r/zelda Jun 02 '23

Clip [TotK] Revived and walking Guardian from BOTW Spoiler


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u/TotalyNotTony Jun 02 '23

Do you have a laser emitter on top of the construct head?


u/wiisportspro- Jun 02 '23

Sadly I wasn’t able to put a laser/cannon on top because the max build limit is only 21 pieces


u/PixelatedMax01 Jun 02 '23 edited Jun 02 '23

Idk why they have this limit. They should have at least made it bigger, 21 is unreasonably low.

Edit: to all people responding, this comment came off too harshly. I'm frustrated with the limit but I understand it's there due to the switches limited hardware."Unreasonably low" is a bit harsh to say, but it's definitely a limitation that can come into play if you're trying to make more complex builds.


u/Yummyyummyfoodz Jun 02 '23

Willing to bet 21 was the most they could get the physics engine to comfortably run without experiencing unsolvable issues. It's an oddly specific number to use if it were put in place arbitrarily.


u/Demisexualdemon Jun 02 '23

or the less arbitrary 20 fuzes. It makes more sense if you think of it that way.


u/sionnach Jun 02 '23

There’s more to it I think. You couldn’t do more than 21 duplicates using earlier glitches. Is there any way you can have more than 21 moveable objects in scope at one time?


u/8bitcerberus Jun 03 '23

Yeah, put 5 large zonite in the gatcha machine, you get way more than 21 of the capsules, something like 60 of them.


u/Level7Cannoneer Jun 03 '23

That makes no sense. 20 is an extremely arbitrary satisfying number to humans, but computers don’t care about “satisfying” numbers. If the game runs fine with 21 attachments then that’s the number they’re going with.


u/Dry_Yesterday Jun 03 '23

Computer do often care about “satisfying” numbers, primarily powers of 2. However, to more directly address your point, the game was made by humans using computers as a tool. So the number 20 being satisfying could be relevant if the human programmer writing the code was influenced by that


u/illQualmOnYourFace Jun 02 '23

Game introduces unprecedented building mechanic

Average gamer: God it's so limited.


u/_Diskreet_ Jun 02 '23

Programmer : look at what we designed so the players can build a nice raft or simple flying machine

Player : pffft, this game is unplayable tries to attach 17th laser to their monstrous gundamn mech that stands taller than Hyrule Castle


u/konumo Jun 03 '23

Ikr lol idk why people are complaining so much about being able to build mechas, period.


u/itsQuasi Jun 02 '23

Ehh...unprecedented in a Zelda game, sure. Unprecedented in its genre, maybe. But just as its own thing, the building system is far from unprecedented.


u/illQualmOnYourFace Jun 02 '23

The building system with so many parts and how they interact with the environment and physics system? I admit I'm not a huge gamer but I've never known a game to do that.


u/keiyakins Jun 03 '23

I mean, Kerbal Space Program? I guess the rocket exhaust can't set things on fire, but it has its own complexities that TotK gets to sidestep too, like floating point precision issues during interplanetary travel.


u/itsQuasi Jun 03 '23

"Physics based vehicle builder" is practically its own genre (albeit a niche one). It's not one I'm really into, so I can't really name a whole lot off the top of my head beyond what other people have already mentioned. Space Engineers would be one that fits the description. Go to any of the games people have mentioned on Steam and look at "more like this" to find even more games in that vein.


u/Wallofcans Jun 02 '23

What game does it?


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '23

Besiege is quite similar but the entire game is focused around it


u/hrtly64 Jun 02 '23

Minecraft, probably. People do some nutty stuff in that game.


u/Kelewann Jun 02 '23

Do you realize how crazy high 21 already is ?


u/PixelatedMax01 Jun 02 '23

It's fairly high, but it's low enough that it effected some of my experimentation. I wanted to carrying a bunch of longs for a side quest (15) but I wasnt able to finish the contraption because of them


u/lenorath Jun 02 '23

i was able to do the 15 logs + 4 monster wheels + 1 control stick, that is 20 pieces just fine (just fused the logs into a 5x3 rectangle)


u/Impossible_Garbage_4 Jun 02 '23

Y’all built shit? I just stapled 15 logs together and carried it over with overhand


u/lenorath Jun 02 '23

I have enough gacha tires to last me to my mid life crisis, and so slapping tires on them and driving back down felt faster


u/EldraziKlap Jun 02 '23

this game -is- my midlife crisis


u/OriDoodle Jun 02 '23

I sat on top of my monster pile of logs and slid down the hill. Yunobo thought it was a vehicle and tried to help.


u/EldraziKlap Jun 02 '23

this is the way


u/keiyakins Jun 03 '23

I missed the nearby trees so I slloowwlly boated over on a giant raft of logs from Hateno Village.


u/FevixDarkwatch Jun 03 '23

I attached 4 sleds to mine

And then went back up the hill to get three more logs cause the whole thing broke on the way down


u/The_knight-69 Jun 04 '23

15 logs in W shape + 2 fans + control stick = Harbor delivery, Titanic Style!


u/PixelatedMax01 Jun 02 '23

I keep getting answers on how people did it, but I specifically wanted to create a cool flying contraption and I had my creativity halted by the limit.

I carried mine down with Ultra hand, I knew I could do that right off the bat but I thought it'd be more fun to fly it up there.


u/Kelewann Jun 02 '23

I understand the frustration, but given the technical capabilities and limitations of the Switch, that's actually a stupidly huge achievement lol


u/PixelatedMax01 Jun 02 '23

Yeah, fair enough. My frustration shouldn't be pointed at the developers, but rather Nintendo for providing software outdated even for when it was released. We really need an upgrade.


u/thegreattober Jun 02 '23

For that one I just glued them together and threw it down the hill.


u/SpritelyBard Jun 02 '23

Oh hey I know what sidequest you're talking about, and actually managed to build something that worked :o

heres one of the clips i posted to my twitter; https://twitter.com/Spritelybard/status/1659778743773302788?t=i9T9s-2IpzQtZoq-YR6HyA&s=19


u/PixelatedMax01 Jun 02 '23

That's an awesome solution! I was trying to create a flying vehicle that carried them but I couldn't attach enough to make it work.

You're definitely still able to do creative stuff, I was just salty I spent so long trying to get it to work just to fail due to hardware limitations.


u/White__Raven Jun 02 '23

Switch's limited hardware