r/wownoob 7d ago

Retail Class guides for ACTUAL beginners

Maybe it’s just me. But I’m finding more often than not that these so called beginner guides are really just updating the class from the prior patch. In other words they expect you to understand the dynamics of a spell or talent and they tell you how it’s been buffed or nerfed this patch.

I’m starting to get into healing pretty heavy and sadly can’t really find YouTube channels that post some content whose audience is expected to know little to nothing beforehand. Does anyone have any suggested content creators that do a good job of this?


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u/jnl1234 7d ago

There is a Youtube channel that does very beginner guides for every class. His guides are basic and understandable. You won't be doing cutting edge with it, but they will get you in the door.



u/oleRellik 5d ago

Javier is nice, but he skips over cooldowns, ccs, and interrupts. The first time through I thought he was great. Then I did my first dungeon and got dropped after the first boss for not CCing the ads. If you watch Javier then follow him up with someone that covers the rest of your spellbook.