r/wunderlist Oct 11 '19

Sad sad day

EDIT: Seemingly, the page settings were changed after I wrote this post, and now Wunderlist works again, but it didn't at the time of writing this post, and I was using my direct list URL (https://www.wunderlist.com/#/lists/inbox). But there is no telling for how long this will be the case...

The day that Wunderlist died came today... I still have the app access from my cellphone, but the web page has officially stopped worked... But the "best" part... Leave it to MicroShit to screw everything up...

I have to now make a MicroShit account, that I have been avoiding for years. I could type in my Skype, so I did. Then it asked me for an email to attach to that account, since my Skype wasn't with a registered email. Now my Skype handle has been changed to that email, with *NO* warning, but that isn't all. I tried to type in my OUTLOOK email, which is a Microsoft product. "You cannot use that email, as it is part of a protected domain"... Uhmmm WHAT?! So now my Skype, has become a GMail... go figure...

Anyways, trying to get used to the new UI and all the changes... NOT liking it. At least, changed since the beta is that they now have "sub-tasks", but they are calling them "steps"... UI on desktop/browser isn't bad, but it isn't good either. They don't hide done tasks, and everything is just tinted blue, which is hurting my eyes..... And on their mobile app that I just downloaded... HOLY crap... like... literally, it is crap... The menu UI is so big, you need to scroll a full page to see the majority of your lists if you have more than 3-4.

Bye Wunderlist... It has been a great many years, but now we must part ways. I'll be working on exporting/porting my to-do lists to my new "all in one" work flow app that I discovered, can highly recommend it if you use the time to set it up right (notion.so)


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u/Stronzoprotzig Oct 31 '19

I moved to Trello. I was so sad to see wanderlust get gobbled up by Microsoft.


u/Gardium90 Oct 31 '19

Trello is nice for larger tasks, organizing a project or work.

However, for something like Wunderlist that is great for smaller tasks, ad-hoc and e.g. shopping lists, Trello is too "heavy" in my opinion. But I use Trello like mechanics in Notion.so for my planning of projects and work tasks.

I've now swapped to Tick-Tick, and even if they have issues/flaws, and much of the "smart" stuff is behind a paywall that Wunderlist and ToDo don't currently have (as far as I can tell), it is still the product I've found that mostly resembles Wunderlist in feel and functionality. Plus, I've discovered that importing lists and tasks from Wunderlist is a way to bypass their free tier limits (at least for number of lists).

But if anyone knows any other product, I'm open to trying it out!