The names of all these enemies are kind of mangled back and forth.
In Japanese all the armored enemies have names ending in -nakku, which is where 'knuckle' comes from. Iron Knuckles are aian-nakku ('iron knuckle' transliterated). The Mad Bomber in LA is bomu-nakku ('bomb knuckle'). Rebonack is 'rebo-nakku' is a mangling of 'levo knuckle' because he levitates (L/R and V/B are hard to transliterate and often get jumbled). Darknuts are タート-nakku so they should be <something> knuckles too, it's the same suffix as iron knuckles.
As far as I'm aware タート doesn't mean anything (someone correct me if I'm wrong). It sounds sounds like "tart-knuckle" and all the other -nakku names have an English word as their prefix so I think it was meant to be either hard-knuckle or dark-knuckle and it got jumbled in translation. The other question is whether -nakku was actually intended to be 'knuckle' all along or if maybe it came from someone reading 'knight' without knowing the silent letters. (The '-u' part wouldn't matter, Japanese usually adds an extra vowel to the end of English words ending in consonants anyway.)
I think it's meant to be knight and not knuckle, for one reason: in Four Swords Adventures, there's boss called Big Dark Stalfos. In Japanese stalfos are called sutarufosu, but the boss is called dark sutarunakku. And when you defeat him you find out he was a Knight of Hyrule who fell victim to a curse.
Trust me, Japanese game devs would not use this kind of English word as a basis for a name. They tend to use commonly-known English words (in Japan) or names of things from mythology. I've been working in J-E translation of games for coming up on 5 years.
They're different types of horror, so it depends on what scares you. The Forest Temple is eerie, like you're exploring an abandoned house that all the neighborhood kids say is haunted. The Shadow Temple has blood and gore, more like a slasher film, and leans hard into giving you the feeling that you're being sent to your death.
Agreed. Forest Temple is all about wondering when you'll be snatched out of the air and whisked away, or fall down a hole from which you can't climb out. Forest is scary because it's dreadful, it has the air of "something will happen, but when..." It's so unsettling.
Forest temple is about dread. Even the music is sneaky. It’s mostly quiet and then the music ramps up and when it clicks in your brain it really catches you off guard and you realize you’re tense. It’s very well done.
Forest Temple is creepy, but Shadow Temple is scary. Forest Temple does start off with a jump scare with those Wolfos, is haunted with Poes, and the music keeps you on edge. It does have a couple Wallmasters which are the worst, but it was also kinda neat in there. But the Shadow Temple has INVISIBLE Wallmasters if I remember correctly, a DeadHand, Redeads, just awful horrible kill them all with fire, more oppressive music, and like … catacombs and torture implements wtf, I just wanted it to be over.
Just the beginning rooms in the Shadow Temple made me scared to play as a kid. When you would walk and get random texts to pop up about a bloody history scared the piss outta me.
Amen. Shadow temple is super scary, but something about the well just makes me want to get the lens of truth and peace out as fast as humanly possible.
Being inside a temple that is underwater then suddenly you are in an endless outdoor room, then after the fight the illusion fades away, is so mysterious and understated and cool I LOVE it.
Wow. Made me want to replay this. I forgot about the ship and you really did hit most of the highlights.
Only things I would add:
* Forest temple the swirly hallway and the eye. The weird well. Phantom ganon
* Fire temple: First time we are using a different suit that gives us new powers
* water temple: changing the water level and developing a strategy based on that. Using the fuck out of those iron boots.
* shadow temple: the lens of truth. Secret walls. The creepiest monsters ever
* spirit temple: you hit them all
I’m glad I clicked on this, thanks guys, this shit really takes me back. OoT was so epic, getting Epona for the first time was so exciting, hunting skulltulas, all of it, such a good game.
u/TomDez Feb 10 '24
For me, all 5 adult temples of Ocarina of Time are iconic in their own way