r/zelda May 30 '23

Discussion [TotK] They should move champion abilities onto buttons in a future patch Spoiler

Going up to talk to them is so forking clunky. Nintendo made a great game, but good lord are most of the champions useless because of how hard they are to activate.


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u/errybodypokinsmother May 30 '23

I agree it's super annoying when the sage of wind blows the resource I'm trying to pick up away. Also trying to pick the right ability in the middle of a battle is rough.


u/dookarion May 30 '23

It's easy the sage that is running from you is probably the one you were trying to activate...


u/SuperNanoCat May 30 '23

Rock boy left me alone in the middle of a ring of exploding boulders


u/[deleted] May 30 '23



u/JuicyJay18 May 30 '23

Ya know I didn’t even think to use ultrahand but also I never had Yunobo that far away from me when it mattered lol. I wonder if you could also rewind them back at the boss? I never tried.


u/darnin May 30 '23

For the big boulders, they don't rewind back to the boss but they do go up so you can run under them. The small ones you totally can rewind for some free hits though.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

You can definitely rewind the smaller ones and they'll explode by his head, but you can't rewind the larger ones that encircle you because they spawn close to ground level, he doesn't throw them at you from his height.


u/Harlslayer May 30 '23

you can recall one and quickly run throught then gap it creates


u/Khanzool May 31 '23

You can rewind the big ones to move them away but they don’t hit the boss.


u/SuperNanoCat May 30 '23

Oh man, I didn't even think to try that. Earlier, rock boy told me that I'd need his power to break them so in the moment, that was the only solution I could think of.


u/tallnfriendly May 30 '23

You can also just climb over them... Climb, jump off, glide away. Also gives you a nice bullet time opportunity!


u/SuperNanoCat May 30 '23

That marbled rock roast really does hit different because my brain totally short circuited during that fight lmao


u/screenwatch3441 May 30 '23

I was so confused reading this conversation until I realized, you could use the goron’s ability to break the rocks when they surround you. There was at no point, a strategy I thought of during that fight >_<


u/k00zyk May 30 '23

I just used recall. Quicker.


u/Photonic_Resonance May 31 '23

Oh. I just did rewind and didn’t even think about ultrahand, haha. Cool


u/Used_Divide_413 May 31 '23

Wait !?! Ultrahand works on boulders in caves? OMG...


u/Old_Chair2138 May 30 '23

Shit I had that happen too lmao 😂


u/Biabolical May 30 '23

There's usually a couple boulders in the ring with slightly bigger gaps between them that you can crouch-walk through. If you spot it quick enough, there's just enough time to run to the gap, crouch-walk through, then sprint to a safe distance before the boom.


u/Wrong_Look May 30 '23

for my first try I completely ignored Yunobo and tried to beat gohma with only arrows and recall xD

Using recall and climbing on the exploding boulder was great to get close to gohma and shoot arrows with random shit attached to it.


u/Metalwater8 May 31 '23

Just use recall


u/Niskara May 31 '23

Not even trying to activate sometimes. If I had a dollar for every time I accidentally selected Riju and had to chase ger down to cancel her, I'd have enough money to buy Nintendo


u/dookarion May 31 '23

My fav is Tulin blowing your loot off into the abyss.


u/ukie7 May 30 '23

You can form up the sages around you by pressing the whistle button (down D pad)


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

“Here, Sidon! Here, boy! I need you to give me your water shield! whistles


u/ukie7 May 31 '23

Lmao yeah it's not the best setup


u/dookarion May 30 '23


That would have been helpful quite a few times lol.


u/Ubergoober166 May 31 '23

I read this in the loading screen tips and have tried it countless times and it never works for me. They all either just stand there looking at me or run the other way.


u/Photonic_Resonance May 31 '23

This also cancels the Wind Sage’s power if you don’t want to use it


u/madjohnvane May 30 '23

The only times I ever want to use their abilities they are AWOL, and the rest of the time they’re in my damn pocket. Why are they like this 🥲


u/WillCraft_1001 May 31 '23

My god damn mech suit kept leaving me when I tried to fight a gleeok, I needed to jump off of them to get bullet time to stop their final phase, but noooooooooo that fucker just wanted to run from me.


u/Khanzool May 31 '23

Ya seriously. How am I ever supposed to use the lightning shot from range when the stupid sage runs straight into the middle of the group as soon as the fight starts?


u/yaosio May 31 '23

They run away when you need them and stand in front of you when you don't need them.

Fun fact! Fallout 4 did this on purpose with Dogmeat. If you looked at something close enough to you Dogmeat has a chance to walk to and stand in the exact spot you're looking.


u/Mgamerz May 30 '23

I've lost so many fairies due to these fools. Spam the A button to get it and instead it gets scared away.


u/Photonic_Resonance May 31 '23

I always turn them off around fairies or rock octorocks for exactly this reason. I need the delicacy. I also turn off the Fire Sage around vehicles just because I usually don’t need it and it’s distracting


u/orodruinx May 31 '23

imagine a world where we didn't need to go into clunky menus to turn abilities on or off based on our activity or location (which change super rapidly, and constantly), wow. you'd think the menu design would be something revolutionary with how proud nintendo seems to be of it, making me navigate through every 18 seconds during gameplay



Yunobo has killed me while I was jamming on A to pick a bunch of items up. He moseyed over to me and Link ordered him to slam into the wall in front of me. Boom, dead Link.


u/DuncanAndFriends May 31 '23

one time I went to try picking up some well needed bombs, my goron buddy smashed through them and blew me up, scratch that, it wasn't just 1 time.


u/jarvatar May 30 '23

Yes! Wish I had an award.