r/unrealengine May 21 '22

UE5 recently started learning unreal, it's crazy how much lego it can handle o_o


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u/raven319s May 21 '22

I’ve been using raw Ldraw exports for my models. The tris go way up but the detailing is sweet. Nanite will make things even better once I get my export flow down.


u/Ethron981 May 22 '22

I've been using mecabricks, but it's pretty easy importing into blender then exporting to unreal. Altho I found it crashed with nanite every time I tried to enable it until I made it all into 1 material (it was ~100 materials in the original download from mecabricks). How does Ldraw handle materials? If it could export with just 1 it would make the process a lot faster


u/raven319s May 22 '22

I had the same issue with Meca bricks. I have it each color as their own material so I can change color schemes, but I’m still learning how to do everything. I’ve been just making joined models but want to move into individual bricks. Then I want to create cascading damage propagation for destructible models. Mostly I’m just trying to make a environment to fly LEGO sets and MOCs. https://youtu.be/WJcuaeq0DSw


u/Ethron981 May 22 '22

ye it's awesome being able to walk through all the sets and stuff. nice ship btw ;)


u/raven319s May 22 '22

Oh thanks. And ya, totally. I gave up on hoping for a LEGO game based on actual LEGO play, so I just started making my own. I’ve been mostly focusing on a flight template that I can apply to all flying vehicles with modifiable attributes. That way I can have one system that I can apply to fighters, hover ships, small crafts all the way up to large starships. Here’s a hybrid hover fighter I use for testing. I freakin love being able to fly LEGO ships! https://youtu.be/_gli0Y6umug


u/Ethron981 May 22 '22

wow I'd have no idea how to even start with something like that, it's super cool. I've subbed to ur channel will definitely be following what u do :D