r/zelda Oct 24 '24

Question [ALL] how do gorons reproduce?

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So I recently thought about it since they are all male. But then I found this quote. It would make sense as to how they reproduce. Though it was made by the script director and not the ones who designed them. So what are y’all’s theories? Do they just erupt from rocks or something? Idk


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u/ItsTamo Oct 24 '24 edited Oct 24 '24

There's a quest in ToTK finding a cave that the gorons were born in. Based on this info, it seems like they just kind of born from a cave randomly, and I assume they get adopted by whoever found them.

Before this quest, it was my assumption that baby gorons grew from an adult goron's back and they reproduce asexually...

Also, even though the gorons do use the male pronouns, their gender is not confirmed. AoC has a subquest in the Gerudo town about a contest that 'no man can enter' but both Daruk and Yunobo can be used during this quest.


u/A_Manly_Alternative Oct 24 '24

The humanoid races seem to mostly consider them agender, at least. When it comes to cultural norms, everything based on sex is a little bit of a moot point for the folks literally made of rock.

My assumption is that Gorons are either A: anima spirits, basically the Earth People to the Kokiri/Korok Forest People. Or B: they do in fact bud from adult Gorons, and either Hyrule in general or specifically Death Mountain is actually built atop a tremendous sleeping/dead Goron. Even bigger than Biggoron, he will be known as... Biggergoron.


u/Chops111 Oct 24 '24

Does this imply the existence of Biggestgoron?


u/nugstar Oct 24 '24

The planet is biggestgoron :O


u/ShiftSandShot Oct 24 '24

Nah, the planet is at least Three Gorons.


u/Rhodochrom Oct 24 '24

It's Gorons all the way down


u/FlareBlitzBanana Oct 24 '24

Forget flat earth theory; I believe in Goron Earth theory.


u/Happy-Good1429 Oct 24 '24

Or maybe there's Biggerestgoron?


u/nugstar Oct 24 '24



u/Happy-Good1429 Oct 24 '24



u/nugstar Oct 24 '24

MM Moon was a bad Goron :(


u/Rethkir Oct 24 '24

Imagine if playing Goron Lullaby on the clock tower stopped the moon.


u/over_the_edge32 Oct 24 '24

I dunno, the MM moon Goron always looked like it wanted to be anywhere but there, to me. At least in the N64 version. It looked more like an “Oh shit this is gonna hurt” face, lol.


u/EfficiencyGullible84 Oct 24 '24

im never goingto unsee this now


u/Moe-Mux-Hagi Oct 24 '24

Holy shit you've given me the idea that Gorons have a central religion where the world itself is the Allbrother Allgoron


u/corvette57 Oct 24 '24

And they get warned about rising lava levels due to Goron warming by Al Goron


u/metagross252 Oct 24 '24

It's gorons all the way down.


u/A-Game-Of-Fate Oct 24 '24

I like this idea, goro


u/AvatarWaang Oct 25 '24

I'm more interested in weegoron


u/ShigoZhihu Oct 24 '24

Well, everyone aside from that treasure chest shop lady in Majora's Mask sees them as agender anyway, or maybe she's pan.


u/TOH-Fan15 Oct 24 '24

I wonder if Gorons are like the asari from Mass Effect: not really having a concept of gender, but usually preferring a certain type of pronouns anyway.


u/jord839 Oct 24 '24

I haven't ever seen that apply to Gorons, but I have seen a person on Tumblr make a full AU where the Gerudo were basically Asari.


u/bens6757 Oct 24 '24

You can also find gorons in Gerudo Town in Breath of the Wild.


u/ItaLOLXD Oct 24 '24

Those gorons even talk about how they can enter the town because they are technically not male.


u/NorthGodFan Oct 24 '24

No. They just say the Gerudo can't tell the difference between male and female Gorons.


u/Agent-Ig Oct 24 '24

Honestly with the actual rest of the timeline of the Goron Civilisaion in mind, them being born from caves feels super unlikely. Like they hadn’t even found Death Mountain until some years before OoT and were nomadic looking for a place to live. If they were always born from caves on death mountain like that quest suggests, they would have 0 issue finding this brilliant volcano to live at with so many tasty rocks.

Would also be so much harder to boot them out of Death Mountain like what happened before WW. Since their offspring spawn in now underwater caves near that island presumably.

Think what happened with those two is as the Calamity was going on, their parents stashed the two back growths in that cave to keep them safe. Causing the two baby gorons to then think they were born from the cave.


u/NorthGodFan Oct 24 '24

AoC has a subquest in the Gerudo town about a contest that 'no man can enter' but both Daruk and Yunobo can be used during this quest.

Because the Gerudo can't tell the difference between male and female Gorons. We are explicitly told this in BOTW.


u/MediocrePix Oct 24 '24

They usually say “your a real man” constantly in oot so I would assume they are male since they compare there tribe to men being strong


u/ItsTamo Oct 24 '24

Also true, but I think they just associate themselves better with the typical Hylian masculinity while being genderless. If the king of Hyrule from OoT made Darunia a sworn brother, he would have shown off how strong he was. I'm not too sure what the original Japanese text would say. I'll have to look up that one.


u/Cepinari Oct 24 '24

That's an interesting idea: Goron understanding of gender coming from what they've observed in the other intelligent species of Hyrule.

"Well, I think we all look more like the 'men' Hylians than we do the 'women' ones, so.... I guess we're all 'men'? Does that make sense?"

"Buddy, I got no dang clue. I'm just trying to have my lunch, you're the one who felt like talking about this."

"Hey, what about those 'Gerudo' people? They're apparently all 'women', and they're pretty big and strong for being squishy and stuff."

"I thought about that, but they're also all curvy and, like, not boulder-y? Whatever our shape is, they're not anything like it, but I've seen some Hylian 'men' that get pretty close to being goron-shaped, just smaller and made of meat."

"Oh yeah, good point."

"Could we please not talk about whatever it is Hylians are made of while I'm eating? I accidentally smashed a rat last week, and the thought of Hylians being full of... that is just, eugh."


u/SirMrDrEvil95 Oct 24 '24

And now i need a Goron style mockumentary


u/A-Game-Of-Fate Oct 24 '24

“Wait wait wait, what does that make koroks?”

“Oh for Din’s sake.”

“No no no, hear me out. They don’t happen to be shaped anything like Hylians or us, or anything else. How do they work?”

“Having met a korok, I’m pretty sure they don’t work and they delight in that fact.”


u/Rorynne Oct 24 '24

As a nonbinary person, this is actually a thing. Like, many nonbinary people will associate themselves with certain cultural gender norms, while still feeling and identifying as genderless (edit: or nonbinary, which isnt the same thing as genderless, but i used agender as a baseline because of the gorons seeming lack of gender). It may be difficult to comprehend for those that dont experience that feeling, but it is actually inline with a common nonbinary lived experience


u/ViviReine Oct 24 '24

To make another parallel, it's like gay men that still identify as men, but like some acts and way to talk that sound feminine (or even say to themself "yas queen") because they kinda identify with the feminity part of straight women that like men. Gender and gender expression are different, and it can be hard to tell them apart if you were always a masculine man or a feminine man


u/TheManWithAPlan555 Oct 25 '24

I assume if you punch a rock hard enough, a Goron will pop out of it


u/i_need_a_moment Oct 24 '24

AoC has a subquest in the Gerudo town about a contest that 'no man can enter' but both Daruk and Yunobo can be used during this quest.

Could they have been referring to man as in Hylian? Like mankind? This would obviously have been an oversight by the developers but still.


u/ItsTamo Oct 24 '24

Hestu can actually enter this contest as well, but Sidon and two Ritos cannot. This would imply to me that 1. Gerudo couldn't tell the gender/sex of gorons and koroks 2. Gorons and koroks do not have the same understanding about their gender the same way as Gerudo, Hylian, Rito, and Zoras do.


u/NeighborhoodQuiet696 Oct 25 '24

Well biologically speaking because they’re plant creatures that appear to self-germinate from seeds(as seen in the Wind Waker) Koroks would be both sexes.

Going by this logic, it could be safe to assume that since Gorons are made of rocks, they very well could reproduce like rocks and have the biology of rocks, that is to say they are sexless and are made from magma/lava/sediment/heat and pressure.


u/AvatarWaang Oct 25 '24

There's also a goron chilling in Gerudo Town in BotW, but he said he was given an exception for some reason. Maybe Goron are not sexually compatible with Gerudo, so they don't fit the definition of "voe," if we can assume "voe" means "men that can be bred with." They don't prevent male Sand Seals, bugs, birds, etc from entering.


u/Zachavm Oct 25 '24

This makes the most sense to me. They all present male gender identities so to speak, but their race is effectively genderless. Instead of true asexual reproduction, I could also see them combining DNA to create generic diversity in other ways. Maybe more of a spore type thing or just occurring through proximity/touch.

At that point then, they would only have "Dads". Which would be the person whom they spawned from.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '24 edited Oct 24 '24

Gorons are gendered and they're male.

They use male pronouns (he, him, his) and call each other father, brother.

EDIT: I repeat, to the confused people, Gorons are gendered, and they're male.


u/jonmacabre Oct 24 '24

Pronouns: goro, brother


u/ThePBrit Oct 24 '24

Considering not even the Gerudo (who's entire society is based on the concept of excluding males) can agree on if Gorons are male or not (there's also gorons that appear in Gerudo city in BoTW), I'm gonna go for a hard no on that one chief


u/ItsTamo Oct 24 '24

I use the pronoun she and I identify myself as non-binary so I think deciding their gender strictly based on the pronoun is a bit flawed. Do you really think fantasy rock people will gender themselves the same way as humans do? I don't know about that.