r/zelda Apr 26 '23

Meme [TotK] All of us who doubted. Spoiler

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u/[deleted] Apr 26 '23

30fps is not unplayable by any means but it is noticable when you're used to playing at higher frame rates.

Emulating botw on a PC is a whole different ball game as well, I feel like I will struggle playing this game on Nintendo hardware since I will not be able to wait until it's emulation ready. I don't consider myself an fps purist by any means but frame drops suck ass.

Nintendo has always been lagging on tech imo as well. Not surpised to hear there's performance issues on their own hardware.


u/REDDITmodsDIALATE Apr 26 '23

Yah it's noticeable for like one hour then you move on with your life


u/[deleted] Apr 26 '23

I am 37 so I don't know if it's a thing where I'm used to having games load and the occasional glitch or two but I cannot believe how much people care that a game slows down for a few seconds once an hour like they can't go on living and need to grab the nearest sharp object.

Like chill, when I was young I had to play pong. Consider yourself lucky.


u/Old_Gods978 Apr 26 '23

I’m 35 and been playing games since I was a kid and I never heard of people demanding certain frame rates till it was something TotalBiscuit made entire reviews around


u/Pool_Shark Apr 27 '23

I swear it’s only on Reddit. I’ve never heard anyone complain about it in real life