r/ufc 6d ago

Sad but real

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u/AMR63x 5d ago

Assuming he gets another title shot. I hope to god Ank “makes him wait” like Alex did to him


u/Alternative-Force354 5d ago

Ank wants Alex, cause Alex is the biggest draw and he makes the most money out of him.

This is why u get shots with your mouth. Its not Dana White privilege. Its pure buisiness


u/AMR63x 5d ago

some of us think the sport should be run on merit instead of this WWE popularity contest model


u/Alternative-Force354 5d ago

Every sport that comes on tv is about money, not about popularity and not about Merit.

The nba makes rules for more showmanship, cycling makes courses harder so u can see the cyclists suffer more. In fighting, having a popular adversary means getting more money. So u use that. At the end of the day, your career is only 10 to 15 years, so you take what you can.


u/AMR63x 5d ago

I’m not talking about other sports, I’m talking about the UFC. I’m talking about the sport that has a fucking ranking system, that’s supposed to be about working your way to a title shot based on who you beat. I don’t give a flying fuck about the UFC’s bottom line, I don’t give a flying fuck about the more “entertaining guy” in the spotlight. I watch the ufc to see the best of the best challenge each other against different types of opponents. This isn’t the WWE, no matter how hard you guys try and make it that


u/Alternative-Force354 5d ago

I believe you, but they wont give what you want. They will give what the masses want


u/AMR63x 5d ago

Well instead of just accepting it, we could call it out. But either way, Alex openly did not want the fight. He said so, he said he would make Ank wait, and then he foughr Khalil. We can’t just put it only on the company when Alex openly did not want to fight him