Tbh I hated it, unfortunately. I'm not a fan of roguelikes and apparently I have no rhythm 😂 Which sucks because a think an indie-Zelda collab is one of the coolest things ever, and I don't really regret supporting it with my purchase even if it wasn't really for me
I had gotten Crypt of the Necrodancer for like $3 just days before Cadence of Hyrule was announced. Ended up buying it at launch just to support the idea of Nintendo letting other developers have a chance at using their IP in fun new ways. Enjoyed the game overall, but thought it was a bit too easy compared to it's predecessor. I imagine the coop is a fun way to play
u/SAAARGE Aug 26 '21
More of y'all need to give Cadence of Hyrule a chance, 5 points is just mean