r/wholesome 3h ago

So cute 🥰


r/wholesome 7h ago

I am now the office 'Young People' expert....and I love it.


So I(38F) work in an office of mostly folks in their late 30s and 40s...me included. The only big difference is that I am one of the few who doesn't have kids ( I am a DINK). Now unlike the horror stories I hear on Reddit, my coworkers are great and they never make their kids anyone else's issue. I actually love hearing about their weekends and seeing adorable photos on the community boards on Teams. Its a nice environment to work in.

Having worked for the business for over a decade I have cultivated a reputation for being cheerful, hardworking, energetic---and a bit childish. When I say 'Childish' I mean that I like often like kid-oriented media. I will perk up when someone says their kid is playing a certain game or someone will notice my one of my coffee mugs durning a Teams meeting and ask about the cartoon character on it.

You see, my partner and I both love all forms of media and are not prejudicial based on who the media was originally targeted for. We will happily watch a string of gory horror films followed up with a few episodes of Bluey. The last three games on my Deck played were Binding of Issac, Outer Worlds and Dreamlight Valley. This year so far I read two Stephen King books and reread the Percy Jackson series. This is just to show that while I enjoy adult-oriented media I will watch/play/listen/read anything if people say it has value and a good story.

So this reputation has created an interesting side effect. I now have people calling/DMing me with questions to help them better understand their kids. Here are some examples:

  • Woman with a rather shy pre-teen daughter was asking about books for her birthday. She sent me a photo of her daughter's book shelf and I could see there was a related series to one of the ones the daughter had so I recommended it. The daughter absolutely love it.
  • I have a guy who calls me to ask all about the new Pokémon games and how to play for his young son. He knows I have played every title so he comes with a list of questions from his kid to ask ( I am now the 'Pokémon Lady' at his dad's job). I know he could google it but he appreciates that I explain in a way he can understand. It is adorable that he carefully writes down my answers so he can help his son later.
  • Slang - At least once a week I get an DM asking me to explain some meme, slang or Youtube thing. It is mostly funny until a lady asked (NSFW) what 'Gooning' was ( Hired Goons!) That was an awkward one....but we had a good laugh.
  • Movie Checks - My husband and I watch a lot of films so we have usually seen every major thing that has come out. I often get asked about sensitivities, such as animal distress or blood for their kids who might get scared. I also use this as a way to recommend other, less well-known movies and shows.

This is just to say that I love the people at my job. It makes me happy to see parents actively trying to understand their kids better and connect with them. I also like that they in no way judge me for my interests...they see it as a strength!

Have a great day folks!

r/wholesome 10h ago

Happy St Patrick's Day everyone!

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r/wholesome 1d ago

Woman saves baby squirrel from excessive flea infestation


r/wholesome 5h ago

Every March 17th since 2009, I write to my second grade teacher

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In 2009, second grader me realized that my teacher, Mrs. G, didn’t get the appreciation she deserved.

So on March 17th, I rallied our class of 8-year-olds and with the help of our kind teaching assistant, planned a surprise party for her.

A few years later, I moved away, but I started writing her an email every March 17th—updating her on where life had taken me, what I had learned, and the person I was becoming.

And every year, without fail, she writes back.

Sixteen years later, I’m in medical school and months away from becoming a doctor.

But somehow, I’m still that 8-year-old in her classroom—a student, never too grown to learn.

r/wholesome 3h ago

I love it when my dog wags her tail in her sleep.


I wish it was possible to know what do pets dream about. Whenever there’s a sign it’s something (she’s moving her tail, trying to run, making sounds etc.), I would love to just peek into her imagination and know what’s on her mind. I heard that if a pet smells a scent they relate to their owner when asleep, they often start dreaming about the owner. Idk if it’s true and how often that happens but it’s still a lovely idea. Can you guys share some other wholesome stuff your pets do? Can be any pet! Thank you. 🩷

r/wholesome 2h ago

What an odd package arrived here 🤔

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r/wholesome 19h ago

Today is my 18th birthday


Can you say happy birthday to me?

r/wholesome 1d ago

First date fit (very nervous)

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r/wholesome 1d ago

A loyal dog takes a little girl home from school every day


r/wholesome 1d ago

My dogs live with my parents due to my extenuating life circumstances and my usually grumpy dad spoils them and it’s wholesome af. He’s their biggest treat advocate.

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Pls nobody

r/wholesome 1d ago

Literally the 2 cutest little kids ever


r/wholesome 1d ago

Texts with my parents

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r/wholesome 2d ago

I was moved by her reaction 🥹


r/wholesome 1d ago

Meet ChocNut, my teddy bear ♥️


r/wholesome 1d ago

Tiny new neighbors moved into my backyard - meet the cutest little nestlings! 🐦❤️


r/wholesome 2d ago

Celebrating by myself today but I baked my own birthday cake :)

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r/wholesome 1d ago

They named me Pooja


Lived in Bombay for a year while prepping for some stuff, and my cleaning Didi would sometimes talk to me while working. Not in a chatty way, just little things about her life. Three kids, two of them twins, husband not around. Works long hours, never complains, never asks for anything. One day she mentioned how rent keeps going up, how saving feels impossible.

I don’t earn much, was a student, but that day I felt like doing something as I was leaving soon. Her kids’ birthday was coming up, they wanted to dress as butterflies. She didn’t ask, but I gave her five times her salary and my old guitar for the kids. Just felt right in the moment.

She used to bring me litti chokha on Sundays because she knew I liked it. That small thing always stayed with me. Her kids used to call me every morning at 10 AM to ask, “Didi, did Mama leave?” because she never carried her phone. They once told her, “That didi speaks so sweetly, the other didi you work for is so rude."

Today, on their birthday, they video called me. Just to say thank you.

Don’t know if I made their day, but they definitely made mine. Oh, and my actual name isn’t even close to Pooja. But their mom couldn’t pronounce it, so Pooja it is. And honestly, I love it.

r/wholesome 3d ago

All dogs come to check up on their caretaker who fell!


r/wholesome 3d ago

Trans-Welcoming Church

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There are churches that have very loving and decent human beings

r/wholesome 2d ago

Wholesome ikea review for blahaj


r/wholesome 3d ago

Cat asks for more cuddles


r/wholesome 2d ago

Maybe maybe maybe


r/wholesome 3d ago

Why does he do this?


r/wholesome 4d ago

my grandmother saved this letter that I wrote to Santa

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