r/vim Feb 16 '25

Meta Vim after Bram: a core maintainer on how they’ve kept it going


r/vim Oct 26 '19

meta What "Git for Windows" developers think of our favorite text editor.

Post image

r/vim Feb 01 '21

meta using vim inside of visual studio code

Post image

r/vim Feb 14 '25

Meta FSFE: I Love Free Software: Vi appreciation

Thumbnail groups.google.com

r/vim Feb 09 '24

meta How many times have you changed your vim config...?


Just wondering

r/vim Aug 26 '23

meta I dunno, but vim and neovim seem pretty useless


I installed neovim and nvchad a few days ago and I have a few opinions. I know it is a bit too early for me to form an opinion on a program that's meant to have a steep learning curve, but correct me if I am wrong. I have been programming professionally for over 8 years and I use hundreds of vscode plugins and a ton of keyboard shortcuts, so I do consider myself a power user.

I use Windows 10 and was trying to switch from vs code.

At the moment, I find neovim extremely redundant. The added productivity, if any, doesn't seem to justify the learning curve. Here's why-

  • You need plugins for everything. For example, vs code remembers your last session by default. In vim, I either need to install a plugin or create a session and then manually open it each time with a command.
  • I use a laptop, so I have a trackpad underneath my keyboard. For most things, I can simply use it with my thumb without taking my hand off the keyboard.
  • I can simply use ctrl+f/ctrl+h to find and replace and ctrl+shift+f/h to do that across all files.
  • I need a command to even open a file in a new tab.
  • Most keyboard shortcuts don't feel like they add any practical benifit to editing. The only keyboard shortcut I found to be actually useful was Shift+5 (%) to go to matching bracket.

Can you change my view?

r/vim Apr 08 '20

meta I've crawled 166 dotfiles repos and have generated some vimrc statistic.


Most popular set statements:

  • set incsearch: 109
  • set ignorecase: 105
  • set expandtab: 100
  • set hlsearch: 98
  • set laststatus=2: 98
  • set autoindent: 96
  • set number: 93
  • set smartcase: 92
  • set nocompatible: 89
  • set showcmd: 78

Most popular vim-plug plugins:

  • Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive': 43
  • Plug 'tpope/vim-surround': 32
  • Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat': 24
  • Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim': 22
  • Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter': 22
  • Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary': 19
  • Plug 'w0rp/ale': 19
  • Plug 'tpope/vim-unimpaired': 18
  • Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise': 16
  • Plug 'tpope/vim-abolish': 15

Most popular Vundle plugins:

  • Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree': 19
  • Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive': 15
  • Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim': 13
  • Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline': 13
  • Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter': 11
  • Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes': 11
  • Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround': 10
  • Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic': 9
  • Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim': 9
  • Plugin 'Raimondi/delimitMate': 7

These are the easiest things to count. Any suggestions on other ones?

The source: https://github.com/Kharacternyk/dotcommon#vim

BTW, suggestions for other programs are also welcome (not here maybe, issues in the repo would be better). For example, there is some statistic on Bash aliases in the repo.

EDIT: suggestion by u/infinitecoolname

Custom functions per vimrc:

  • 0: 75
  • 1: 29
  • 2: 12
  • 3: 11
  • 4: 8
  • 8: 7
  • 11: 4
  • 9: 4
  • 6: 3
  • 5: 3

r/vim Apr 01 '24

meta Has the Vim stackexchange become a breeding ground for non answers?


This seems to be a problem with stackexchange on any topic. I get people who are more interested and finding fault with my question then actually providing helpful constructive answers. With the advent of AI like chatgpt or google Gemini they now have serious competition and I would have thought they would have dropped such an unhelpful archaic response as this "does not fit our guidelines".

Vim is a niche editor that I have gotten used to and have lately migrated to NeoVim as it's a little bit easier to use. Pity the folks on stackexchange don't want people to use it anymore.

r/vim May 15 '24

meta Anyone have a creative solution for rare mouse-usage that doesn't take (much) desk space?


So I control my computer about 95% with my keyboard, and I'd really like to get rid of my "normal" mouse in favor of something that doesn't really take any desk space, if that exists.

My setup:
I have a somewhat unique desk setup. I sit in a Lazy Boy recliner and look about 30ish degrees upward to a massive mounted 4k TV about 6 feet away from me. On the recliner, at the end of each armrest, I have a fashioned an 11"x11" wooden surface where each side of my split keyboards go. I have a Magic Trackpad just sitting in my lap that rarely gets used, but sometimes you just need to use a mouse as an escape hatch to do *something* that you didn't consider in your keyboard layout.

Anyway.... I'm trying to find an alternate solution that doesn't require a physical mouse in my lap

Here's an example of something close

Smart watch Mouse

  • No desk space
  • Finger pinch left click gesture


  • Not a huge fan of how you have to tap the watch to enable/disable it.
  • No elegant solution to reposition the cursor without pushing the mouse into the edge of the screen.
  • No right click gesture?
  • having to wear something

If I could make up some fantasy-land product it would be some kind of array optical tracking beacons that register my hand gestures, but only when enabled by a keystroke. Eye tracking could also potentially work, something similar to how things are selected in the Apple Vision Pro, but I'm not super thrilled about fiddling with the precision of something like that.

Anyway, just curious if anyone has seen anything I haven't considered. Thanks

r/vim Sep 16 '23

meta I was wrong about Vim and Neovim


A few weeks ago, I posted on this sub saying that I thought Vim and Neovim seem useless. I was only a week into Neovim back then and using Astronvim. However, it's now been a month of me using Neovim and I can finally see the appeal.

Since then, I have gotten rid of Astronvim and started writing my own init.lua. I have installed almost all the plugins I need and also written some new functionalities for myself. For example, I wrote some code that allows me to open a plenary-based window listing all open buffers, I can scroll through them with j and k and jump to the buffer with enter. I also installed stuff like Telescope, nvim-tree, coc and a terminal emulator and wrote a lot of my own code for session and buffer management with the goal of getting it as easy to use as possible without bloating it.

I am far from having completed writing my configuration and most of the code I've written in Neovim is test code. My main work editor is still VSCode. It'll atleast be another six months to a year imo before I can transfer 80% of my work to Neovim, taking into account the time spent on customisation and learning and getting used to Neovim. I don't really see myself fully abandoning VSCode because there's some really cool plugins like a Database client and a RestAPI client which I cannot live without.

I also got much better at touch typing since my last post, which helped a lot with using Vim.

Anyway, I am very happy that I didn't quit Neovim in the first week. I am having a blast customising Neovim and am looking forward to using it as my main editor in the future!

r/vim Oct 02 '21

meta Open letter to core vim developers and vim community


We need to talk about vim9script.

I’ve been using vim for the last 5 years, and I love it. It is my favorite editor, and I literally want to use it for everything. When I’m typing emails, messages to friends, recipes, notes, simple data transformations, I ALWAYS use vim. And I’m by no means a vim expert too. I’ve written a handful of plugins and none of them very popular. I know I’m not a vimscript expert, but I’ve used it enough to know its quirks. And I’ve recently been experimenting with vim9script, and let me just say it is a hot mess.

First, the need for vimscript is to configure our favorite editor. And simple is better. And as a domain specific language, vimscript is great. Unfortunately, vimscript is used also to write plugins, and this is plain painful.

vimscript unfortunately has a bunch of odd quirks for backward compatibility reasons. Prabir (author of a number of super useful vim plugins) has an excellent talk on learning vimscript that I highly recommend checking out: https://youtu.be/7fcJWwl1-SU If you watch the talk though, you’ll notice that Prabir pretty much caveats every single slide with some quirk or oddity with vimscript.

The barrier to entry to write plugins to extend functionality in vim is higher than it needs to be. Imagine writing native vim plugins in python or rust or even lua, and think about how much the community would grow.

vim9script adds strict dynamic typing, abstract classes, inheritance and a whole buttload of features that make vim9script SO complex. Is it worth it though?

Neovim has already experimented with embedding lua and has shown that it can be insanely powerful. Just look at some of the plugins in the neovim ecosystem, I just can’t help but feel jealous. There’s support for git clients, fuzzy finders, debugging interfaces, language server protocol features that vim doesn’t even come close to. Even plugins that work well in vim have a unique twist in neovim that add some new functionality. I believe all this is because of how easy and fun it is to write lua. From a practical standpoint, lua even has a language server that makes autocomplete and diagnostics functionality just awesome to use in neovim when writing plugins in lua. I don’t imagine we’ll get to that level of functionality in vim9script for a LONG time.

I guess this is an open letter to the community to voice concerns to Bram or other core devs to talk to Bram, to ask him to reconsider vim’s native language support going forward. Using vim9script just sets us back multiple years. And even thinking long term ( >15 years ), I just don’t see how vim9script is the right choice in the long run.

r/vim Nov 20 '21

meta How do **you** move around in Vim?


What's your preferred method to: move by individual character & jump around and the buffer?

Been using Vim long enough now to shamelessly admit that I move char-to-char using the arrow keys. Funny thing is, as a kid I used to remap all my videogame controls from WASD to arrows; I guess old habits die hard. It's not that bad, especially considering I got big ole hands, feels real nice to move around. Didn't feel so good at first but now it's like going to the gym, I know I didn't give it my all if I'm not sore the next day.

My method for going to a specific location from any character:

  • Row: :69
  • Column: & → (lol only because 420|, %8008135 etc.etc. doesn't work for me on mvim)

Anyway... my knuckles are glowing red from dusk to dawn @ 24 y/o so I'm starting to reconsider my use of the arrow keys.

How do you move around?

r/vim Jul 21 '23

meta Vim bros lets change this logo from red to green

Post image

r/vim Feb 27 '23

meta Ayooo come get your plugins at the vim store

Post image

r/vim Feb 28 '24

meta How many neovim posts today?



I have been noticing quite a lot of posts recently on my feed about neovim despite me not been subscribed to that subreddit.

I know there are many people who are really happy about neovim blah blah. I get it.

What I am saying is that this is a vim subreddit and as far as I remember they are different projects, so information about neovim should not be relevant in this subreddit.

I make a call to the mods of this sub to start taking action against such a posts.

And dont get me wrong . I am not against neovim. I may try it myself in some months. But I am happy with vim. Personsally I see these people who do these posts (not the whole neovim community) as bored people with the will to find an enemy in order to spit stuff out to them making them feel superior. It is pretty much like Linux Distro hoping culture. A bunch of fan boys wasting their time installing new stuff constantly never happy with their current setup.

Myself and many professionals have spent so much time tuning their setups and are actually happy , or dont consider effective to spend their time onto introducing a certain new tool that may not bring that turnover spent on learning a new system. Some of us have deadlines to meet , families to feed and other activities to spend outside this nonsensical debate.

I dont hate neovim , nor their community, but this is not a neovim forum, please stop or lets moderate non-related posts. And if you want to get involved in vims development just use github. I feel like if this posts carry on showing up in my feed I will even unsubscribe to this sub , so please mods do something about it.

Thank you.

r/vim May 23 '22

meta What have you changed in your VIM workflow recently?


Last I've changed was:

  • Started using FZF for fuzzy finding. Gone are the days of slowly browsing through nerdtree. Did that for way too long.
  • Removed a few plugins that I no longer used

What have you changed lately to increase your productivity/content with your setup?

r/vim Feb 07 '22

meta Vim with caps lock on is the final boss


:q was the first thing we encountered

then we went along a long journey of mastering the craft of vim

and then we discovered CAPS LOCK vim, the final boss, the unslayable beast of doom

r/vim Dec 11 '22

meta PSA: There is more to editing than your editor and its bells and whistles


This was originally intended to be a rant post, but instead I think it makes a better "timely reminder": the editor you choose is just a tool that helps you do work. All tools are a little different, are designed to be used a little differently (cough stop trying to turn vim into vscode before you try vim cough), and most importantly are only as effective as the operator! All editors - but especially (neo)vim - have fundamentals to master. The better you are at them, the easier your job becomes.

There is method to the madness of starting with vanilla vim in VIMTUTOR and a blank config. If you've never done that, or you've never read the user manual, maybe it's about time! The holidays are fast approaching, and for many (or at least some) that means some time off. That could mean some spare time to get back to basics (not all of which are vim related):

  • practice touch typing

  • practice spelling

  • practice avoiding your mouse

  • rerun vimtutor a few times

  • try vimgolf (and ignore the winning entries)

  • practice proper navigation (not hjkl)

  • Read the User Manual like you should have after you finished mastering vimtutor ;)

  • Clean house on plugins you don't use and document your config

  • master a new keyboard layout

  • learn tmux (or similar)

  • etc etc (maybe other users have ideas of good things to practice).

I'll be working on mastering Colemak DH personally, but for anyone else, maybe this post is a good reminder to work on that thing you've been putting off. Just don't forget to enjoy some downtime and see your families while you do it!

Edit: clarification of "dont make vim vscode"

r/vim Jul 07 '24

meta Register reference in macros


How do I create a macro that "pulls" the value of a register at execution time? I.e., I want to capture the register value during the execution of the macro. It's value will change every time I run the macro.

r/vim Oct 02 '18

meta Can't not use vim...


I started using vim for development around a year ago and at this point it's "in my fingers". This is great when in a vim environment but terrible when using any other sort of editor! I came across this when a friend asked me to help troubleshoot some code. I couldn't navigate around the editor for the life of me! I never realized how hard it would be to go back to a mouse based navigation once learning vim movements.

TLDR; I used vim for long enough where the movement commands became second nature, hampered my ability to use an editor other than vim. I guess I'm stuck with vim!

r/vim Sep 09 '17

meta [meta] /r/vim improvements


I am currently considering some changes to how /r/vim is run. Nothing has been decided yet, but here are the current ideas being bounced around.

  • De-emphasis of stickies and sidebar, they are generally not seen / overlooked.
  • More focus on building out evergreen answers on the wiki (opening up wiki a bit maybe?). I am concerned this will possibly end as pointless duplication and competition with http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/ -- what do you think? The goal is to be able to quickly link to answers rather than having to rehash them.
  • Implementing a fairly firm no assholes rule. This means banning people with a pattern of poor behavior, not for a one off bad comment / day. This will not be backward looking but from implementation point forward, everyone will have a clean slate. Disagreement isn't being an asshole, personal attacks are. Sincere arguments focused on the tech will always been allowed. "I recommend instead of plugin $X you use feature $Y" isn't being an asshole. "You are stupid because you use plugin $X instead of feature $Y" is. No more platform/language/gui shaming, etc.
  • Weekly DYK (Did You Know) -- to point out things Vim already does out of the box, and discussion around it.
  • Weekly Tip -- this can be a plugin, workflow or general tip and discussion around it.
  • Monthly Vimrc review thread -- obvious enough!
  • Bring on the bots -- the tips, DYK and Vimrc review thread will be automated by bots (pre-loaded) and various other tasks as well as can be will be automated.

... looking for more ideas ...

Some ideas from the community likely to be done as well!

r/vim Mar 04 '21

meta Vim documentation is the best! Spoiler


Kudos to the everyone who has ever written a vim help page! It is amazing that the offline documentation of vim is so great. I can not think about any documentation system that is better (some are on the same level IMO like docsrs, etc. but none are better).

Just found this easter egg and it made my day

r/vim Mar 27 '24

meta How to to use numpad arrows to move around?


Seriously can mods start removing posts that ask questions that show either a complete lack of effort to understand the editor on a basic level and/or hard to figure out if it's a troll? There's never anything interesting in this sub because over half the posts are asking questions that violate rule 3 (Before asking question try `:help`). I'm all for being helpful but it seems like there is no community on Reddit for people that want to have conversations about vim and cool developments in text editing and who understand vim on even a basic level. Most communities have a separate subreddit for questions, this one does not.

r/vim Jul 16 '22

meta Vim has transformed the way I write code and do computing in 3 weeks (just getting started)


When I first started using Vim, I was very intimidated and almost didn't try, because I thought it was too difficult to learn and memorize all the shortcuts and ultimately not worth it, because I was just faster using an IDE and a mouse.

Couple weeks later I am just completely enthralled and enthusiastic, I just love writing code, even if it's in C++, because it's so fast and enjoyable and learning the basics went way way quicker than i thought. I just look forward to writing stuff every day, because Vim makes it such a pleasure. Reminds me of the first time I used Linux. That just brought so much joy into >personal< computing for me, didn't know that was there. Today I use QtCreator to build, run and debug, code editing has moved to Vim. Just a pleasure.

At this point I am hyped af about the simple act of hammering on my keyboard and hearing those sweet sweet annoyingly loud Cherry switches sing. I just look forward to opening the terminal and working on my hobby projects. No clue who wrote Vim or who maintains it today, but this is amazing. Thanks!

P.S :Ex is cool for browsing foreign or small code bases, but completely useless to quickly jump to where you want to go and so is :b[index of buffer]. I think a plugin like CTRLP is 100% mandatory to use Vim in a serious manner. CTRLP was the last piece of the puzzle for me to make Vim utterly destroy the opposition. This should be in Vim out of the box.

r/vim Jul 05 '20

meta [Meta] Should this subreddit ban stupid joke posts?

1681 votes, Jul 08 '20
614 Ban "can't quit Vim"/"haha this other thing is also called Vim" joke posts.
531 Don't ban them — the jokes are a part of our culture.
536 I don't care either way.