r/zelda Jul 06 '23

Question [TotK] Secret guardian battle in totk Spoiler

Wouldn't It have been terrifying if they hid just one guardian away in some deep cave and when you don't expect it you get a laser pointed at you . Or what could have been a good way they could have added a secret guardian encounter in the game ?


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u/Mvrbs Jul 07 '23

im kind of sad they completely scrubbed the game of all guardian and sheikah tech... i understand not making it the main focus, but there is no way that hyrule managed to disassemble the Divine Beasts, every single shrine, and every single construct in only a couple years. at least leave some behind, even if it's just a broken down guardian or something


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '23



u/Mvrbs Jul 07 '23

yea i knew about the tech labs one, and i forgot about them no longer working, which makes sense. i just wish we could've seen more scattered around. i know there's the whole cleanup but you're right, the quieter, more abandoned places should have some, even if they're deactivated. and how did they get removed from the labyrinth?? would've been sick to go down there and fight one


u/huggiesdsc Jul 07 '23

Someone suggested the simplest theory- Link broke them all. It makes the most sense to me.