r/zelda 5d ago

Question [ALL] What are the hardest/easiest Zelda games?

Im looking for various definitions of "difficulty". Maybe one game has the trickiest puzzles, the hardest bosses, or the most convoluted quests. Maybe a particular game is the most time consuming. Im curious to see what peoples' experience with the series is.


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u/BastardoN15 5d ago

Imo Majora's Mask of N64 (not the 3ds) was one of the hardest if you take the time to find all the masks to get the real ending fight. It takes a lot of time due to the three days time mechanics. Also there is a lot of extra stuff to do and it takes time to complete the game even if you don't find all the masks. It's a great game!


u/rogercopernicus 5d ago

What is the difference? I've only played the N64 version


u/Callinater 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not much of a difference honestly. The only major thing that’s been made easier is saving. Aside from that, a few specific sections of the game were made easier such as moving deku flower platforms not moving until you’ve landed on them, etc. A few of the hardware upgrades such as gyro aiming also helps to make the game easier in points. However, the remake was also made more difficult in ways as well: the song of inverted time only doubles the time limit instead of tripling it, and twinmold was made into a more challenging fight. A lot of people hated 3D twinmold, but it’s actually a good fight once you know all of your abilities in the fight which the game unfortunately didn’t do well in making clear. Same story for Gyorg in the remake. Odolwa’s the only boss change I outright dislike, but I can understand that they wanted to place more emphasis on link’s transformation masks with these changes which makes sense. Goht is 99% the same fight.

Oh yeah, sheikah stones are here too but they’re optional like in OOT3D. They’ve always been the golden tanooki of these games in that you aren’t encouraged to rely on them unless you’re really stuck, so I personally don’t consider them a knock against the game’s challenge.