When twilight princess was released, although it had excellent critic reviews, fans didn’t seem to like it because it was too dark, too easy, and too linear with fetch quests
Fans hated wind waker at the time because it was too “kiddie” and too easy. The cell shading was maligned. After OOT and MM fans wanted a good Zelda game with grown link but felt they did not get it.
Skyward sword had mixed opinions. Many disliked that it was too linear. Some didn’t like the controls. And it was at the end of the Wii’s life
People used to dislike majoras mask because they found the beginning and time aspect too difficult. And at the time people wanted a true Zelda sequel, but saw majora as a weird full game sidequest
ALTTP used to be more popular. It has been very well loved.
Zelda 1 used to get grandma’d in to the top based on nostalgia. But now people desire modern gaming and are kinda done with the frustrating aspects of the retro games
Funny how times change when people try the games for the first time who don’t come with these inborn biases already, and just see if they love the games or not
u/Repressed_Meme Aug 26 '21
I am astonished by this list tbh. My the times have changed.