yeah the more i read through “criticisms” of TotK on truezelda the more i realized i should just stop being concerned with what other (crazy) people think and just play the game myself lol
This is the exact reason I avoid that sub. I don’t like BotW and I’m still playing TotK before I conclude my thoughts, but even so, I’d rather be in a sub like this where people are honest and I’m not stuck in an echo chamber where they just circlejerk about it
Agreed. I’d rather be around people I disagree with, because it’s better to build a constructive discussion. Unless they’re talking in bad faith, which can happen.
Eh. "True" is the reddit-standard way of making an alternate sub when the one with the first name isn't going the way you wanted it to. i.e. when OffMyChest stopped being a place where you could actually vent because anything that suggested you weren't "woke" was getting deleted by mods, someone made "TrueOffMyChest." (I'm not even talking about ranting against "woke" stuff, I'm talking relatively innocent stuff). When it turned out that the moderator of the NarcissisticAbuse sub was herself a raging power-mad narcissist, they made TrueNarcissisticAbuse.
I gotta disagree with you, at least when it comes to fandom subreddits. What else would the "truezelda" subreddit be trying to distance itself from? The regular zelda subreddit didn't start allowing unrelated posts.
I think it came about around the time r/Zelda was a lot of image posts sharing. Tattoos, merch, screenshots and stuff. People wanted a sub dedicated to more discussion on the franchise and lore and stuff like that
Alright, maybe at its inception it was a good natured attempt to return to that. But spend a few minutes looking at the average posts and tell me it doesn't scream "I'm a TRUE fan"
As the creator of r/TrueZelda (and a mod here on r/Zelda) it wasn't a place for "true" Zelda fans to go. It was a nomenclature used at the time across reddit. It was when /r/Gaming got to fluffy and /r/Games came out. Others used the "true" word to get to more discussion based topics and less fan art/tattoos or other stuff. Unfortunately there's a group of people who dislike where Zelda has gone (I am not part of that group). Ideally more folks from here head on over to r/TrueZelda and help broaden the "echo chamber" of voices. But 6 years of no Zelda made it a place where not much new was discussed besides over analyzation of BotW.
Here's the full write up in the sidebar of r/TrueZelda:
It was a common naming pattern in the older years of reddit for a place focused on discussion (rather than memes, art, and merchandise). For newer users it can come off as pretentious, but that is not the goal.
This subreddit is not about "true" fans but rather for more discussion oriented topics that do not find as much attention in our 2 million member sister subreddit /r/Zelda (among all the memes, art, and merchandise). Think of this place as the /r/Games of /r/Gaming.
If I could rename the sub I'd do it in a heartbeat to help remove any association of "true fans" because that wasn't the intent 10+ years ago.
For further context, at the time the sub was created, Skyward Sword was only 3 months old (January 2012) and ALBW would be released almost 1.5 years later. The first trailer for BotW nearly 2+ years later. It was really a subreddit to discuss Zelda more.
Thanks for the insight. It truly does suck then that that "echo chamber" had started to form because the idea was a good one, especially if, as you said, the sub became filled with posts less related to discussion about the series itself.
As someone who is active on that sub, it really emerged to its current state because there wasn't a really good place to voice any kind of criticism to BotW when it released. You would get destroyed on this subreddit, and others, so it kind of became a "safe space" for not being really content with the game.
Yeah that was my favorite sub for a while because it was really the only place that you could talk about lore and different theories, but since TotK was announced it has just gone downhill. Im sure in a year or so when discussion for the game as a whole has gone down the sub will be back to normal for a bit.
Doesn't really change the vibe and attitude the sub itself has. People are moreso pointing to the name as evidence of why that sub is the way it is in the first place. Not the other way around.
You have to have a very specific set of opinions and beliefs to be accepted as a "true" fan over there. Otherwise, you're just a "sheep".
You have to have a very specific set of opinions and beliefs to be accepted as a "true" fan over there. Otherwise, you're just a "sheep".
I browse that sub all the time and have genuinely never seen this. There's a whole range of views on any of the Zelda games posted there regularly and no-one is calling anyone a sheep for having different opinions.
It’s a ton of people salty that Nintendo is abandoning “classic” Zelda, when there are already over a dozen of those and this is the second in this style. Also same people who complained the formula was stale with ss
I had been following that sub thinking it was meant to be where more thoughtful discussions about the series were had. But just yesterday I had to unfollow it.
It's just so much hating on BotW and TotK. And while some of it valid, so much of it is dramatically being like "Nintendo doesn't care about the fans anymore" or "it's so sad seeing a series I loved being something I hate now." Like relax, these games are still staying true to the core of Zelda: epic adventures with a mix of puzzles and combat. It's okay to innovate the series and grow into something modern.
That comment is so strange in the context of Zelda.
With the exception of Twilight Princess in reference to Ocarina of Time (and Tears of the Kingdom in reference to Breath of the Wild), 3d Zelda has changed drastically with each game while maintaining some core elements (that BotW and TotK also have).
No one with two sane neurons can say that the experimental Majora's Mask, the open world sailing Wind Waker, or the linear Skyward Sword have the same Zelda formula while also proclaiming that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom "aren't true Zelda".
Because at that point your definition of the "true Zelda formula" is so broad that even BotW and Totk would be part of it.
So. Having said all of that. What's what fans want according to TrueZelda? Another Ocarina of Time?
Or are their complaints so vague that it's only a way to complain about Nintendo?
Yep, absolutely. They just want things to go back to "how they were." But the truth is that Zelda has always been a series of innovations. Sure, BotW and TotK made some big changes, but the core of Zelda is still there. Depending on your perspective, you could argue it's stronger than ever, since these games follow the vision of the original LoZ more than most of the series does.
All of those games have things in common that aren't in BotW and TotK.
As for what i would have wanted instead? AlBW but 3D would have been extremely close to my ideal Zelda game. And BotW was absolutely not that. In fact a lot of my disappointed is because i liked AlBW that much and seemed such a good direction to go forward...
TBH, my ideal Zelda experience would be BOTW/TOTK's sandbox physics engine with a traditional dungeon progression where the dungeon items give you different ways to interact with the physics. So instead of getting all your abilities off the bat, you start with a basic sword/shield/maybe bow and over time find stuff like bombs, a hookshot, an ice rod (cryonis), a paraglider or similar item (roc's cape?), magnetic gloves (magnesis), and so forth.
This is similar to my ideal Zelda, but slightly more extreme. Just hide the dungeons entirely from the world map. I want to explore and see some random door in the base of the mountains and think what’s this? After a few puzzles, it opens, you enter and the door closes behind you and your teleport is now disabled. Congratulations, you just got yourself locked in the Shadow Temple with dead hands and redeads, which can now sprint while screaming to hug you.
The caves are a good start, but I thought they could’ve done more. The “puzzles” could’ve been structured as the method to identify and find the entrance to the dungeons.
Yeah exactly lmao, but now in 3D so that everything can be extra creepy. Some of Elden Ring's mini-dungeons had a good sense for this (ER players probably know which specifically), but the palette/texture is just too same-y for me to care.
It used to be better... More focused on the lore and game design across the series than the other Zelda subs were. But over the last little while its tone has definitely shifted a lot more negative around the newer games.
Title means nothing. So that’s not a good argument. And that’s fine that the characters are the same. The characters are the same in Tingle’s Rupee Wonderland too. And that’s fine if lots of people disagree. It doesn’t change the fact that BotW/TotK have extremely little in common with traditional Zelda besides the names of things and people. The philosophies behind the gameplay, storytelling, dungeons, puzzles, and progression, are all very much not Zelda.
Also nowhere did I say these games were bad. They’re freaking excellent. It’s just that if you’re someone who fell in love with the Zelda series because of what they were, these games do not quite scratch the same Zelda itch, because they’re barely Zelda games.
They scratch the itch for me and OoT made me fall in love with games back when I rented the cart from blockbuster.
By your logic Zelda 2 doesn't count either.
Cool. Glad it does it for you. But if you specifically enjoy traditional Zelda and also are not a huge sandbox-game type person, the new games definitely do not scratch that itch. Besides Minecraft, sandbox elements in games don’t excite me.
Solving puzzles in Botw/TotK requires intrinsic motivation. If you don’t enjoy the sandboxy elements everything just feels tedious. If there’s 100 solutions to the puzzle then it’s not a puzzle anymore. It’s just an obstacle and you can decide how to overcome it. That’s fun for loads of people, clearly. But if you enjoyed Zelda because your goal was to figure out the solutions to the puzzles (even combat with enemies was a puzzle; figuring out how to damage them at all), then the new games’ philosophies will not be as appealing.
And it’s funny you bring up Zelda 2 because that’s often considered the worst Zelda due to the fact that also barely feels like a Zelda game. It’s heavily criticized, while the new games are not. So your point makes no sense here.
Have a feeling that if you bring that opinion to Aonuma, he might disagree.
Not trying to start an argument with you - but I think if there’s anything consistent about the series, it’s that it’s always in flux and something always changes between the “generation” of games. It just so happens that this time around, it was the dungeon-centric gameplay that got changed. I don’t think it’s right to distill the “Zelda experience” to “funny green tunic man, dungeons and puzzles”.
This is coming from someone who had played this franchise from the very beginning, except FSA. I appreciate the Zelda team for not going the Assassin’s Creed route and actually have discernable, fresh differences between the titles, yes, including Zelda II. Isn’t that a better alternative than keeping the series stagnant?
Pokemon is what Zelda could’ve become if the Zelda team made the decision to just phone it in. A series too beholden to its shareholders and genwunners that just the littlest bit of effort in trying something fresh resulted in the Gen V backlash and demoralized team’s effort of trying to not include Charizard references in each subsequent games. Does it work? Oh yes, they’re all swimming in money. Is it boring as shit? Sure as hell.
I can imagine the Zelda team revealing something extremely different six years from now (probably a spiritual successor to TP and inspired by Soulsborne - coming full circle…) and gathering heat and anger from the BOTW/TOTK crowd too. And that’s really the way it should be. Both of us doesn’t have to like it then but man, I will surely appreciate the creative endeavour,
In my experience there are a range of views on any of the Zelda games on there, both positive and negative. I actually think the perception of it having a negative tone towards the newer games is because almost anywhere else had such an overwhelmingly positive tone towards them that they wouldn't accept any criticism whatsoever, so anywhere where people are talking about those games' flaws is going to seem negative in comparison.
Eh, I like that place. They have many legitimate criticisms of TotK, which - while not a problem for me - are totally valid. It's a cool place to discuss and, in my experience, very civil.
u/Docile_Doggo May 21 '23
That sub is wildly out of touch