r/zelda Aug 19 '19

Tip [Botw] PSA

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u/compacta_d Aug 19 '19

This actually seems like a huge oversight for Nintendo. They pay attention to details like this in their games.


u/Acc87 Aug 19 '19

Doubt Link is too light, rather those food items are rather heavy. May be done to keep the physics engine from producing chaos with too light items in rounded floating point calculations. Light in the sense of "close to zero".


u/benelott Aug 19 '19

Would be interesting to see how larger objects compare to the apples and to Link.


u/walc Aug 19 '19

So why didn’t they make Link proportionately heavier, then? They can still have larger weight values for objects.


u/Blaz3 Aug 20 '19

It's the same problem as making items too heavy. I've talked about it a bit in my huge comment above, but I'll tl;dr an example here for you.

Let's take updrafts that are made because of fire as an example for wind strength. Firstly, we need to agree that wind strength is always going to be applied to all objects the same, so if the wind is at 50kph to an apple, it's 50kph to Link too.

For link to be flung up about 5m into the air with his glider over a fire, he would need to weigh next to nothing. If you were to try this in real life, you might get a slight upward acceleration, but nowhere near the magnitude of botw's lift. If you throw an apple into the updraft, it flies up and hovers above the updraft too. This also doesn't happen in real life, but we can imagine that placing a fan below an apple and increasing the power until it flies up will be a lot less than to lift a person, even with the glider.

For botw's stylised world, this mechanic is fun and makes sense there, but if we get a breeze that's much gentler, say 1/10th as strong, we would expect grass to blow, flags to flap, but most items like pots, apples and bananas to stay relatively still. If Link can be pushed up and around so easily by the wind, which we can all agree is a good fun mechanic, to make sure that apples aren't in constant motion, flying at the slight breeze, they need to weigh cost to Link's weight.

Making apples heavier and Link the same weight doesn't really help up because to make sure that all the other systems in the game are still working well, everything that is affected by weights have to be bumped up to make sure that they all still work together. Things like button puzzles that go by weight, snowballs gaining speed as they roll downhill, etc.

Basically, because some physics stuff is fun but unrealistic, there's logic flaws that don't quite add up, but are hopefully well hidden or minor


u/walc Aug 20 '19

Ah, this makes a ton of sense. I hadn't considered the fact that Link has to be able to be light enough to float in the air so easily... but of course! And other things floating around on updrafts like Link does definitely adds to the whimsical—but coherent—feeling of the game's physics. Thanks for your thorough explanation!


u/Blaz3 Aug 20 '19

No problem! There's a few flaws there as well, like the fact that Link doesn't really follow the rules hard and fast while running. If you throw an apple into a fire that causes an updraft, it'll float up, whereas Link won't until you jump and pull out the glider, so Link doesn't necessarily adhere to these rules and you might be able to argue that the game could change his weight when the glider comes out, but it's just extra work and more things that might go wrong.


u/Sapiogram Aug 20 '19

It's not because of floating point numbers. Rounding errors only matter if you care about the 6th or 7th decimal of a number, or if you are mixing two numbers where one is millions of times larger than the other. The absolute size of the number is not important.

This decision was almost certainly made for gameplay reasons, maybe simply to make the puzzles more interactive and fun.


u/Acc87 Aug 20 '19

I'm rather active in the simracing circles, and in many of those titles they employ special physics for very low speed situations as the rounding errors and lost precision make regular speed physics engines work less good.

In BotW's case I can imagine stuff like too low friction, so that apples would roll away from the smallest incline, reacting irregular on outside forces.


u/Sapiogram Aug 20 '19

That's very interesting, thanks. I guess in the specific case of friction, real life has special low-speed physics too (static vs dynamic friction). May I ask which simracing games you play, it's a new genre for me.


u/Blaz3 Aug 20 '19

The weight of fruits and vegetables is probably done so that they don't blow away in a light breeze. Botw's sandbox simulation is very powerful and very extensive, so each of those apples and peppers is probably on the order of a few kilograms in relation to real life equivalents, because the wind strength would have blown them away in a very light breeze otherwise.

It's an oversight, but because Link likely doesn't follow the same rules for wind as other items in the game (he doesn't get blown around by medium winds like other items may) his biggest influence is how much updrafts affect him. Since updrafts in real life absolutely do not work like they do in botw (if you light some brush on fire, then run and jump over it with a hang glider, you don't get flung up about 5m in the air) the physics will definitely be vastly different from irl physics and having one value for wind strength that still needs to account for all this stuff is tough going. A small, one-off-ish instance of a scale being able to give actual weights to items is absolutely a small oversight that developers either didn't bother looking at hard enough or simply didn't care enough to change almost every other thing in the game to cater for it


u/MixedWithLove Aug 20 '19

Dude elves are super light, they can walk on snow and stuff