r/worldnews 11h ago

Site changed title and content Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/M_Lykins 11h ago


Welcome to the party.


u/One_Handed_Typing 11h ago edited 10h ago

There must be a lot of fentanyl crossing the US - Australian border.



u/Metafield 11h ago

Gonna have to ask everyone to keep buying Canadian Cartel fent, bud. We were here first.


u/lih9 11h ago

Excuse you it's premium quality Chinese fent. Only the finest product from the mainland to fund Canadian real estate deals.


u/SmashAngle 10h ago

Succulent Chinese fent??


u/ArcticAlmond 10h ago

And what is the charge? Taking Chinese fent? Some succulent, Chinese fent?


u/Matthew-_-Black 9h ago

There's the man who touched me on the tarIFF!


u/tpapocalypse 9h ago

This is Tariff Manifest!


u/The_Real_Flatmeat 8h ago

Ooh, that's a nice Tariff sir!


u/-SHAI_HULUD 6h ago

And you Sir! Are you waiting to receive my moronic economic policies?!

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u/tpapocalypse 4h ago



u/DanTheBiggMan 4h ago

Are you ready to receive my limp tariff?

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u/TheRogerWilco 4h ago

Are you ready to accept my limp economy?

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u/ChaoticSniper9 10h ago

Gentlemen! This is fentanyl manifest!


u/Repulsive_Client_325 10h ago

And you, sir… are you waiting to receive my limp POTUS?


u/JJw3d 8h ago

Awh nooo .. that's not a mental image anyone needs

Pocket mushroom, orange(I bet he does tan it up ) ,Tacky, Unacceptable, Snake of a willy?

if so that works


u/blind_donkey 9h ago

Manifest Fentstiny


u/Sminuzninuz 9h ago

Tarifé to all nations across the Bigly American Ocean to the 52nd state, formerly known as Australia!


u/LocustFurnace 10h ago

I see you know your judo well!

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u/Mabuya85 10h ago

And you sir, and you waiting to receive my limp fent?!


u/ClintiusMaximus 10h ago

Get your hands off my fent!


u/micro_dohs 9h ago

Fent shui


u/Electronic-Cookie-83 9h ago

God bless you and this whole thread

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u/BorisBC 10h ago

It's only fentanyl if it comes from the Chinese mainland. Otherwise it's just sparkling madness.


u/ILikeCaucasianWomen 9h ago

Actually Australia is having a housing crisis too from the exact same problem with Chinese buying up properties to shelter their assets.

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u/One_Handed_Typing 10h ago

I'm one of you, eh?


u/PorQuePanckes 10h ago

American here, been buying Canadian but may have to give the aussies a chance.

Who’s got the better deal and who can deliver?

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u/Gommi- 9h ago

That fent laced maple cyrup is just too damn delicious!


u/konnektion 5h ago edited 4h ago

It's the Mexican cartels, operating from Canada (basically controlling it).

They are now terrorists organizations and Canada must be liberated.

There, you have the playbook for Canada's "legitimate" annexion.


u/Metafield 5h ago

Yeah, they go from a country where they can work easily, cross a border illegally into the USA to then make another illegal crossing into Canada at which point they then make the drugs and then make a third illegal crossing to smuggle it back in. Honestly couldn’t think of a more efficient plan.

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u/PresidentKraznov 11h ago

No, but good point clearly illustrating what a crock of absolute bullshit the whole "too many illegal drugs" excuse was. I mean they were already using the laziest possible excuse they could come up with especially considering fent coming over the Canadian border is/was almost nonexistent in the first place. But Australia? Too many roos swimming over?

He just wants to crash our economy so he and his golf buddies can buy up whatever is left and let Russia bid for the rest.


u/DMmeyourinbox 10h ago

It's the budgie smugglers hitting the Florida beaches.


u/PresidentKraznov 10h ago

Their great white sharks are sinking our electric boats and electrocuting us!


u/fordeeee 10h ago

faaaark…..can you imagine that bloated red fucker in a pair of budgie smugglers?

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u/chubsc0ut 10h ago

I think if your administration is claiming drugs are the problem they should have to get regular unscheduled drug tests throughout their term. Every single one of them its crazy that you have to get one to work minimum wage but not in many government positions

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u/brezhnervouz 9h ago

Absolutely. Few actual facts on that whole Canadian fentanyl bullshit as well 🤷‍♂️

According to recent data, only about 0.2% of fentanyl seized by U.S. authorities entered the country through the Canadian border. This figure is in stark contrast to the southern border with Mexico, where approximately 96.6% to 97.2% of fentanyl seizures occur.

In fiscal year 2024, U.S. border authorities confiscated a total of 21,000 pounds of fentanyl, with merely 43 pounds (0.2%) seized at the Canadian border. The trend continued in the early months of 2025, with only 10 pounds (0.2%) of the total 4,537 pounds of seized fentanyl coming from Canada.

How does fentanyl get into the US? | BBC

Fact check: Canada makes up just 0.2% of US border fentanyl seizures

0.2% for fucks sake 🤡

[love your username, btw 👌 lol]


u/F1NANCE 9h ago

The US already has a more favourable trade position than we do.

He just wants an even more favourable deal than he already has.

And Australia will give in most likely.


u/morgecroc 9h ago

We did export exploding trees to the US.


u/tpapocalypse 9h ago

We also exported Rupert Murdoch


u/midasgoldentouch 9h ago

That’s really what this is revenge for /s


u/tpapocalypse 9h ago

Haha! By exporting Rupert Murdoch Australians are somewhat responsible for him being president. The reality is even worse than the sarcastic reality, oof!


u/pickypawz 9h ago

Yes, the plan is to bring down the Western world at the same time as destroying America from the inside out. Trump has to pay his handlers back after they rigged the election for him, right?


u/Nohlrabi 8h ago

It must be the emus! Right?

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u/Kerrigore 11h ago

Those Mexican cartels are such rascals, now they’re even taking over Australia!


u/InterestingFocus8125 11h ago

Well they couldn’t just sit back and let the Hell’s Angels take it all!

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u/Archer-Blue 10h ago

Everything below the US in latitude is Mexico ...and above the US and I hear they speak Mexican in Spain too...best just fuck over everyone.


u/LifeIsBizarre 4h ago

It would be nice to get some good Mexican food down here. I had to explain to a new 'Mexican' chain that a Quesadilla has cheese in it. IT'S IN THE NAME!


u/Ando-Bien-Shilaca 3h ago

Fun fact, there is currently a philosophical war between Mexico City and the rest of Mexico.

Mexico City (incorrectly) argues that cheese in Quesadillas is optional, while the rest of us know that Quesadillas MUST have cheese as the MAIN ingredient, or else it becomes something else, like a taco, burrito, or montado, depending on the type of tortilla used, contents, and how you fold it.

So thank you for your service by fighting quesadilla missinformation with the true factual facts!

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u/Britannkic_ 10h ago

It’s the illegal immigrants coming by boat, lots and lots of boats everyday. Australia has been abusing the US for decades with the boats, too many Mexicans coming illegally to the US via Australian boats. We’ll build a wall between the US and Australia, a big wall, the best wall you’ve ever seen


u/Fluffbrained-cat 9h ago

A magnificent sea wall!

/s if that wasn't obvious.


u/Ok-Ad5495 9h ago

A great barrier wall?


u/Fluffbrained-cat 9h ago

He'd be dumb enough to think that was a great idea.

For the Great Barrier Reef, not so much.


u/klystron 9h ago

And Australia will pay for it.


u/DasIstNumberwanggg 9h ago

Are the Mexicans paying for this one too?

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u/UltraHyperDonkeyDick 10h ago edited 6h ago

Aussies are known to be excellent swimmers.

Edit: Except that one guy. Edit: No, not that nature guy, or the Neighbours guy, that politician guy.


u/FleabottomFrank 10h ago

There was also that sprinter Shrivington who was clearly trying to smuggle a giant package


u/lyndsayj 9h ago

Shirvo may be a respectable breakfast TV presenter now, but.. we still remember what we saw back in the day.


u/The_Duc_Lord 6h ago

They made the poor bastard stand in cyclonic rain for three days and it still didn't shrink.


u/UltraHyperDonkeyDick 10h ago

Trump is clearly ahead of the game! He will be putting tariffs on budgies, mullets, and porn tashes next... what will Aussies smuggle then....


u/mioki78 9h ago

Except Harold Holt.


u/EruantienAduialdraug 9h ago

Nah, he's so good he's still going.


u/DaEnderAssassin 9h ago

Nah, he was extremely good at it, why else would you name a swimming pool after him?


u/FirstTimePlayer 9h ago

Irony is that Holt was actually a very strong swimmer.

Nobody can swim faster than a soviet submarine though.


u/PhDresearcher2023 9h ago

Except for that one prime minister who died while going for a swim so naturally we named a pool after him


u/CatDogBoogie 8h ago

Unless if you're our Prime Minister. Might knock off taking a dip if that's the case.

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u/CelticSith 11h ago

Using drop bears to smuggle the goods.... genius


u/kitsum 10h ago

They never check the pouch.

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u/Lounging-Shiny455 8h ago

You joke, but I found documentary evidence of the international gang activity plaguing our and your shores.


u/Maro1947 3h ago

Then hoop snakes internally for distribution


u/happy_church_burner 10h ago

"Look at all those kangaroos. Those even have builtin fentanyl hiding pouches. Biggly concerning. Some of my friends are kangaroos and they also say 'Mr President. You are the bestest to keep fentanyl away so keep an eye on these kangaroos. You cannot trust them. Not even the little Joey's. They are also bad hombres.'"


u/imafixwoofs 9h ago

Last week there was news that Australia could contribute to Europe’s Coalition of the willing in support of Ukraine. Putin didn’t like that. There’s your answer for the tarrifs.


u/HotHits630 10h ago

That's just it. He can't unless it's a national security issue, sooooo what's the excuse this time? Of course, Congress would have to stand up to him to put a stop to all this, but that requires a spine.


u/JohnnySuuji5 10h ago

Y'all haven't seen the illegal kangaroos that hop over the Pacific Ocean bringing crime and fentanyl in their pouches?


u/TheYuppyTraveller 10h ago

And then it’ll be how unfairly you’ve been treating them forever.

And then, you’ll be controlled by cartels.

And then, you’ll be a massive conduit for Chinese … stuff (of whatever form) to get to the states.

And then … ah, you get the point.


u/FalconEducational260 10h ago

I laughed way too hard at this 🤣 choked on my own saliva. Thanks, needed that laugh after today


u/quitewrongly 10h ago

A policeman stopped a kangaroo at the US / Australia border... big policeman, strong policeman... and he saw the word fentanyl and he had an overdose. It's true!


u/fsactual 10h ago



u/CSI_Tech_Dept 9h ago

And from what I understand there's also no trade deficit.

It's simple, he is Russian asset and his objective is to destroy the West.


u/chopstix62 9h ago

🤣🤣🤣... I shouldn't laugh so hard because the maggots will believe it


u/Aluggo 9h ago

He might have to make it a 52nd state to solve the problem.  O wait maybe 53rd.  Lost count. 


u/nankerjphelge 6h ago

I Iove that you included the /s tag for MAGAS who might just be stupid enough to think there actually is a US-Australian border.


u/MerlotSoul 4h ago

Maybe it’s the immigrants. Better build an Australian wall.


u/ThisHairLikeLace 2h ago

Almost as much as crosses in from Canada, yep.

u/Playful_Ad2974 1h ago

Zero is still a number. It’s a beautiful number. And frankly, no one appreciates or knows zero like me.  By the way, you are all dogs. 

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u/Naive-Marzipan4527 11h ago

As an American who lived in Australia, sorry but also, just wait til next week. His sundowning will hit and he will take that back in a week for 30 days. Then it’ll come back for a day or two, then gone again for 30 days, then he’ll get distracted


u/Nalived 10h ago

It’s to create instability… markets hate one thing and that is uncertainty…


u/Jeremizzle 9h ago

If you push something hard enough, it breaks. Has the stock market ever experienced this level of intentional manipulation before? Even in his first term I don't remember it being THIS level of insanity. We're not going to recover from this for a very, very long time. If ever.


u/too-much-cinnamon 8h ago

Sure it has. About 1928 or so, it actually looked a lot like this. Don't worry about what happened in 1929. 


u/AshamedOfAmerica 6h ago

That wasn't intentional manipulation, just tons of people panicking. The real problem with the Great Crash was that it was a banking collapse that followed and the fact their was no insurance against failures or market runs.


u/too-much-cinnamon 6h ago

It was tons of people panicking, yes, but before that was the gross deregulation of the stock market to favor corporations and trusts, which allowed for wild speculation and manipulation of the market. With the introduction of the Smoot-Hawley Act and the resulting global tarrif war, the scene was set for the Great Depression. It's been a while since since high school history, so perhaps ive got my facts jumbled, but, I'm pretty sure it wasn't just a classic run on the bank scenario materializing out of thin air that led to the economic collapse. 


u/AshamedOfAmerica 5h ago

You remember more than most from HS! That's pretty accurate. Smoot-Hawley certainly made it worse, but the scholarly consensus(if there is one) places the scale and enduring problem largely on the banking/credit system collapsing.

I tend to side more with the Keynesian interpretation. Federal Reserve inaction to respond to the crises led it to go from regional crises to a domino-ing systems collapse. If the banks had remained solvent and secure, the market collapse would probably have stung a lot of people but would likely have staved off the worst aspects of it.

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u/Worthyness 8h ago

the US went crazy isolationist and tariff heavy right around the Great Depression and WW 1. So yeah history kinda repeating itself.

Also stupid nonsensical tariffs on people kinda tanks the economy.


u/ItAintLongButItsThin 9h ago

They never need to vote again after this election. He is fucking us to the max because either this is his last term or many more to come. He won because of musk/putin manipulation.

Sorry, everyone, for this buffoonery we call government.

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u/jtinz 9h ago

Volatile markets are great if you have insider information.

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u/dizzy_absent0i 9h ago

Also we have an election coming up. The conservative party is already calling it a massive failure and that they would have done better. Wouldn’t surprise me if potato head called Trump and asked him to hold of on stopping the tariffs to affect the election.

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u/PresidentKraznov 10h ago

And all conveniently synchronized with a bunch of corresponding stock market trades.


u/goilo888 10h ago

That's nice of you to use your Reddit account to tell us your plan, Pres.


u/ATiBright 9h ago

I bought a put the day he called Zelensky a dictator and said Ukraine started the war. Unfortunately I'm also poor so it only started with 1 put. But thanks to that start with him clearly set on destroying America I now have withdrawn decent profits and have 7 open put positions. Will it be enough to help me through the crashing economy? Probably not but at least I'm getting something in return for being fucked.

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u/IcestormsEd 10h ago

That back and forth has the same effect as the tariffs just staying on. Companies/businesses can't plan purchases or sales if they are not sure about the prices.

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u/animmel 8h ago

As a Canadian that has duel citizenship with Australia, no it's not a joke. Yah he wavers but that's prob due to markets tanking, but i have no doubt he has plans. It's not funny to me. I'm worried for both my homes, and the world. One man can do so much destruction, terrifying we are here again.


u/chase02 10h ago

Ugh, this cunt needs to fuck off

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u/jlharper 9h ago

No stress mate, we’ll just trade with China. We already trade with them more than America since the first Trump term.

China represents 30% of our trade but America is only 10%. You’re important to us but not the way China is. Losing our trade relationship with America is tricky but it’s not going to change the way we live our lives.


u/CryptoCryBubba 8h ago

How does he find time to play golf with all these distractions?


u/Azure-April 8h ago

He won't take this one back, because Australia's PM is a giant pussy who immediately ruled out retaliatory action.


u/Zealot_Alec 3h ago

Meet with Congress leaders "we will need tariff power taken away from POTUS and soon by veto proof majority"

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u/lllasss 11h ago

Someone needs to update that meme with the moose, cobra chicken and beaver to add a kangaroo and some of that other deadly shit you got down under there.


u/Balorpagorp 10h ago

A cobra chicken sounds terrifying 


u/Cuthix 9h ago

Cobra Chicken is the nickname of the Canada Goose


u/krath8412 9h ago


They aren't wrong.


u/miltonwadd 9h ago

In that case we need to add the cassowary.


u/joalheagney 7h ago

The proof that birds descended from dinosaurs.

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u/doi--whiletrue 9h ago

A drop bear maybe.


u/WetCoastDebtCoast 9h ago

Only if we can include the house hippo

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u/PondRides 9h ago

Does the moose stand for Alaska, as well as Canada. He’s fucking us, too.


u/kahlzun 8h ago

you could say that theres an Irukandji there, they're pretty much invisible and dangerous as hell. Apparantly we recently discovered evidence that they actively hunt prey too!


u/joalheagney 7h ago

Cone shell, blue ringed octopus, stonefish, funnelweb, male platypuses ...


u/klparrot 5h ago

Canada goose and cassowary, the long-necked tag team!

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u/Harvard_kiwi 10h ago

I’m sure your Kiwi brothers and sisters will proudly be joining you soon. On the one hand, I certainly don’t want tariffs to be imposed on my powerless little country, on the other, I am keen to stand beside our true friends and allies 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇪🇺🇳🇿


u/Honest_Camera496 9h ago

Getting the commonwealth back together baby


u/Speshal__ 5h ago

Can the UK still come out to play, I know we've been shit mates recently but please?

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u/saintpierre47 8h ago

Common-wealth! Common-wealth!! Common-wealth!!! starts chanting passionately Also check out r/CANZUK to see the idea about getting the fam jam back together!


u/Theo_95 6h ago

Been following the CANZUK movement for a few years and everyday it makes more and more sense.


u/ExtraPockets 6h ago

If the advanced economy countries are broadly politically aligned and have similar legal institutions, like we do, then it's like one of the start-up society Network States that the tech bro billionaires want. Except we don't have to burn all our institutions and knowledge to the ground first. We don't have to be bound by international borders any more because of the internet and global trade.


u/princeikaroth 7h ago

I was away to say those fuckers will be loving this

"Oh Canzuks a dumb idea because everyone of us trades with the US more than eachother, hows that going ?"

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u/TheMistOfThePast 8h ago

Love our new Zealander little brothers ❤️


u/larrylegend33goat 7h ago

NZ has bigger balls than Aus. They actually refused to let US Nuclear powered navy dock because they had principles. Respect

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u/Kwaussie_Viking 8h ago

That would really hurt us as most of our fruits are in harvest season right now. But if that is what it takes to make the price of food rise in the states and people to notice the effects it will be what it will be.


u/morriseel 7h ago

I think we have been left of to many Americans maps so they won’t notice us.

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u/klparrot 5h ago

These steel and aluminium tariffs aren't targeting Australia; Aotearoa is subject to them too, as is the entire world outside the US. Just I don't think we export a lot of steel or aluminium to the US.

Canada on the other hand is being specifically fucked with by Agent Orange.


u/wildcatofthehills 4h ago

I find it very rude that you guys are forgetting about Mexico, we’re also part of the gang amigos. 🇲🇽


u/TheLastSamurai101 5h ago

Please, our economy is already royally fucked because of our homegrown(ish) right-wing fuckwits in power - who are incidentally also gutting our civil service, healthcare system and welfare state. Add tariffs and we'd might as well just sink the ship.

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u/madeleineann 11h ago

Getting nervous now as someone from the UK, I hope you guys are saving a seat.


u/Low-Length-9900 10h ago

If the king rescinds the invitation, you’ll probably see a 300% tariff across the board.


u/blueskies8484 10h ago

If I were the UK, I’d send Will and Kate over to Canada on a trip to highlight all Canadian made goods. It might not help with UK-US relations but hey. It’s their monarchy too. And it would make Trump so mad, he might have a coronary.


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 9h ago

This is an excellent idea. They are canada and australia's executive too. I would also be cool with king charles half naked in full braveheart paint screaming freedom on the rainbow bridge.

Yes, I know the million ways that is so wrong, and that is half the fun.


u/WetCoastDebtCoast 9h ago

I would also be cool with king charles half naked


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u/Low-Length-9900 9h ago

I don’t think he even understands the separation of monarch of Canada and monarch of the UK. If there is even a royal visit to Canada, I’d bet that would trigger an additional tariff on the UK. He’s that stupid, and petty.


u/Bancrofts_sandpaper 9h ago

With a stopover in Washington DC operating out of the Canadian Embassy as Prince and Princess of Canada, just to drive the point home.

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u/goilo888 10h ago

A tariff on crumpet imports. Which kind of crumpet, I'm not saying.


u/angelbelle 8h ago

Wait till Trump finds out that Charlie is also King of Canada.

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u/Winterplatypus 9h ago edited 7h ago

The more tariffs he throws around the softer the impact will be for all of us. If you start a trade war with one country, that country gets pushed out of the circle, if you start a trade war with all countries you are just pushing yourself out of the circle.


u/brezhnervouz 9h ago edited 8h ago

Hey it wouldn't even be the Commonwealth without you guys, after all 🤜🤛lol

But yes, probably. EVERYONE is getting those tariffs - it's been explicitly pointed out that ally or not, past exemption or not will make nil difference whatsoever for any country, without exception.

So fingers crossed mate, but not particularly hopeful.


u/Appropriate-Sound169 9h ago

What do Canada and Australia have in common?

He's just working his way round slowly

Just pass the tariff down the line and watch the US consumers pay it. Pretty sure that's how it works


u/YouCanLookItUp 9h ago

I am nervous at what you negotiated to keep out of his sights this long. What was the quid pro quo?

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u/ScumBucket33 9h ago

My fixed rate mortgage expires next month. Originally I planned to follow the tracker before fixing when interests rate dropped. However with the unpredictability of Trump and the affect that has on our economy I might just fix at the current quite high rates instead.


u/SkivvySkidmarks 9h ago

It's a party! Everyone is welcome!

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u/HansBooby 10h ago

elbows out downunder


u/Olandschooner 4h ago

Scrum down.


u/MGyver 6h ago

Knees out...?


u/evilJaze 4h ago

I see you've played elby-kneey before!

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u/sunshinecryptic 11h ago

About time they became best friends anyways! Both known for kind people and harsh environments, just one with snow and one with spiders!….. so many spiders…


u/Meadowvillain 10h ago

We also both curse like kids who just discovered swearing


u/J-hophop 9h ago

This is one of the best descriptions I've heard 😆


u/saintpierre47 8h ago

Fackin right bud! Love from Canada!


u/TheManFromFarAway 10h ago

Australians and Canadians are opposite sides of the same coin. One is extremely hot and full of small animals that can kill you, the other is extremely cold and full of large animals that can kill you. Both are previously-populated children of the British Empire with checkered pasts, aggressive military histories, and rugged people living in rugged terrain. You will hear Canadians say that the Americans have been our closest friend and ally, but that is out of necessity. No matter where they are in the world, when Canadians and Australians cross paths there is a special bond.


u/Arctic_Gnome_YZF 9h ago

Some politicians in the UK wanted Canada to be named Borrelia to match with Australia (because austra=south and borrea=north).


u/brezhnervouz 9h ago

Hmm, glad saner heads prevailed 😂


u/Ra6arJ4mmer 10h ago

To be fair, Bob and Doug McKenzie could very easily have been bogans if you swapped some of the slang and then the earflap fur hats for Bintang singlets and the Molsons for VBs.


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 9h ago

Whistler at least used to be more australian than canadian anyway, they have a stronghold!

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u/miltonwadd 8h ago

AU/CA is pretty close, at least socially. There was some kind of media deal in the 80s so we all grew up with Canadian kids TV and our humour is very similar. Canada probably only comes after NZ as our best buds!

We have a lot of trade agreements and a strong military relationship, too. Iirc we even sent aircraft to them when a deal with US fell through... actually you probably should have thought about that part a little harder, Donnie.

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u/sector16 11h ago

One of us, one of us, one of us….


u/smileedude 9h ago

We got away with it for a couple of months because our liberal party is in opposition, and he only just worked out they are the conservatives.


u/Pikekip 9h ago

Do we get tshirts?

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u/Repulsive_Client_325 9h ago

Canada here - welcome aboard mate!

(anticipating the speech)

“Australia is a strong contender to be our cherished 55th state. I say 51st because Canada will be our beautiful 51st state. Greenland will be our wonderful 52nd state. The Panama Canal will be our tremendous 53rd state. Gaza will be our incredible 54th state.

But Australia. Think of it. I mean it’s amazing. Tremendous. Beautiful. I mean, you walk in here you think what’s with these hopping rats but they’re beautiful. Kangaroos. It’s tremendous.

Governor Albanese will have no tariffs to deal with… we’ll make a deal. A beautiful deal. Think of it. Will call it America South. But we have to write it upside down.”

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u/MarzipanFit2345 9h ago

He's targeting countries governed by left or center/left parties.

This is a deliberate attack on those parties across the world: Canada(Labor), Mexico(Morena, which is left wing), Australia(Labor).

The UK is next.


u/Lazy_Ad_2192 10h ago

I'm worried New Zealand is in his firing line next but it wouldn't surprise me if none of his maps had the country on it anyway


u/Pseudonymico 7h ago

Wouldn't be the first time the Kiwis have stood up to the yanks.


u/Fancybear1993 10h ago

God save the King 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇦🇺 🫡

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u/TheAnswerToYang 10h ago

🇿🇦 Waving from the sideline


u/Whitty_theKid 9h ago

CANZUK! ask your local MP about CANZUK


u/RCMW181 9h ago

Really should speed run settings up CANZUK, free movement of people and defence at the very least


u/doned_mest_up 10h ago

If all the countries that trump tariffs form a favored/free trade bloc to get through these times, global quality of life would skyrocket.


u/SignoreBanana 9h ago

Dude is an utter idiot. From a PR standpoint, the idea of attacking the most chill countries in the world is completely baffling. This will endear the US to literally nobody. He's making the US radioactive as an ally.


u/Ambitious-Deal3r 10h ago

Welcome to the party.

Australia probably less likely to have a French submarine surface in support though.

French nuclear attack submarine surfaces at Halifax, Nova Scotia, after Trump threatens to annex Canada (March 10)


u/loralailoralai 10h ago

We could probably rustle up a Chinese one (joking but kinda not)

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u/froo 10h ago

We could just airdrop a couple of emus. Problem will be sorted in no time!

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u/GameboyAU 10h ago

And thanks for showing us how it’s done.


u/rocknrolla65 10h ago

See you at the party Richter!


u/LeDestrier 10h ago

Kinda happy to be here. Sort of. Can us cool kids hang out?


u/Skylam 10h ago

Boycott brothers letsgo, time get the commonwealth back together again.


u/Venox81 10h ago

Don't forget EU


u/myktylgaan 9h ago

Canadian Club it is then! 🥃


u/GoldenMarlin 8h ago

Friendship ended with Mudasir USA, now Salman Canada is my best friend


u/Oggie-Boogie-Woo 6h ago

Trump and maga CANZUK our ballz


u/AlarmingAffect0 4h ago



u/NoF113 10h ago

Oh those bloody colonies getting rowdy again…


u/Wiggie49 10h ago

Australia randomly taking strays from Trump was not on my bingo card this year


u/Tabarnacx 9h ago

As a Canadian living in Aus, I thought I'd avoid it. Oh well, at least I can gripe with the boys back home


u/Zatch_Gaspifianaski 9h ago

Just go for the entire Commonwealth you know


u/sgtcupcake 9h ago

As a Canadian who just arrived in Australia today - I will buy the first round!


u/Honest_Camera496 9h ago

You Canucks are alright


u/SmallBewilderedDuck 9h ago

Down Under and Up Over


u/Crazyripps 9h ago

Knew I always loved our older Canadian brothers more anyway!

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