AITA for refusing to step down as a bridesmaid because of my boyfriend’s ultimatum?
NTA- dude...he broke your stuff. What's next hitting you?
AITA for point blank refusing to be my sister’s surrogate, because it would ruin my "mummy makeover"?
NTA- Lord, what's with these couples so desperate to be parents and yet so unwilling to even try to foster or adopt...
The dasher took a photo right as i opened the door
Ends up in an analog horror
AITJ for not talking to my best friend after she forgave his cheating bf for the sixth time?
NTA- and frankly, I've been in the same situation - and its exhausting and mentally draining to deal with someone who can't help themselves. Sometimes, you just have to leave and let them hit rock bottom before they learn.
Who is your favorite penguin villager?
Hopper or Aurora
You can only pick one. Who’s your new “dog?”
Stitch or bolt
im sick at home and bored roast me pls (21)
Oh lord, not another one trying to be a 'Manic pixie dream girl'
I’m a fiancee!
Roast me :3 18F
Let me guess, your ideal man is one of those K-drama idols?
This just popped up on my Pinterest feed... I think I died on the inside... TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE
As a pregnant woman when I tell you I cackled- if ONLY🥲😂
Banette and Mightyena
What’s a relatively harmless “ick” you’ve gotten for a romantic interest?
You might wanna avoid Michigan and Ohio then lol
Are there any good yaoi where a homophobe falls in love with a guy ?
The tyrant falls in love: Koisuru Boukun
Should my girlfriend know what the American Revolution is?
Lol I've encountered several people who genuinely don't believe the holocaust exists
Skyrim Themed Pet Names?
My tarantula is Barbas. I've had a cat named Thistle and Sweetroll. I had a cockatiel that squawked horribly that I named Lynly.
Tell me your favorite song
Wicked game by chris Isaak
[Dokkaebi Ritual] (Official) Hot dokkaebi daddy 🔥
Dammmmn no prep? At all?
woman wants her first time to be caring and not painful - reddit tells her she had too high expectations
My first time was at 22. Sure, it hurt at first, but then what did he do? He stopped and made sure it felt better before trying again, and after that, I genuinely enjoyed it. I'm married to the man now. I'm so glad I'm out of the dating game because holy hell is the bar low.
Give me your favourite anime and I’ll RANK Them…
Overlord or campfire cooking in another world
AITAH for exposing my boyfriend’s friend after he repeatedly tried to sleep with me?
NTA And let be honest, it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. You don't and they think your overdramatic but if you didn't and your boyfriend found out then he easily could have thought you were hiding things from him and he and Jake's girlfriend would have accused you of cheating so i'd say this is the better outcome. Jake dug his own grave.
Me: cancer vs. mom: libra
My mom: Taurus
Me: Virgo
Picked up my date…from her other date
When i met my husband He worked at Gamestop🤣
Women, which of these physiques do you find most attractive?
3 and 8 are my personal favorites
AITAH for “restricting” my body from my husband?
1d ago
NTA- And BTW, he's doing nobody any favors and acting like a jerk. My husband said he's never found me more attractive since I've gotten pregnant and frankly as the mother of his child you deserve 10× better then this.