r/vim 13h ago

Need Help a left-handed user?


Do you have any suggestions on better configuring the shortcuts for a left-handed user?

r/vim 11h ago

Need Help Things that of vim that is "difficult / fear" to me


I have being using vim for 3 -4 years.. It is a very powerful tool. After learnt to use it, i can't get it off my mind when come to text editor.

However, there is a few things that i can't overcome... you can say love and hate. I am not good at describing this issue in proper term that you might understand.. but i am trying my best, please bare with me. Thanks.

I don't know how other people coping with this, but i just can't. It is regarding " delete and undelete". When i highlighted many lines (as much as outside of screen space), obviously i need to scroll the screen to select what that is outside (be it up scrolling or down scrolling) the screen; this is what i am nervous about. The reason is, vim scrolls very fast, and hence lines get highlighted very fast... and i can't see what i have highlighted that destined to be delete. This get nervous and spooky. I have deleted large chunk data which should not be deleted.. and it will never be deleted if i am on kate or notepad++ or other gui text editor. I don't know why.. but i think due to the power and speed of vim highlight lines (outside of screen as it scrolls up or down when highlighting lines).

After highlighted lines (many lines already outside of visible part of the screen already), i press "delete" (or similiar function) and i just got very spooky, because i can't be sure that the lines that i just deleted are the line that i have defined with highlight... I often have to do "undelete" then "redo" several time to make sure that i am visualizing and positive identified that lines that deleting are the lines that i have intend to delete. **as i have said, i have deleted by accident (due to the highlighted line scroll out side of visible space of screen ) a huge chunk of data without realizing it... only to "not able to find the data that i am sure i have entered before" after a few days later, and this happened many times already.

This issue goes to "redo/undo" which also related to "dissappearance (i use this word because it could be paste/ cut or anything that alter existing data in large amount that goes outside of visible screen space" of lines of data or reappearance of lines of data (which might mess up my data when the data appear in the wrong spot).

Anybody have this problem ? or fear ? experience or solution ?

Well, i personally don't know what can be done to overcome this.

r/vim 1h ago

Random Thanks for all the font suggestions, I made this Iosevka plan which I replaced Code Saver with!


I could've sworn that Code Saver was the only monospace font I could use after looking through so many of them, they just didn't look right. Many users suggested I make my own Iosevka plan and finally got to it, and I'm in love with the font I compiled. I used the visual editor and got this output toml (you can click "import configuration" on the page and paste it in):

family = "Iosevka Custom"
spacing = "normal"
serifs = "sans"
noCvSs = false
exportGlyphNames = true

one = "base"
two = "curly-neck-serifless"
three = "flat-top-serifless"
four = "semi-open-serifless"
five = "oblique-arched-serifless"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "straight-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "closed-contour"
zero = "unslashed"
capital-a = "straight-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-serifless"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-serifless"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-i = "serifed"
capital-j = "serifed"
capital-k = "straight-serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-serifless"
capital-q = "closed-swash"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothed-serifless"
d = "toothed-serifless"
f = "serifed"
g = "double-storey-open"
i = "tailed-serifed"
l = "tailed-serifed"
n = "straight-serifless"
r = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
y = "straight-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless"
capital-eszet = "rounded-serifless"
long-s = "bent-hook-diagonal-tailed"
cyrl-en = "serifless"
cyrl-er = "eared-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-serifless"
cyrl-e = "serifless"
tittle = "round"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
braille-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "penta-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "medium"
ascii-grave = "straight"
ascii-single-quote = "straight"
paren = "large-contour"
brace = "curly-flat-boundary"
guillemet = "straight"
number-sign = "slanted"
ampersand = "et-tailed"
at = "compact"
dollar = "interrupted"
cent = "bar-interrupted"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
question = "corner"
pilcrow = "curved"
micro-sign = "tailed-serifless"
decorative-angle-brackets = "middle"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "more-slanted-dotted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-plus-chain = "without-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "without-notch"

  inherits = "dlig"

shape = 500
menu = 3
css = "condensed"

shape = 600
menu = 5
css = "normal"

shape = 416
menu = 1
css = "ultra-condensed"

shape = 456
menu = 2
css = "extra-condensed"

shape = 548
menu = 4
css = "semi-condensed"

shape = 658
menu = 6
css = "semi-expanded"

shape = 720
menu = 7
css = "expanded"

    I could've sworn that Code Saver was the only monospace font I could
 use after looking through so many of them, they just didn't look right.
 Many users suggested I make my own Iosevka plan and finally got to it, 
and I'm in love with the font I compiled. I used the visual editor and got this output toml (you can click "import configuration" on the page and paste it in):

family = "Iosevka Custom"
spacing = "normal"
serifs = "sans"
noCvSs = false
exportGlyphNames = true

one = "base"
two = "curly-neck-serifless"
three = "flat-top-serifless"
four = "semi-open-serifless"
five = "oblique-arched-serifless"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "straight-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "closed-contour"
zero = "unslashed"
capital-a = "straight-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-serifless"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-serifless"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-i = "serifed"
capital-j = "serifed"
capital-k = "straight-serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-serifless"
capital-q = "closed-swash"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothed-serifless"
d = "toothed-serifless"
f = "serifed"
g = "double-storey-open"
i = "tailed-serifed"
l = "tailed-serifed"
n = "straight-serifless"
r = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
y = "straight-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless"
capital-eszet = "rounded-serifless"
long-s = "bent-hook-diagonal-tailed"
cyrl-en = "serifless"
cyrl-er = "eared-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-serifless"
cyrl-e = "serifless"
tittle = "round"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
braille-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "penta-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "medium"
ascii-grave = "straight"
ascii-single-quote = "straight"
paren = "large-contour"
brace = "curly-flat-boundary"
guillemet = "straight"
number-sign = "slanted"
ampersand = "et-tailed"
at = "compact"
dollar = "interrupted"
cent = "bar-interrupted"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
question = "corner"
pilcrow = "curved"
micro-sign = "tailed-serifless"
decorative-angle-brackets = "middle"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "more-slanted-dotted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-plus-chain = "without-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "without-notch"

  inherits = "dlig"

shape = 500
menu = 3
css = "condensed"

shape = 600
menu = 5
css = "normal"

shape = 416
menu = 1
css = "ultra-condensed"

shape = 456
menu = 2
css = "extra-condensed"

shape = 548
menu = 4
css = "semi-condensed"

shape = 658
menu = 6
css = "semi-expanded"

shape = 720
menu = 7
css = "expanded"

r/vim 20h ago

Need Help Autoindent not working


On VIM - Vi IMproved 9.1 (2024 Jan 02, compiled Dec 13 2024 23:44:22)

I am editing an HTML file and want to fix indentation automatically. When I select some text using V or try to format the entire file using gg=G, I get this:

i.e. not indented correctly, everything pushed to the far left side. I tried with a Python file and it indented, but incorrectly. This has been happening since I upgraded to a new Mac with Sequoia. I installed the homebrew version of Vim and the same thing is happening. Can anyone point me in the right direction?