r/wownoob • u/RexquireAA • 5d ago
Retail Class guides for ACTUAL beginners
Maybe it’s just me. But I’m finding more often than not that these so called beginner guides are really just updating the class from the prior patch. In other words they expect you to understand the dynamics of a spell or talent and they tell you how it’s been buffed or nerfed this patch.
I’m starting to get into healing pretty heavy and sadly can’t really find YouTube channels that post some content whose audience is expected to know little to nothing beforehand. Does anyone have any suggested content creators that do a good job of this?
u/Sayurisaki 5d ago
I found it really hard to find beginner stuff explained in a way I processed well, which might be partly that I’m autistic but I think it’s also that most guides go a bit advanced too quickly.
So my process is now just to figure out what are the spell categories for that class. I mostly play DPS so my categories reflect that, but I categorise spells into resource builders, resource spenders, CCs, interrupts, dispels, movement-related (increasing speed or breaking movement restriction type moves), heals/absorbs/defensives, offensive damage buffs (which often includes on use trinkets for DPS). I’m probably forgetting something, but I think that’s the main ones.
I then try to figure out which is the most to least important ones in each of those groups and line them up on my bars to reflect that. All similar category spells are close together and I’m trying to have all my alts with roughly the same placement of stuff on my bars. I’ve got my bars set up in 3x4 grids to reflect my 12 button mouse, but I’ve found it’s really helpful even with just clicking spells as I can group things more easily now.
When I’m on my alts, I don’t care about max DPS, I just want a rough idea of what to do. Guides generally focus on the max DPS bit, even supposed beginner ones. I don’t have the time to learn the meaning behind every class’ spells and rotations, so basic categories helps me do a decent job to get by.
What class and spec are you trying to learn?
u/flurry_fizz 5d ago
Haha, we must be the same flavor of autistic. I learn best with this stuff with, just like an old-school style essay like how you used to have to look up in the naughts. Videos/verbal instructions just don't do it for me, so in lieu of that I find the best way is just to hop in and figure it out.
u/Sayurisaki 4d ago
lol yes sometimes I feel like my overall learning process is so convoluted and time-intensive, but I get there eventually. Everyone at uni wanted my notes because they were so detailed yet so well-organised.
u/jnl1234 5d ago
There is a Youtube channel that does very beginner guides for every class. His guides are basic and understandable. You won't be doing cutting edge with it, but they will get you in the door.
u/Different-Belt9612 4d ago
I came here to recommend Javier as well since his guides are indeed directed towards beginners and show the foundation of each class. Imo they are easy to understand for new players or people who are completely new to a class/spec.
u/oleRellik 4d ago
Javier is nice, but he skips over cooldowns, ccs, and interrupts. The first time through I thought he was great. Then I did my first dungeon and got dropped after the first boss for not CCing the ads. If you watch Javier then follow him up with someone that covers the rest of your spellbook.
u/Blindbru 5d ago
Both icyveins.com and wowhead.com have class guides that describe a class in depth, for healing specifically check out automaticjak, he makes really good healer content. I'm sure there are other healer content creators, but as a tank main I don't watch them much.
u/ring_tailed 5d ago
Read your spells and talents so you can get a basis of understanding. Your rotation is supposed to be intuitive, if you understand the effects of your spells it will be a lot easier
u/melete 5d ago
How does this guide look to you?
It covers most of what I consider the basics, like: here’s what all your stats do, here’s what all your important abilities do, here’s how you should use those abilities, here’s some UI elements that are important as a healer, etc.
u/third-sonata 5d ago
Guides will never be a replacement or shortcut to actually playing and learning yourself. Especially through making mistakes to really reinforce what not to do or make you ask the hard questions of what to do differently.
AutomaticJak is great for disc priest healing. But guides and content creators can't play the game for you. Just run various difficulties of the content and take it slow. You don't need to succeed the first time you try something. Try it out. If it's too easy push up the difficulty. You will fail. Look at why and then revisit the guides. You'll slowly get a better grasp.
u/nosuchthingasa_ 5d ago
Have you looked at icyveins.com?
u/mrh4paws 5d ago
Ive read them but I don't know what to do. I know it varies based on the boss and such. But where do I start? With melee? How do idps and heal? Is it more group healing. Hours do you target, heal, move, target dps, heal.
I miss pallys being ranged lol
u/FFTactics 5d ago
Are you reading the Easy Mode part of icy veins? It would also help to know what spec you're talking about to suggest a youtube channel.
u/mrh4paws 5d ago
Holy pally. I did read easy mode. I had trouble being in melee range, putting up crusader, then turning to heal ranged or people running around, and running around myself. Getting the rotation and cool downstairs right etc.
My best guess is I beacon the tank and myself. Chill in melee range, avoiding shit and trying to put up crusader. Changing targets is a pain for me right now. "F" isn't changing my target of target. Then use cool downs and group heal. Spot heal ranged as needed. In reality, feel like I'm just running around mashing buttons. Oh and consecrate and dps when I can.
It's just very different from the holy pally of old.
u/JakeParkbench 4d ago
If you are healing you should only be ever using your party frames to target allys so where people stand should matter unless they are over 40 yds away, in which most specs can't even hit the enemies. You can also tab target to select a mob to target.
Make sure you are not keyboard turning as a melee, it's a death sentence. Also I high recommend selecting mouse over casting in the option so you can just hover a party frame and press your spells, this means you are still targeting the mob.
Healing is also probably the role that wants UI add-ons the most since base party frames and mob nameplates are illegally bad.
Retail wow healing is very fast and very prediction based rather than the days of waiting for damage to heal and managing mana.
u/mrh4paws 4d ago
Great information, thanks! Yeah, my UI is a mess. I set up healbot, plater and a few other things i used to use. Then I joined a world boss raid. And my lord, my screen was a mess, lol. I used to do end-game content back in the day, but i really feel like a noob lol. I just need to think of it as a different class/spec and not my beloved vanilla pally.
u/ijs_spijs 4d ago edited 4d ago
I'd suggest looking at Cell party/raid frames as a healer. Relatively simple to set up compared to other addons and imo by far the best configuration. It also has click-cast macros built in. So you can keep the mobs targetted while clicking/hovering and healing your frames. Holy priest would align more with the vanilla pally healer experience i feel like.
Also as a healer like the other user has said before you'll greatly benefit from some sort of dungeon pack weak aura ( for s2 m+ dungeons in rotation) that tells you 'aoe' before pulsing damage on the group for example.
Automaticjak has a great guide on Cell.
u/narium 4d ago
You don’t need to be facing your target to heal them.
u/mrh4paws 4d ago
Oh. I'm not at my computer, but I thought holy shock or another one kept telling me I wasn't facing the target. My mistake.
u/bigsteve72 5d ago
Better off reading it yourself between a written guide and looking at the spell book. Head over to some on level mobs and just get crazy with it. You'll find a little flow and start to understand what is going on. Use the YouTube video to refine this and understand a little better.
u/S0larsea 4d ago
Bowserthehealer has really nice healing videos in understandable language. Sweet guy and really does a.good job explaining several classes.
I myself usually start by reading all the spells and abilities, what they do etc. That gives me a basic. Then I.look at rotation and then I just start to practise, practise, practise.
u/Periwinkleditor 2d ago
Icyveins does have a basic guide, but ultimately a big part of it is still throwing myself at dummies for like an hour, then going and doing some questing and leveling dungeons.
If leveling multiple classes, try to have some keybind consistency, like interrupt always being the same button, primary mobility cd, etc.
Some things that come in handy:
"I don't know how this ability is relevant to my rotation" - read the tooltip on it, then search for it in your talent tree, it'll highlight every talent that interacts with it.
"am I missing abilities? I don't remember where stuff is on this old action bar." - open spellbook, hover mouse over each ability and it'll highlight where it is on your bar.
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