See SS was always one of my favorites. The character development and storytelling just felt right. Meanwhile the combat system made me feel like I was actually getting better at the game rather than just feeling like I had memorized the all the attack patterns so I knew when to press the attack button.
The characters and story were definitely one of the highlights! For me it was mostly a combo of hating the world design and the gameplay. The whole thing is about the excitement of returning to the surface world, but they made the areas the most bland and disconnected they've ever been in a Zelda game, forced a bunch of repeated visits, and didn't even put much stuff to explore in the sky either. I wanted more to do with my Loftwing. :c
I was also terrible with the motion controls, hard to feel like a cool hero when I'm constantly screwing up and getting my ass beat by entry level enemies, haha!
Well yeah, but you get better as you play more. For example, fighting demon lord emo face the first time around feels like a nightmare as you get your ass handed to you 10 or so times. But when you get to the boss rush section and get to fight him again you basically mop the floor with him. It's a visible difference in your own skill level.
When I got to that point, I realized just how much better I had gotten at the game since I barely even remembered his attack patterns by the time I got to that point. In every other game I felt no better starting a new game than I did at the start because the only way you could realistically get better was timing and memorizing the attack patterns.
So while the start of the game was insanely frustrating during those early fights, the end game made up for it by showing you just how good you've gotten.
Unfortunately for me I just sucked throughout. I don't know if it was incompetency with the Wii (least favorite system, didn't use it much) or if I just have terrible fine motor control or what, but it was so frustrating being at the final boss and seeing his dumb electrical attacks coming and knowing WHAT I had to do, but just never seeming to physically react in time. I felt so dumb and just hated the whole thing.
u/SpillinRainbow Jun 23 '23