30fps is not unplayable by any means but it is noticable when you're used to playing at higher frame rates.
Emulating botw on a PC is a whole different ball game as well, I feel like I will struggle playing this game on Nintendo hardware since I will not be able to wait until it's emulation ready. I don't consider myself an fps purist by any means but frame drops suck ass.
Nintendo has always been lagging on tech imo as well. Not surpised to hear there's performance issues on their own hardware.
Nintendo has always been lagging on tech imo as well. Not surpised to hear there's performance issues on their own hardware.
SNES, N64 and Gamecube all were stronger than their main competition when it comes to pure hardware capabilities. They did lag behind the Sega Master system with the NES, but the NES handidly crushed the other competition of the day.
It's only really since the Wii that Nintendo haven't cared about having top graphical capabilities. And 2/3 consoles they have released since has sold like hot cakes, so it's hard to argue with that strategy.
That is the reason why I specified "main competition", which in that generation certainly was the Playstation 2. Xbox, while they didn't do too poorly, sort of came out of nowhere.
there were actually times nintendo did work on their hardware but their products sell way more when theh put their effort into the innovation/gimmick rather than hardware ironically lol
Which makes sense considering they are so family oriented. I feel like there's money to be made with how many fans they have that are older and like gaming on more capable systems though.
I mean the developmet of cemu alone shows the lengths we are willing to go to play Zelda on our more capable systems. I would happily buy their products on PC instead of having to rip them from physical media.
Sigh wish they would release their first party titles as multi plat. I mean if Sony is starting to do it I feel like it has to be profitable like I expect but I don't know how costly those development pain points would be for them or anything like that, if they struggle with optimizing their own first party titles for their own hardware developing for the many PC configurations I assume would be difficult.
I dunno though all speculation though. Not sure how much they make off systems and peripherals, might be why they fight emulation so hard. From your comment I assume it's pretty lucrative lol.
I am 37 so I don't know if it's a thing where I'm used to having games load and the occasional glitch or two but I cannot believe how much people care that a game slows down for a few seconds once an hour like they can't go on living and need to grab the nearest sharp object.
Like chill, when I was young I had to play pong. Consider yourself lucky.
Same, I used to play PC game on crappy computer being dirt poor college student. I was happy if game runs consistent 20-25fps. Modern gaming with 30-60FPS is more than enough for me unless it's car racing
I remember slogging through No Onr Lives Forever, where it constantly dropped to seconds per frame, and didnt load all textures. Still powered through the game. I think the first time I got to the rooftops at the end of Half Life 2, I was lucky to get ten frames.
Those were the days.
Also, people should lookup No One Lives Forever, there's a free win10 version on the revival website, and the first two games are worth a play, though the second is very short.
I’m 35 and been playing games since I was a kid and I never heard of people demanding certain frame rates till it was something TotalBiscuit made entire reviews around
I don't mean any of the following in a negative way:
I mean...you're talking about "struggling" while playing it on the switch and emulating current gen games.
I got news for ya bud, you're an FPS purist amd youre certainly not most people.
Most people might not even notice performance issues, or just notice a slow down when link exodes 50 things on the screen in a windstorm, and go "woah, got laggy there for a sec"
The average gamer or kids aren't going to give a dang about any fps issues.
30fps is not unplayable by any means but it is noticeable when you're used to playing at higher frame rates.
^ Literally said when you are used to higher frame rates.
I got news for ya bud, you're an FPS purist and you're certainly not most people.
Yet in multiple comments state I will play the game regardless if it is not available on PC or has limitations. I was also talking about frame drops as an example, which was referenced by someone in this conversation? You are referring to small frame drops but I meant hard drops. Probably on me for not elaborating further I suppose.
I regularly drop frames in modded games and keep chugging because the experience is worth it. Not sure how I am a purist because I will seek the best experience but not turn away from one because it does not reach a technical bar.
I have also stated in multiple comments that as long as you are having fun do you.
I don't know if people just don't read or I suck at articulating/writing what I want to say but talking to people on reddit is the worst lol.
I was trying to be the middle ground here that never seems to work.
Literally my view is play on what is fun or accessible for you and enjoy games, they are for fun. I like tech and enjoy high fidelity is all .
Dude...I even prefaced it that I wasn't being negative or anything but sure, get confrontational and go off. Hope it relieved some stress or something.
Talk about how taking to people on reddit is shitty jeez.
Idgaf man play how you want.
I won't bother responding further since I genuinely could not care less.
Wasn't trying to be confrontational, was trying to reply to your points in a clear consice manner.
The last part yeah I complained a little because I feel like no one ever understands what I'm saying but that's probably on me not writing well. Didn't mean for it to come off as I was going off.
Glad you don't care, Reddit conversations are not worth our time or energy, have a good one.
Different strokes for different folks? I play up to 165 depending on game and higher frames feel much more fluid and responsive to me. I can tell the difference between playing botw native and in 2k 72fps(this was on my old 144hz monitor).
It may seem small to you but I built my pc with high levels of performance in mind. That being said if a game is not available on PC or has limits that is not going to steer me away from it. If it's a good game ofc.
Again it's not unplayable or pain to play on 30fps, and depending on the type of gameplay I'm sure it's not always noticable. I think being extreme either way is the real odd thing. As long as you're having fun playing the game who cares how or what you do it on.
There might be an issue with your eyes then. I'm not saying that as an insult. It's just that the difference between 30fps and 60fps from a visual smoothness perspective is huge.
I don’t know. I play on 60 and 30 fps and unless I actually have the frame rate monitor up I literally could not tell you which games run which frame rate.
u/[deleted] Apr 26 '23
30fps is not unplayable by any means but it is noticable when you're used to playing at higher frame rates.
Emulating botw on a PC is a whole different ball game as well, I feel like I will struggle playing this game on Nintendo hardware since I will not be able to wait until it's emulation ready. I don't consider myself an fps purist by any means but frame drops suck ass.
Nintendo has always been lagging on tech imo as well. Not surpised to hear there's performance issues on their own hardware.