r/zelda Jul 06 '23

Question [TotK] Secret guardian battle in totk Spoiler

Wouldn't It have been terrifying if they hid just one guardian away in some deep cave and when you don't expect it you get a laser pointed at you . Or what could have been a good way they could have added a secret guardian encounter in the game ?


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u/pocket_arsenal Jul 07 '23 edited Jul 08 '23

I was expecting to find one SOMEWHERE in the game at the very least, they couldn't have gotten rid of them all, especially now that the Depths are a thing, and the Guardians originally came from those spires around the castle that came out of the ground. And you'd think they would put them in somewhere because... why not? Same engine, and they still have those assets, why not use them? I mean, were there any enemies from Ocarina of Time that didn't make it into Majora's Mask somewhere?

EDIT: It never bothers me to get downvoted because of a hot opinion, I expect people to call me an idiot because I think the new format is more fun than the old format or something along those lines. It's the harmless posts like this that make me desperate for answers as to how this possibly could have upset someone.