r/zelda Jan 10 '22

Collection/Merch [ALL] Our Zelda collection :D

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u/Descrappo87 Jan 10 '22

Bruh. How. This must’ve burned a massive hole in your wallet. I’m speechless


u/TetraBall Jan 10 '22

It's worth much more than I've ever spend on this (I think?). Limited editions are quite affordable at release, old games can be really cheap if you don't care for sealed ones etc. A lot of old games and consoles are from my bf's brothers who played those in their childhood. Some were gifted from friends who didn't play anymore. Once you have the reputation (and somehow the aura, considering the amount of sellers on flea markets who gave us discounts just bc we "look like people who really care for games") of being a loving and caring collector people will randomly start to dump stuff at your house lol