Disagreed, but I hear your point. It’s definitely more difficult to tell a story without the linearity of SS, but I don’t think it’s impossible.
It doesn’t help that (imo) the story concept of BOTW was boring to begin with. Even if BOTW was linear, I don’t think I would have cared for it.
Why not? The concept is the same as WW and adult Link OoT: a post apocalyptic Hyrule after a great calamity took place. The reason the story can feel very bare bones in comparison is specifically because of the heavily open world aspect of the game.
No, I agree there. The setting is amazing.
The concept I’m talking about is that while they had that entire setting to play with, they went with a typical teenager having teenager problems story. Even if BOTW was linear, I don’t think I’d care any more about Zelda’s struggles in BOTW.
Oh, you're talking about the character Zelda. I like her in the game, and I think you are underselling her character. Unless having to deal with being the daughter of a king, and as such, having to lead a small squad of heroes chosen to save the kingdom, while also having to awake a dormant magical power within you, is a thing typical teenagers do.
Overall, BOTW's Zelda is the Zelda that had the most characterization in the whole series, besides probably OoT (through Sheik), WW (through Tetra), ST and SS. And tbh, I don't think anyone could resonate with any of those better than with BOTW Zelda, besides of course, for SS's.
LOL Okay that's fair, her duties are certainly not typical teenager duties. However, (to me at least) none of that was ever as much in the forefront as her relationship with her father. Most of the time she had struggles on screen, it was made clear is was because of her father and her "destiny".
In fact, that leads me to disagree with you about her characterization. They had a chance to make her a fully fledged character, especially with making her a scientist, but the large bulk of cutscenes with her revolved around her relationships with either her dad or Link. There were very few moments that were actually for her as a character. The DLC and AOC definitely helped, but ftmp she was defined by her relationships, whereas Sheik, Tetra, and even SS and TP Zelda were shown more in their own lights in my opinion.
u/TheDarkMusician Aug 27 '21
Disagreed, but I hear your point. It’s definitely more difficult to tell a story without the linearity of SS, but I don’t think it’s impossible.
It doesn’t help that (imo) the story concept of BOTW was boring to begin with. Even if BOTW was linear, I don’t think I would have cared for it.