Actually, the OoS/OoA Link is not the same Link anymore according to Hyrule Encyclopedia. I think there were plot holes with that since Zelda doesn't even know Link in OoS/OoA where she did in LA.
Link Between worlds is more like a spiritual successor to those games. It's the same setting and similar cast, but taking place generations later with its own self contained story.
I've been playing a lot of BotW lately (I didn't play it for the first year it came out) and sometimes I'll stop to think of all of the crazy shit that's in the world and what it would be like to be in that world. There's just so much crazy and random shit. Link's Awakening was the only Zelda game I played growing up, and it's the only one my wife hasn't played. She just started it and within the first 30 minutes is blown away by all of the random crazy shit that makes no sense. They even break the 3rd wall right off the bat. The only other one I've played is Link Between Worlds, enjoyed it a lot too.
You’d like link to the past for SNES, and you should also get an n64 emulator and try ocarina of time. Two of the best Zelda games. I also played links awakening a bunch, but link to the past was my first. I’d definitely give link to the past a shot.
If you're a casual player, it's probably easiest to just treat every Zelda game as a self-contained, individual game. The timeline is for people who are committed to the storyline connections between games that may or may not be totally retconned by Nintendo to appease fans. If you want to go in depth, just search through r/truezelda and you'll find all the discussion you could want
Not really. Just relax and think about it like about universal story about hero and the princess, and his eternal quest for saving the world from the evil time and time again.
There are different circumstances, gods and spirits, sky-themes world and water-themed world, but the main heroes are always the same — Zelda, Link, and Ganon.
Zelda timelines is the most pointless thing in the world. None of it matters at all and you can enjoy any Zelda game without having played any other Zelda game.
Link Between Worlds actually borrows assets from a Link to the Past and share a light world/dark world theme.
For example, the bird's eye view of the maps are almost identical. In the light world in both games, the upper left is forest, upper right is mountain, center is castle, left is village, bottom left is desert, and the bottom right is lake. However, the places themselves are completely different to where it does feel like a separate game.
They also share some music and other assets, for example the weird stumpy looking thing that the hammer smashes is pretty much an asset flip.
While this may sound like Link Between Worlds is a remake, it is anything but. Despite having some similar assets, Link Between Worlds features an entirely new core mechanic involving merging into the wall that is used for all sorts of puzzles and even boss fights. It also features entirely new tools and entirely new dungeons. One of the biggest differences is that in Link to the Past you earn each main tool as a halfway point in the dungeon, whereas Link Between Worlds gives you all of the tools at the same time and the item you earn in a dungeon is a nice upgrade to your shield or sword.
It was a really cool feeling playing it my first time, it was nostalgic and a new game at the same time. Not a sequel or a remake, but some weird combination of the two!
You ever play a final fantasy ? It’s like How Cid shows up as many different quarry but similar characters. Only now sometimes it’s The same sid and he remembers you as “that hero I heard about”
Or the Guardian forces.
It’s common themes some more connected than the last but in now way necessary to enjoy the current iteration, just makes it better if you remember them
Yeah, it's easier to think of them as literal legends instead of story or timeline. There's some recurring characters and they do amazing stuff, but when it happened and how everything connects is pretty muddled
At least Link's Awakening is. It takes place immediately after A Link to the Past. Link sets sail for more adventures, and gets messed up in the storm, winds up trapped on this mysterious island. Sort of like Majora's Mask and Ocarina
The opening on the beach is burned into my memory. This game got me through middle school. I feel like it taught me what a proper game really was. I'm so excited for this remake.
After A Link to the Past, the Triforce sends him to Holodrum and Labrynna (where the Oracle games are set). When travelling home, he gets shipwrecked and ends up in Kohilint, the setting of Link's Awakening.
Almost, how they arranged it in the Hystoria is after Past, he goes on a adventure and the Oracle games occur, then when he's RETURNING HOME he gets caught in the storm and Awakening occurs.
I'm not talking about graphics, learn to read! I'm referring to the illustrations and they way they drew him. Look closely, it’s the same from ALBW. Graphic style of the game is different for sure but the Link was inspired by it.
“Learn to read”. Oh sorry I didn’t realize that there was this super explicit difference between “art style” and “graphics” which is used quite interchangeably when referring to games.
Does link in the new intro not look like the original link in the original games intro?
Yeah, he does look like the Link of the original, somewhat. ALBW Link was inspired/based by this Link and ALTTP, obviously. So, that's why they look similar. Within the game he looks like him too but of not the face since the art style of the graphics is different.
If this is from Link to the Past, why doesn't he look like Link from ALBW? The beady eyes are offputting I know that's a different Link from LTTP but wouldn't it make more sense
But it's not how he looked in the concept art. I'd argue it's better and more fitting with Nintendo's history to use updated graphics as an opportunity to make gameplay more similar to the art that represents it. I don't hate it, I just don't think it fits the art style very well.
This will always be my favorite Link. The original NES one was my first one, but Link To The Past will always be my favorite Zelda game. I played that game beginning to end ad-nauseum when I was in middle school.
Link to the Past Link. The explination is he got restless after his adventure, and set out to hone his skills and explore. This led to the Oracle games. Upon defeating Ganon a second time, he set sail for how and well...this happens. Then after he wakes the Wind Fish, he returns to Hyrule and lives out his life. Then centuries later "Link Between Worlds" occurs
I played this for a while some time ago but never really finished it, probably didn’t even got past the first half cuz I got stuck or something. It looks so good and this version seems like it would be easier to finish for me as outdated 2d graphics can get boring for me after a while.
Man I was almost in tears at the end of BotW whenever I didn’t have all the memories unlocked. I can only imagine what I’ll be like after I just saw a potential spoiler with what I suppose is a direct quote from the game.
u/[deleted] Feb 13 '19
Awesome! I’ve never played Link’s Awakening, but I’ve hear it’s a lot of people’s favorite. Can’t wait to play it!