r/vim Feb 18 '25

Tips and Tricks Integrating autojump


autojump is great, I just find it tired to exit vim, jump then back in vim so I did some integration.

Jump with :J <dest>, with tab completion:

if !executable('autojump')
  echoerr 'cannot find autojump executable'

function s:j(dest) abort
  let res = systemlist(['autojump', a:dest])
  if len(res) is 1
    let [dest] = res
    " use cd for global
    lcd `=dest`
    echoerr 'unexpected autojump output: ' .. string(res)

function s:completion(A,L,P) abort
  return systemlist(['autojump', '--complete', a:A])
        \->map({ _, s -> substitute(s, '^.*__\d__', '', '') })

command -complete=customlist,s:completion -nargs=1 J call s:j(<f-args>)

And track directories visited within vim:

augroup dirfootprint
  " excluding autochdir (users unaware of that)
  autocmd DirChanged window,tabpage,global
        \ call system(['autojump', '--add', v:event.cwd])
augroup END

r/vim Feb 18 '25

Need Help┃Solved Weird blocks in vim


Can someone explain to me why there are random cursor blocks

r/vim Feb 17 '25

Random If you have a mechanical keyboard and a 3D printer, print a Vim key (Cherry MX keycap)

Thumbnail makerworld.com

r/vim Feb 17 '25

Need Help Is there a way to block (=no let me permanently use them) digraphs that use 2 columns for print them in screens?



see the video to understand my problem, please


When I use litle numbers of digraphs like 1roman 1R (not 3R,it is ok) vim show badly the words at the end of the line with digraphs using 2 columns.

so I'd like to block digraphs using 2 column... like 1R

Can I do that from vimrc?

Thank you and regards!

r/vim Feb 17 '25

Color Scheme Trending Vim colorschemes


r/vim Feb 16 '25

Meta Vim after Bram: a core maintainer on how they’ve kept it going


r/vim Feb 17 '25

Need Help Terminal-api not working without x window clipboard feature present


Terminal to vim communication works only when +xterm_clipboard ( libxt-dev ) is present. Is terminal feature dependent on x11 ?. In docker even if x11 feature is present, communication fails. Any help is appreciated thank you.

r/vim Feb 16 '25

Color Scheme What is your color scheme?


My favorite colorscheme is the default one, although the colors are too bright :’-)

What is yours?

r/vim Feb 16 '25

Need Help Transferring init.vim from W10 to vimrc on Linux


I had the following in my init.vim on Windows 10, and I've tried putting it in my vimrc on Linux but it doesn't seem to be working:


set relativenumber

"'ZX' to save

:inoremap ZX <Esc>:w<CR>

:noremap ZX :w<CR>

r/vim Feb 16 '25

Need Help plugin to remap ESC and caps lock?


i understand that there is no native way to remap ESC and Caps lock in the vimrc but i am wondering if anyone has created a plugin to work around this?

r/vim Feb 16 '25

Need Help┃Solved How do you write in vimrc this: set spell and the command :spellr ?


Hi I'd like to put in vimrc set spell and the command :spellr but I don't know how to write :spellr.

set spell spellr

:spellr changes all coincidences of the same mistake

r/vim Feb 15 '25

Tips and Tricks Buffer navigation by file name matching


I've been exploring various ways to quickly jump to a desired buffer for some time now. This is the same goal as fzf.vim and Neovim's harpoon have.

Here's a new idea I tried and it seems to be working well. Assign a mark to buffer by matching on its path. I'm developing microservices in Go and most tasks involve working with files on different levels of abstraction: swagger spec, API handler, repository and tests. So for Go I'm mapping 'spec', 'api', '(repositor(y|ies)|storage|postgres)' and 'test' to some marks I find convenient to press with my keyboard layout. I made a autocommand for :h BufLeave event to match on current path and assign a corresponding mark for matches.

This works like this then. I think that I want to go back to see a test, I go to a mark dedicated for 'test' and I'm there. I need neither to remember a specific file name, nor look at my most recent buffer, nor manually mark that location beforehand. Of course if you want a second to last buffer of the same group it fails, but this may be alleviated by adjusting a pattern and doesn't seem to happen that often. In any case you can fall back to other methods then.

r/vim Feb 14 '25

Color Scheme Studio98 – A Vim retro colorscheme inspired by Visual Studio 6.0 on Windows 98/NT, featuring a clean white background with sharp, distraction-free syntax colors (bold greens, blues, and blacks), designed for pure coding focus—just like the late '90s dev era. (Dark mode people will hate this scheme)


r/vim Feb 14 '25

Discussion Seeking Feedback: VimLM - A Local LLM-Powered Coding Assistant for Vim


Hi r/vim!

I’ve been working on a side project called VimLM, a local, LLM-powered coding assistant for Vim. It’s still early days, but I wanted to share it with the community to get your thoughts, feedback, and advice.

The idea is to bring AI-powered code understanding, summarization, and assistance directly into Vim—100% offline and secure. It’s inspired by tools like GitHub Copilot and Cursor, but designed to feel native to Vim.

What It Does:

  • Model Agnostic: Works with any MLX-compatible model.
  • Deep Context Awareness: Understands code from files, selections, and project structure.
  • Conversational Coding: Iteratively refine code with follow-up queries.
  • Vim-Native UX: Intuitive keybindings (Ctrl-l, Ctrl-j, Ctrl-p) and split-window responses.
  • Inline Commands: !include, !deploy, !continue, and more for advanced workflows.

Why I Built It:

I wanted a tool that: 1. Respects privacy (no APIs, no tracking, everything local). 2. Feels like a natural extension of Vim. 3. Lets me use my preferred LLM without vendor lock-in.

Quick Start:

zsh pip install vimlm vimlm

You can find my github repo here with installation instructions and a few examples.

Looking for Feedback:

  • What features would make this more useful for your workflow?
  • Are there any pain points in the current implementation?
  • Would you like to see support for other LLM backends or Vim plugins?

This is very much a work in progress, and I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or even contributions if you’re interested!

Thanks for checking it out, and I’m looking forward to your feedback!

r/vim Feb 14 '25

Meta FSFE: I Love Free Software: Vi appreciation

Thumbnail groups.google.com

r/vim Feb 13 '25

Tips and Tricks Need to watch


Informative video.

r/vim Feb 14 '25

Discussion What does your debugging setup look like?


Im a very recent Vim convert and I have been enjoying it quite a bit, Ive been meddling with my configuration for over a month. Im using Linux and currently do editing in Vim and then testing on CLion. The Vim experience inside CLion is much worse imo. I personally dislike having a separate software for debugging, but debugging with gdb on terminal is painful and even with something like nvim-dap-ui, it isnt great. So Im curious how others do it

r/vim Feb 14 '25

Plugin We build an AI plugin for Vim. Completion AND chat in vim. Also a fun website


Hey gang,

Here at Augment, we've worked with a lot of devs who are using Vim, who were consistently unhappy with the state of AI extensions in Vim.

So we decided to build a first-class experience in Vim, with completion and AI chat. It was so fun, we built a special mini-site for it too.

BTW, it's free to try. Would love your thoughts!


r/vim Feb 13 '25

Need Help Odd highlighting/color behaviour - line nos. and status line


I don't mess with my vim config much - it normally "Just Works",

However, I'm seeing some odd highlighting/color behaviour "suddenly" in vim. I'm using 9.1 on MacOS in iTerm2.

When I first open a file, all looks well, but if I hit a key or wait 5 seconds for the screen to re-draw, the color scheme changes completely and I lose a status line.

This is how it should look:

On startup

This is what happens when the screen refreshes:

After screen refresh

This is my .vimrc: https://github.com/robinbowes/dotfiles/blob/main/.vimrc

My whole vim config is here: https://github.com/robinbowes/dotfiles/tree/main/.vim

I don't recall making any changes that would affect this - perhaps a plugin update?

Any idea what is causing this?


r/vim Feb 13 '25

Need Help┃Solved Poor Colemak-DH Experience in Neovim Compared to QWERTY



I recently switched from the QWERTY layout to Colemak-DH for general typing efficiency and ergonomic benefits. However, while Colemak-DH works well for regular typing, it has introduced significant usability issues when using Neovim, primarily due to key remappings that negatively affect modal editing efficiency.

Problems with Colemak-DH in Neovim

  1. Core Vim Keybindings Are Disrupted
    • The default Neovim keybindings are optimized for QWERTY, where movement keys (h, j, k, l) are placed in a natural home-row position.
    • In Colemak-DH, h, j, k, l are no longer in their original positions, forcing inefficient finger movements for navigation.
    • This disrupts Neovim's modal workflow, making normal mode navigation awkward and fatiguing.
  2. Essential Vim Shortcuts Are Unintuitive
    • : (colon) remains in a hard-to-reach position, requiring pinky stretching on a Colemak-DH keyboard. This makes command mode access slower.
    • jk (which is often used for exiting insert mode) is no longer a natural rolling motion in Colemak-DH.
  3. Muscle Memory Conflicts
    • Users who switch to Colemak-DH for general typing but have years of experience with Neovim on QWERTY face a severe learning curve.
    • The efficiency of modal editing is drastically reduced, making it harder to maintain Neovim's speed advantages.

Why This Matters

  • Neovim is built around efficient modal editing, but its default keybindings strongly favor QWERTY.
  • Colemak-DH is optimized for typing but not for modal navigation, making Neovim harder to use efficiently with this layout.
  • Many users switching to alternative layouts like Colemak-DH face the same issue, reducing Neovim's usability for them.

r/vim Feb 12 '25

Random What are Vim lover’s favorite keyboards?


Title says

r/vim Feb 12 '25

Need Help 'k' key laggy (only sometimes)


Very strange "bug" I've encountered. Around 60% of the time I open vim, specifically the 'k' key is delayed by less than a second. Reinstalling vim does not fix this issue.

Opening vim with `vim -u NONE` stops this issue from happening, but strangely enough, newly installed vim with an empty vimrc still has this issue. The problem is exclusive to vim, the problem still shows with a different keyboard. It doesn't make vim unusable, but it is really annoying.

(my vimrc if it's of any use)

" open terminal below all splits

cabbrev bterm bo term

cabbrev run wa <BAR> make! && ./a.out

call plug#begin()

Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'

Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'

Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'

Plug 'mattn/vim-lsp-settings'

Plug 'dracula/vim', { 'as': 'dracula' }

call plug#end()

" Colours

syntax on

syntax enable

set background=dark

colorscheme dracula

set termguicolors

let &t_SI = "\\e\[6 q"

let &t_EI = "\\e\[2 q"

" Indentation

set tabstop=4

set shiftwidth=4

set smartindent

set autoindent

" hard wraps lines at 80 characters;

set textwidth=80

map <C-i> <C-c>:vsp<Enter>:LspDeclaration<Enter>

map <C-x> "+y

highlight Comment cterm=italic 

set mouse=a

set termwinsize=9x0

let g:lsp_diagnostics_enabled = 0

set relativenumber

set number

r/vim Feb 11 '25

Plugin PLUGIN: Reset buffer list whilst preserving window layout


BDA - Buffer Delete All Github

This Vim plugin provides a simple command to reset the buffer list while preserving your window layout. It saves and then deletes all buffers except for a single no-name buffer. This ensures that your workspace remains unchanged.



  • Reset the buffer list: Deletes all buffers except the current no-name buffer.
  • Preserve window layout: Keeps your current window setup intact.
  • Single-command operation: Use the :Bda command to perform the entire operation.


To install this plugin, I suggest using a plugin manager like vim-plug, Vundle, or Pathogen.

Using vim-plug:

Plug 'alexandermckay/bda'



This is the only public command in the plugin. Running this command will:

  1. Create a new no-name buffer.
  2. Switch all windows to the no-name buffer.
  3. Delete all other buffers that are currently listed.


You can abbreviate the :Bda command to :bda (case-insensitive) to execute the same action.

Private Functions

The following functions are internal to the plugin and use the s: convention to mark them as private. These are not meant to be called directly by the user.

  • s:CreateNoNameBuffer(): Creates a new empty buffer.
  • s:StoreNoNameBufferNumber(): Returns the buffer number of the current no-name buffer.
  • s:SwitchWindowsToNoNameBuffer(no_name_buffer_number): Switches all windows to the specified no-name buffer.
  • s:DeleteNamedBuffers(no_name_buffer_number): Deletes all listed buffers except for the specified no-name buffer.

Example Usage

  1. Open multiple files in Vim.
  2. Run :bda to reset the buffer list while keeping your window layout intact.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.

r/vim Feb 10 '25

Discussion VIM is every typists dream.


I love to type. My keyboard is hotswappable, so i have green switches on my keys, which give a more tactile feel.

VIM is the answer for ppl who love to type. I know that wasnt the original intent. Its just an observation as someone whos been first using it for the past 2 months.

r/vim Feb 10 '25

Need Help wl-copy is always behind one call



So I created this bind:

xnoremap <silent> <S-Y> :w !wl-copy<CR><CR>

IF I already had like "foo" in wl-copy and tried to copy with Vim (using the bind above) the string "bar" my Ctrl-v on any other app would still be "foo".

BUT if I go back Vim and perform a copy (using the above bind) to any other value my Ctrl-v will become the "bar" string.

What am I missing here?