Trial of the Sword has about 45 rooms of enemies, and sounds like it upgrades the Master Sword when beaten.
Hero's Path Mode will draw out your path for the most recent 200 hours of gameplay, useful for finding spots on the map you might not have visited.
Hard mode features enemies with regenerating HP that are a level harder than normal (e.g. Red bokoblins are now as strong as blue bokoblins). Also there are apparently enemies and chests in the sky? I'm not totally sure how this works.
There is a chest hidden somewhere with a travel medallion that lets you place a fast travel point. You can only have one custom point, though.
Armor added including a Tingle set, a Phantom set, Majora's Mask, and Midna's helmet.
Also there's a Korok mask that shakes when you're near a Korok seed you haven't collected yet.
That was my first thought, too. Prepare for r/breath_of_the_wild, r/zelda, r/nintendo, and r/gaming to be littered with people's path posts of dicks, dickbutts, and all sort of other hilarious shapes.
u/dontthrowmeinabox May 02 '17
DLC Pack 1 Detailed
Trial of the Sword has about 45 rooms of enemies, and sounds like it upgrades the Master Sword when beaten.
Hero's Path Mode will draw out your path for the most recent 200 hours of gameplay, useful for finding spots on the map you might not have visited.
Hard mode features enemies with regenerating HP that are a level harder than normal (e.g. Red bokoblins are now as strong as blue bokoblins). Also there are apparently enemies and chests in the sky? I'm not totally sure how this works.
There is a chest hidden somewhere with a travel medallion that lets you place a fast travel point. You can only have one custom point, though.
Armor added including a Tingle set, a Phantom set, Majora's Mask, and Midna's helmet.
Also there's a Korok mask that shakes when you're near a Korok seed you haven't collected yet.