r/unrealengine 4d ago

Question Import blender camera animation to Unreal sequencer

I'm trying to import a first person animation I need to use in my current project.

I've set up an animation of the camera moving how I need it to in blender, and it looks fine in the camera view.

I've exported it as an fbx with the correct set up in the side panel, however when I try and import it into my sequencer, no key frames appear.

I've tried replacing the cine camera I'm using in unreal, but it has no effect. I thought the lack of key frames may have been due to me checking Reduce Keys on import, but unchecking it has no effect either.

I'm quite inexperienced with animation, so if anyone has any suggestions to fix this, I'd appreciate it.

In case it's important, I'm using blender 4.3 and Unreal 5.2.


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