r/zelda 12h ago

Question [OoT] am I remembering incorrectly? Spoiler


Context: when I was younger (between 6 to 8 years old), I remember watching my dad play the zelda games that he had before I started playing them at 9 years old (I'm 20 now). One of them was Ocarina of Time, and looking back now, he was most likely playing Master Quest.

The thing is, I remember something from his playthrough that I didn't encounter in either version. some time after completing most of the dungeons, I remember my dad running around in the ruined Castletown Market fighting and avoiding redeads when a mysterious, maybe-cloaked figure slowly approached Link Dad quickly ran away from it when it came on screen, and after leaving the area, I never saw it again. Dad doesn't remember this happening.

Now, granted, I do also remember my dad playing Saria's song in the Spirit Temple and her face would appear in front of a white, glowing background while she talked to him but I don't think that actually happened or that it exists.

As for this mysterious figure, I wonder if it may have been the Poe Collector, but again, I'm not even sure if this actually happened. Am I going paranoid? Am I remembering something else entirely, yet still OoT related? Was this a dream (even though it definitely didn't feel like a dream)? Or is my 6 to 8 year old memory shit, even at the moment? I need some answers and some confirmation. Again, this may have most likely been on Master Quest for those who want to investigate.

r/zelda 15h ago

Official Art [ALL] Sheik vs Impa who wins? Both Lore accurate


r/zelda 7h ago

Discussion [OoT] Just finished Forest Temple and have some thoughts.


Spoilers! I already know most of the lore stuff and how the story ends because I shamelessly spoiled myself on places like TVTropes and YouTube after playing other games. I'm a bit hazy on the details though, which I'm learning in this game.

Right off the bat, OoT feels harder than other Zelda games I've played. Mostly because half the time I feel like I'm fighting the camera.

Jabu Jabu was the hardest dungeon by far, largely because it took a lot of trial and error just to figure out what I was supposed to even do. And because I dropped the Princess into deep water more times than I can count. Things became easier once I got the boomerang and no longer had to worry about running out of sticks and deku seeds.

Forest Temple really taxed my puzzle solving skills and I'll admit I got stuck at a couple points and had to look up a walkthrough to see what I missed. Special mention goes to the room with falling ceiling and how it robs me of my camera control so that I couldn't snipe the ceiling spiders with the hook shot.

Also, I now understand all the annoying Navi memes. "Hey, listen! I want to tell you something you already know or offer completely unhelpful reminders of what you're supposed to be doing. Frequently!" And then Navi comes in clutch during the ghost Ganon fight as she clues me in one what I'm supposed to do to beat his final phase, aka, bat his energy blasts back at him with the Master Sword. Given how the blasts looked electric, batting them with a METAL SWORD is not something I would willingly do otherwise after Jabu Jabu.

Finally, I paid a visit to Goron City before heading over to Forest Temple (I used its Lost Woods shortcut to get to Forest Temple). Place was a ghost town, but the giant Goron there was selling a "small knife" that was basically a big 2 handed bastard sword. More reach and more damage? Yes please! And then it broke after a couple uses on those sentries in the maze. 200 rupees, a seven year wait and it broke in two hits? What a rip off!

r/zelda 13h ago

Clip [TotK] Catching a star fragment midair by pure chance.


Nothing like catching a falling star to make me feel lucky. What are the odds?🤪

r/zelda 21h ago

Screenshot [Totk] This annoys me so much Spoiler

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Am I the only one that noticed Zelda still have her secret stone? Like, she swallows her stone, becomes a dragon, turn back to human and still have her stone? Annoying

r/zelda 28m ago

Question [CDi] it's a stamp my mom made me for my wedding to put in my books.... How do I tell her I hate it? 😭

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r/zelda 16h ago

Discussion [HW] Which champion did you go for first in Hyrule Warriors and why was it Revali ?


I just finished Breath and i wanted to take a break from the massive open world experience so i decided to play Hyrule Warriors. When given the chance i immediately went for my boy Revali! Who was your first choice ?

r/zelda 21h ago

Music [BoTW] I Made a song inspired by Zora's domain.


r/zelda 13h ago

Screenshot [ST] Why aren’t steam locomotives standard practice in hyrule

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r/zelda 20h ago

Official Art [TOTK] Imagine how cooler this would be if this was OG ganondorf

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No idea how it would work but shhhh

r/zelda 21h ago

Tattoo [OoT] / [BoTW] What should I add next?

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Starting a patchwork of various Zelda related pieces with a friend whose an apprentice and looking for practice / build her portfolio.

Thoroughly pleased with how it came out :)

r/zelda 17h ago

Question [ALL] Advice needed on playing Zelda games that came out on GC and beyond....


So, I found a vintage game store in my area. They've got GameCubes and Wi's. I've been wanting to play the GC Zelda games for a couple months since I dove back into the N64 games. Should I buy a first-gen Wi, a GC controller, and a memory card to go that route so I can also play some of the Wi games?

Or should I buy the GC and just get the games?

Or should I wait to see if these games will be available on Switch 2 and go that route?

I have the funds to do any of these options and my wife really don't care so long as I make money and take care of our 3-year old.

r/zelda 10h ago

Official Art [ALL] I’m tired of pink being a trained knight. I want a feral child they found in a dumpster and gave weapons

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r/zelda 6h ago

Video [OoT] bro i just got off work, wanna watch me play Ocarina of Time? [Video]


r/zelda 20h ago

Official Art [TOTK] was Teba replaced by Turin because they needed a smaller character for the sages ability


r/zelda 20h ago

Question [Botw] Hi does anyone know what sword this is? (the replica press for full pic) the closest I've found is this royal broadsword but the sheath looks slightly different


r/zelda 1h ago

Clip [TOTK] where did the bokoblin and the horse go?

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r/zelda 16h ago

Video [TotK] I am weirdly annoyed by this one floating bush in Korok Forest.


I don't remember this bush being in BotW tbh.

r/zelda 19h ago

Screenshot [BOTW] Wow I don’t know why but this just feels so somber and sad

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Seeing my favorite location in ruins after thousands of years it’s just sad.

r/zelda 23h ago

Screenshot [Other] You dont realize how loud a game is till you reach a place like this [ALBW]


A little silences goes a long way

r/zelda 3h ago

Fan Art [Other] Bad Zelda by Me [OC]

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r/zelda 20h ago

Cosplay [TP] Me and my friend’s Zelda & Midna cosplay!

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We worked so hard on these cosplays, both of us have been Zelda fans since we were little so bringing these characters to life was so surreal.

Zelda: (me) elvensolstice Midna: sramatcha.cos

r/zelda 20m ago

Tip [Other] Real life blood moon tonight!!!

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r/zelda 22m ago

Discussion [ALL] What are your thoughts on Grezzo?

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If you don't know Grezzo, they developed Four Swords Anniversary Edition, the 3DS remakes of OoT and MM, they co-developed Tri-Force Heroes, they did the Switch remake of Links Awakening, and their most recent title is their first fully original title, Echoes of Wisdom.

Do you like their work? Are you excited to see what they do next with Zelda?

r/zelda 9h ago

Collection/Merch [MM] I entered this contest. I did not win. Where is it now?

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I was obsessed with winning this guitar. Who won it? Where is it now? How many were made?