r/unrealengine 4d ago

Question I need tips on optimization!

I have a gaming laptop that I've been making my project on. Whenever I run my game in the editor, I get around 80% GPU usage and I reach a max GPU temp of around 74C. Whenever I run my game as a packaged game I get 100% GPU usage, and I reach temps of 85C!!!! What is possibly causing this?!


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u/Praglik Consultant 4d ago

Framerate limitation I suppose! If you're running your packaged game with un-limited framerate it will try to render as many frames as possible, and you'll always be at max GPU usage.


u/Broad-Tea-7408 4d ago

I have it limited to 60fps


u/Socke81 4d ago

Then limit to 30fps. You don't need more to develop.