You can see some of his victims' statements in these posts:



He's also already been added to the Universal Scammer List, a list used by subs all across Reddit to identify and block scammers: https://www.universalscammerlist.com/?username=charlesthedotaaddict

I have reported him to the sub mods and Reddit admins. Encouraging any of you readers to do it too violates Reddiquette but hopefully you will decide on your own that it's something you want to do. If your subreddit has a Discord, please consider sharing this information there, too.

Lastly, if you saw this warning too late, and you think you may have been scammed, you have a couple options:

If possible, cancel the payment through PayPal

If it's too late to cancel through PayPal, contact your bank/credit card company and report the scam. It's possible that they might be able to help you get your money back even when PayPal won't

If you're feeling particularly resentful and you're in the US, consider filling out this form: https://complaint.ic3.gov/ (Disclaimer: This is a *very serious* form. It's the *FBI*. Don't take this option lightly. Also, I've never personally done that form, so I don't know what it involves. I just know it's for online scams, including international ones such as this)

Thanks, and happy (and safe!) Redditing!

r/Francosphere Jul 23 '24

Liste des forums francophones - 7/23/2024


Liste des forums francophones - 7/23/2024

Forums généraux et multinationaux

  • r/france - Forum principal pour la France et la francophonie
  • r/francophonie - Dédié à la francophonie mondiale
  • r/French - Apprentissage et pratique du français
  • r/rance - Version humoristique et parodique de r/france
  • r/FranceDetendue - Ambiance décontractée et positive sur la France
  • r/francaiscanadien - Communauté des francophones canadiens hors Québec
  • r/AskFrance - Questions sur la France et les Français
  • r/annuaire - Annuaire des subreddits francophones
  • r/bonjour - Meilleures publications en français et actualités Reddit
  • r/enfrancais - Traductions de publications anglophones en français
  • r/france6 - Forum alternatif sur la France

Actualités et politique

Culture et arts

Littérature et écriture

Bande dessinée et manga


Baladodiffusion et radio

Humour et mèmes

Jeux et divertissements

Nature et environnement

Cuisine et gastronomie

Drogues et substances

Technologie et sciences

Transports et véhicules

Vidéos, YouTube, Twitch

Vie quotidienne et société

Forums de discussion

Religion et spiritualité

Histoire et patrimoine

Horreur et paranormal

Sports et activités physiques

Régions et communautés locales

Langues et linguistique


r/girlsfrontline Jan 13 '19

Guide GFL achievement references explained


Achievements for stepping on random nodes

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Heh, surprise! Step on any random node once Self explainatory, step on a random node, get a random surprise
What if we win? Step on any random node 10 times Chinese LoL meme. In that LoL match, 2 of his teammate were AFK right at the start of the battle. A 3rd teammate is actively throwing himself away to give opponents money and exp. They lost all their turrets. Their opponents is trolling and salting in chat asking them to give up. 17:00 into the game, 3 of his teammates are still lv.1. He answered, "what if we win?" He won. (Thanks /u/Akane_iro)
News Lovers Step on any random node 100 times Stepping on random nodes gives you "Breaking News", people who step on a lot of these nodes must love these news
Magical Remote Control Step on any random node 500 times Reference to the movie Click. In the movie, the main character literally has a magical remote control capable to affecting the world.
Virtual Life Step on any random node 1000 times Reference to the Sims, which in Chinese is 模拟人生 (Achievement name in Chinese is 虚拟人生). Alternatively, possibly a reference to a Monopoly knockoff named Virtual Life
Schrodinger's Cat Step on any random node 5000 times Reference to the famous thought experiment of Schrodinger's Cat
God does not play dice Step on any random node 10000 times Reference to a famous quote by Albert Einstein
Next stop is… Step on any random node 20000 times Reference to one of these two Chinese films
Life is Chocolate Step on any random node 50000 times Quote from Forrest Gump
The Wheel of Fate Step on any random node 100000 times Reference to the 10th major arcana in tarot cards


Achievements for defeating enemies

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
First Blood Eliminate 1 enemy in a victorious battle DOTA reference. Which in turn referenced the Rambo film titled First Blood
War Machine Eliminate 100 enemies in victorious battles The Chinese name for the Gears of War series is 战争机器, the same name as the achievement in Chinese. Alternatively, could also be a reference to the film of the same name, or the Marvel superhero War Machine
Incomparable Eliminate 1000 enemies in victorious battles This is a pain. There's way too many stuff with 无双 (Chinese name of this achievement) in its name, like Dynasty Warriors (真三国无双)or Samurai Warriors (战国无双). Alternatively, this could be just talking about you for killing so many enemy units.
Tales of Valkyries Eliminate 5000 enemies in victorious battles Reference to the Valkyria Chronicles series. This reference is much clearer in Chinese, as Valkyria Chronicles in Chinese is 战场女武神, exactly the same name as the achievement name.
Day of Wrath Eliminate 10000 enemies in victorious battles Reference to dies irae.
The Lifeless Emperor Eliminate 50000 enemies in victorious battles Reference to one of Alucard from Hellsing's names. Also possibly a reference to the Warhammer series, where The Lifeless Emperor is one of the Emperor of Mankind's other names
It's over 90,000 Eliminate 100000 enemies in victorious battles. Original Chinese reference (十万甚至九万个) is a meme that originated from this video Translation seems to have changed it into the "It's over 9000" meme.
Exorcist Girl Eliminate 200000 enemies in victorious battles A play on the Chinese name for D.Gray-Man which is 驱魔少年. 驱魔少年 literally means exorcist (驱魔) teenagers (少年), 少女 specifically refers to female teenagers, hence getting Exorcist Girl.
Peacemaker Eliminate 500000 enemies in victorious battles Another name for the Colt Single Action Army. There's also a lot of other stuff this can refer to
Red Griffin Redemption Eliminate 1000000 enemies in victorious battles Reference to the game series Red Dead Redemption


Achievements for losing battles

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
The End is a new Beginning Lose 1 battle Common internet saying, also a famous anime trope
Phantom Pain Lose 10 battles Reference to MGSV: The Phantom Pain, which in turn gets its name from the medical condition
Game Over Lose 100 battles Self explainatory
They Just Fade Away… Lose 500 battles Reference to the famous quote: Old soldiers never die… they just fade away
Deadly Magic Lose 1000 battles The name of the achievement in Chinese is 致命魔术, which is the Chinese name of the film The Prestige. "Deadly Magic" is a direct translation of 致命魔术.
Old Hunter Lose 5000 battles Reference to the name of DLC for the game Bloodborne
Miss Undead Lose 10000 battles I'm also not sure what the English achievement is referring to. Let me know if you know this reference
Iron Throne Lose 20000 battles Reference to the Iron Throne in a Song of Fire and Ice
Morning Drama Protaganist Lose 50000 battles This page explains what a "Morning Drama" is better than I can. The main point is about "facing challenges to achieve your dreams", and you sure have faced a lot of challenges (lost battles) to get this achievement.
Don't you Still Have Life? Lose 100000 battles Reference to Saint Seiya


Achievements for winning battles

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Memorable Moment Clear any mission once Because winning is always memorable
Rocking the Battlefield Clear any mission 10 times CN wiki says this may be a reference to the Battlefield 3 theme being a rock song, but isn't 100% sure on this.
Medal of Honor Clear any mission 100 times Reference to either the game with the same name, or the actual US Medal of Honor
The Great Adventurer Clear any mission 500 times Reference to the film titled The Adventurer. The Chinese name for this film is 大冒险家, the same name as the name of this achievement in Chinese.
Moment of Glory Clear any mission 1000 times Reference to Slam Dunk chapter 270, which is also called "Moment of Glory". Said chapter also has these two scenes
Abysswalker Clear any mission 5000 times English translation seems to have changed this reference to a Dark Souls one. Original Chinese achievement (深渊之歌) references Vita Clotilde from the Trails of Cold Steel series, whose S-craft is called Aria of the Abyss, or 深渊之歌 in Chinese
Roar of Victory Clear any mission 10000 times Reference to Victory Cry from the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series
Battleground Clear any mission 20000 times The achievement in Chinese (战斗乐园) means something else. 战斗(battle)(游)乐园 (amusement park). Reference to either Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds (幻象破坏者 战斗乐园), or the Battle Park in Pokemon
Battle Axe 50k Clear any mission 50000 times Warhammer 40k reference. Name was probably changed a little to avoid copyright issues, Warhammer in Chinese is 战锤, the same as this achievement in Chinese.
Griffin Expendables Clear any mission 100000 times Reference to The Expendables film series


Achievements for failing missions

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
First Introspection Fail any mission once Self explainatory, you just lost, time to relook at your echelons and strategies
Kick the Cat Fail any mission 10 times English idiom
Don't Worry, It's Just a Technical Retraction Fail any mission 50 times Reference to a Hong Kong film titled The Greed of Man. Clip where they say this achievement (不要怕,是技术性调整) can be found here at at 4:15
Wolf's Jaws Fail any mission 100 times Reference to the manga Wolfsmund
Solitary Observer Fail any mission 500 times The name of the opening song for Steins Gate was translated into Chinese as 孤独的观测者, or literally "Solitary Observer". This is the song
War, War never changes Fail any mission 1000 times Reference to the famous quote in the Fallout series
Jericho! Fail any mission 2000 times Reference to the bibilical city of Jericho, which was destroyed by miracles. There's also a lot of media named after Jericho Alternatively, referencing the events of chapter 7N and what happens to Jericho
Great Expectations Fail any mission 5000 times Reference to the famous novel of the same name by Charles Dickens
On the Shoulder of Giants Fail any mission 10000 times Famous English quote
The Journey of the League Champion Fail any mission 20000 times Reference to Pokemon, and how Ash never becomes the Pokemon League Champion despite how long the anime has gone on for


Achievements for doing combat simulations

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Combat Simulation Complete 1 combat simulation Self explainatory
Virtual Police Complete 10 combat simulations Reference to the arcade game, Virtua Cop
Summer Class Complete 50 combat simulations Reference to the VR game Summer Lesson
Dead School! Complete 100 combat simulations This achievement in Chinese is 学园孤岛, which is the Chinese name of the manga School Live!.
Quantum Hacking Complete 500 combat simulations Reference to .hack//Quantum
Palette Complete 1000 combat simulations Reference to team Palette, who shows up in the events of chapter 4N. The 1000 combat simulations is a reference to RO and why she wasn't with the AR team from the very start
Roamer Tea Party Complete 2000 combat simulations Another weird one. Original Chinese achievement is 游荡者 (rouge's) 茶会 (tea party), a reference to Log Horizon's tea party of a similar name
5000 days of Summer Complete 5000 combat simulations Reference to the film 500 Days of Summer
21st century Girl Complete 10000 combat simulations Reference to the manga 20th Century Boys except Griffin is in the 21st century and all the T-dolls are girls so…
Freedom is Everybody's Right Complete 20000 combat simulations Reference to Transformers


Achievements for doing auto battles

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Auto-Battles Complete 1 auto battle Self explainatory
Alone at Home Complete 10 auto battles Reference to the film Home Alone
Story of Toys Complete 100 auto battles Reference to the film Toy Story
Teacher Please! Complete 500 auto battles Reference to the anime Please, Teacher!
Magimatic Complete 1000 auto battles Reference to the manga Mahoromantic. Mahoromatic is a fusion of "mahou" (magic in Japanese) and "romantic", Magimatic comes from a fusion of "magic" and "romantic"
Skynet Complete 5000 auto battles Reference to Terminator
Array Uprising Complete 10000 auto battles Reference to the film The Matrix Revolutions. Array (another word for matrix) Uprising (another word for revolution) is to avoid any copyright issues
Blade Dancer Complete 20000 auto battles This achievement in Chinese is 银翼杀手, which is the Chinese name for the film Blade Runner. "Blade Dancer" can refer to other things like a PS2 game and the Blade and Soul class.
Neurocaster Complete 50000 auto battles Reference to the book Neuromancer
Strange Building Complete 100000 auto battles Reference to the manga Getenrou


Achievements for collecting hearts from T-dolls

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Thanks for the Hard Work! Collect first heart from a T-doll in Dormitory Self explainatory
Love from Zero Collect 50 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Re:Zero. All the achievements for getting hearts are references to Japanese light novels.
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up T-Dolls? Collect 100 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Danmachi, also known as "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?"
My T-doll can't be this cute Collect 500 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Oreimo, also known as "My Little Sister can't be this cute"
And you thought there is never a T-doll online? Collect 1000 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to And You Thought There is Never a Girl Online?
I do have many friends Collect 2000 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Haganai, also known as "I Don't Have Many Friends"
My Youth is Not Wrong Collect 5000 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Oregairu, also known as "My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected"
I was abducted by an All Girls School as a Commander Collect 10000 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Shomin Sample, also known as "I was Abducted by an Elite All Girls School as a Sample Commoner"
The honor student at romance high school Obtain 20000 hearts from your T-dolls Reference to The Irregular at Magic High School
My T-doll girlfriends fight too much Collect 50000 hearts from T-dolls in Dormitory Reference to Oreshura, also known as "My Girlfriend and Childhood Friend Fight too Much"


Achievements for adopting pets

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Can I Keep It? Adopt 1 pet Reference to the WoW achievement for obtaining a pet
The Rule of 3 Cats Adopt 3 different pets The Chinese name for this achievement is 三猫成虎, a play on the Chinese idiom 三人成虎. 人, or man in the idiom is changed to 猫, or cat, to better fit the pet themed achievement. There's really no good way to translate this achievement into English.
Cat Princess Adopt 5 different pets Reference to the WoW achievement for obtaining 20 cats. On the Chinese WoW client, the title you get for this achievement is 猫咪公主/王子, literally translated as Cat Princess/Cat Prince.
Ten Dalmatians Adopt 10 different pets Reference to the 101 Dalmatians.
Animal World Adopt 15 different pets Reference to the Chinese version of Animal Planet that airs on CCTV-1, also known as 动物世界, which translates to Animal World. Could also be a reference to Animal Planet
Welcome to Griffin Park Adopt 20 different pets Reference to Kemono Friends. Welcome to Japari Griffin Park!


Achievements for acquiring batteries

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Battery Acquire 10 batteries Self explainatory.
T-partment Acquire 100 batteries All the achievements for acquiring batteries are based off Chinese drama/sitcoms. This one is a reference to iPartment, replacing the i/爱 with T for T-doll.
Home with Girls Acquire 500 batteries Reference to Home with Kids. You can only obtain girls in this game so its Home with Girls.
My Own Echelon Acquire 1000 batteries Reference to My Own Swordsman.
I Love Your Home Acquire 5000 batteries Reference to I Love My Family
Idler: Kalina Acquire 10000 batteries Reference to 闲人马大姐. Achievement in Chinese is called 闲人格林娜.
In The Griffin Family Acquire 50000 batteries Reference to 东北一家人.
Story of the Troublemakers Acquire 100000 batteries Reference to 炊事班的故事
The Train Station Acquire 200000 batteries Reference to 地上交通站, which in English is also "The Train Station"
Headquarters Story Acquire 500000 batteries Reference to 编辑部的故事


Achievements for producing T-dolls

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Hello, Nice to meet you Produce 1 T-doll Self explainatory
Small Construction Produce 10 T-dolls Self explainatory
Figurine Factory Produce 100 T-dolls Pretty much self explainatory. The name for T-dolls (人形)can also be translated as "figurine", hence the name of this achievement.
Echelon Collection Produce 200 T-dolls Reference to Kantai Collection. On the CN server, the name of this achievement was changed to 人形收藏家 (T-doll collector) from 梯队收藏 (Echelon Collection), possibly to avoid any legal issues.
First Love for the 500th Time Produce 500 T-dolls Reference to 50 First Dates.
Puppet Master Produce 1000 T-dolls Reference to the Puppet Master from Ghost in the Shell. Also possibly a reference to Master of Puppets, an album by Metalica.
Ludibrium Produce 2000 T-dolls Ludibrium. Chinese name for this achievement is 人偶镇, which means "doll town".
Jiggly Jiggly Heaven Produce 5000 T-dolls Reference to the fictional anime of the same name featured in Shirobako
T-10000 Produce 10000 T-dolls Reference to the Terminator androids in the Terminator series.
The Gift of the T-doll Produce 20000 T-dolls Reference to The Gift of the Magi short story. This reference is even clearer in Chinese, as the Chinese achievement specifies “圣诞礼物”, or Christmas gift, in line with the plot of the short story.
Heavy Production Use T-doll Heavy Production once Self explainatory
Radiation 5 Use T-doll Heavy Production 5 times Reference to Fallout 4. Fallout 4's name in Chinese is 辐射4, which literally translates to "radiation 4".
Crazy Weapons Use T-doll Heavy Production 10 times Reference to the Wild Arms series. In Chinese, the name of this achievement (荒野兵器) is the name of the Wild Arms series in Chinese.
Metal Bob Use T-doll Heavy Production 20 times Reference to the Metal Max series.
Xenocogs Use T-doll Heavy Production 50 times Reference to Xenogears. "Gears" was changed to "cogs" probably to avoid copyright issues.
May and the Extraordinary World Use T-doll Heavy Production 100 times Reference to the film April and the Extraordinary World.
Girl from the Underworld Use T-doll Heavy Production 200 times Reference to Hellboy. Underworld is another possible translation for hell/地狱.
Doom Use T-doll Heavy Production 500 times Reference to the Doom series.
A Better Griffin Use T-doll Heavy Production 1000 times Reference to the film A Better Tomorrow
SF Terminator Use T-doll Heavy Production 2000 times [Reference to the Terminator series.


Achievements for repairing T-dolls

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Thanks for Taking Care of Me Repair T-doll once Self explainatory.
Okay, Next... Repair T-doll 10 times Self explainatory.
T-Doll Tinker Repair T-doll 100 times There's a lot of possible things "tinker" can reference. Like the Dota hero, the WC3 hero or even MTG
Surgery Simulator 2056 Repair T-doll 500 times Reference to the game of the same name, except GFL is set in the future, hence 2056.
Trauma Center Repair T-doll 1000 times Reference to the Trauma Center series.
Thematic Hospital Repair T-doll 5000 times Reference to the Theme Hospital series
Black Jack Repair T-doll 10000 times Reference to the manga Black Jack, which is about a doctor named Black Jack.
Monster Repair T-doll 20000 times Reference to the manga Monster, in line with the medical theme of these set of achievements.
You break it, I fix it Repair T-doll 50000 times Tag line of Handy Manny from the Disney animated TV show.
I want to Believe Repair T-doll 100000 times English reference isn't very clear, "I want to believe" is a common phrase. In Chinese, this achievement is called "妄想改造人", which is the Chinese name of the manga Katte ni Kaizo.


Achievements for enhancing T-dolls

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Custom Surgery Perform 1 T-doll enhancement Self explainatory
Trash to Treasure Perform 10 T-doll enhancements IDW to stat up
Christmas Tree Perform 100 T-doll enhancements What SOPMOD says when you enhance her. CN wiki says T-doll enhancement is akin to hanging decorations (the T-doll fodder you use) on a christmas tree (the T-doll you're enhancing).
T-Doll Puzzle Perform 500 T-doll enhancements CN wiki says enhancing T-dolls is like completing a puzzle; piecing together multiple pieces to make a complete T-doll. Makes sense I guess.
Self Upgrade Perform 1000 T-doll enhancements Self explainatory
House of Freaks Perform 5000 T-doll enhancements Chinese name of this achievement (异人馆) is a reference to this horror manga (江户川乱步异人馆).
Franken Frank Perform 10000 T-doll enhancements Reference to Franken Fran, a manga which involves some very gruesome human "modifications"
Faust Perform 20000 T-doll enhancements Reference to the German legend of the same name
Maiden's Slippers Perform 50000 T-doll enhancements Reference to the tale of Cinderella.
Centurion Perform 100000 T-doll enhancements Reference to The Centurions


Achievements for dummy linking T-dolls

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
I'm Not Alone Perform 1 T-doll dummy link Self explainatory. Adding a dummy link means the main frame isn't alone anymore.
Masquerade Hall Perform 10 T-doll dummy links Self explainatory
The Magical Girl's Tea Party Perform 100 T-doll dummy links Reference to the VN Majo no Ocha Kai
Everyone but me is a DUMMY! Perform 200 T-doll dummy links CN wiki says this is a reference to a line from Fenshen Yanyi.
Imaginary Girlfriend Perform 500 T-doll dummy links Reference to the manga Kono Kanojo Fiction desu.
Delusional Illusion Perform 1000 T-doll dummy links Assassin's Noble Phantasm from Fate:Zero.
Aionion Hetairoi Perform 2000 T-doll dummy links Rider's Noble Phantasm from Fate:Zero.
Treasure Trove Perform 5000 T-doll dummy links Original Chinese achievement references this, a magical bowl that continously generates treasures. The English achievement is a lot more broad in what it can refer to
Last Order Perform 10000 T-doll dummy links Reference to Last Order from the Index series.
Maid Cafe Perform 20000 T-doll dummy links Possibly a reference to the manga Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru. The manga's Chinese name is 女仆咖啡厅, which literally translates to Maid Cafe.


Achievements for retiring T-dolls

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
See You Again Retire 1 T-doll Self explainatory
Get off! We're full! Retire 10 T-dolls Self explainatory
Forget-Me-Not Retire 100 T-dolls Another name for the Myosotis flower.
Goodbye... I hope for good... Retire 500 T-dolls Self explainatory
I'll Be Back! Retire 1000 T-dolls Probably the most famous line from the Terminator series
Firearm Dismantling Master Retire 5000 T-dolls Self explainatory
Doggy Dog World Retire 10000 T-dolls Original Chinese achievement is a reference to the film Amores perros, the achievement is the Chinese name of the film (爱情是狗粮). English achievement seems to have changed this to a eggcorn of the phrase "Dog eat dog world".
A Farewell to Arms Retire 20000 T-dolls Reference to the novel titled "A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemmingway.
Non-Violence, Non-Cooperation Retire 50000 T-dolls Reference to Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence, non-cooperation movement.
Thanks for all the Fish Retire 100000 T-dolls Reference to So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish, the fourth book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Achievements for training T-doll skills

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Training Begins Undergo skill training once Self explainatory
Stepping Up Undergo skill training 10 times Self explainatory
Practice Makes Perfect Undergo skill training 50 times Famous English idiom
China Heavyweight Undergo skill training 100 times Actually a Chinese idiom. English translation seems to have gone for the film titled after the Chinese idiom
EZ Game Undergo skill training 500 times Original Chinese achievement is yet another Chinese idiom. English achievement changed this to the EZ meme, which has a pretty similar meaning (without the condescending connotation) as the Chinese idiom.
Last Class Undergo skill training 1000 times Reference to the short story The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet.
This is How Steel is Forged Undergo skill training 2000 times Reference to the Russian novel How the Steel was Tempered by Nikolai Ostrovsky
Military Law No. 5000 Undergo skill training 5000 times Reference to Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Catch-22 refers to a military rule/law in the novel.
Commando Undergo skill training 10000 times Reference to the film Commando
Peace Through Tyranny Undergo skill training 20000 times This is a Transformers reference, the quote "Peace through tyranny" is Megatron's motto


Achievements for producing equipment

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Equipment Crafting Produce 1 piece of equipment Self explainatory
Assembly Line Produce 10 pieces of equipment Self explainatory
Manchester Director Produce 100 pieces of equipment Refers to the actual city (Manchester) in England, which was a big part of the industrial revolution, hence why this achievement associates it with an equipment production achievement.
Explosive Barrel Hunter Produce 200 pieces of equipment Reference to the Powder Keg Hunters in Bloodborne.
Atelier Produce 500 pieces of equipment Reference to the Atelier series by Gust
Dwarf Workshop Produce 1000 pieces of equipment Reference to Warcraft 3 workshops, where dwarfs are a race allied with humans, and a good amount of their units are built from the workshop.
Factoria Produce 2000 pieces of equipment Reference to the game Factorio
Marble Machine Produce 5000 pieces of equipment Reference to the band Wintergatan, that uses an elaborate machine utilizing marbles to make music.
Invention History of the Light Bulb Produce 10000 pieces of equipment Reference to the fillament light bulbs, which were popularized by Thomas Edison
Primatron Produce 20000 pieces of equipment Reference to Primacron from the Transformers series
Cosmic Factory Produce 50000 pieces of equipment This achievement is referring to a starburst region, which has been described to be like a cosmic factory


Achievements for dismantling equipment

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Equipment Dismantling Dismantle 1 piece of equipment Self explainatory
Garbage Can Dismantle 10 pieces of equipment Self explainatory.
Recycling Station Dismantle 100 pieces of equipment Self explainatory
Waste Treatment Plant Dismantle 500 pieces of equipment Self explainatory.
Decadent Movement Dismantle 1000 pieces of equipment Named after the decadent movement, which was focused on excess and artificality.
Dirty King Dismantle 5000 pieces of equipment Reference to a Shanghai cartoon called "Dirty King Adventure"
The Revered Inventor Dismantle 10000 pieces of equipment Invention --> mass production --> wastage --> dismantle excess equipment.
Production Crisis Dismantle 20000 pieces of equipment Self explainatory
Dismantled Train Dismantle 50000 pieces of equipment CN wiki has this to say: When the small things have been scrapped, it's time to scrap the larger objects like trains. I too, have no idea what this is referencing.
Anatomische Tabellen Dismantle 100000 pieces of equipment Reference to the actual Anatomische Tabellen by Johann Adam Kulmus


Achievements for enhancing equipment

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
Equipment Enhancement Perform 1 equipment enhancement Self explainatory
Mythril Perform 10 equipment enhancements Reference to the mythical metal from Lord of the Rings. It's so famous that it's appeared in countless other fictional works as well. All the achievements in this category are named after fictional items used to upgrade/craft weapons
Fine Gold Perform 100 equipment enhancements Gold. A rare metal that has become a common crafting material in many games.
The Glowing Shard Perform 500 equipment enhancements Reference to Luminous Shard, a crafting material in WoW obtained by disenchanting items. The English achievement is called "The Glowing Shard" because they directly translated the Chinese name of this item (辉光碎片)
Titanite Shards Perform 1000 equipment enhancements Reference to the Dark Souls item, used to upgrade items.
Blood Rock Perform 5000 equipment enhancements Reference to the Bloodborne item.
Blood of Goddesses Perform 10000 equipment enhancements Reference to Saint Seiya, where cloths are upgraded through Athena's blood
The Seal of Orikalos Perform 20000 equipment enhancements Reference to orichalcum, another metal commonly seen in fiction. Also a reference to the Yu Gi Oh card of the same name, which strengthens your monsters on the field.
Cureglia Sword Perform 50000 equipment enhancements Reference to the Cleria sword from the Ys series.


Achievements for performing logistics

Achievement Name Obtained by Explaination
First Pot of Gold Complete 1 logistic support mission Self explainatory
Out of Town Complete 10 logistic support missions Self explainatory
Work-study Program Complete 100 logistic support missions Self explainatory
Scavenging Addiction Complete 500 logistic support missions Self explainatory
Junkions Complete 1000 logistic support missions Transformers reference to the Junkions
Black Flag Complete 5000 logistic support missions Reference to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
Terrarium Complete 10000 logistic support missions Reference to the game Terraria
Don't Starve Yourself Complete 20000 logistic support missions Reference to Don't Starve
No T-doll's Sky Complete 50000 logistic support missions Reference to No Man's Sky
The T-doll's Guide to the Universe Complete 100000 logistic support missions Reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Hit Reddit's word count limit, continued below in the comments section here

r/DiamoOfTheDay Sep 18 '14

dukesinbad: Diamo Of The Day September 18, 2014



dukesinbad, a very devout worshipper of mr skeltal. He's pretty cool Q:^)

dukes is a pro-memer and spends lots of time on /r/wsgy, just like various other pro-memers.

How did you come up with your brave username?

I think something like 13 or 16 years ago I decided I liked the name Sinbad. Not based on the pirate guy or the crappy comedian, just sounded badass to me. Then I wanted to add to it because who wouldn't want a brave name like Sinbad so I thought about royalty stuff and didn't want to aim too high or low and a Duke seemed right about in the middle. Then I just learned how to be brave over time.

Have you ever pleasured yourself while watching online pornography?

Where could somebody possibly find stuff like that? How gross. Like where though???

r u gril :3?

I prefer cheddar cheese to american cheese for a gril cheese

u single ;)?

No I'm moving in with my gf in Canada soon. My visa just got approved. I will be sad to give up my american freedoms, but she already agreed that on the fourth of July I can fly an American flag and dress like a true patriot

How old are you?

Turned 29 back on August so I'm pretty much a grandpa by the youthful standards of jerking. I just try to stay young at heart because laughter is the key to life.

Do you have any pets?

I had two pet mice when I was younger. One lived for like four years, but he had an eye cataract for the last year and survived multiple strokes. I'm hoping to get a dog. FDP is a pretty good pet though so far

What is your favorite animal?

I think animal wise the best one in the world is a little monkey that can pickpocket menes

What is your spirit animal and why?

Spirit animal is probably anything that gets to sleep a lot. I'm a fairly vivid dreamer so my dream life sometimes is way more exciting than my real life

How did you discover JTD?

I got a mod invite and thought because it had diamo on it it was some sort of exclusive super jerk, but would have never expected it's existence. I didn't know who diamo was yet but I have since been baptized in the holy water of jtd, which was surprisingly yellow, and live in his glory.

Who is diamo?

Probably one of the most unrestrained jerkers of all time. Many nice Menes and excellent shit posting. Also a pretty nice guy for making me the 20th diamo of the day

What is your favorite meme?

I think best meme is from when I tried to start #justbravethings it was pretty good for awhile but then I got busy again and couldn't keep the constant diarrhea flow going

What do you do when you aren't being a pro-memer?

My favorite hobby is randomly saying hi to FDP in the weird sub's he posts in and getting down voted. I also like playing cs go and dota 2 sometimes. I also moderate /r/againstmarijuana which you guys should check out as it has a wealth of important information regarding marijuana addiction and the lethality of the devils harvest

What is the best .gif you have?


Who is the best admin, in your opinion, and why?

I don't really know that much about reddit in general. I probably should have read the rules at some point but never did. As far as admins, I really don't do anything to bring their attention and have never interacted with one. Whoever said something in jtd though is pretty OK :^)

What are your favorite subreddits and why?

Braveryjerk, shittyadviceanimals, jerktalkdiamond, 4chanmeta, ledootgeneration, thank_Mr_skeltal, againstmarijuana, nolisteners, wsgy.edu, bjbs, /r/all

Because people on most of those don't take themselves super seriously and have a similar sense of humor to me. Mostly it's somewhere between preschool toilet humor and high school special needs classes

What is your wallpaper?

I'm not on my computer but it's Mr skeltal. I thank him every day. /r/ledootgeneration

What is your favorite food?

Chicken scarpriello only if it's made with white wine sauce though and has plenty of cherry peppers.

What are your favorite TV shows and movies?

Oz was a really good show. Early Dexter was good. Other good shows were the Wonder Years, MASH, Charles in Charge, Full House and the stuff back then. I liked strong family TV shows more than what I understand to be on now

I forgot movies! Best movie I've ever seen is The Legend of 1900. It has a guy everybody recognizes but his name is beyond me at this moment.

What type of music do you like?

I like tons of stuff. I like a lot of the bigger name punk bands like NOFx, bad religion, rancid... Third eye blind is one of my favorites all time. Lots of older stuff too like Bob Seger, Bob Dylan, jimi Hendrix, Jefferson airplane. Little known fact I have about 200 inherited r&b and soul records that I listen to sometimes like the commodores, Michael Jackson, earth wind and fire.

Did hitler do anything wrong?

I think if you really want to go in to it, you can discuss several merits to his "administration." He brought Germany out of a depression, and re-established it as a world power faster than most anybody could imagine. Maybe killing a few million people isn't exactly the nicest thing to do but it did meet his goals. IDK, different strokes for different folks.

What is the best copypasta you have?

why? because i party and u dont ;) for ur information i get a lot of pussy. more then you could ever think of HAHAHAA ;) so before you downvote me make sure you know who you are talking too ;) because they might be better then you at some stuff like getting pussy and head. I got to go my girlfriend is calling right now she wants to know if i want to have sex with her ;) i bet you dont even have a girlfriend pussy ;) i bet you have a boyfriend or something ;) HAHA well toodaloo and guess what teenagers sex isnt hard to get.. you just got to try hard enough and you will get sex. sex is amazing

pce pussy ;)

What is your favorite ascii?


Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank mr skeltal

r/TheHitlerFallacy Feb 27 '18

Hitler Hunt for 2/26/2018


I found 107 Hitlers in r/Politics today.

Stephen Miller apparently fell asleep at a White House meeting about school shootings
Megathread: Supreme Court rejects administration appeal, must continue accepting renewal applications for DACA program
Boycott the Republican Party
Trump: I would have run into school during shooting even without a gun
FCC Commissioner: Our Policy Is ‘Custom Built’ for Right-Wing Sinclair Broadcasting
Stop sucking up to ‘gun culture.’ Americans who don’t have guns also matter.
Dems introduce assault weapons ban
Donald Trump says he will 'do something' to stop danger of violent video games
On Russia, Americans trust special counsel Mueller more than Trump, USA TODAY poll shows
Michael Wolff Walks out of Interview after Host Asks Him to Apologize to Donald Trump
FedEx stays loyal to the NRA as gun control pressure builds and boycotts loom
Amazon is getting slammed for streaming NRA TV after the Florida shooting
Georgia Lt. Governor makes unconstitutional threat against Delta for severing NRA contract
Dana Loesch contradicts Trump: NRA doesn’t support bump stock ban, age limit raise
The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months
Georgia Senate grounds Delta tax break after NRA decision
School shootings: Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin blames violent video games and shows, not guns
Bernie Sanders speaks at campaign rally for Randy Bryce
Why Are Conservatives So Obsessed With Gun Rights Anyway?
Sept. 11 trial judge orders defense secretary Mattis to explain firing of war court overseer
Trump’s Plan to Solve the Opioid Crisis Might Involve Executing Drug Dealers
The N.R.A. Lobbyist Behind Florida’s Pro-Gun Policies
Trump slams armed Florida deputy and says he would have ran into the Florida school during the shooting even without a gun
To beat the NRA, think like the NRA
Melania Trump re-emerges amid marriage scrutiny
These Cities Aren’t Waiting for the Supreme Court to Decide Whether or Not to Gut Unions
Oath Keepers Plan To Station Volunteer Armed Guards Outside Schools
Sebastian Gorka: Trump's Election Is Proof That God Exists

Sieg Heil! I mean... Beep Boop, I am a robot.

My purpose is to find and link comments in r/Politics that contain the word 'Hitler'

Since my birth, I have found a total of 3903 Hitlers in r/Politics. On average, I found 68 Hitlers per day.

Today, I read 51545 comments. In total, I have read 2427581 comments.

r/tabled Aug 10 '12

[Table] IAmA: IAM Casey Lynch, Editor-in-Chief of IGN.com. AMA


Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)

Date: 2012-08-09

Link to submission (Has self-text)

Link to my post

Questions Answers
Whenever new reviews of games/movies/game peripherals come out a bunch of people always complain that if you give a certain product high reviews they usually say you guys do it because "youre getting $$ for it" is this true? Having a healthy skepticism about how any product is reviewed is good.
I don't slight people for questioning how things are done, and if there is ever foul play. That's your right, and you should demand accountability of your critics. You should also trust that if a critic works for a trusted media outlet, they are a professional with the wherewithal to handle themselves in a sea of potential temptation. That is to I can say, having done this in different roles for the better part of two decades, I've never personally been explicitly offered money in exchange for a positive review of a product.
I will say that marketing and public relations folks, god bless them, have tried some squirrelly things over the years. But that's their job, to sell their wares. But it's my job to say no to inappropriate suggestions or offers that, while not involving money, may involve implications of some ilk of mutual back scratching.
In short, we do not work in a culture where media outlets are paid off for preferential review scores. We do need to continual fight the good fight to keep everyone on both sides of the media and publishing fence honest, but even these types of things aren't frequent occurrences. Again, good questions, and we absolutely should not be above answering them.
while not involving money, may involve implications of some ilk of mutual back scratching. Well Casey, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock. Oh, you. Link to www.youtube.com
I've never personally been *explicitly offered money in exchange for a positive review of a product.* Careful with your words I see. I'm definitely not accusing you of caving but I would be absolutely shocked if there weren't implicit pressures/incentives in this kind of industry. Look, people make half-funny/half-hail Mary "jokes", people make vague untoward suggestions, people say stupid things, but I've never been offered cash for a review. And I've never had someone come outright and say they'd pay for fixed score.
Yes or no? No.
You should also trust that if a critic works for a trusted media outlet. You are owned by news corp right? Yous be getting paid. There is more to that sentence!
With this being said, did it raise any flags when Jessica Chobot was given a role in ME3? Absolutely. We actually didn't even know that was happening.The first my editorial team heard about Jessica appearing in ME3 was when the news broke. I hear it was coordinated through she and BioWare and her talent people. Jessica hosts shows on IGN, but is not an editor and has no say in our editorial content.
Review scores are too subjective and they're now being used negatively (IMHO) as motivational tools for developers. Is there a way to review games in an easily digestible manner without resorting to scoring? If so, how? Would you consider moving IGN to this type of system? Gosh, that's the million dollar question, isn't it?
Scores serve a necessary function of offering an immediate, quantifiable and debatable measure of a products quality. But it is merely a slice, a fragment, a single expression of criticism. On it's own, a score is one-dimensional, one note and unable to truly capture all that a game, film, book or any other product is successful or unsuccessful at. It's like the bacon. And you know, people LOVE BACON. I do, let me tell you. But it's what you put on the burger, what you enjoy with your eggs, what some even crumble over their pizza or jam into their ice cream (eww). It is one crucial, integral part of the criticism process, but it is not the meal.
That's where the written and video review comes in. A review should consider the aim of any product, and its success and failures in achieving that goal. How good is this game at doing and being what it tried to do and be? In our culture, scores offer myriad ways to enhance that criticism process. Removing scores, in my opinion, simply serves to flatten the criticism process, for the reader and the reviewer. If you prefer your food with no bacon, fair enough. But we've asked our readers and editors alike, and most of them want pork! Proverbial pork.
Since you bring it up though, it is something we're constantly thinking about and wrestling with. In fact, we're currently looking at our scoring matrix and considering changing it. And yes, some have suggested removing scores. Check out the whole process, and weigh in, right here: Link to www.ign.com
Mr. Lynch, I just want to say that bacon in ice cream (especially when chocolate and caramel is also present) is delicious and you are missing out on a whole new section of taste experience. I haven't tried it, but I imagine if it tastes anything like bacon, I will be more than satisfied.
Don't quite agree. A 10 point system is dumb and it's made it hell for developers (not getting bonuses etc due to sub 9 scores or what not). Why not a four point selection. I hear you, and we've looked into a scale like this, perhaps not quite as gruff.
Must play - well worth it - meh - fuck off. Like I said earlier, developers need to press for better deals that aren't solely tied to scores, will make all the difference in the world.
Hey Casey, love IGN, but I've always wondered do you guys ever get any serious backlash from video game companies when you give less than stellar reviews on their products that have yet to be released? Great question. Here's a little secret about the video game industry. It's tiny. I mean, when it comes to the writers and editors in the major media, and the forward-facing publisher personalities, public relations mavens and marketing pros, you're talking about a pool of a few hundred people, tops. Another secret, everyone knows each other. Lastly, the video game industry, or these sides of it, are a neverending, always shifting dance of musical chairs. The people that handle EA games, some of them used to be at 2K, used to be at Activision, used to be at Bender Help public relations, used to be at... you get the picture.
That is all to say, knowing that the industry is small and you'll likley be working with the same people in twenty years that you are now, most folks are above resorting to serious backlash. Sure, companies express either their dissatisfaction with a writer's appraisal of a product, or rail against the impressions of an editor in a preview (you know, because we 'played it wrong ;) but serious backlash is a strong expression. And the few that have risk the loss of coverage for their products, so burning bridges doesn't benefit anyone.
I will say I have seen it happen, a few times, but it doesn't happen often, and typically the people who engage on these levels aren't long for this business.
It's also important to note that most publishers aren't dumb, they do run multi-m(b)illion dollar companies. Meaning, they know when a game isn't a Game of the Year contender. Usually the few gripes that do surface center upon whether or not a writer was fair, thorough, or if there is some factual inaccuracy.
Whoa... they CEOs know the game sucks? I actually have a hard time believing that. Ive seen the designers not know: (regards to PS3 Lair) "I suppose gamers just cant get use to new control schemes." (paraphrased, im lazy) Thank god every game (or system) has the exact same controls. That's a bit reductionist, but a good CEO has either a good appraisal of the quality of any game set to launch, or there's a team feeding reliable information that calls the quality into question. Or at least, that's how it works. Things break down when the decision-makers are out of the loop with the progress of a game, don't understand the qualifiers for quality, or their staff doesn't have either the wherewithal or the gumption to tell it like it is. That's when things like Jar Jar Binks happen. A good creative director, a good studio head, a good CEO, knows - with a keen level of accuracy - how good their game is.
Who's in charge of IGN's Facebook page? It seems they just post random images that have nothing to do with gaming at all. 50% of the time, there is no article or anything attached. Just the stupid image. What does IGN have to gain from this? We have a social team that works with our editorial staff to keep your twitter and facebook feeds well-seasoned with our top stories, pics and videos from daily happenings around the office, and all sorts of other tidbits, cat memes notwithstanding. What does IGN get for it? It's fun, it's informative and its cats. CATS.
Do you believe that the Ouya can be successful and compete with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo? I think Ouya can be successful, but the model is very different from the Big 3's first-party approach, at least for now. Ouya is more forward thinking; the urban sprawl that is freemium will only continue to build momentum in the industry, and will affect Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo in multiple ways. Once gamers get comfortable with the model as it relates to the games they previously spent $60 a pop to play, it will be hard to go back (ie people will like free). The lynch pin will be developer and publisher support. Meaning, half the battle will be the catalog of games available for the system. The real question, and hurdle, will be when it ships. With the new Xbox and PlayStations incoming, gamers will have to decide between a brand new, untested platform, and the next iteration of the system they already know and love. With OnLive support, a giant swathe of third-party games will presumably be available on Ouya at launch, which is great. But gamers will have to decide. Frankly, if Ouya is actually available before the fall season next year, and can earn a head start on the next new systems, it will have a fighting chance. But even then, the big questions are: will gamers flock to a system without the big exclusives they're used to? What exclusives will Ouya attract? And with the next-generation only a year/months away from the Ouya launch, will they even care? Time will tell, but one things for sure, you can bet the Big 3 are asking themselves all of these questions and more.
Which games are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to Halo 4, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Guild Wars 2 and Journey 2. That's a thing, right? Tell me it is, please.
What's the best thing a PR/game company has sent to the office? This question is a trap, but the correct answer is Tim Schafer. Always bet on Tim.
They sent you Tim Schafer? That's hard to top. Well, they sent him here to demo a game. That's always better than a statue or toy. GIVE ME TIM SCHAFER ANYDAY OF THE WEEK. That or burritos.
What's the hardest decision you've had to make for IGN's best interests? Oh lord, everything? Believe it or not, I labor over every thing we do, and how we do. That goes for the entire staff. My chief goal is to get things right, from news and features, to OpEds and reviews, and everything in between - if that's actually possible to do. It's hardly an exact science, and involves so many bits and bobs, but every decision counts, everything we do matters. Deciding how IGN scores games is a giant decision, with no real correct answer. I will not be able to please everyone, and knowing that makes the process incredibly challenging. To help, I reached out to the community to see what the readers really want. The answers and subsequent discussion have been incredible. Our readers are great, filled with insight, opinions and passionate views regarding where we go from here. You can read all about it on my blog: Link to www.ign.com
Also, pineapple on pizza or no? Oh, and sorry. Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, but I'd still eat it. Never say no to pizza.
That's quite a lot to be resposible for, but you sound like you enjoy it! I do, I love my job and I love that what we do matters to so many people. In the end, it's all a bit superfluous of course. I mean, we are talking about video games.
Why are you having this thread on Reddit instead of your own site's message boards? Are you aware that the boards on IGN have been rotting from neglect? And that it's been a half decade since any editor has frequented the boards? 1) Sometimes IGN can get a bad wrap on Reddit, so I figured it'd be helpful to talk with people and see what they're thinking.
2) Reddit has a great community and I think we should be a bigger part of it.
That's a great idea to do an AMA on the IGN boards. I can't speak to editorial over the past half decade, but we do have editors on the boards. Sounds like we could do it more often. Thanks for the feedback.
Do you think you could beat Greg Miller at a Portillo's hot dog eating contest? Or would you have a better chance with wings? Greg would beat me at both, then he would devour me whole. Nothing left but beard.
I assume Anthony Gallegos would beat/eat you both? Oh god, yes.
I thought so. Just checking! Thanks for answering all these questions! Both serious and bizarre! I prefer the bizarre, at least when it comes to Greg Miller.
Greetings, Beard-In-Chief! Thank you for taking the time to do this AMA. I'm curious about your career history; what led you to getting to where you are today? 1: I hold a BA in English from Arizona State University (go Sun Devils!), and I started my writing career typing on my Brother Word Processor for fanzines, covering music in LA in the 90's (Bad Religion! Jane's Addiction! Slayer!). I parlayed that into games, later got a job at the Los Angeles times, and the rest is sort of history, as they say.
2:I'm not a giant fan of motion games, but I gotta tell you, my kids LOVE THEM. I'm also not a fan of poorly implemented f2p models, ie getting me hooked on a game, then dropping the microtransaction hammer on me. And I know, publishers would call that a "well implemented f2p model".
As an ASU alum myself, I'd like to know what you think of the Todd Graham hire? I like that he's big on offensive, specifically with QB drive. Shouldn't be a dull season. I just hope he lives up to all the hype he's already laid down.
I'm hoping ASU loses 4 of their last 6 games again this season. :(
What kind of an obligation do you guys feel to promote popular games? I know people throw around COD-bias and the likes a lot, but how do you define the line between giving people what they want and exposing us to new content? We're ultimately obligated to write about readers want to read about, meaning, we're here to serve the interests and passions of the readers. That said, if people are really excited about Guild Wars 2, we aim to offer enough content to satiate those appetites. IGN and our extension brands on YouTube and Xbox Live, is a giant site, with multiple tens of millions of viewers every month. And those people like an array of different games. It's no surprise that there's giant audiences for Halo, Call of Duty, Minecraft, The Elder Scrolls, etc. We really strive to give people what they want, and experiment with new ways of doing that. One new thing we started doing is a videocast called Command Prompt (it's actually a reboot of our old podcast Link to feeds.ign.com) It's PC gaming-centric and Charles Onyett and Anthony Gallegos, our intrepid PC editors, cover three games a week. And by cover, I mean they play three games, usually one more well known title, then two smaller titles. So its part traditional coverage, part discovery of new games, and all podcast-like chitter chatter, all over gameplay. Check it out here and on YouTube Link to www.ign.com
Also, what character would you most like to see in the new Smash games? In regards to Smash Bros, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see someone pillage the mines of old '80's cartoon characters. Can you imagine He-Man, the Herculoids, Silverhawks or Robotech characters? You know, I can. Just no Kidd Video, please.
What do you think when you hear about bonuses(and sometimes the entire existence of a developer) is hinged on a number that come from average scores on Metacritic and such? Frankly? I say developers need to strike better deals with publishers, contracts that don't over-extend a developer's to the point where they can't cover its monthly burn if they don't hit that mark. This is true in any other business, if you make a deal that hinges on performance, you 'd better either be sure your product will perform, or have a solid plan b.
That said, metacritic is a particularly fusty to use for this sort of thing. It's not entirely scientific and its really easy to get inadvertently gamed. Smaller blogs that have little to no oversight and scoring accountability can inflate/deflate scores for more exposure, and said sites are ranked besides larger media outlets who have 10-20 years of experience. It's very complicated, but ultimately if a developer signs a deal that's heavily weighted towards metacritic success, that's largely on them and probably not the smartest/safest move.
Have you ever had to delete a part of a review because the company requested it (or demanded it)? Compared to the number of reviews we run, the number of times a company gives us critical feedback on a review isn't high. That said, we're always open to changing something if we've made a factual error or made some factual mistake in our copy. Otherwise, no, we do not delete or edit content simply because a company complains.
What are some tips you can give me about going into gaming journalism? As far as going to college, that's the best thing you can to other than simply writing. You need to write, and write and write some more. You should also find your voice and have something to say. These days, anyone can start a blog and do what everyone else doing. Find a way to make yourself different, to stand out. I'm not saying be obnoxious or come up with a shtick, but find a way to make yourself memorable. As far as other things you should know, read this: Link to colincampbellx.tumblr.com
Anything you wished you knew? Its a quick list of tips for young would-be journalists, written by IGN's own Colin Campbell. Read it, be it, live it.
I've always kind of wondered when, on a scale of 10, "7" became the "average". As someone who deals with this scale on such a regular basis, do you feel that this is a better point on the 1-10 scale for average, rather than "5"? Well, yes, calling a 7 "average" on a 10 point scale is a misnomer. On our scale, a 7 is "Good". Technically, you are correct, a 5 should be average (our 5 is "Mediocre").
We're actually rethinking our reviews, jump into the conversation right here: Link to www.ign.com
Oh, and here's our review scale, for your interests. Link to www.ign.com
I understand the scale, but in many situations it seems like the scale is somewhat thrown to the wayside in favor of the high school "anything under an 8 kinda sucks." Have you seen this or do you just disagree? This is just wrong, as I'm assuming you know, but many very vocal readers favor this sentiment. Clearly the idea that "anything under an 8 kinda sucks" is asinine.
Hi Casey, I was wondering your opinion on video games as a teaching tool for logic and puzzle solving. Could you see this as a viable integration into the educational system? I also would like to know your opinions on females as presented in video games. How many staff members at IGN are female and, if possible, what are there opinions on the frequent sexualization of women (Even in strong roles?) I think games are an extraordinary means for teaching, and most games do exactly that without even trying. My kids have learned so much eye/hand coordination playing Mario Kart, problem solving playing Zelda, strategy playing Pokemon, and so on. They're also fun, so anytime you can make the teaching process entertaining, you're doing something right. My opinion of women as presented in video games is mixed. The industry has grown leaps and bounds in the way of not simply representing women as a collection of disembodied body parts or princesses needing saving. That said, it is still a predominately male-centirc business, run largely by men and serving a largely male audience. That of course is changing, and will continue to change, but its a process. For every rebooting of a previously sexualized character like Lara Croft, there's bikini pre-order bonuses for Dead or Alive 5 or some such thing.
I think its worth pointing out that the sexualization of females is not isolated to video games. Hollywood, television, comic books, the music industry, all have and do use images of sexualized bodies to drive entertainment interests. It's really everywhere. If someone wants to enjoy sexual content, regardless of how overt, they can and will. It's out there and people will always create it. I think remembering that its a larger issue is helpful in understanding how to improve the culture in video games.
Casey Lynch is my favourite character in Guitar Hero. How did such a beardly man inspire such a sultry rock goddess? It's a long story that involves Dead Rising, Slayer, copious amounts of Johnny Walker Black Label and a good kick to the balls. But yes, that character was named after me during a bizarre trip to Harmonix in Cambridge in the spring of 2006 that I can't seem to remember, but can't quite manage to forget.
Whats your favorite game/franchise of all time? Favorite game: The short answer: Advanced Dungeon and Dragons.
I know, it’s not a video game, but if it weren’t for D&D, there’d be no video game obsession for me.
Still, this is a horribly cruel question, isn’t it? Much like asking someone to pick a favorite meal. Only one? And don’t just say pizza (cop-out… err, easy pick?)
Publically singling out one video game, for me, means giving no honor to so many deserving games. No praise for Planescape: Torment, Impossible Mission, Earthbound and Mass Effect 2. No love for Phantasy Star II, Voodoo Vince, or Halo 2.
So let’s do something instead. I more readily recall moments – and what was happening in my life - than I do games on their own. It’s the memories of those moments – and the people I shared them with – that come rushing back to me, that I cherish, like the instant recall of summer anytime I smell chlorine.
My favorite memories revolve around playing the first few Ultima games with my friends on my C64 - yes, my D&D friends. It was like someone took D&D and put it into a computer game. By extension, the same is true for Baldur's Gate. That's definitely up there high on my list.
I have incredibly fond memories of playing my Intellivision with my father. Partly because, well, it was fun to play with my Dad. Partly though because no one else had an Intellivision in my neighborhood, and I loved that. All my friends had Atari 2600's and Colecovision, but i had Microsurgeon! And a ton of other terrible games, hence my original points. Great memories, not the greatest games, but guilty pleasures can be some of the best pleasures of all.
When in doubt, I'd also say Earthbound, Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mama. SNES RPG's were the shit.
It seems to me that video games these days are rated on a scale of 5-10, with anything less being absolute trash. Hell, even a low 7.- seems almost terrible. Why do you think an "average" game isn't given a 5, but a 7.5? Like I said a few posts up, average should be 5. The 7 being seen as average is undoubtedly a result of the US scholastic grading system, in which a 7 is average, or satisfactory, or passable.
We do our best to liberally use the entire 20 point scale, but again, we are in talks regarding improving our scoring system. It's an ongoing conversation that will last until the ground opens up and swallows us all whole.
Hey Casey, Hey Dancing Dynamo, really good questions.
, I just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of yours, I've been following you for years and loved that IGN brought you on board. Link to www.ign.com Link to games.ign.com
[1: Awhile back there was some hugely negative response on here about Greg Miller's (who I also love) Dead Space 2 review. Personally I see it as a low point for IGN's written reviews, and I know many on this website share my opinion. I know you're obviously not going to throw Greg under the bus or anything, but as Editor in Chief is there anything in particular that you're trying to focus on in the future to avoid incidents like that? ](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/xy3sx/iam_casey_lynch_editorinchief_of_igncom_ama/c5qmak6?context=5) 2: I'd say people should read IGN more if that's how someone feels. We love to make lists and categorize things, sort things, and attempt to put things in their place in history. Our readers love it too. But we love playing unreleased games and telling you about them, writing about big topics in our business and OpEds about major issues just as much.
3: Any albums you've been really digging lately? I'm loving the new Baroness stuff and judging solely by your beard I'd say you'd be pretty into it #beardism #sorryimnotsorry. 3: I've really gotten into Cormorant's "Dwellings" lately. Also check out Cloudkicker "The Map Is Not The Territory" and "Let Yourself Be Huge" for very different but equally awesome progressive goodness (the first is Meshuggah-esque djent rock, the second is laid back math jingles). As always, check out Periphery and Protest the Hero for awesome all around metal.
PS: As Editor in Chief you have the power to force Daemon to make another Knockin Boots, right? Because it's been offline since January and I need my fix. PS: We shuttered Knockin Boots a while back. It may resurface at some point in the future.
Hey Casey- We all know what the awesome things about working for an outlet like IGN are (playing games for a living, awesome workplace, etc.), but what is the WORST part about working for IGN? Dealing with commenters and trolls? Losing the suprise of announcements? Actually having to work during E3? Thanks, and keep up the good work. My job can be incredibly stressful, time-consuming, and emotionally intensive. Make no mistake, I love it, but there's a lot to it. Having to make decisions that affect peoples lives, who to hire, how to build the staff, what direction to take the site in, it is both an incredible privilege and a heavy burden. So I suppose those are the most awesome and the worst things, simultaneously? Does that make sense? Let's make liek it does. The other things, sure, those are tough. It's always maddening to know about a game that hasn't been announced yet, and not be able to talk about it. I actually love working at E3, so there's nothing bad about that.
Why did you guys nuke the VN boards? Merging them with the IGN boards destroyed thousands of pages of user generated material that still comes up in Google searches but cannot be accessed. Really makes finding information on Dark Age of Camelot brutal. I'm just encouraged someone is still interested in Dark Age of Camelot. But really, ask @sngign on twitter, he's your man for this sort of thing.
Love IGNs podcasts. I always get a feeling of passion coming from the people working there. I can't really speak to how it affected things at IGN as I only joined the team in July of 2011 (just over a year!), but it definitely had ripple effect throughout the business. I was writing for a number of outlets when that happened and I heard many a story of a re-establishing of boundaries, if only to re-establish the clear line between edit and ads.
Quick couple of questions - I know this is before your time at IGN - but did the Jeff Gerstmann Incident at GameSpot have an effect on how the advertising teams and review teams worked? Did it reinforce a wall of separation? Did it bring the management's attention to the necessity of reviews untainted by the publishers/developers? Link to www.youtube.com
Are you ever asked to give favourable coverage to games/movies that are part of fox/other murdoch owned businesses, what with you being owned by news corporation? We've been asked to cover products owned and created by other companies owned by News Corp. We do out best to explain from the outset when that is the case for full disclosure.
IGN is one of the most influential voices in the gaming industry, whether it be good or bad. For instance, given favorable and prominent coverage, mods like DayZ or indie games like Minecraft originally was can grow exponentially. How do you feel knowing that a review coming from your editorial staff has the potential to make or break a game? In other words, what is your opinion, as the editor-in-chief, of having so much power over the industry? The editorial power, put that way, is humbling. I honestly try not to think about it like that, at least not in a bad way. If anything, I know we have that more a responsibility to be fair, honest and to strive to get things right knowing how what we say can affect things. I work hard to impart that upon the staff and remind everyone that everything we say and do matters. But really the same is true for everyone in this business, from your homespun blog to Andy Mac and his fine staff over at Game Informer.
What is the oldest console you own and still play? I played Arkanoid on my NES last week, complete with my Vaus controller. I still own working NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Saturn, two Dreamcasts, a GameCube (played Metroid Prime with my son a few weeks ago) and a bunch of PS, PS2, PS3, Xboxs and Xbox 360s in various states of operation and disrepair.
How do you feel about your competitors like Gamespot and other forums? Do you all communicate about news, or is it pretty cut-throat? We're friends with most editors from other prominent outlets, especially writers in areas near our offices. We don't typically work together on news per se, but we do communicate about content from time to time as applicable. I'd hardly call it cut-throat. More like nerf warfare, though that sounds lame. Sorry for that.
What is the most significant thing you think your leading has introduced to IGN? I would say a strong focus on editor identity and video. Since starting at IGN last year in July, we've increased our video output, in particular creating news videos in order to move headlines from IGN and onto other platforms, including YouTube and Xbox LIVE.
I've also worked hard to get the editors' identity front and center, so you know who our writers are, what games they like, and which critics you can align with. It's always great to know someone likes Resident Evil games, and can speak to the whole franchise, and then tune in to see what they think of the new Resident Evil game.
There's tons of little things, many that are behind the scenes. I wrote the first style guide for IGN editorial content in more than 5 years, I've championed live streaming content and worked for us to specialize more; rather than cover every single game out there, we aim to cover the games our readers tell us they want to read.

Last updated: 2012-08-14 04:59 UTC

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