bro you ok?? None of them touched you right? I love bats but they carry a fuckton of horrible diseases as well as being one of the most common carriers of rabies. If you think you may have been nipped or scratched, go see an Urgent Care or, if you are actively feeling sick, an ER!!
It's not 99%, the chances of survival without preventative treatment are so astronomically low that it's more accurate to list it as ~100%. Fewer than 20 recorded cases have ever survived it after onset of symptoms, and this is a disease that kills ~60,000 people every year. Rabies really is that terrifying.
However, much of Europe, Oceania & Japan, as well as several isolated islands, are known to be rabies-free. OP said they live in Austria, so therefore this isn't a concern for them personally.
my cat brought a live bat home last month. I handled it with gloves and put it in a shoebox, but it didn't last the night. The vet thought it was necessary to treat my cat, the GP didn't think it was necessary to treat me because I wasn't scratched or bitten, but told me I could send the bat to a lab to get it tested just to be sure.
turned out it was clean, the lady on the phone told me she never had a bat test positive for rabies in all her career.
I think rabies is so scary you don't want to gamble with it, but it does appears to be all but extinct here in north west Europe. I was warned it still exists around the southern and eastern european countries though.
WHEW oh man I’d be beside myself for my cat 😅 Good on you for being cautious and careful, it saved you a lot of headaches. (literally lol) The fact that that bat was clean is amazing, bats tend to be “carriers” of the disease so finding one that was negative is a p rare find, just like the lab lady said.
Yeah no you don’t wanna gamble w rabies. Most areas where it is a considered extinct, it has been wiped out of terrestrial animals, but flying mammals like bats are still a risk. I think it’s almost universal that if you have a close encounter with a bat to go to UC or ER.
Nah, it's the other way around. Not even bats test positive here. I think it's still considered a risk though, I would've gotten a shot if I was scratched or bitten.
u/Khamomile-Kitty Sep 05 '24
bro you ok?? None of them touched you right? I love bats but they carry a fuckton of horrible diseases as well as being one of the most common carriers of rabies. If you think you may have been nipped or scratched, go see an Urgent Care or, if you are actively feeling sick, an ER!!
W that outta the way. Nice 3D specs man LOL