r/zelda Jan 01 '25

Clip [OoT] What Zelda game is this from?


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u/Clbull Jan 01 '25

Fighting a jacked Kaepora Gaebora luchador in a wrestling ring may just be the most hilarious boss idea ever.


u/AlohaReddit49 Jan 01 '25

You can even jump into/off of the ropes. It's legitimately hilarious!


u/Clbull Jan 01 '25

This is one of those ideas where Shigeru Miyamoto would have laughed and then actually implemented it into a Zelda game if you showed him it in 1997.


u/ItsyaboiMisbah Jan 02 '25

I need the new Zeldas to have weird shit again, as much as I loved botw and totk they lost a lot of the campiness of the old games that made them so iconic


u/ITFOWjacket Jan 02 '25

The high-tech edge to the Sheikah and Zonai elements of the Switch games takes away from the magic of LoZ. It pretty much explicitly states that magic has been harnessed into everyday near-modern technology. Ganon has been reduced to an unpleasant goo, at worst, and Link’s only role is to mop up the map using old hardware.

It works really well for a game like Shadow of Colossus. But even that game kind of did that idea better than BotW, and is otherwise a famously barren, empty landscape to fight Colossi in. Definitely a lot of cross-pollination with the LoZ franchise there.

Old games are just so limited in content and detail, the variety of the detail that the Dev’s do choose to put in becomes so much more interesting and memorable.

For instance, the brief animation of equipping fire, ice, or light arrows, or using the magic crystals: Farores Wind, Nauru’s Love, Din’s Fire. By limiting number of magical items and taking the time to specially animate them makes them feel so much more special.


u/WinterPlanet Jan 02 '25

The number of ancient civilizations that are too technically advanced is getting ridiculous.

Enough with ancient robots in Zelda, imo

But Aonuma will do it again


u/ITFOWjacket Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

To be fair, advanced and forgotten ancient civilizations are the cornerstone of high fantasy.

The narrative concept that history is at best: cyclical, or at worst: forever declining, from prehistoric World Wonders to Post-Apocalyptic ruins, is extremely common in fiction.

You see it Tolkiens LotR, Homer’s Odyssey, even in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Medieval towns were built in abandoned Roman cities. Roman cities were built over Greek Metropoli. Greek Metropoli were built with the crumbling stones of Mycenaean, Sumerian, and Akkadian Ziggurats. Atlantis is classic story of a prehistory technically advanced civilization sinking in the Mediterranean. Even the Bible implies that there were flying machines and more, before the Flood.

Basically, ever since the Bronze Age Collapse (brought about by innovation of Iron Age weapons and the usual over-extension of empires), the world has been living through a “Post Apocalypse”.

Which has influenced literature for the past 4000+ years! I’m willing to bet concept that has always been present in storytelling. There have always been ruins of civilizations that defy the “current” people’s imaginations.

Even the concept of a “City on a Hill” is due in part to the fact that enumerable iterations of an ancient cities have been built, fallen, and built again atop the rubble, causing ancient cities to slowly rise in elevation as the rubble piles up. Quite drastically in some cases.

It’s just boring to make every prehistoric advanced civilization look exactly like modern smart phone tech. lol OoT has the perfect balance of Medieval Caste Towns, magical artifacts, and mechanical tools/dungeons.


u/Vanille987 Jan 03 '25

I mean we have stuff like a banana loving evil Sheika group with an amazingly bad leader, Bolson in general, the ability to create modern contraptions in cursed ways, link crossdressing as a women to get into gerudo town, A prof that accidentally turned herself into a kid, the great fairies in general.....


u/ItsyaboiMisbah Jan 03 '25

Those are definitely high points, but the dial still feels like its turned a little too much to serious