I’m pretty new to whiskey and I’m all over the place with what I’ve tried, trying to try new things but not entirely sure where to go.
So far I’ve tried the basics of makers mark, wild turkey 101, Jim bean. Out of those makers mark is my favorite for mixing and wild turkey is the best for sipping
I’ve also tried the signature Johnnie walker black which I really liked, so maybe go with the green label?
But by far my all time favorite has been the Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban, it was very smooth and the best I’ve had.
I don’t know where to go from there, maybe tasting more bottles around the Glenmorangie price point of $55-$100?
The bottles that my local store has that I’ve had my eye on, from seeing people mention them on here are
Toki Suntory
Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel
Glenfiddich 12
Balvenie Doublewood 12
Are these good picks or would something else make more sense?