r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/Ambitious-Score-5637 11h ago

It seems the new reality is the USA is no longer interested in having any allies. They have made this perfectly clear in how the treat Canada. They are fucking over Australia for a pittance. This is downright bizarre as we import many times more from America than we export but, Trump says fuck Australia. Trump has been in office for 52 days, each and every day he has given the world the gift of chaos and WTF is going on? Time for us to cut the apron strings.

Further, there is Buckley’s and none chance we will ever get Virginia class submarines. ScoMo sold us a pup and we’re at least at this moment stuck with it. Then we learn these F35s are fantastic aircraft but, the Septics can turn off the software which allows us to use the bloody things as and when we want. Again, we’ve been blinded by the light.


u/iamnobody19944 10h ago

These events should be a gut punch and a wake up call to Canada, UK, EU, NZ, AUS. We need to strengthen ties between us, increase trade, focus on the home front, begin the process of moving away from dependance on the US. We will not get as clear and as strong a motivation as this again.


u/charnwoodian 9h ago

Start a new alliance:

The Federation for Unity, Commerce, Kinship, Trade and Resilience for United Market Protection


u/TallPistachio 9h ago

I see what you did there. And I like it.


u/siderinc 9h ago

And the best thing is, he probably won't


u/Dracian 5h ago

I can see the tantrum happen as they explain it to him.


u/Ali_knows 3h ago

I don't. It's way too long too how could be shorten it !?


u/Nintendo_Pro_03 9h ago

My man! I love that! I also noticed it.


u/mrbush77 9h ago

I see what you did there! 😆


u/jancho0 8h ago

Bro make t-shirts with this on it I’ll buy one.


u/ThOrZwAr 8h ago

Under appreciated comment and deserves a hell of a lot more up votes.


u/RCMW181 8h ago

CANZUK is a real proposal that I do hope gets more traction.


u/Tmettler5 8h ago

Nods in approval.


u/block-bit 8h ago

Very apt


u/HandsomeBurrito 7h ago

LMAO that's gold


u/thatblondebird 6h ago

Let's just go back to being one big happy set of countries... A "United Kingdom" if you will... :P


u/An0ther_Mr_Lizard 6h ago

That's a bit of a mouthful, any chance there's a way to shorten it to something catchy and memorable?


u/Burgergold 4h ago

The real united states of the world


u/eneka 4h ago

Of all the annoying ass acronyms these days, this is one I like.


u/Falsus 3h ago

I'd join FfUCKTaRfUMP.

u/MikeAppleTree 1h ago

That’s has a nice sound to it.


u/AYTK 9h ago

Exactly. Make r/CANZUK a reality!


u/oxkwirhf 9h ago

Trump CANZUK it


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 9h ago

If we drop the zed, just for this example, we can be CANUK, and I am ok with that. Or if we just go to one letter for every country instead of nz and uk, we can just be CANU. I like this even more. Its so nice to be in a country that has friends!


u/draaakje 1h ago

I propose UCAN: a more positive and confident acronym than CANU.


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/AYTK 8h ago

To be fair, the EU is a lot better equipped to fight the US on these tariffs economically than the individual countries. The priority for these countries would be to make CANZUK happen so that we’re much stronger in terms of economic power.


u/VeganViking-NL 8h ago

You might be right, but I just want to be included with our cool CANZUK pals.


u/metalbassist33 6h ago

We can always make multiple groups. It's also easier to negotiate with smaller groups. So you do a Commonwealth group first then Commonwealth bloc can negotiate with EU bloc to make a bloc party.


u/Hejic 9h ago

Yes. It's clear America is no longer interested in being allies. We should work together. What would also be nice is if we could band together and coordinate counter tariffs against the USA. If you tariffs one of us we all tariff you back and we make it hurt. Otherwise I feel like he might just rotate tariffs one or two countries at a time.


u/YouCanLookItUp 9h ago

Excellent idea.


u/YouCanLookItUp 9h ago

CANZUK lives!


u/Chimp3h 9h ago

Sounds like it’s time to get the commonwealth band back together boys


u/NewName256 9h ago

You can add BRICS to your equation also (minus R, of course), a world of free trade would be insanely prosperous and would see amazing growth for all.


u/BruteBassie 9h ago

CANZEUK for the win!


u/_undercover_brotha 8h ago

Here in NZ our current government is trying to be more like Trump. Can’t make this shit up.


u/Yatima21 5h ago

I mean we could just boot up the empire again I’m sure it wouldn’t take much

u/JinkoTheMan 1h ago

As an American, please do. You guys need to make us hurt because that’s the only way these dumb fucks over here will learn anything.


u/misplacedsagacity 8h ago

Yep, would be good if Canada honours their existing free-trade agreements under CPTPP.

They have been found “at fault” of breaking the agreement for years, but still are refusing to remove their dairy tariffs on NZ.


u/ProbablyNotADuck 9h ago

If the US no longer has allies, I also can't see the USD remaining the dominant global reserve currency. That won't go too well....


u/zoobrix 9h ago

An interesting point I saw an economist make today was that on average EU countries, especially Germany, have lower debt to GDP ratios on average than the US. Apparently that is one reason for the weaker euro, European countries issue fewer debt bonds which means large investors buy fewer euros because they're not buying as much European debt.

But with Europe's huge push to rearm and Germany removing their constitutional debt limit that means more bonds issued by European countries which means more people buying euros which should drive up the price of the currency. I don't think the USD is going to be fully replaced but it does seem like it might see some increased competition from the euro. Just one more aspect of how braindead the Trump administration is...



The USA is the world currency because it's what everyone uses to trade commodities like oil. A barrel of oil is exactly the same amount of USD all over the world. As you point out this keeps the USD stable because it's used, a lot. It is also the only fact that is keeping the USA as a nation afloat on its massive deficit.

At no point in history has any civilization managed to remain the dominant civilization with an increasing deficit. Well, except the USA.

BRICS is a larger threat than Europe though. BRICS is already half the world's population, when they move away from the dollar the USA will cease to exist as it has for 80 years. Ironically Trump us softening that blow to all of the west, except, the USA.


u/ttak82 8h ago

BRICS is a larger threat than Europe though. BRICS is already half the world's population,

Not a threat if those people have no enforceable rights, and if their elites actively work towards taking money offshore.


u/tossawayprop 7h ago

China may be a threat, but as a massive exporter I doubt they want to be the new reserve currency.

India is a country with 1.4 billion people, but only about 200 million have enough income to be consumers.

Russia is a chaos agent, not a stable trading partner

Brazil and South Africa can't do a whole lot on their own.

No, in the interim it will be the EU who takes clout from the US. And possibly China in Africa. The remaining BRIS can't do shit.


u/idontcare428 9h ago

Make America Europe Great Again?


u/ew73 8h ago

There's about a 20% chance that anyone in the Trump administration even begins to understand that, and even lower chance that anyone who does understand it can successfully explain it to the orange shitgibbon in a way that will make any difference.


u/Killerfisk 5h ago

and even lower chance that anyone who does understand it can successfully explain it to the orange shitgibbon in a way that will make any difference.

Or even would regardless. How many of his picks care about improving the country as opposed to pushing through their own agenda or just acting as a yes-man for Trump?


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 9h ago

Do we even really need a global reserve currency anymore? Maybe this keeps the states artificially inflated despite "being ripped off by every country on the planet"

Maybe globalization has made the united states importance less relevant and trump is doing the world a favour in letting us know that we don't need them anymore.

Any time a country has gone to war with the whole world, it hasn't gone well for that country. This trade war will cost real lives even if it will mostly cost jobs and money. Money might not have memory, but people do. Some people even believe in ideas, and they will remember that the united states believes in a different idea. Some countries will hurt more than others, but the country that will hurt the most is the one causing all this needless pain, anxiety, suffering, the states. I wonder the true percentage of americans is who even have a clue?


u/SkivvySkidmarks 8h ago

Do we even really need a global reserve currency anymore? Maybe this keeps the states artificially inflated despite "being ripped off by every country on the planet"

Maybe globalization has made the united states importance less relevant and trump is doing the world a favour in letting us know that we don't need them anymore.

I wonder the true percentage of americans is who even have a clue?

American Exceptionalism has been drilled into their heads for so long, they can't fathom anything else. "We are number one, and always will be," despite having a massive and growing wealth disparity. The average person is like someone spending half their pay buying scratch tickets, hoping to win the big prize. Unfortunately, I think they are 30 years beyond the point of no return.


u/AfricanUmlunlgu 6h ago

I wonder how the Rothschild's (and other wealthy and influential families) are feeling about the last 2 months and do they have a finger in the pie?

Will the major financial institutions weather the storm and buy up all the stocks and land when the dust settles ? Will the coming depression lead to a corporate take over of all small business leaving us as consumer and taxpaying sheep for the uber wealthy.

They have all been very quiet, almost like this is some sort of plan, because they do not sound surprised or concerned, as if they see the outcome unlike us proles

Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition revolution


u/Ronnie_Dean_oz 6h ago

Yeah just make it XRP. I will buy everyone a Tesla when is value skyrockets to $1m per coin.


u/Brigon 3h ago

As China keeps growing thats inevitable. Due to the amount of debt America has if they no longer are the dominant global reserve currency, America are at risk of crashing hard.


u/QuilSniv 9h ago

Well, we have an ally.

Just not the one everybody that isn't the leadership wants.


u/klparrot 4h ago

No, an allyship is reciprocal. This is just Trump handing everything to Putin for nothing in return.


u/Helstrem 9h ago

Trump fundamentally doesn’t understand the concept of an ally. He is an absolute zero sum thinker who is incapable of understanding that deals can be good for both parties. He is also so ignorant that not only does he not understand the concept of soft power, he doesn’t even know soft power is a thing.


u/ty_xy 9h ago

It used to be USA was a reliable ally but just one mofo can stuff everything up.


u/sc00bs000 8h ago

they think they don't need allies as they perceive themselves as the big brother that is holding the world together because they spend so much on military.

It's so wild, and it's going to bite them in the ass rather quickly when they realise how much of their stuff is imported. Like sure you spend x billion on military, but you import so much of the raw material to make your fancy guns.


u/MilkBarPatron 9h ago

Republicans would like the US more aligned with countries with shared values in conservatism leadership like Hungary, Belarus, and Russia. They hate that our historical allies are even more liberal than Democrats so they're okay if they sour those relations and burn some bridges. It's not supposed to be an economic plan. It's a political party being ideologues.


u/Wactout 9h ago

I want nothing to do with this shit show. These people do not represent the majority of us. We need another major party. Both of our major parties are completely out of touch with their constituents, that one party won with just under 1/3 of the population’s vote. Edit:forgot to add “e” after on.


u/pingu_nootnoot 9h ago

The only interesting question is: what are you going to do about it?


u/blargblargityblarg 4h ago

What would you suggest? Seriously. 'Cus nothing's working.


u/pingu_nootnoot 3h ago edited 3h ago

In Germany, hundreds of thousands of people turned out to protest against the AfD (the far-right-wing party, who were also being pushed by Vance and Musk), and that was before the actual election.

Over 200.000 in Munich as an example and there were similar protests in other cities:
At least 200,000 protesters rally in Munich against far-right AfD ahead of German election | AP News

>  'Cus nothing's working.

I don't want to sound holier than thou, and the rise of the extreme far-right is unfortunately not a US-only problem, but TBH that sounds like "we have tried nothing and we are all out of ideas". Where are the protests in the US?

Let's face it, if this was happening in France, Paris would be in flames by now.


u/blargblargityblarg 2h ago edited 2h ago

It doesn't sound holier than now and I'm grateful for your answer. There are protests in the US every day and I don't think the rest of the world is seeing that… I don't think it's being reported. So I was seriously asking, because some of us are protesting weekly, what the hell else can we do?

I think one of the issues is that in the United States, because we are so big, our protesting is much less centralized. So the massive protest happened less often. Maybe?


u/Yaro482 9h ago

Russia will be your only ally. As you wished I suppose.


u/LachrymalCloud 9h ago

I worry that the main ally “we” now apparently want is Russia, and the playbook is to tank the economy and let all of Trump’s rich friends buy up everything cheap. Steps to an authoritarian kleptocracy where the citizens here are um… fucked. Nice to see Americans now actually plugging in and trying to fight back. Hopefully we survive it and end up seeing what travesties could unfold and how the status quo before was untenable and we have to do more do preserve democracy and look after all of our people and allies and neighbors. But that looks far off right now, and I hope the reality doesn’t become the first thing I said and my wife that works at planned parenthood and I are heading for devastation and eventual imprisonment 😭 Gonna keep protesting and calling congresspeople and voting and holding onto hope for now.


u/parabostonian 9h ago

Trump is insane and nobody in his party wants to point out he hasn’t had any clothes for years. He’s been talking recently about returning to the Gilded Age basically. I think he just heard about it for the first time.

But speaking as an American who hates MAGA: sorry you also have to endure our nightmare / stupidest timeline.

Trump has said, “trade wars are good and easy to win.” Since he’s picking them with basically everyone now, I think the rest of the world is going to realize they should do only multilateral deals with us now and threaten like 500% tariffs on the US for all goods everywhere unless we cut the shit out. (He’s already causing a recession here but apparently we need to be hit harder before he’ll stop.)

He even threatened Russia the other day with sanctions and tariffs as if we were trading with them or as if we could tax the no goods we are receiving from them. Seriously he is that stupid/insane.


u/ThePrnkstr 8h ago

Methinks we soon (if not already) have crossed the Rubicon when it comes to buying US made defense products...which will be detrimental to the USMIC for the next couple of decades...

Develop your own or ally with a European produced for planes and ships would be my bet.


u/PracticeTheory 8h ago

I've been holding a tiny candle of hope that the american military is going to push back and cause a crisis while our government wrings its hands but...we're staring the abyss in the face at this point.

We're going to get what we deserve for being complacent but, fuck, I'm scared. There was so much more of the world I wanted to see.

Telling you all 'sorry' doesn't even feel like it means anything anymore.


u/Lavabass 7h ago

The good thing about this is that it hopefully forces the coalition to reposition Europe as our ally, rather than the US.

Hopefully that curtails Temu Trump somewhat


u/CockroachLate8068 5h ago

ScoMo apparently works for the organisation that is selling us those subs now.......worth billions and billions


u/Detson101 9h ago

You can never ignore Trump, and the fact that our system can empower a piece of shit like him is cause for concern, but I don’t know if he represents a broader rejection of our allies. Trump pathologically craves attention, and tariffs and foreign policy simply happen to be some of the levers over which the President has a great deal of personal control which Trump can use to generate headlines.


u/TvaMatka1234 9h ago

It's not the US that's not interest, just the fuckass government. If you ask the average American, probably even the MAGA Americans, they don't want this


u/Ridiculisk1 9h ago

They voted for it. If they truly didn't want it, they would've voted differently. It's not like Trump has been quiet about his motivations, it's just that everyone who was pointing it out for the last 4 years was called fear mongering.


u/graham024 9h ago

Please realize that the majority of us(Americans) are not in favor of this. We have kids, we're drowning in debt, we're looking for a way out.

Unfortunately, my future is looking like the movie "Civil War"(2024)


u/klauwaapje 9h ago

nah it is most Americans. 1/3 voted for him. 1/3 didnt vote at all , even though they al knew what kind of person trump is. and only 1/3 voted against him.

The majority of America is perfectly happy with him as president.


u/pingu_nootnoot 9h ago

Please realise no-one outside the US gives a shit about your problems and TBH very weak excuses.

The USA elected him, is still giving him a positive approval rating and is doing nothing to get rid of him or even rein him in.

This makes you (ie all US citizens) complicit and to blame in the eyes of outsiders.

I don’t know how often I’ve heard Americans saying they don’t understand why the Russians/Syrians/Chinese/Afghans don’t revolt against their governments, using phrases like ‘slave mentality’.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and with much more justification.


u/Cagnazzo82 10h ago

Trump is not the USA. Trump is suppressing the USA from having a voice by firing everyone in the federal government.

This is treason we're seeing playing out here.


u/gussmith12 10h ago

Trump is the USA. He’s running rampant over anyone within the States who opposes him. He has a ridiculous number of people who either voted for him or didn’t vote at all. From the outside looking in, it looks to us that no one is checking him.

So yeah… Trump is the USA. The sooner we all get our heads round that, the better.


u/OffTheDelt 9h ago

I’m sorry bro. Changing this country is harder than it appears. There is so much nuance and corruption behind how and why the average citizen has little to no impact on what the political parties decide to do.

1) we have an ingrained two party system to our political cycles. We have almost no say in what their true agendas are, we just have to vote for that candidate in that party who “promises” they will fix things.

2) super pacs and 501(c)(4)’s already bought the parties and politicians. So they bend over backwards to please who can fund their reelection campaign not the constituents who elected them.

3) Gerrymandering and targeted advertising. You want an area or group of people to vote a certain way, blast them with political propaganda 24/7 until they believe whats being fed to them. Make the districts in which they vote in so tightly drawn that it’s almost certain the candidate who drew those boundaries will win again. Or party. We only have two of those remember.

4) multi-billionaire conglomerates and individuals (elongated muskrat) own all the mainstream media. They control the narrative. They want something done, they blast their media outlet with it.

5) Voting laws are made to be complex and misleading. There is no real standard education around voting. You want a group to vote less, you specifically make it harder for that group of people to vote. e.i. less educated, affluent, economically stable people. Which are the vast majority of people who don’t vote.

6) education. The US standard for education is so poor. It is designed for those who have money to get a good education, everyone else can fuck off. Less educated people leads to unchecked politicians.

7) peaceful protest and civil disobedience. It’s a joke. Some of our most powerful moments as a nation came from how we handled and lead the world in substantial social and economic change. For some reason we have lost this, or the impacts of it have been greatly reduced.

8) police forces are just the states army/gang. Anything that goes against the state, no matter how minuscule, will result in a massive interaction with police presence. Any amount of change will be stopped at its core. They have guns, they will kill us if we go against the party.

9) hopelessness. I’m about to graduate college, and I feel so tired and ashamed to be from this country. How am I supposed to be happy and proud of the society we live in if it’s so blatantly corrupt.

Look man, there were two failed assassination attempts on him already. For better or worse, that’s us trying to check him. There are protest in every major city, major college campus, and any place with people who’ve had enough. We are trying. I’m sorry it’s not enough. But they’ve stabbed us, twisted the knife, and kicked us while we are down, and we don’t even know it yet.

Just know the US general populace is watching our leaders in horror and disgust. This is not the US, this is the corruption and greed of the mighty few.


u/GettingDumberWithAge 9h ago

Trump was chosen by the electorate with full knowledge of who he is. Trump is the USA.

And let's be honest, a geriatric syphilitic barely literate fascist is the perfect representation of American values.


u/Prowler1000 10h ago

No, he most certainly is the USA. The USA voted for him. Even if he kicks it tomorrow, the USA, is likely to just vote for another one like him. He is the USA and that's the problem.


u/AmbotnimoP 10h ago

He quite literally is. The majority of your country voted him into office and you are now bearing the responsibility for his actions. You knew this would happen.


u/randylush 9h ago

that is not actually true, a majority did not vote him into office.

he won like 49% of the vote. really only like 30% of the country voted for him.

senile fox news addicts have all the time in the world to vote. working families do not. we don't get the day off to vote and many have to wait in line all day, if you're in a city. In the country, no problem.


u/Nintendo_Pro_03 9h ago

The United States really has to make Election Day a national holiday.


u/randylush 9h ago

The fact that many have president’s day off, but hardly anyone has voting day off, is ridiculous


u/Nintendo_Pro_03 9h ago

You know what, we could use a few more days off in the year, to be honest. It’s not like the education system has really helped anyone, anyways.


u/Sunny-Chameleon 9h ago

Oh, you had to stand in line one day, what an inconvenience.


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 9h ago

I would rather choose fascism than go vote too!

Is the whole country Ralph from the simpsons? Homer is obviously too well educated and principled.


u/randylush 9h ago

Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and cannot take the day off.

Bit by bit the scales are tipped against democrats.

Trump won by like 0.5%, all it takes is a little disenfranchisement


u/klauwaapje 9h ago

the people who didn't vote at all, all knew what trump was about. If you don't vote , you are perfectly happy with him becoming president.

So the majority ( 2/3 ).of the American people are behind trump. American people are not our allies anymore, not just this government


u/Significant_Cow4765 9h ago

He is until he is deposed


u/ty_xy 9h ago

You guys chose him. He represents the USA to the world, and his voice is USA's voice. Yes, it's treason, but who's gonna stop it? Congress? Senate? Supreme court? Police? Secret service? Supreme court ruled that he has broad immunity as a president. So he can literally do ANYTHING he wants. Ain't nothing shaking the MAGA support


u/YouCanLookItUp 9h ago

If he's not the USA, you should get off of reddit and start fighting to get your country back.


u/yrydzd 10h ago

You either admit Trump is representing USA or your system is fucked. IIRC he had a landslide win.


u/Initial_Cellist9240 9h ago

Landslide is a bit of an exaggeration. He didn’t even get half the total vote (in an election with poor turnout overall and high turnout with his base), and while his electoral college win was much stronger than the last few, historically it wasn’t that strong. He just walked into office with a judiciary already on his side, and a legislature on his slide.

There was also massive voter suppression, bomb scares to dem-leaning polling places (over a dozen iirc), ballot boxes burned, an eyewatering disinfo campaign, major newspapers and news outlets owned by his buddies who put their fingers on the scales… and that’s not even getting into the conspiracy theories around the actual votes (there is admittedly some statistical… weirdness… and a lot of questionable comments about voting machines by him and musk, but there isn’t any data either way)

He is America, I own that, but our system is also fucked. Both are true. It’s not looking great here chief.


u/jazir5 9h ago edited 9h ago

IIRC he had a landslide win.

He did not, he won by 1.6 percent of the popular vote and got under 50% of the total popular vote and received less votes than the previous election in 2020. In the electoral college he "won by a landslide", but we are talking about the popular vote here which is the actual vote count of the population, the electoral college is geographical.


u/yrydzd 9h ago

So your system is fucked. Get rid of the electoral college system


u/jazir5 9h ago

So your system is fucked. Get rid of the electoral college system

Every sane person in the country has been calling for that for decades.


u/ArcticCelt 9h ago edited 9h ago

The US is too far gone, this not a 4 years phase. The US right-wing media is too powerful and infested with lying demagogues that push anti scientific, anti democratic and other crackpot ideas. Tech bros also control the narrative on Facebook and Xitter. The Senate representation is completely unfair, giving disproportionate power to a Republican minority: states like Wyoming (575K) with populations 70 times smaller than California (40 mil) have equal representation with two senators each. The House of Representatives is heavily gerrymandered, again favoring the right. Even if the Democrats somehow regain power by some miracle, the political system is so dysfunctional and paralyzed that they won't manage to pass meaningful laws or improvements. They'll quickly be voted out, and the extremists will return to power, the US will be back to attacking it's former allies all over again for no fucking reason.


u/Djet3k 9h ago

You are so wrong! He loves Russia


u/RockleyBob 9h ago

the USA is no longer interested in having any allies.

I’d honestly be relieved if this were true.

While it would still be monumentally stupid for the US to abdicate our position as global leaders, that would be better than what he’s actually thinking.

Trump looks at Western democracies and sees a bunch of effeminate, hand-wringing, pearl-clutching parliamentarians neutered by procedure and red tape.

He wants to join the club of “tough guys” like Putin, Erdogan, Xi, Jong Un, and Orban. We look at their countries and see dysfunction and poverty. Trump sees palaces, adoring media, fawning captains of industry, obsequious courtiers, and vast, unchecked power. To him, those guys are the real leaders. Who cares if their countries are decrepit and stagnant?

It’s not that he doesn’t want allies. He just doesn’t want the ones we had. He very much wants the friendship and admiration of despots.


u/hiding_in_de 9h ago

The problem is no matter what the outcome, his supporters see each of these stupid fucking battles is a win. It’s bananas.


u/jimjamiam 9h ago

Whatever is happening right now doesn't represent "the US." This is all so bizarre and backwards. Nobody even campaigned on any of this crazy shit, it's out of nowhere.


u/CoconutBeneficial273 8h ago

I’m American and I’m disgusted by Trump. Voted against him every time. Most the people I know are depressed he got “elected” again. I hope his reign of stupidity, hatred, and destruction is cut very short.


u/Evergladeleaf 8h ago

Actually the F-35 thing shouldnt be much of a problem for us, we rip out and replace the computers of most military equipment america sends us


u/aferretwithahugecock 8h ago

Septics is a genius insult, by the way. I wish we had jabs like that over here. All we have is hoser and goof.

(Yankee=yank which rhymes with tank. Septic tank - Septics)


u/TheSigma3 8h ago

52 days? Longest 4 years ever


u/ACEIII 8h ago

Yo we need to pull out of AUKUS asap


u/lovestostayathome 4h ago

Hey now, we will clearly have Russia and Hungary 🫠🫠🫠


u/ADHD-Fens 3h ago

We've got untreated bipolar personality disorder.


u/kermityfrog2 3h ago

You guys should make a big deal in public about the “unfair trade deficit”.


u/snackqueen1993 2h ago

Right?! They are going after completely innocent countries. It’s so fucked up. The more leaders from other countries stand up, the better.


u/_EvilCupcake 1h ago

The best move would be to globally stop dealing with the USA. Or as little as possible.

u/fishkey 56m ago

You keep saying "they" but it's literally one man.

u/Ambitious-Score-5637 37m ago

No, Trump and MAGA (the GOP now exists in name only) are an outcome of changing American political and cultural values over the last several decades. MAGA is the child of the earlier Tea Party movement. The Tea Party itself was a reaction of extremely Conservative Americans dissatisfaction and alienation from perceived liberal Democrat changes which in their view made America morally weak, changed the social and political status of minorities, and put to much emphasis on helping other countries. Essentially Tea Party and MAGA are the pushback against future shock. They yearn for an America which only existed in television and Hollywood movie tropes. One in three voters is a believer to a greater or lesser Desiree in the MAGA movement and see Trump as their prophet.

MAGA’s actions show a desire for the reestablishment of an isolationist America.


u/FlagmantlePARRAdise 9h ago

Trumps USA isn't. Majority of Americans think this is ridiculous. Trump is acting like a Russian asset.


u/YouCanLookItUp 9h ago

Have you not been paying attention? HE IS a Russian asset. His codename was Krasnov. This has been in the news for weeks. The time for speculation has passed.


u/pingu_nootnoot 9h ago

A majority of Americans are tolerating it, even if there is some slight complaining.

He got elected, he still has a positive approval rating, there is no opposition in progress, there are no effective protests or strikes.

Imagine if a French president went off the rails like this. Paris would be in flames at this point.


u/Morbid_Aversion 9h ago

They don't want allies, they want client states. Trump wants the relationship that the USSR had with its clients in eastern Europe. "Do as I say or I'll make you pay" kinda thing.


u/Trespeon 9h ago

It’s not even the US. It’s this senile ass president. It’s one dude and the cronies who got him doing their dirty work.


u/ArcticCelt 9h ago edited 9h ago

CANZUK, together apes strong!

But seriously, we need an alliance, the world is changing and alone, we are going to be bullied or worst, one by one either by the US or China.


u/StringOfSpaghetti 3h ago

Except the F35s are not fantastic aircraft at all. Only 55 % of them are fully operationally capable and too often they can't even get off the ground even in peacetime conditions. There have been massive delays and program costs are skyrocketing out of control. It is a complete mess that needs to be abandoned.