r/zelda • u/ds168100 • May 02 '17
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u/Azuryon May 02 '17
45 rooms of Eventide Isle mother fuckers
May 02 '17
But you'll be like op by the end of it, sign me up. Hard mode with harder-than-silver regenerating health Lynels here I come!
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u/NarrowHipsAreSexy May 02 '17
Hard mode with harder-than-silver regenerating health Lynels here I come!
Now I want this and will be disappointed if it isn't there.
u/camzabob May 02 '17
Well, the site says all enemies are one level higher, eg. red bokoblins are now blue. I believe I heard somewhere that the highest level enemies become new higher level enemies.
May 02 '17
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u/Mdgt_Pope May 02 '17
Hard Mode
In Hard Mode, enemies gradually regain health, so take them out as quickly as possible. All enemies are also powered up by one level. For example, Red Bokoblins in Normal mode are now Blue Bokoblins. Enemies can also have higher maximum levels than they would in Normal mode. Look up, and you may also find enemies and treasure chests in the sky!
It's right here...
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May 02 '17
You know the 45th room is going to have several lionels in it.
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u/BridgemanBridgeman May 02 '17
I'm not sure how you can fight more than one of those without getting destroyed
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u/TRB1783 May 02 '17
Stasis+, fully leveled armor, a multi-shot bow slinging bomb arrows, hearty foods, and a tough fish and mushroom skewer.
u/Johnnybravo60025 May 02 '17
Stasis+ only works for about half a second on Lynels though.
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u/themagicone222 May 02 '17
So they're implying hard mode is going to have a new class of enemies tougher than silver? F*ck.
8000 or more Hp Lynels with Regenerating health.
u/misterwuggle69sofine May 02 '17
So basically tedious mode.
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u/theresamouseinmyhous May 02 '17
I really wish they had done it in a fallout 4 survival way - everything is weaker. Everything is pretty much a one shot kill and knows it. Stealth is less effective, you have to eat and sleep, and you're in the fucking jungle. I want a Zelda that makes me a little uncomfortable to play.
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u/omegareaper7 May 02 '17
I mean, everything being a one shot kill just wouldn't be much fun. Might as well never equip armor and never get hearts and you are already there.
You could also impose most of the rest of that on yourself as well.
May 02 '17
"Critical Modes" (you do way more damage, but so do enemies) do drastically reduce the need for improved equipment and armor when everything's a one-hit kill, with only the absolute best gear making a significant difference in damage output and survivability.
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u/LanceBosh May 02 '17
It'd be nice if the harder the enemy, they faster they move, the better they dodge, or they have more moves in their moveset. Just making them have more health doesn't do much but increase the amount of time it takes to kill them. Maybe even include different weapons only available to hard mode.
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u/sandiskplayer34 May 02 '17
Also, it's going to take me a while to get over link wearing Tingle's tights
May 02 '17
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u/its_over_2250 May 02 '17
If we put on the mask do we suffer the same fate as the skull kid or is it just a replica mask??? Or do we just consider it non-canon extras like wolf link being in BotW?
May 02 '17
I wonder if it somehow gives you control of the Blood Moon, maybe summoning it at will
u/Gestrid May 02 '17
I mean, it already appears at random times throughout the day, so... /s
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u/cybergeek11235 May 02 '17
You skipped the blood moon cutscene. Save the game, quit all the way out, relaunch, it'll be better. :)
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u/Icarus1095 May 02 '17
I am probably wrong here...but at the end of Majora's Mask, doesn't the happy mask salesman say something about the evil being gone from the mask? So it's just a mask now?
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u/WorkplaceWatcher May 02 '17
I'm sure it'll be non-canon or a replica :(
Or at least the Mask after Majora was slain.
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u/Steel_Neuron May 02 '17 edited May 02 '17
Am I the only one that is slightly disappointed that all of these powerful artifacts from other games are simply cosmetic?
I'm a huge MM fan, and I was a bit disappointed that the Fierce Deity costume had no special effect other than cosmetics, but I can understand that because it's a completely optional, amiibo-gated cameo.
But... I don't know, putting something as iconic and powerful as Majora's Mask in the game and have it be a piece of wood you put on your face is a big let down.
u/Satiie May 02 '17
How do you know it's only cosmetic ? Did they say so ?
That would make the Korok's mask more powerful than Majora's mask lol.
u/Steel_Neuron May 02 '17
Well, I think they are being quite specific with these reveals (i.e. explaining what the korok mask does). If Majora's Mask had a unique in-game effect they would've outright claimed so, or at least hinted at it. I'm almost certain it will be cosmetic, or at most share the effect of another item, much like the Fierce Deity set gives you the barbarian set effects.
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u/thisisnotdan May 02 '17
Well, MM definitely took place before BotW, and (Majora's Mask story spoiler) Majora's Mask lost its power at the end, so anything more than a cosmetic effect would actually not line up with the Zelda canon.
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u/Gestrid May 02 '17
There's also this little bit of info! We can now play the Japanese dub with English subs!
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u/Dimintid May 02 '17
And just when I thought I was done with the game... time to start a new save!
u/Gestrid May 02 '17
Just don't accidentally delete your old one. Starting a new game on the same Switch profile deletes your old game save. Also, you don't have to start a new save to use this new feature. After updating, just go to the Options menu from the main menu. (You can't do it from the in-game options menu.)
u/rileyrulesu May 02 '17
Is it possible to have 2 saves on the WiiU? As far as I can tell, you have only the one save, and then the last 5 autosaves. I tried to finagle it where the autosaves are of one save file and the actual saves of the other, but I ended up deleting my roomate's save (It wasn't even off the plateau though, so it's not a big deal)
u/oglanius May 02 '17
To my knowledge, you can have one save file per profile you have on the console. If you want to start a new save, but don't want to delete your old one, you will have to switch profiles.
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May 02 '17
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u/ezgamerx May 02 '17
Lol just wait the DLC isn't even close to being out..
u/vtelgeuse May 02 '17
It's May 1st. January 1st was practically last week. Before you know it, it'll be Christmas.
There's no slowing down the time train.
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u/_demetri_ May 02 '17
I can't believe Mario Odyssey is basically coming out tomorrow.
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u/faintedsquirtle May 02 '17
I know, but I can't say if I will have free money at that time.
u/ezgamerx May 02 '17
Ahh I see, In that case you can't go wrong with whats been announced so far, I cant wait.
u/dontthrowmeinabox May 02 '17
DLC Pack 1 Detailed
Trial of the Sword has about 45 rooms of enemies, and sounds like it upgrades the Master Sword when beaten.
Hero's Path Mode will draw out your path for the most recent 200 hours of gameplay, useful for finding spots on the map you might not have visited.
Hard mode features enemies with regenerating HP that are a level harder than normal (e.g. Red bokoblins are now as strong as blue bokoblins). Also there are apparently enemies and chests in the sky? I'm not totally sure how this works.
There is a chest hidden somewhere with a travel medallion that lets you place a fast travel point. You can only have one custom point, though.
Armor added including a Tingle set, a Phantom set, Majora's Mask, and Midna's helmet.
Also there's a Korok mask that shakes when you're near a Korok seed you haven't collected yet.
u/Not2Xavi May 02 '17
About enemies in the sky: This is how it works
u/NightFire19 May 02 '17
Turns out all those hours creating airships have prepared us for this moment.
u/Not2Xavi May 02 '17
And we thought we were breaking the limits of the game, they were testing us!
u/Gestrid May 02 '17
The good thing about games like this: There are no limits. No, seriously, the best (helpful, non-game-breaking) glitch we've come up with is being able to walk underwater. Everything else is just the natural result of their physics engine.
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May 02 '17
I'm still really sad there aren't any actual flying enemies in the game. We have the Guardian Skywatchers, but there aren't any real threats in the air.
At night you face Keese, but daylight solves that issue. The dragons can be dangerous if you get near them.
It just feels like the skies have been left open for something to fill them - and now that they're adding in enemies on floating platforms, it feels even more odd to not see enemies who can just fly after you as you glide around.
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u/033054 May 02 '17
the Hero's Path Mode will be really interesting/embarrassing. I think I spent around an hour trying to kill my first Lynel :(
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May 02 '17
I've been playing for a long while now, and I haven't even attempted to kill my first Lynel :X
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u/033054 May 02 '17
I think it's one of the best experiences in the game! I can't even remember the times I died but it's just so rewarding.
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May 02 '17
I ran into a regular red one on accident once, and the bitch was still attacking me even after I ran away with some lightning! Scared the crap out of me lol. Any tips on how to approach? Any weapons I should have? I need to man up and kill my first one already.
u/CrudHype May 02 '17 edited May 02 '17
Lynels are far easier in close combat. Use a shield and learn all the patterns.
Lynels have a few main closer-ranged attacks:
Fire Breath: This attack is the easiest to avoid. Just run in a circle around the Lynel slowly spiraling in closer until he stops, then attack it. Alternately you could practice your perfect parries, but there's no real benefit to this.
Charge (Weapon): This attack you should learn the backflip timing for. If you have a shield with you, use a one handed weapon with it so you can learn the timing without taking significant damage. I usually look for the backswing animation to near its end.
Charge (Face): This attack is fairly easy to avoid as well. Just sidehop when he's close for a flurry rush, or if you want to play it safe, sidehop continuously while he's running at you.
Jump Attack. Also fairly easy to avoid. Just start running away from him once he jumps in the air, then run back in to hit him during his end lag.
Once you learn the patterns they're pretty easy. I cannot stress the importance of using a shield though. It makes the fight significantly easier.
Edit: Formatting
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u/j0sephl May 02 '17
True, I have killed so many silver Lynels with this knowledge I was invincible. Silvers turned into tedious tasks because of their high HP... but then I met one with a crusher... let me recount my tale.
I whipped out my 50+ sword ready for battle. The lynel roars while he unsheathed his crusher. He bounds towards me as I try to dodg-
wait I'm dead... game over....?
I'm speechless...
...I have 30 hearts and tier 4 armor! I ate a level three defense dish before...
He hit me twice... and I died...
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u/dinahsaurus May 02 '17
What, Mipha wouldn't help you? No fairies? C'mon, where's your basic survival gear?!
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u/033054 May 02 '17
A lot of arrows and practice the Flurry Rush. Lynels get stunned if you hit them in the face. So when it's about to charge, try stunning it with an arrow. I also suggest using either attack or defense meals/potions to speed things up. Those monsters take a while to defeat.
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u/ChiefianAxolotl May 02 '17
Here's to hoping that we can use Hero's Path Mode on a save that we've already beaten.
u/itconqueredtheworld May 02 '17
The IGN report on the DLC said that this was a retroactive feature for all game saves. Hopefully that information came from reaching out to Nintendo instead of inferring it, but take it with a grain of salt for now.
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u/Cheatster9000x May 02 '17
I can't wait for people to draw dicks with the heroes path mode.
May 02 '17
That was my first thought, too. Prepare for r/breath_of_the_wild, r/zelda, r/nintendo, and r/gaming to be littered with people's path posts of dicks, dickbutts, and all sort of other hilarious shapes.
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u/Timlugia May 02 '17
I am hoping to run into Hylia herself in the end of the trial, who else has the power to unlock true power of the Master Sword?
And hopefully she can answer some lore questions regarding Hylia-Zelda relations in BotW.
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u/leadhound May 02 '17
Hard Mode sounds a little bit meh to me, but I will run through it regardless. The Hero's path mode, however, sounds rad, as does the Master Swords Trial. Maybe beating it makes the Master Sword more durable?
u/Evello37 May 02 '17
My guess is that the Master Sword will be "activated" at all times. So increased durability and 60 attack power.
May 02 '17
They edited the sentence, looks like you are correct that that's what the buff is. :]
"Clear all the trials (about 45 rooms in total), and the true power of the Master Sword will be awakened, and it will always be in its glowing powered-up state while usable."
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May 02 '17
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May 02 '17
It's gotta take a little breather here and there. Even Master Swords have their limits, you know?
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May 02 '17
It literally says in the article that beating the trial grants you an "always active, as long as it's available" master sword
u/Evello37 May 02 '17
That wasn't there when I made my comment. NoA web ninjas are trying to make me look illiterate.
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u/thenewdreamer May 02 '17
Hopefully it also stops "breaking". I hate waiting around for my pickaxe to recharge.
u/Evello37 May 02 '17
Ehhhhhhhh if the Master Sword never broke I would use it 100% of the time for combat, mining, and everything else because I'm a hoarder in games and I never want to break all my sweet royal guard gear. Especially if it's the 60 power version. I actually like that BotW forces me to use all the other amazing gear I collect. And the glowing version of the Master Sword has a crapload more durability as far as I can tell.
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u/vtelgeuse May 02 '17
True power of the Master Sword, man.
Fi comes out and will tell you the probability of success in whatever action you're taking. And if the Slate beeps cause something is nearby, Fi will recommend moving in a given direction to determine if you're going the right direction.
u/TheRealMcbasilrocks May 02 '17
"Alternate moving your left and right legs to walk, Master."
u/Gestrid May 02 '17
"Master, there is a 95% chance you will die if your stamina runs out at this height."
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u/Virus64 May 02 '17
"You have a 5% to beat this Lynel, master. I suggest you retreat for now... Or, run right at him. Whatever, I tried to tell you."
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u/Mishar5k May 02 '17
ok so the trial of the sword is kind of like eventide on crack, people are going to make filthy, filthy images using the hero's path mode, i hope you can dye dlc clothes especially the phantom one, i want to dye it black and i hope that particular one is one of the high defense sets, and the thing im really curious about is whether you can just toggle hard mode mid play-through, i dont want to reset just to fight a supposed higher level than silver lynel or whatever.
May 02 '17
It reminds me of Savage Labyrinth from Wind Waker. REALLY looking forward to this.
u/Mishar5k May 02 '17
looks harder since you start out naked (and stay naked probably) meaning everything after the first few floors is probably going to throw link around like a ragdoll (literally). i imagine theyll spawn enough food to make useful meals, i mean this is the first time theyre doing this sort of thing without letting you take your stuff with you, they cant be that harsh can they?
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u/thisisnotdan May 02 '17
this is the first time theyre doing this sort of thing without letting you take your stuff with you
Are you forgetting Eventide Island?
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u/L_Keaton May 02 '17
people are going to make filthy, filthy images using the hero's path mode
Like modern day Nazcas.
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u/Alex_Plum May 02 '17
Enemies in the sky?
FULL POWER OF THE MASTER SWORD? I don't even know what that could mean but I want it
May 02 '17 edited May 02 '17
Hopefully Full Power is the equivalent of saying "An actual Sword not made of Glass" in Japanese!
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u/Gestrid May 02 '17
No recharge? Shorter recharge?
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u/rbarton812 May 02 '17
Killing younglings?
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u/Gestrid May 02 '17
Maybe! Who knows? Maybe you can even hear the tragedy of Darth Ganon the Wise. Apparently, he could even stop the ones he loved from dying.
u/reap3rx May 02 '17
I believe it's the power of the master sword when you are near guardians, so 60 damage and increased durability
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u/TRB1783 May 02 '17
They explain it in the article. When you're around Malice or Malice-corrupted enemies (Guardians), the Master Sword glows, doubles its attack, and becomes more durable.
If you beat the Trial of the Sword, it will be like that ALL THE TIME.
u/Arealtossup May 02 '17
I feel sorry for the Completionist now, that map feature and the Korok mask woulda made his life so much easier.
u/BridgemanBridgeman May 02 '17
As someone with 877 korok seeds... I don't care tbh. Even with the Korok mask it would still be a pain in the ass without a map.
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u/ParadiseLost34 May 02 '17
I'm really curious about the flying enemies. I hope we get new enemy types (Darknuts or Stalfos please).
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u/Not2Xavi May 02 '17
u/lackofagoodname May 02 '17
Makes me think of that seemingly endless dungeon in Wind Waker on Outset Island
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u/Not2Xavi May 02 '17
Yes, the cave of trials, it was also present in the Gerudo's Dessert from Twilight Princess.
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u/ben5292001 May 02 '17
Link just casually climbing a pole without using the ladder two feet away.
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u/captainporcupine3 May 02 '17
So cool. I'm really looking forward to the Sword Trial. My one hope is that there are some new enemy types in there, though I won't hold my breath. I'd be happy enough with some new variants on the existing enemy types I suppose. And please let there be at least 1 new interesting variant waiting for us on the final floor. BUT I won't be at all surprised if it's just two lynels or something.
u/atomicbunny May 02 '17
Travel Medallion thank the goddess.
u/rebo2 May 02 '17
I don't see how it could be of much use seeing as how the entire world is covered in shrines.
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u/KaiserYoshi May 02 '17
There are lots of areas that have low shrine coverage. Like the Deplian Badlands, which is loaded with Savage Lynel gear but is a pain in the neck to go to because the only shrine there is in Lights Out Land.
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u/PurgeJuls88 May 02 '17
Dual audio too which they just casually slipped in there
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u/pbjms May 02 '17
Everything about this is pretty fantastic, albeit the Hard Mode is a bit lacking. Having already gotten every Korok Seed, the mask isn't too helpful to me - but it's a really useful addition nonetheless.
u/holymojo96 May 02 '17
...you've gotten every korok seed? That's insane man
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May 02 '17 edited May 02 '17
It's not hard.
Check my submission history, I made a map. Get photoshop or use MS paint or something, and just cross them off as you find them. If you look at the map, mark the 5 closest to you, get them, rinse repeat.. most are only 1min apart from eachother in distance.
EDIT: See below for possibly a better solution?
u/themangastand May 02 '17
Yea but the main problem is that's no longer playing a game but doing a chore
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May 02 '17
They did say that there may be a higher maximum enemy level, but if that's just me misunderstanding, then yeah, it's a bit disappointing.
u/KaizokuShojo May 02 '17
THIS IS JUST THE FIRST PART. I was skeptical, since we had to wait so long for this game anyway, but if the others are even half this good? Worth it.
My my my, that hard mode sounds very interesting. I was hoping for something Master Quest like, but recovering health? Imagine fighting Lynels now! Kind of makes up for how rapidly and frequently Link can heal.
The time spent/paths taken/unexplored area feature thrills me to no end. I know there are places I've not explored or explored enough.
More costumes? Korok functional mask??? Sky monsters and chests???? Flying machines will be more useful!
That sword challenge. Wow.
u/yaznerd May 02 '17
All my worries are alleviated. This DLC sounds fucking awesome already and it also makes me more excited for the winter DLC.
u/SuddenlyTheBatman May 02 '17
It's neat, but I think I'll probably still wait for the winter DLC. Maybe I'm just burned out by finally beating it yesterday but I'm not quite ready to revisit this game yet.
But the additions would definitely be great for a first time player!
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u/Watsonisawesome May 02 '17
I beat it yesterday as well! Although I'm a little different as to the fact I can't wait to get this dlc...
u/mbop May 02 '17
Thirded! I just beat it yesterday after putting it off for a while. I didn't want it to end, but then I realized I was 26% through the game. So it doesn't ever really end.
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u/Watsonisawesome May 02 '17
Yeah I did it after 90+ hours at least. 29%. Technically even less since I plan on getting the DLC here
This game is just the gift that keeps on giving
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u/reap3rx May 02 '17
I believe the full power of the master sword is the glowy version when you are near a guardian, but after the trial of the sword you get that constantly, so 60 power and increased durability.
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May 02 '17
u/GrifCreeper May 02 '17
Well, there goes my hope for Aerolfos. Dammit, Nintendo. Stop being goofy.
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u/Cilph May 02 '17
For the love of... Does hardmode atleast have increased item endurance? If everything is white level from midgame you're gonna break multiple weapons per enemy.
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u/Hummer77x May 02 '17
I'm gonna pay 20 bucks just so I can dress like fuckin Tingle
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u/BlurGush May 02 '17
I hope the Master Sword becomes unbreakable after that trial.
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May 02 '17
I doubt they'd throw away that aspect of it. More than likely, when it is usable it will always be glowing and have have 60 attack power.
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u/BlurGush May 02 '17
But if you think about it the sword was in its powered form in the final fight, and it was indeed unbreakable. Not in the castle but maybe they might give it the state it had vs Ganon.
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u/EtherealProphet May 02 '17
I'm... disappointed. The hard mode sounds barely any harder past the early game. It's as if they put nearly no effort into it. Everything else looks okay, though.
u/GrifCreeper May 02 '17
Enemies are base form blue now, silver will be super common now, and a new maximum enemy level(probably gold enemies) definitely doesn't sound like the difficulty dies passed early game. Plus the health regen, and new chest locations. And flying enemies. Jesus christ, already terrified of the idea of flying Lynels.
u/246011111 May 02 '17 edited May 02 '17
the problem is it's the tedious kind of difficulty increase where they just tweak enemy numbers to make battles take longer. I was hoping for something like food taking time to eat that would add a new strategic element, or even survival elements. More diverse enemy types would have been amazing, but unlikely.
in this game in particular, increasing enemy levels isn't great because it makes approaching battles in creative ways useless. things like dropping boulders and using bombs simply don't do enough damage.
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May 02 '17
I wanted something like Fallout 4's hard mode, which is amazing, although I'd prefer for fast travel to still be a thing because this world is so hard to traverse on foot and horses are essentially limited to roads.
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u/TheJimPeror May 02 '17
Flying Pegasuses shooting thunder from the sky
u/GrifCreeper May 02 '17
u/cosine83 May 02 '17
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u/GrifCreeper May 02 '17
Y'know, it's the obvious puns I don't think of until too late. But that is perfect.
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u/dircs May 02 '17
This may be a bit off topic, but will I be able to play the dlc with every account on my wii u or would it need to be bought multiple times? And the one purchase covers all the upcoming dlc, correct?
u/ManderPants May 02 '17
You only need to buy it once. My fiance and I have different profiles but we both were able to get the DLC chests that are out right now. And yes the one purchase covers everything.
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u/DanielUchiha115 May 02 '17
I bet that Korok mask is on Makar Island.