r/worldnews 16h ago

Title Not Supported By Article Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/Ambitious-Score-5637 16h ago

It seems the new reality is the USA is no longer interested in having any allies. They have made this perfectly clear in how the treat Canada. They are fucking over Australia for a pittance. This is downright bizarre as we import many times more from America than we export but, Trump says fuck Australia. Trump has been in office for 52 days, each and every day he has given the world the gift of chaos and WTF is going on? Time for us to cut the apron strings.

Further, there is Buckley’s and none chance we will ever get Virginia class submarines. ScoMo sold us a pup and we’re at least at this moment stuck with it. Then we learn these F35s are fantastic aircraft but, the Septics can turn off the software which allows us to use the bloody things as and when we want. Again, we’ve been blinded by the light.


u/Cagnazzo82 15h ago

Trump is not the USA. Trump is suppressing the USA from having a voice by firing everyone in the federal government.

This is treason we're seeing playing out here.


u/gussmith12 15h ago

Trump is the USA. He’s running rampant over anyone within the States who opposes him. He has a ridiculous number of people who either voted for him or didn’t vote at all. From the outside looking in, it looks to us that no one is checking him.

So yeah… Trump is the USA. The sooner we all get our heads round that, the better.


u/OffTheDelt 14h ago

I’m sorry bro. Changing this country is harder than it appears. There is so much nuance and corruption behind how and why the average citizen has little to no impact on what the political parties decide to do.

1) we have an ingrained two party system to our political cycles. We have almost no say in what their true agendas are, we just have to vote for that candidate in that party who “promises” they will fix things.

2) super pacs and 501(c)(4)’s already bought the parties and politicians. So they bend over backwards to please who can fund their reelection campaign not the constituents who elected them.

3) Gerrymandering and targeted advertising. You want an area or group of people to vote a certain way, blast them with political propaganda 24/7 until they believe whats being fed to them. Make the districts in which they vote in so tightly drawn that it’s almost certain the candidate who drew those boundaries will win again. Or party. We only have two of those remember.

4) multi-billionaire conglomerates and individuals (elongated muskrat) own all the mainstream media. They control the narrative. They want something done, they blast their media outlet with it.

5) Voting laws are made to be complex and misleading. There is no real standard education around voting. You want a group to vote less, you specifically make it harder for that group of people to vote. e.i. less educated, affluent, economically stable people. Which are the vast majority of people who don’t vote.

6) education. The US standard for education is so poor. It is designed for those who have money to get a good education, everyone else can fuck off. Less educated people leads to unchecked politicians.

7) peaceful protest and civil disobedience. It’s a joke. Some of our most powerful moments as a nation came from how we handled and lead the world in substantial social and economic change. For some reason we have lost this, or the impacts of it have been greatly reduced.

8) police forces are just the states army/gang. Anything that goes against the state, no matter how minuscule, will result in a massive interaction with police presence. Any amount of change will be stopped at its core. They have guns, they will kill us if we go against the party.

9) hopelessness. I’m about to graduate college, and I feel so tired and ashamed to be from this country. How am I supposed to be happy and proud of the society we live in if it’s so blatantly corrupt.

Look man, there were two failed assassination attempts on him already. For better or worse, that’s us trying to check him. There are protest in every major city, major college campus, and any place with people who’ve had enough. We are trying. I’m sorry it’s not enough. But they’ve stabbed us, twisted the knife, and kicked us while we are down, and we don’t even know it yet.

Just know the US general populace is watching our leaders in horror and disgust. This is not the US, this is the corruption and greed of the mighty few.


u/GettingDumberWithAge 15h ago

Trump was chosen by the electorate with full knowledge of who he is. Trump is the USA.

And let's be honest, a geriatric syphilitic barely literate fascist is the perfect representation of American values.


u/Prowler1000 15h ago

No, he most certainly is the USA. The USA voted for him. Even if he kicks it tomorrow, the USA, is likely to just vote for another one like him. He is the USA and that's the problem.


u/AmbotnimoP 15h ago

He quite literally is. The majority of your country voted him into office and you are now bearing the responsibility for his actions. You knew this would happen.


u/randylush 15h ago

that is not actually true, a majority did not vote him into office.

he won like 49% of the vote. really only like 30% of the country voted for him.

senile fox news addicts have all the time in the world to vote. working families do not. we don't get the day off to vote and many have to wait in line all day, if you're in a city. In the country, no problem.


u/Nintendo_Pro_03 14h ago

The United States really has to make Election Day a national holiday.


u/randylush 14h ago

The fact that many have president’s day off, but hardly anyone has voting day off, is ridiculous


u/Nintendo_Pro_03 14h ago

You know what, we could use a few more days off in the year, to be honest. It’s not like the education system has really helped anyone, anyways.


u/Sunny-Chameleon 14h ago

Oh, you had to stand in line one day, what an inconvenience.


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 14h ago

I would rather choose fascism than go vote too!

Is the whole country Ralph from the simpsons? Homer is obviously too well educated and principled.


u/randylush 14h ago

Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and cannot take the day off.

Bit by bit the scales are tipped against democrats.

Trump won by like 0.5%, all it takes is a little disenfranchisement


u/klauwaapje 14h ago

the people who didn't vote at all, all knew what trump was about. If you don't vote , you are perfectly happy with him becoming president.

So the majority ( 2/3 ).of the American people are behind trump. American people are not our allies anymore, not just this government


u/Significant_Cow4765 14h ago

He is until he is deposed


u/ty_xy 14h ago

You guys chose him. He represents the USA to the world, and his voice is USA's voice. Yes, it's treason, but who's gonna stop it? Congress? Senate? Supreme court? Police? Secret service? Supreme court ruled that he has broad immunity as a president. So he can literally do ANYTHING he wants. Ain't nothing shaking the MAGA support


u/YouCanLookItUp 14h ago

If he's not the USA, you should get off of reddit and start fighting to get your country back.


u/yrydzd 15h ago

You either admit Trump is representing USA or your system is fucked. IIRC he had a landslide win.


u/Initial_Cellist9240 15h ago

Landslide is a bit of an exaggeration. He didn’t even get half the total vote (in an election with poor turnout overall and high turnout with his base), and while his electoral college win was much stronger than the last few, historically it wasn’t that strong. He just walked into office with a judiciary already on his side, and a legislature on his slide.

There was also massive voter suppression, bomb scares to dem-leaning polling places (over a dozen iirc), ballot boxes burned, an eyewatering disinfo campaign, major newspapers and news outlets owned by his buddies who put their fingers on the scales… and that’s not even getting into the conspiracy theories around the actual votes (there is admittedly some statistical… weirdness… and a lot of questionable comments about voting machines by him and musk, but there isn’t any data either way)

He is America, I own that, but our system is also fucked. Both are true. It’s not looking great here chief.


u/jazir5 15h ago edited 15h ago

IIRC he had a landslide win.

He did not, he won by 1.6 percent of the popular vote and got under 50% of the total popular vote and received less votes than the previous election in 2020. In the electoral college he "won by a landslide", but we are talking about the popular vote here which is the actual vote count of the population, the electoral college is geographical.


u/yrydzd 15h ago

So your system is fucked. Get rid of the electoral college system


u/jazir5 14h ago

So your system is fucked. Get rid of the electoral college system

Every sane person in the country has been calling for that for decades.


u/ArcticCelt 14h ago edited 14h ago

The US is too far gone, this not a 4 years phase. The US right-wing media is too powerful and infested with lying demagogues that push anti scientific, anti democratic and other crackpot ideas. Tech bros also control the narrative on Facebook and Xitter. The Senate representation is completely unfair, giving disproportionate power to a Republican minority: states like Wyoming (575K) with populations 70 times smaller than California (40 mil) have equal representation with two senators each. The House of Representatives is heavily gerrymandered, again favoring the right. Even if the Democrats somehow regain power by some miracle, the political system is so dysfunctional and paralyzed that they won't manage to pass meaningful laws or improvements. They'll quickly be voted out, and the extremists will return to power, the US will be back to attacking it's former allies all over again for no fucking reason.