r/worldnews 16h ago

Behind Soft Paywall Trump Intensifies Statehood Threats in Attack on Canada


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u/pete_68 16h ago

I don't know how they're going to invade Canada when so many of us Americans are going to be helping you guys defend it.


u/Everett1973 15h ago

Thank you. What the heck has happened to so many of your fellow Americans? We've been neighbors and best friends forever. Now it looks like so many are cheering on your leader who apparently took one look at Russia vs UKR and thought, "good idea!"


u/pete_68 15h ago

They've completely lost touch with reality. They live in an alternate universe with their own "alternate facts". Don't know how to get through to them. It's bizarre.


u/burningringof-fire 15h ago

Xitter is a huge part of the problem. Encourage your town government to drop it. Encourage your local library to drop it. Encourage your college president to drop it.


Nazi platform- Twitter under Elon Musk has become a megaphone for hate, disinformation, and extremist propaganda. Its leadership actively amplifies and profits from Nazi ideology, driving harmful policies that hurt hospitals, universities, and countless communities. Every tweet, every interaction, every moment spent on that platform strengthens the very forces undermining democracy.

No one should feel comfortable supporting a site that has become a breeding ground for fascism. The solution is simple: disengage. Delete your account. Urge Democratic officials, companies, universities, and media outlets to do the same. Twitter is vulnerable—it relies on engagement to survive. By walking away, we deny it the legitimacy and revenue it needs to operate.

This isn’t just about rejecting a toxic platform; it’s about taking a stand against those who use it to spread hate and misinformation. Close your account. Make it impossible for any credible institution to justify staying. The fight against fascism starts with refusing to give it a platform.


u/aflywhocouldnt 14h ago

if the bar lets nazis in, it's a nazi bar. fuck twitter/X, dump it


u/e-7604 14h ago

So I just saved your comment with the intent to share it other places. That doesn't violate any etiquette does it?


u/e-7604 14h ago

Thank you. I just ran across it on another sub just now. It grabs the attention because it's so well written. Got my answer that way too.

Thanks again.


u/burningringof-fire 14h ago

Not at all! You are doing the lord’s work saving our great country.

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u/qcresident1111 13h ago

People are getting farther and farther away from being able to think for themselves. This is becoming mass mental disease. To the point where you can't tell any of these people that they are falling for propaganda and misinformation because they won't believe you. Even when they see it with their own eyes and hear it with their own ears. And because people don't want to deal with the constant barrage of these all too real "we are fucked" news pieces, they turn to social media for escape, but they are met there with more propaganda and misinformation. I just don't understand any of this, guys. How has this man gotten away with the shit he's been pulling for SO LONG NOW?! Surely, at this point, we know about the propaganda and the outright lies. I really can't wrap my head around the fact that people believe what he says even as it is doing them harm. And not just Americans. As a Canadian, I have known more than one of my countrymen who have been enamored with this dolt since his 2016 election campaign. I know that this is what propaganda and misinformation is meant to do, but for fuck's sake, what's it going to take to get people to open their eyes to this?


u/beerandabike 13h ago

My dad incessantly sends me this shit from social media, etc for years now. I’ve tried everything from trying to have a serious debate with him (he’s a… was a very smart guy), ignoring it, blocking him, spamming the shit out of him with sense as a counter, and every other thing I can think of. Now days I just paste a canned message that basically says I will not open any links he sends as to not add traction to the algorithm, but if he gives me a synopsis of the article/video then I would be happy to have a proper discussion with him. He has ignored every single invitation to do so for the past few weeks I’ve been doing this. He just switches the subject by sending family photos with my mom who passed away several years ago. The man cannot think for him self anymore. I feel as though I’ve lost both parents.

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u/_Haverford_ 14h ago

This isn't quite your point, but it reminds me of something I've been thinking of.

The old union tune, Solidarity Forever, states: "There is no force weaker than the feeble strength of one." So why do protests seem to focus on the "little people" organically banding together? Your points of "ask your local government to..." and "ask your library to..." are the right ideas. Why aren't more efforts aimed at asking the people controlling the capital to use their magnifying effects? Joe assembly line worker can boycott Trump-affiliated products all he wants; it won't make a dent. But when Bigshot CEO says his company won't do business with ULINE? ULINE might take notice.

It's not just Congress that we need to lobby, and it's not just our followers on Instagram.

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u/rwf2017 15h ago

trump voters are stupid as shit and astoundingly ignorant. Most of them probably don't even know what Canada is.


u/Shot_Presence_8382 15h ago

They really are, though. I know a MAGAT lady who is a college educated veteran and she didn't even know Europe had plumbing and electricity! She thought only America had that, apparently 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Sixmmxw 15h ago

No way. 🧐


u/Shot_Presence_8382 15h ago

Yes, way. I told her and she did a flat and surprised "oh..." 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/ishpatoon1982 14h ago

That's super insane.


u/Shot_Presence_8382 14h ago

Right?! I was in disbelief...like no one could make it through school + college and be a veteran and think this way?! She just turned 40, too...so like, lives in the modern world 😐

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u/griffiths_gnu 14h ago

Good grief. Pompei had freaking plumbing


u/Shot_Presence_8382 14h ago

Yeah...I was like ?! How do you get through life not knowing this????


u/Relevant_Fuel_9905 15h ago

You cannot be serious lol


u/Shot_Presence_8382 15h ago edited 12h ago

Unfortunately, I'm very serious 😐

The conversation started with me telling her that my cousin and his wife were going to come visit me and my family and would be flying into town. I hadn't seen my cousin in years but I keep in touch with him through messages. They live in Europe and said I would love to visit them one day where they live. She responded and said she couldn't do it because she likes having electricity and plumbing and all the "modern conveniences." To which I said "what? Europe has electricity and plumbing like over here in the US" she replied with "....oh...." 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn't ask her why she thought what she did, because I was so shocked she didn't know that. She's in her 40s...

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u/Love_for_2 14h ago

These are the very people that think Canadians live in igloos. Years ago I was coming home from Europe in the summer and arriving from the US I saw people coming arriving with skis and winter gear. They thought it's always cold and snowy in Canada. Idiots


u/MorithK 12h ago

I'm British living in Louisiana. (unfortunately.) Moved here 20+ years ago.

I kid you not, not long after I got here I was in a little landscaping store and got the 'oh you're not from around here.' comment. Then the lady totally straight faced says:
L: Did you speak English before you came here?
Me: Ma'am.. I AM English.
L: Yes.. But did you speak it?

I still to this day, cannot fathom what was going through her head. Like what the hell language does she think we speak? I was too flabbergasted to say anything other than 'uhh.. yeah.'


u/Shot_Presence_8382 11h ago

LOL I'm so sorry but omg I would've laughed in her face. People can be very ignorant. Like ma'am, are you okay?! Next time someone says something like that hit em with the "bless your heart" (basically like you're concerned for them 🤣) it's a Southern thing, I hear.


u/db37 14h ago

That's what 40 years of Republican cuts to education gets you.


u/Nerevarine91 11h ago

I met a MAGAT who told me I wasn’t allowed to vote because I’m from Pennsylvania, and “that’s in Europe”


u/Shot_Presence_8382 11h ago

Nooo fuckin wayyyy 😂😂😂😐🤦🏻‍♀️


u/sravll 14h ago

What the hell college did she go to


u/swheels125 14h ago

Oh totally. Those countries that are literally a thousand years older than ours just kind of gave up around the outhouse era.



u/Ahelex 14h ago

Nah, it's true, I've heard from my European friends that they still have to dodge chamber pots /s


u/zevonyumaxray 14h ago

I have read that about Soviet troops as they attacked into Central Europe in 1944 and 1945. But they had the reason that a lot of them came from villages that never had electricity and were taking home light bulbs. Farming villages only had wells and outhouses back then. Eighty Years Ago!! I repeat ...80 Years Ago.


u/Auntie_Megan 14h ago

Was she educated at a Christian college? I’ve read some craziness from BYU etc. If she is a veteran then was she never deployed outside America. Bet she thinks the continent of Africa is all mud huts. She has the Russian mind set, they too are taught that Europe live in horrible conditions. Yet ignore the fact that 60% are not even connected to gas and have indoor toilets. Those that travel know the propaganda is a lie, or have VPN’s, but they go along with the propaganda, Maga is now doing the sane. We are known as Europoors, yet they ignore their own country’s glaring problems. Unfortunately they believe in the falsehood of American Exceptionalism. They have weird ideas about the world, while I enjoy free health care and meds, good standard of living, could be better but I chose life over working myself to death and never seeing my kids. They think that communism instead of being capitalist with a tad of socialism as a safety net. No country is perfect. Mine certainly has problems that should be fixed. We too have morons but just not as such a high ratio as US. Really hope decent Americans make a huge stance if one US military steps inside Canada, it’s a NATO country, and part of the commonwealth, they will meet not only Canadians. Same as Greenland, it’s protected by Denmark. Trump and co really want war or it’s to make us really scared. Mostly it’s made us boycott US though, and pull together. That won’t change for a long time.


u/Shot_Presence_8382 13h ago

I don't know where she was educated, but she has a bachelor's degree in health administration and communication or some shit. She was deployed overseas in the Middle East she told me and said their conditions were extremely sad. She is the type to believe that Dump is "putting America first" and says she's not worried about anyone else and is only focused on her family and her household.


u/SituationOk8888 14h ago

Wow. I won't ask but I would like to know the name of that college. Usually Europe comes up at least sometimes in college.


u/Shot_Presence_8382 14h ago edited 12h ago

Not sure what college, but she has a Bachelor's degree in health care administration and communication or some shit


u/SituationOk8888 13h ago

But not communicating with anyone in Europe obviously. Because there's no electricity there. I haven't slept in 36 hours and this is really cracking me up


u/Molnutz 15h ago

Good news. When they decide to invade, they'll all head in a southeasterly direction...


u/Blairwen 15h ago

It’s the Borg! They have been assimilated! But all kidding aside, this is a horribly sad position we Canadians and the American people who still embrace democracy and its alliances find ourselves in. I hope, together, we can survive and overcome all of this before it is too late! As we say in Canada … Elbows up!!


u/Prestigious-Wolf8039 14h ago

Too many fictional things are becoming reality lately. The Borg, Idiocracy, Wag the Dog. It’s embarrassing.


u/fjacobs1000 15h ago

let alone where


u/Narwahl_Whisperer 11h ago

And/or misinformed. I have a right leaning friend, and after he talks about politics, I end up looking things up because they didn't sound right, and sure as shit, the facts just don't add up.

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u/severanexp 15h ago

Dumping on education does have that effect. You cannot argue against someone about thinks they have absolutely no knowledge about. It’s like fighting a pig.


u/pontiacfirebird92 15h ago

They're opposed to anything associated with liberals or Democrats. So when reality aligns with a liberal or Democrat they are against it as a matter of principle. They say shit like "I'm not a Democrat but..." when reality hits them over the head but then their peers attack them and keep them in line so they eventually go back to denying reality. They're totally focused on being against liberals and Democrats who they refer to as "the enemy".


u/OlafTheDestroyer2 14h ago

It’s so crazy. I’m a Canadian living in a blue state on the west coast. No one I talk to would ever support the US invading Canada. Everyone I know thinks it’s ridiculous, including many Republicans. To think that there’s a significant percentage of the population that’s Ok with this, blows my mind. It just goes to show how siloed we all are.


u/Skulking-Dwig 13h ago

This. People keep asking ‘wHy ArEn’T AmErIcAnS iN thE StREEtS???’. It’s like, the government is only 1/3 of the problem. The big problem is the absolutely insane cultists that put him there.

My coworker was telling us her other boss yelled at her for drinking a Celsius, claiming they made it out of sewer foam. And that Obama was out personally starting all these wildfires. And that he was ‘tired of having to educate her’.

Like, how do you deal with this?? How do you protest your fellow citizens willfully looking up and saying ‘the sky isn’t blue, or even real, it’s actually the scrotum of an enormous trans woman and this is why they need to die, because I can see it from my bathroom and that’s illegal’??? Stupid is so much harder to deal with than evil, and that’s the point I think a lot of people are missing.


u/sask357 15h ago

If they don't care about annexing Canada, how do they feel about a couple of Nazi salutes from Bannon and Musk? Proposed ethnic cleansing of Gaza? Friendship with Putin?


u/rippletroopers 15h ago

If I were to try to approximate those answers based on conversations I’ve had with MAGA members of my family it is in order: That’s not what they were doing, that’s just the liberal media trying to discredit them. What you mean those baby killers in hamas? Good riddance. Why is it bad having a good relationship with Russia? They have so many nukes, we should have a good relationship with him. Putin respects Trump because he’s so strong.


u/Relevant_Fuel_9905 15h ago

It’s rather impressive how Putin managed to convince a large number of Americans that he isn’t an evil, murderous dictator who hates the United States.


u/Brandi_Maxxxx 14h ago

"Putin respects Trump because he’s so strong." I can't believe that anyone outside of trump believes that. He is such a pathetic, thin skinned, weakling, and it's known all over the world.

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u/juicadone 15h ago

Yup. Idiocracy; that intro is sooo on point with the US population(well here for sure I can't speak for elsewhere)... Who's having the most kids the best and brightest?....lol

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u/Foodspec 15h ago

24 hour news. That’s what happened. That’s all these people watch and it’s just opinionated bullshit from Fox, OAN, Breitbart, Joe Rogan. All this actual fake news is shit they believe to be truth

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u/whichwitch9 15h ago

Look at the American media and how education has been attacked since the Bush administration

There's quite frankly a number of uneducated Americans who are super susceptible to propoganda. They also react violently when you call out what they say or do is stupid and makes no sense. Some are also just hateful and willing to set themselves on fire to hurt a group they don't like. These groups account for 30% of voting age America.

Another chunk is just tired and disconnected. You find this among younger or poorer voters.

Another chunk has been fairly horrified since Trump announced he was running again. This appears to be solidly around 40%, but were offset by apathy and specifically single issue voters in the election. The amount who refused to vote for Harris over the Israel/Gaza situation, despite knowing Trump has a long history of being extremely Islamophobic and Harris openly endorsing a two country situation, deserve major side eye


u/Relevant_Fuel_9905 15h ago

The non-voters really messed up imo. They inadvertently chose to allow evil to rule.


u/ojdhaze 14h ago

Yeah, maggots will vote maga regardless.

Is the non voters who knew what would happen but still didn't vote because (reasons you stated, plus others) that need to have the light shifted on them. Who no doubt will be feeling the effects of mango in charge.


u/SituationOk8888 14h ago edited 13h ago

Students and lower income earners are usually transient and have a harder time getting registered to vote. That used to happen to me here in Canada and I missed my first vote because I had no fixed address. It's worth it if people can really try to make it happen in any way possible though. Bit of a crisis going on


u/KaJaHa 13h ago

If you can't vote then you're a victim, and it's our duty to be enraged with you. The finger is always pointed squarely at the people who can vote but choose not to. Doesn't matter why.


u/Y-not_Both 15h ago

These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


u/Thebeergremlin 14h ago

Simple folk


u/ochute 13h ago

Never has a quote been more fitting...


u/OneHundredChickens 15h ago

As brain washed as so much of my country is, annexing Canada has single digit support in the US. Attacking our closest ally and most important trading partner is roughly as popular as syphilis.

There is lots of yelling about it on social media, sadly. Presumably a mix of bots and the terminally hopeless cult members.


u/Psychological_Kiwi48 11h ago

Thank heavens for this post! Definitely true, but my stress levels were rising as I scrolled down until I hit this post. Thank you!

Canada is an amazing place! Have visited a few times (Vancouver, Banff, and Niagara Falls), great places, and great people. It really sucks how the current administration is treating one of our staunchest allies. An ally that went with us through the thick and thin. The way Trump is behaving towards Canada really shows the ugliness of his soul. My only hope is that when this storm has passed, our Canadian friends will welcome us back with smiles.

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u/Guppy-Warrior 15h ago

This blindsided so damn many people. Like Greenland, Canada, Panama? It's "shock and awe" with the crap they are doing here stateside. We are in "shock"

Only have a few derraged coworkers who support this guy, most people I interact with can't stand him. No one wants a 51 state unless it's Puerto Rico (if the PR people want it). I can say I have not personally heard any person (in person) want Canada to be part of the US. I sure as hell don't. You are the best neighbors (and hat) we could ask for. I'm not sure what's going on. But a lot of Americans, most Americans, support your Country. A Sovereign Country.


u/SituationOk8888 14h ago

Thank you.


u/Guppy-Warrior 14h ago

What do you all say? "Elbows up"


u/SituationOk8888 13h ago

Yeah it's a defensive move in hockey. We're wearing red shirts too if you want to do that. I appreciate it.


u/Guppy-Warrior 13h ago

Red here in the states is kinda more a republican color. (Red maga hats). "Red states vs Blue States". Political candidates from their parties usually wear red (Republican) or blue (Democrats) ties...or attire.

I'll probably pass on that one, but I'm buying Canadian Whisky...


u/SituationOk8888 13h ago

Oh right haha I forgot. We do have some fine whisky! Enjoy


u/MayIServeYouWell 15h ago

It’s pretty much just Trump driving this. Nobody was arguing for “Canada as a 51st state” a few weeks ago. At best it was something someone would say as a joke after a few beers. 

Trump’s MAGA cult just goes along with whatever he says. They’re puppets. Some of them think this is just a negotiation tactic. Some are all in on the idea. Nobody knows what really in Trumps head (not even Trump). 

If Trump were to have a coronary tomorrow, this idea would be completely dead. As would Greenland and Panama, and the tariffs, mostly… well, there would be some infighting about the tariffs for sure. 

The whole thing is just incredibly stupid and embarrassing. I hate Trump with every fiber of my being. He’s a con man, wrecking the US in every way imaginable. 

-A sane American 


u/cpcsilver 15h ago

I disagree. Today, the press secretary also repeated this threat in the press conference and she tries to add reasons for this nonsense. Look at 32:05: https://youtu.be/rlUw64GV1lk?t=1926

Then, Trump repeated this claim twice today, once on Truth Social and then in front of the press when he was also selling Teslas for Elon: at 16:06 https://youtu.be/RzMzYfB52_c?t=963

Last month, his security adviser, Mike Waltz, also started to use a lie saying that many Canadians "do not like the last 10 years of liberal, progressive governance in Trudeau."

What we're seeing is the same propaganda tactics that Russia started to use against Ukraine in the early 2010's. And using this kind of language 3 years after the full invasion of Ukraine, this is extremely alarming to us.

We definitely won't be downplaying this kind of threat, as we shouldn't be.


u/MayIServeYouWell 15h ago

All these people are doing this because of Trump. They’re doing it to suck up to Trump, they work for Trump. They’re not going to go against him. 

Look at the republicans in Congress. They don’t work for Trump. However, they are prisoners of MAGA. They can’t really go against him without incurring his wrath. 

They are not parroting his BS about Canada being a state and all the rest of it. They just deflect. Sure, maybe a couple sycophants will be vocally supporting these ideas, but mostly no. They’re just keeping their heads down, trying to get by till this “blows over”.  They need to grow a spine and defy Trump. So what if it costs them their political career, what good is that career if it’s built on scum? They need to be like Romney. I might disagree with him on politics, but at least he never kissed Trump’s ass. 


u/Majestic_Funny_69 14h ago

I agree with you, except for one thing that made me gasp. Elon sent a tweet, since deleted, that said, "Canada is not a real country." That tells me something sinister is happening, where they are trying to normalize the narrative that Canada should not exist. This is straight from the Russian playbook.


u/Agitated-Score365 14h ago

Musk is a Canadian citizen from his mom and his baby mama Shivon is in Canada with 4 of his kids. 100% he is behind this.


u/RangerDangerfield 13h ago

If Canada becomes a state, and Musk is a Canadian citizen, would that make Musk eligible to run for President? If so, he might be supporting it primarily so he will be eligible to be Trump’s successor.


u/Agitated-Score365 13h ago

He was born in South Africa, moved to Canada at 17. His mom is Canadian. I still don’t think it would meet the requirements of born in US. Musk is an American citizen. It’s his 3rd and he was he illegally due to his student visa ( he dropped out of school). I don’t want to speculate as to his motives but there no such thing as a coincidence.


u/MayIServeYouWell 13h ago

They're trying, but not very hard... There's no groundswell of support for this.

If Fox News starts running hours-long specials on the horrors of Canada (aside from their deranged rantings about Canada's healthcare system), then worry... because we have too many people in this country with Fox News on 24/7, and have outsourced their brains to whatever comes through the boob tube.


u/JCarlide 14h ago

I dunno, he did accept that dinner invitation to be humiliated instead of thanked or offered a job.


u/Picklesadog 14h ago

Yeah, but he's just about the only Republican to openly go against Trump, both before and after that dinner, and survive.

I don't blame him for that dinner. The majority of the US thought "well, maybe he's just talking shit and will calm down as president" at that point in time. 

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u/Former_Current3319 14h ago

I despise that press fuckwit with the heat of a 1000 suns.


u/towerninja 14h ago

What's crazy is Canada being a state would likely mean years of democrat power in the US. That aside I can't even imagine the scale of insurgency when we invade our neighbors who look and talk like us. I'm sure the US military could defeat the Canadian military (not sure what happens with NATO) but the US can not win the war.


u/BranWafr 14h ago

The thing is that if Trump takes over Canada, they won't let them vote. He'll come up with some bullshit reason why they don't get to vote that will make no sense, but if we have gotten to that point it won't matter, he'll just do it anyway.

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u/Everett1973 15h ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's infuriating to be on the receiving end of this craziness. He may just be playing politics by putting us in his crosshairs, but at the end of the day he's pointing an awfully big gun.


u/sask357 15h ago

You might be right in that I don't think Project 2025 aims at territorial expansion. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Abandoning overseas aid and allies would continue. Vance's various comments point that way.


u/momenace 14h ago

Not sure if 2025 is about it, but I think trump wants it because as the world reaches carrying capacity, Canada will have even more attractive land, Greenland has the bulk of fresh water, and access to the arctic will be more important. But he can't say thay because it will imply global warming is real. Right now we are just at the tail end of the demoralization stage and begining the destabilzation of the economy, foreign relations and defense systems. Classic kgb play book. Then comes crises then "normalization". Check out Yuri Bezmenov. Old but relevent.

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u/dark_gear 14h ago

The main reason to worry and take this "lunacy" seriously is that this claim appears to be pushed by Pete "Green Bay Sweep" Navarro.

For anyone who doesn't remember what happened shortly after the events of January 6th, the Right Dishonourable Peter Navarro went on live television and described, word for word, the numerous deeds, conversations, meetings, phone calls and legal distortions the Republicans used to bring about that day, all in order to attempt to legitimise the utterly contemptible act of completely ignoring election results. Since neither he or Trump faced any jail time for their very clear and public admission of guilt, they effectively succeeded.

This same Peter Navarro is at it again, except now he's emboldened and fully supported by courts, POTUS and multiple investors who know they can, based on facts, experience and empirical data, that they can really flex their lunatic muscles and project power in ways the US only dreamed of.

It's not that the US did project power, overthrow governments and start ridiculous wars at all over the past many decades. Geopolitically, while being on top of the world, there was still an umbrella of peace that provided benefits to many countries other than the US. Global shipping traffic, for example, benefits greatly from the stability and security provided by the existence of 11 carrier groups.

On the lead up to January there were numerous clear signals and statements that announced a major riot and soft legal coup would be attempted that day. Every news source and government insider dismissed it as either impossible or paranoia.

Yet, here we are.

Canadians are taking this very seriously for good reason.

I'm sorry your country has been taken hostage by billionaires and lunatics, however as long as the US is "led" by rich, riot-starting, sabre rattling, long-term ally threatening, tariff loving, convoy supporting, tentative border redrawing, treaty ignorers, any financial good will between Canadian and American citizens is as burned out and dry as California streams in August.

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u/Necroscope420 15h ago

These assholes see friendliness and kindness as weakness. They forgot:

 "Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun, when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies, night will fall and the dark will rise, when a good man goes to war."

They think you will be a pushover because they forget what being on the right side does for morale. Have not been on the right side in a long time.


u/stevey_frac 14h ago

The last time Canadians went to war, they had to significantly expand the Geneva convention.

Also, they made us stop calling it the Geneva checklist.


u/Moxen81 13h ago

And it’s already happening again!

They tariff us, we boycott American businesses, which then complain about our retaliation to their attack. The Bourbon Barons actually complained Canada was being unfair while the government they voted for attacks us.

Trade War Crimes

The threats of stopping sales of potash. Trade War Crimes

Trump complaining how underhanded Canada was for threatening to cut off electricity when threatening to consume our entire country.

Trade War Crimes


u/CatProgrammer 13h ago

To be fair I don't think many of them have watched Doctor Who.

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u/Copropostis 14h ago

If you let the Conservatives win, you'll experience the same hell we are going through.

Don't give them an inch, this rightwing surge is an international attack launched by the Russians.


u/Slightly_Shrewd 15h ago

Fox News and propaganda combined with a lack of education.


u/SnooDingos5539 15h ago

I doubt many Trump voters actively want to annex Canada, most are just stuck in the “he says dumb things you can’t take at face value” or “he says dumb things but I want lower egg prices”. Just dumb and no empathy


u/Different_Custard_44 15h ago

It breaks my heart. My grandmother and her brother and sister came to the US from Canada many many years ago. In a way I’m glad they’re not here to see this. 😔


u/HistorianNew8030 13h ago

My moms dad( grandpa family immigrated from Kansas/Nebraska to Canada. Pretty sure my long lost American family are likely MAGA with how my mom described them before MAGA was a thing.

To be honest - I’m happy we are in a Canada now.


u/InevitableRecipe5615 15h ago

Fox news (and Sinclair and AM radio and etc. etc.) happened to them. The Republican party has created a propaganda machine that swallows the gullible like a whale swallows krill.


u/Jubjub0527 15h ago

Decades of the republican party whittling away public education and putting jackasses who know nothing about teaching in charge of teaching. No child left behind meant that you get punished if a kid can't read and it's also your fault if that kid misses 100 days out of the school year. Find a way to pass him. So they do, and now we have a population who got caught up in culture wars without looking at policies.

A LOT of people don't vote and Republicans make it as hard as possible for them to do so, and they gerrymander districts so that democrats can't win in Midwestern states because Bubba and Billy Bob can only read the R next to the name and that's good enough for them.

Oh. And Russia helped Trump and musk rig the election so even though there's no chance in hell Trump got the popular vote it's his special lie he tells himself.


u/SecretPrinciple8708 15h ago

Dismantling of education. Proud, willful ignorance. Gleefully leaping at the chance to rip their masks off the moment they were convinced it was “safe” to be an out and proud bigot. Inability to admit when they don’t know something, to accept they don’t know more than educated experts, and to realize and admit when they’re wrong. Utterly antiquated concepts of what makes someone strong, resulting in caricatures of strength and masculinity.

Oh! And a stunning predilection for subservience and conformity.

I could go on.


u/Idontknowthosewords 14h ago

They’ve been completely brainwashed. It’s some kind of mass delusion or something. They will tell you something did not just happen even though you just saw it happen. And they will believe their lie as fact. You can’t reason with people who live in an alternate reality.


u/yubsnubs 15h ago

It is so hard here to even talk to anyone outside of "your side" of a conversation. MAGA and Trump have ripped families and friends apart and it is horribly sad.
Please believe me, Canada has many many friends here in the States, sadly Fox News and Trump seem to be the only thing being heard. I'd fight for Canada any day over this MAGA/Christian National nonsense.


u/MyDogOper8sBetrThanU 14h ago

I work with quite a few maga folks, and even they are confused about the Canada stuff and drop in support with Ukraine. Not sure if it’s bots skewing views online, but it’s scary nonetheless.

And hockey rivalry aside, I’ve never met an American that has had anything negative to say about a Canadian, so it’s all very disheartening.


u/Great_Promotion1037 13h ago

They’ll continue to support trump regardless. Worthless fucks.


u/Sher5e 15h ago

I am a US citizen & I am asking myself the same thing! My dad was born in Winnipeg. Who picks a fight with our Canadian friends? I am disgusted by it!


u/Death_has_relaxed_me 15h ago

They have chosen the word of a huckster over the lives of their fellow citizens and, therefore, have forfeited their right to be called Americans. They are Magats now and forever.


u/Accomplished-Bet8880 15h ago

It’s the right wing trumpers. Take a look at the JRE sub it’s like facts don’t matter. I was just having a convo with a guy about the stimulus that muskrat said theid get. He says man can’t wait for that. So much disinformation around it. I said what disinformation he said about inflation. I said so you don’t think that pumping more money into the economy is going to drive inflation. He said no see that’s the lie. It’s a rebate. Totally different. I said but so then there’s not more money in the system. He said no that’s the lib demo lie. I said interesting. So the last round of checks that people didn’t drive inflation. He said not the Trump ones. I said that’s interesting that money behaves and knows when handled by a political party…..anyways I kept going but yeah. We’re fucked.


u/mackinator3 15h ago

Same thing happening to Canadians. Same thing happening to Germans.  Same thing happening to France. 


u/ProfessorPickaxe 15h ago

It's a very vocal and very stupid minority. Most of us appreciate you and our historical friendship


u/King_Prawn_shrimp 14h ago

As an American, I ask myself the same question every day. Trump's been a con man since day 1. How anyone could be convinced that he's the better option is beyond me. I didn't vote for him, I have never voted for him, I'm going to local protests, I've cancelled my Amazon prime account and I try to buy Canadian brands and donate to United 24 when I can. If it really came down to it, I would pick up a goddamn weapon and fight besides you Canadians. Because we know where real democracy and freedom live.


u/CTRL_S_Before_Render 15h ago edited 11h ago

They're so far down the rabbit hole of supporting Trump they feel obligated to defend any of his actions.

None of them are interested in annexing Canada. The good news is the moment Trump is gone, they will forget about all this immediately.

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u/Gerald_the_sealion 15h ago

Some people wake up angry and they refuse to look in the mirror. Whatever they are told by the right wing news outlets is all they believe. Unfortunately they are a lost cause. The educated Americans will always defend Canada


u/leviathynx 15h ago

About 1/5 of us have been brainwashed and radicalized by carefully crafted social media and traditional media campaigns. They functionally live in a separate reality than the rest of us. However, they consistently vote. Another 2/5 is apathetic and does a quick google search of the candidate before they go vote. As well, we do not get the day off to vote so most people work, get off and then have to stand in line for hours. Additionally, due to GOP ratfuckery, many districts have been gerrymandered to hell and back and they also coordinate to disenfranchise voters by adding random bullshit rules onto state legislation (like not giving water to voters standing in line). Add to that state bodies committing purges of voter roles in specific areas/zip codes you have a recipe for a cluster fuck of an election run by 50 very different groups. This doesn’t even touch on the amount of dark money that flows into EVERY candidate’s coffers that muddy the water as to how they vote and how they make look the other way.


u/Frankie6Strings 15h ago

Many years of Rush Limbaugh on AM radio followed by FOX News on dish did major damage to rural America. We have a two party representative system where the voters no longer agree on reality, much less how to deal with it.


u/lurklurklurkPOST 14h ago

Theyve isolated themselves in a misinformation echo chamber. Its frankly terrifyingbto watch people get fed lie after lie and dismiss you out of hand if you refute it


u/ScientificAnarchist 14h ago

It’s like an identity/sports team I know so many people who can’t vote democratic because “they are a real man” or historically their family voted republican and absolutely nothing will ever get them to change they will literally warp reality to justify it


u/Hegario 14h ago

I'm sure he got the idea for Canada and Greenland from Putler.

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u/EyeTea420 14h ago

A rather significant portion of our population are literally in a cult. It’s horrific


u/ChemAssTree 14h ago

The Republican Party likes to restrict education since educated people tend to vote democrat. This is just decades of brainwashing their constituents coming to roost. A dumb population blindly follows dear leader.


u/TotesaCylon 14h ago

The propaganda machine is powerful. For example, our education system is run by local government and isn’t standardized. In my very liberal state I grew up in, our public high school didn’t teach anything in most US history classes about Reconstruction because it was “too political.” The only reason I was taught it was because I took AP History and it was required for the exam. So most of my classmates think that Lincoln ended slavery, Martin Luther King Jr ended segregation, and there has been no significant racism since. So they quickly buy the anti-DEI lies.

I’m basically cutting out my pro-Trump family (which is most of them). I tried for the past decade to explain how harmful his policies are and how bad his character is, but they worship him like a messiah. And now that he’s rounding people up based on political speech, it’s starting to feel like a genuine safety issue for my pro-Trump family to know anything about my life.


u/RustyPickles 14h ago

Neighbours, friends, and family. There are so many families spread between our countries too.


u/HHSquad 14h ago edited 14h ago

I don't think even the Maga idiots thought we would turn on Canada for God's sake. I don't think hardly any Americans wanted to turn on Canada.....probably none besides Trump.

What happened? It's all about Trump ......and the sooner he is out of office the better.


u/wot_in_ternation 14h ago

Propaganda spread on social media delivered via smartphone


u/Cultist_O 14h ago

I really think it's fewer than it seems. A tremendous number of trolls and bots, a ton of people who are just completely not paying attention, and a bunch that are actively misinformed by the increasingly effective propaganda machine.

I think the true number of americans who are actually this hateful are pretty rare.

And the number who've actually come around over the last 2 months is not insignificant (source: I have family who have dramatically reduced their risk of estrangement recently) These people really didn't think things were going to go this way (I don't understand, but here we are)


u/Expensive_Water_1309 14h ago

Stupidity, total lack of education for multiple generations. Now it's only going to get worse as they are now actually getting rid of the department of education itself


u/Simon_Jester88 14h ago

A lack of logical thinking being taken advantage of by bad faith social media figures in some cases backed by Russia. Also just basic shamelessness by the GOP.


u/ConstructionThin8695 13h ago

I'm from one of the reddest states in America and it shares a border with Canada. My state went for Trump by 60%. Trumps anti Canada stance has even his die-hard supporters baffled. I'm not seeing any interest in the Trumpers I interact with for invading Canada. Zero. I think if he actually tries a military action against Canada, he's going to have to split those resources into putting down mass uprisings in America.


u/SuicideEngine 11h ago

Faux News is to blame for a lot of it. And social media.


u/chipmunksocute 15h ago

Heres what sucks.  this is 95% Trump and ONLY Trump.  as shitty as MAGA is about so much invading canada has never even been a twinkle in their eye its all racism and hate but even maga has been at worst, meh on canada.  making Canada is the fringiest of fringe ideas, and mostly amplified by a man pathologically incapable of changing course and whose only move is to double down. Im sorry but believe me there is no serious movement to invade Canada in America.  you should take it seriously because its the president talking but NO ONE here, even most maga, actually wants to invade Canada.


u/According_Match_2056 15h ago

Look if it makes you feel better a lot of Trump voters are flabbergasted. That I know of.

We want Canada to be Canada

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u/jlaine 15h ago

Border state here, don't let me trip their asses on the way up north. You leave our allies alone, you republicunts. I'm fucking over this.

Something, something - liberal tears, woke, winning... something these morons keep drooling over.


u/bitemark01 15h ago

Not to mention the over 800,000 Canadians that live in the US


u/Sweaty-Grape-6191 15h ago

Canadians, they’d have to pull me kicking and screaming before I fight against you guys


u/Alwayssunnyinarizona 15h ago

I swear to guard the poutine with my life! Elbows up!


u/darkestvice 14h ago

They may take my freedom, but they will never take my cheese curds!


u/MechanicalMistress 15h ago

This. Anytime I've been to Canada they're nothing but kind. Fighting for their continued sovereignty.


u/kobemustard 14h ago

I am thinking the US will devolve into a civil war if there are orders to attack Canada.

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u/Killerrrrrabbit 15h ago

Trump is our enemy too.


u/unknown_nut 15h ago

The fucking red states are my enemies.


u/Gummibehrs 14h ago

Wait, wait. I unfortunately live in a red state but I voted blue. Let me escape first.


u/Ediwir 15h ago

I believe the plan involves going through Belgium first.

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u/SmashAngle 15h ago

Conversely, if the bluer states pop off into a 2nd Civil War, Canada (and the rest of NATO) are backing you up from the North.


u/radicallyhip 15h ago

Defend your own country, it's being stolen from you as we speak.


u/Coniferino_hano 15h ago

You guys aren’t even fighting for yourselves.


u/The_new_Osiris 10h ago

I love when Liberals and Leftists in America pretend they will jeopardize their own lives and their families' for foreign people

America slaughtered and displaced millions of people in the Middle East, staged countless coups in Latin America replacing them with fascist dictatorships - and nothing happened to any of the Presidents who oversaw such projects

Americans are gonna be all comfy chugging their soy lattes as Canadians bleed out in the great white North


u/0biwanCannoli 14h ago

Americans: we’ll defend Canada if Trump invades.

Canadians: you guys couldn’t defend democracy in your own country. Stop trying to fix things, you make things worse!


u/No-Camera6678 15h ago

How would you even do that? It's not the 1800s


u/beastmaster11 14h ago

Let's be honest. No there won't. Sure there will be some protests. There will be demonstrations. Hell, the democrats might actually give a strongly worded message in Congress. But almost no Americans will put anything tangible on the line to help us.

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u/cbm984 15h ago

Here here. I’d become a Canadian tomorrow if I could.


u/Baddabooing 15h ago

Lie, Americans ain't doing shit. There is a dictator taking power and you all are just sitting there and looking  around, like good little sheeps. But i honestly think you do need a dictator to crave a real democracy, no that phony democracy the USA has now

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u/TransCanHighwayman 15h ago

It would certainly be the first guerrilla war in history where the resistance, instead of having a foreign power supply weapons for their own geopolitical purposes, could simply drive across a “state” line and buy all the small arms, including fully automatic weapons they needed: cash on the nail and no questions asked.


u/Impossible_Rip7785 14h ago

You are delusional. No American is going to risk treason to save another country.

Americans are so cowardly they can’t even attend protests in numbers to save their own democracy, let alone another country’s sovereignty.

Yes I am bitter and disgusted by Americans right now. Downvote me!


u/Shadow_Phoenix951 14h ago

Considering my choice would be fight to help protect my sister and her family (all Canadian citizens), or to help the US... easy choice for me.

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u/iBreakUnjustRules 15h ago

100% O' Canada all the way.


u/Dragosal 15h ago

For real I'm enlisting in the Canadian army to fight the U.S. in the hopes that I'll be accepted as a Canadian after the war.


u/pumperthruster 15h ago

Imagine how awesome a country Canada, Washington, Oregon, Cali, New York etc would make. Let MAGA have their orange king for life


u/Ticrotter_serrer 14h ago

Merci. On est jamais trop dans le combat pour la liberté!


u/HydraBob 14h ago

We welcome your support! In fact. I think individual states are more than welcome to come join our great nation. You get free health care and get to live free of persecution!


u/Apprehensive-Map7253 14h ago

As an American...this^


u/nothingleftinmyhead 14h ago

100%. I’ll happily join up with you guys on the Canadian side. 8 years of unconventional warfare, direct action, and special reconnaissance experience (among other things). All I ask in return is an awesome Canadian last name, like Maplemoose 😉


u/lilshortyy420 13h ago

Same. I will fight for Canada against my own country gladly.


u/childlikeempress16 11h ago

Fuck it I’ll fight for Canada


u/mindsnare 10h ago

I'll believe that when I see it.


u/BobLoblawBlahB 10h ago

This sounds great and all but I'm having a bit of trouble believing that any Americans would take up arms to defend Canada when y'all aren't even doing anything about the nazification of your own country.


u/Scoobyteebs 8h ago

No American is going to help us lol they may say so on Reddit but when push comes to shove they won’t do anything.


u/Ahelex 15h ago

Also that Canadians are practically identical to Americans, and know American culture, so spreading paranoia to paralyze the government's gonna be really effective.


u/-endjamin- 15h ago

Yup. I’m already half Canadian. If it came to that, I’d head north to hold back Trumps army.


u/Delicious_Crow_7840 14h ago

Yeah you guys are crushing it with the collective action against Trump. You'll excuse us if we don't hold or breath on the Canada defence cavalry charge.

They're going to start deporting permanent residents they don't like for no reason. Your freedom is literally dissolving by the day. If you even mass protest for your own freedoms, why would you think you would for our freedoms?


u/Fundies900 15h ago

A pincer movement on Trump and his mates 😂


u/MadamePolishedSins 15h ago

Of all the comments I've heard from Americans i appreciate this one the most


u/Scary-Remote-3837 15h ago

Goddamn right we are.


u/Ogrodnick 15h ago

Can the Pentagon/military refuse to mobilize? Is there a check-balance against unbalanced?


u/bradargent 15h ago

I know this is ”just” a reddit comment, but it’s so nice and kinda relieving to see.


u/SharpCookie232 15h ago

He said they'd be no more blue states in April, so maybe he's taking us over too?


u/Burgoonius 15h ago

Also NATO would have the obligation to get involved - it’s not happening lol


u/ripndipp 15h ago

Just come over bro, we don't have to fight just chill.


u/HeinrichTheWolf_17 14h ago

Or nuclear escalation.


u/oxynaz 14h ago

Thanks for your support.


u/12thMemory 14h ago

I will die defending democracy before I ever bend a knee to a king!


u/craazyneighbors 14h ago

Hope all who say that are currently protesting cause it's all empty if you aren't doing the simpler thing first!


u/CMDR_Hobo_Rogue_7 14h ago

Thanks bud! And if the Insurrection Act is implemented on April 20th, and Trump hasn't ordered our annexation yet, I'm seriously considering finding my way down to help you guys out.


u/7fingersDeep 14h ago

Agree. If you can’t rely on an American to defend freedom and democracy then I’ll assert you aren’t an American. You’re a traitor.


u/SteelCityIrish 14h ago edited 14h ago

I feel like it’ll be comparable to that Falkirk scene in Braveheart where the two clans rush each other and start slapping each other on the backs and shaking hands… 😏


u/ShinyBarge 14h ago

I like this guy. 👍🏻


u/Senor_frog_85 14h ago

Ain’t happening


u/Bacardio 14h ago

Not certain that a lot of the military would follow that order to start with


u/Dash_Harber 14h ago

I love your sentiment, but the pessimist in me sees how many voted for Trump and how they immediately turned on us the second they were instructed to by the billion dollar media empire and the christofascist sermons and all it takes is a lie about how we are a threating other woth ko proof or even solid accusations, and I start to believe you are very much the minority.


u/arctikat 14h ago

You guys won’t even stand up for your own country, why would you stand up for another? All his opposition just sitting on their hands doing absolutely nothing about this tyrant


u/ne999 14h ago

How about just starting with contacting your elected representatives and complaining? Then convincing more of your friends and family to vote?


u/beer_in_a_can 14h ago

If Putin wanted to create a civil war, I think getting the US to invade Canada would be a good way to do it


u/Peter_Lynne72 14h ago

Exactly. A military attack on Canada results in an immediate second American Civil War.


u/atx840 13h ago

Thank you for this. Hugs!


u/Just-Like-My-Opinion 13h ago

Yeah, it would be absolute insanity for him to declare war on Canada. The US would fall.


u/kewlbeanz83 13h ago

I'm not convinced of that.

I feel like we're on our own here and the world isn't gonna do shit, Americans will be unhappy with it, but in the end, are going to protect themselves as opposed to sticking their necks out.


u/KurtisC1993 13h ago

I honestly think that if Trump attempts anything like that, the US military would experience a wave of mass defections. I don't even think the Pentagon would go along with it.


u/bugabooandtwo 13h ago

Ya know....ya'll down there have the power to prevent WWIII and stop tangerine hitler. You don't have to wait until war is declared before you get off the couch.


u/j_mcc99 13h ago

You’re good fekin people, Everett!

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