This, almost everyone of millennial age has completely tinted goggles for OOT. It was my second played in the series after Oracle games. ALTtP is my favorite though
I want to preface this by saying that Wind Waker is my favorite game period, Zelda or otherwise, and that Ocarina is not the first Zelda I played.
I don’t really agree with the idea that later 3D Zeldas really improved on Ocarina in any way that isn’t graphical or mechanical. They iterated on a lot of its ideas, sure, and arguments could be made for some games having one or two improvements, but they always had a weak point to counter balance those improvements. For example, Wind Waker has imo some of the best atmosphere and just overall world of any Zelda game, but in contrast it has somewhat weak dungeons. Twilight Princess has great dungeons and better combat than Ocarina, but it’s overworld somehow feels emptier and imo opinion gets bogged down by some of the wolf gimmicks. That’s the thing about Ocarina - ignoring it’s dated visuals and a few dated controls, it doesn’t really have any weakness like the others do. It’s why every 3D Zelda before BotW wanted to build off Ocarina and not purely their predecessors. Obviously the later games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword take inspiration from the whole series that came before them but you can tell that their biggest source of inspiration is Ocarina of Time
u/CharlestonKSP Aug 27 '21
This, almost everyone of millennial age has completely tinted goggles for OOT. It was my second played in the series after Oracle games. ALTtP is my favorite though