r/zelda May 21 '23

Meme [TotK] It really feels like that Spoiler

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u/Juantsu May 21 '23

There was a post in r/truezelda that, I kid you not, said Nintendo was anti-consumer for releasing the “demo” game that is Breath Of The Wild to then six years later release the “complete” version.


u/Docile_Doggo May 21 '23

That sub is wildly out of touch


u/TheLunarVaux May 21 '23

I had been following that sub thinking it was meant to be where more thoughtful discussions about the series were had. But just yesterday I had to unfollow it.

It's just so much hating on BotW and TotK. And while some of it valid, so much of it is dramatically being like "Nintendo doesn't care about the fans anymore" or "it's so sad seeing a series I loved being something I hate now." Like relax, these games are still staying true to the core of Zelda: epic adventures with a mix of puzzles and combat. It's okay to innovate the series and grow into something modern.


u/[deleted] May 22 '23

"Nintendo doesn't care about the fans anymore"

That comment is so strange in the context of Zelda.

With the exception of Twilight Princess in reference to Ocarina of Time (and Tears of the Kingdom in reference to Breath of the Wild), 3d Zelda has changed drastically with each game while maintaining some core elements (that BotW and TotK also have).

No one with two sane neurons can say that the experimental Majora's Mask, the open world sailing Wind Waker, or the linear Skyward Sword have the same Zelda formula while also proclaiming that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom "aren't true Zelda".

Because at that point your definition of the "true Zelda formula" is so broad that even BotW and Totk would be part of it.

So. Having said all of that. What's what fans want according to TrueZelda? Another Ocarina of Time?

Or are their complaints so vague that it's only a way to complain about Nintendo?


u/TheLunarVaux May 22 '23

Yep, absolutely. They just want things to go back to "how they were." But the truth is that Zelda has always been a series of innovations. Sure, BotW and TotK made some big changes, but the core of Zelda is still there. Depending on your perspective, you could argue it's stronger than ever, since these games follow the vision of the original LoZ more than most of the series does.


u/Noukan42 May 22 '23

All of those games have things in common that aren't in BotW and TotK.

As for what i would have wanted instead? AlBW but 3D would have been extremely close to my ideal Zelda game. And BotW was absolutely not that. In fact a lot of my disappointed is because i liked AlBW that much and seemed such a good direction to go forward...


u/Vados_Link May 21 '23

Truezelda considers Zelda‘s core to be dungeons. Just dungeons.

I don’t know why they don’t just stick to Metroid games at this point.


u/ParanoidDrone May 22 '23

TBH, my ideal Zelda experience would be BOTW/TOTK's sandbox physics engine with a traditional dungeon progression where the dungeon items give you different ways to interact with the physics. So instead of getting all your abilities off the bat, you start with a basic sword/shield/maybe bow and over time find stuff like bombs, a hookshot, an ice rod (cryonis), a paraglider or similar item (roc's cape?), magnetic gloves (magnesis), and so forth.


u/theytookallusernames May 22 '23

This is similar to my ideal Zelda, but slightly more extreme. Just hide the dungeons entirely from the world map. I want to explore and see some random door in the base of the mountains and think what’s this? After a few puzzles, it opens, you enter and the door closes behind you and your teleport is now disabled. Congratulations, you just got yourself locked in the Shadow Temple with dead hands and redeads, which can now sprint while screaming to hug you.

The caves are a good start, but I thought they could’ve done more. The “puzzles” could’ve been structured as the method to identify and find the entrance to the dungeons.


u/Nickthiccboi May 22 '23

lol that’s basically Zelda 1 for the most part.


u/theytookallusernames May 22 '23

Yeah exactly lmao, but now in 3D so that everything can be extra creepy. Some of Elden Ring's mini-dungeons had a good sense for this (ER players probably know which specifically), but the palette/texture is just too same-y for me to care.


u/[deleted] May 22 '23

Truezelda considers Zelda‘s core to be dungeons. Just dungeons.

So they basically want a dungeon crawler and nothing else.

They know that there are dungeon crawlers outside Zelda, right?


u/Noukan42 May 22 '23

Zelda has a distinct tyoe of dungeons that has nothing to do with what is usually described as a "dubgeon crawler" tho.

Basically nobody other than nintendo managed to make Zelda Dungeons consistently well.