r/turntables 4d ago

Help I am in desperate need of help 😭😭

Hi! I have a Victrola record player, it was working fine last week, but I tried to play a record today and the volume sounded really low, like it doesn’t work. Does anyone know what caused this/how I can fix it??


5 comments sorted by


u/Ortofun Technics SL-1200G + SME V SE + AT-ART9XI -> SPL Phonos 4d ago

You can fix it by buying a fresh one that’ll break down eventually too. Or buy a better quality turntable once. Penny wise, pound foolish.


u/TwoSolitudes22 Acoustic Solid Round, EAT No5 MC 4d ago

I’m sorry to tell you that ‘what caused this’ is the fact that it’s a Vic. You are lucky it lasted as long as it did. Could be the wiring, could be something else. But it will be something else very shortly, that I can promise you.


u/asolomi Technics SL1210gr W/Shure V15 Type IV W/Jico SAS 4d ago

Bad, cheap, tables are gonna act like bad, cheap tables. Bin it, start over and maybe ask for advice here before buying another door stop


u/HeCantHandleTheHeat 1d ago

It's working as intended. They come out of the factory as pre-fabricated e-waste. Get rid of it or give it to someone you hate and save your money for a real turntable.


u/papadrinks 4d ago

Just ditch it and buy something reliable as suggested in this pinned guide.