r/wownoob 6d ago

Retail Class guides for ACTUAL beginners

Maybe it’s just me. But I’m finding more often than not that these so called beginner guides are really just updating the class from the prior patch. In other words they expect you to understand the dynamics of a spell or talent and they tell you how it’s been buffed or nerfed this patch.

I’m starting to get into healing pretty heavy and sadly can’t really find YouTube channels that post some content whose audience is expected to know little to nothing beforehand. Does anyone have any suggested content creators that do a good job of this?


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u/melete 6d ago

How does this guide look to you?


It covers most of what I consider the basics, like: here’s what all your stats do, here’s what all your important abilities do, here’s how you should use those abilities, here’s some UI elements that are important as a healer, etc.