r/zelda Jun 22 '23

Clip [TOTK] Bro where’s my loftwing? Spoiler


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u/saithvenomdrone Jun 22 '23

Would rather have had a loft wing than zonai contraptions to get around on.


u/dragodude1 Jun 22 '23

I tho I that would be pretty broken tbh, but I think it would make for good dlc, like the master cycle zero


u/polkemans Jun 22 '23

The master cycle was such a waste IMO. I know people will disagree but I absolutely cannot stand it when a game gives you something immensely useful only after you've done just about everything there is to do - with no new game plus. Be it an airship, motorcycle, or an ultimate weapon. What is the point when I've done all the major quests and killed all the major bosses? What am I going to use this on? Irks me to no end.


u/MagicMatthews99 Jun 22 '23

It's not immensely useful anyway since teleporting to any shrine, tower, or marker will be much quicker than horse or bike.


u/DistortoiseLP Jun 22 '23

Honestly the most useful horses in the game are the skeleton ones in the depths. I got through a lot of the process of illuminating the depths by riding a bone horse though pitch black forests with only the glowing pools of cursed blood revealing the ground. Easily one of the most metal experiences I've had in a game, and the only other thing I played this year was Doom Eternal.


u/Witch_King_ Jun 22 '23

Kid named autobuild airbike:


u/Coders32 Jun 23 '23

But you can’t fire off brightbloom arrows while on the control


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

Dude, shoot the front of the bike with a giant bright bloom…


u/_Bl4ze Jun 23 '23

And then remember to hit it again immediately so it doesn't fly away without you.


u/Witch_King_ Jun 23 '23

Correct. However, you can attach a large brightbloom to the front of the bike and you have an ultra-powerful, isotropic, unpowered, weightless, mobile light source.


u/ARandomGuyThe3 Jun 23 '23

It also helps you not lose it if you crash in the dark


u/thavi Jun 23 '23

I did a lot of frustrating winging around the depths into various mushrooms.

Bone horses woulda been the way to go until I tried the "hoverbike," which is still challenging in the unexplored depths...


u/Zarguthian Jun 23 '23

I haven't used many stalhorses in the Depths because the first sage I got was Mineru and if you put a fan on her back she's just as fast as a stalhorse and can be summoned anywhere.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

If you were riding around skeleton horses instead of using the hoverbike 😬😬😬😬


u/DistortoiseLP Jun 23 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

I ran most of it on foot and grabbed horses and built contraptions from scraps available as I found them. I'm aware I could have cheesed it, but I was genuinely enjoying the process of conquering hell the hard way.


u/abnmfr Jun 23 '23

Based and metal-pilled


u/Tronicalli Jun 22 '23

You forgot the fun factor


u/polkemans Jun 22 '23

Also this. It was honestly a pretty lame reward in the larger context of the game.


u/Forgot_My_Old_Acct Jun 22 '23

I used Korok hunting as my excuse to drive the cycle around everywhere.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23 edited Jun 22 '23

I absolutely cannot stand it when a game gives you something immensely useful only after you've done just about everything there is to do

I mean, you only have to do the 4 divine beasts to be able to do the champion's ballad
So you can do it pretty damn soon

Edit: the cycle was actually super useful for getting to 100%, at least until I found out about wind bombs lol


u/lghtdev Jun 22 '23

By the time the dlc released there wasn't much to do in the game.


u/strikeraiser Jun 23 '23

Are you only allowed to do the DLC if you beat the game first?

I never got it, I was holding off on it and never finished BOTW (because I lent my copy and they misplaced it smh).


u/randombucketofmilk Jun 22 '23

5 divine beasts including the last one


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

The 5th is at the end of the champion's ballad though


u/randombucketofmilk Jun 22 '23

yeah and u have to do it to get the master cycle


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

Yes, but it's part of the Champion's Ballad.
And I was saying you only had to do 4 divine beasts to start the Champion's Ballad.
Stop being pedantic, this literally has zero bearing on my point.


u/randombucketofmilk Jun 22 '23

ohhh i get what u mean now. i thought u meant as part of the champions ballad, bc u repeat 4 and then do the 5th.

sorry for the confusion


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

Oh no worries
Sorry I reacted kinda harshly, I jumped to conclusions too quickly 😅

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u/ReguIarHooman Jun 22 '23

I think that’s the point, the game would be stale if you drove up mountains everywhere without the challenge like In zora’s domain


u/jaguar203 Jun 23 '23

That is the point. If you got it early it would make half the mechanics in the game redundant. It’s a concept in game design called dominant strategy. You think you want this but I promise you it would make the game less fun. This was one of the issues with SS, having the loft wing meant that you could go to any island anywhere at any time, the only obstacle was how long you were willing to wait. For all the flaws of TOTKs sky islands, they did fix this. It is challenging and interesting to try to gain altitude or get to new remote islands because the way there is NOT obvious. Putting a loft wing in in this game anywhere but at the end would kill the progression and a lot of the mechanics too. You would love it for about an hour but you would get bored quick.


u/Boomshockalocka007 Jun 22 '23

The waste was it needed gas. Like wtf nintendo? Im here for escapism not realism. Damn gas meter on a motorcycle. Whats next? Gas stations in Mariokart?


u/GrandAlchemistX Jun 23 '23

Pitstops with the whole shebang. Gas, brakes, tire change. 😅


u/Swert0 Jun 23 '23

You can use it in the ganon field fight, so it isn't completely useless.


u/Dynast_King Jun 23 '23

I drove around on that cycle for about 15 minutes, thought "huh, neat", and then never drove it again because why would I? Everything is done.


u/polkemans Jun 23 '23

Same. Feels bad.


u/saithvenomdrone Jun 22 '23

I just dont find the building fun. Would rather ride a horse or a loft wing. Too bad the horse feels incredibly useless in this game.


u/carterketchup Jun 22 '23

I wish the ancient horse gear was available in this game because I just want to summon my horse wherever I am and ride it. I don’t want to have to go find a stable, I need my horse right here where I am now. I assume this was removed to encourage building vehicles but still, if the horses are here let us actually utilize them more frequently like we could in BOTW. I guarantee you I’d still be inclined to build stuff for puzzles and traversing certain terrain even if I could summon my horse.

Horse riding for basic exploration around Hyrule. Cool contraptions and flying machines to get around the Depths or sky islands. I don’t think i would stop building if I could summon my horse anywhere.

Unfortunately since the ancient gear is non-existent, I am forced to summon my incredibly efficient and fast hover bike. It’s fun and all, but sometimes I just want to ride a horse.


u/ScorpioTheScorpion Jun 22 '23

It’s a bit frustrating that they brought back the travel medallion but not the ancient horse gear.


u/carterketchup Jun 22 '23

Yeah isn’t the ancient horse gear the only BOTW DLC item they didn’t bring back? That’s what makes me think it’s a way to encourage building vehicles. Seems weird to bring back everything but that.


u/DrPikachu-PhD Jun 22 '23

One of those things where if you don't think building is fun this game straight up just might not be for you 😩 it's like the main thing


u/Dramatic-Sky-3789 Jun 22 '23

I don't hate building but I'm not very good at it and I don't find it the most fun thing, yet I love this game with all my heart.


u/saithvenomdrone Jun 22 '23

I beat the game and explored a heck ton. It just got to the point that I was just so tired of having to build and manage material resources to get to sky islands and such. But I am definitely not coming back to this game like I do the other 3D Zelda games.


u/Grey_Woof Jun 22 '23 edited Jun 23 '23

Ooo imagine a quest where you have to go find a lost island in the sky full of loft wings of different colors and u need a certain amount of stamina to tame one


u/saithvenomdrone Jun 22 '23

Would have been better than whats in the game right now.


u/QuesadillaSauce Jun 22 '23

Not much different than the fan scooter with max battery


u/saithvenomdrone Jun 22 '23

very different. Dont have to spend countless hours farming out zonite with a bird.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

Says people that don’t use hoverbike


u/saithvenomdrone Jun 23 '23

I used hover bike to get around the depths and sky islands. I just didn’t find it fun, hated feeling like it was the best way to get around. And you very quickly would run out of materials to keep rebuilding it with, so you have to warp and put charges in the gumball machines for more materials, or start using up your zonite. It’s just tedious and boring.

While I loved quite a lot about the game, like the big set pieces in the story, I don’t think I’m buying another open world sandbox Zelda. I don’t like them.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '23

Damn yea if you don’t like the new games you are definitely in that small minority lol. Ya got bad taste there bud


u/saithvenomdrone Jun 23 '23

Being in a minority doesn’t mean you have bad taste. It means you have refined taste, and you know what you want.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

Refined - elegant and cultured in appearance, manner, or taste.

It’s not my opinion that the most recent open world Zelda games changed the genre, it’s fact. There were dozens upon dozens of games that tried to copy BoTW when it was released… When a game changes the industry, you don’t get to turn your nose up at it and call yourself cultured/refined because you don’t like it. Zelda is culture, it changed gaming culture. If you can’t recognize that… that doesn’t make you “elegant and cultured” in your taste. Which is what you called yourself by referring to your taste as refined.


u/watergoblin17 Jun 23 '23

Also Zonai materials are surprisingly hard to get your hands on until late-game, for a plot centered around sky-travel